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SETMODE(3)               BSD Library Functions Manual               SETMODE(3)

     getmode, setmode -- modify mode bits

     Standard C Library (libc, -lc)

     #include <unistd.h>

     getmode(const void *set, mode_t mode);

     void *
     setmode(const char *mode_str);

     The getmode() function returns a copy of the file permission bits mode as
     altered by the values pointed to by set.  While only the mode bits are
     altered, other parts of the file mode may be examined.

     The setmode() function takes an absolute (octal) or symbolic value, as
     described in chmod(1), as an argument and returns a pointer to mode val-ues values
     ues to be supplied to getmode().  Because some of the symbolic values are
     relative to the file creation mask, setmode() may call umask(2).  If this
     occurs, the file creation mask will be restored before setmode() returns.
     If the calling program changes the value of its file creation mask after
     calling setmode(), setmode() must be called again if getmode() is to mod-ify modify
     ify future file modes correctly.

     If the mode passed to setmode() is invalid or if memory cannot be allo-cated allocated
     cated for the return value, setmode() returns NULL.

     The value returned from setmode() is obtained from malloc() and should be
     returned to the system with free() when the program is done with it, gen-erally generally
     erally after a call to getmode().

     The setmode() function may fail and set errno for any of the errors spec-ified specified
     ified for the library routine malloc(3).

     chmod(1), stat(2), umask(2), malloc(3)

     The getmode() and setmode() functions first appeared in 4.4BSD.

BSD                             April 28, 1995                             BSD
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