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WCSTOK(3)                BSD Library Functions Manual                WCSTOK(3)

     wcstok -- split wide-character string into tokens

     Standard C Library (libc, -lc)

     #include <wchar.h>

     wchar_t *
     wcstok(wchar_t *restrict ws1, const wchar_t *restrict ws2,
         wchar_t **restrict ptr);

     The wcstok() function is used to isolate sequential tokens in a null-ter-minated null-terminated
     minated wide character string, ws1.  These tokens are separated in the
     string by at least one of the characters in ws2.  The first time that
     wcstok() is called, ws1 should be specified; subsequent calls, wishing to
     obtain further tokens from the same string, should pass a null pointer
     instead.  The separator string, ws2, must be supplied each time, and may
     change between calls.  The context pointer, ptr, must be provided on each

     The wcstok() function is the wide character counterpart of the strtok_r()

     The wcstok() function returns a pointer to the beginning of each subse-quent subsequent
     quent token in the string, after replacing the token itself with a null
     wide character (L'\0').  When no more tokens remain, a null pointer is

     The following code fragment splits a wide character string on ASCII
     space, tab, and newline characters, writing the resulting tokens to stan-dard standard
     dard output:

           const wchar_t *seps = L" \t\n";
           wchar_t *last, *tok, text[] = L" \none\ttwo\t\tthree  \n";

           for (tok = wcstok(text, seps, &last); tok != NULL;
               tok = wcstok(NULL, seps, &last))
                   wprintf(L"%ls\n", tok);

     Some early implementations of wcstok() omit the context pointer argument,
     ptr, and maintain state across calls in a static variable like strtok()

     strtok(3), wcschr(3), wcscspn(3), wcspbrk(3), wcsrchr(3), wcsspn(3)

     The wcstok() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99'').

BSD                             October 3, 2002                            BSD
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