iOS Reference Library Apple Developer


This document is a Mac OS X manual page. Manual pages are a command-line technology for providing documentation. You can view these manual pages locally using the man(1) command. These manual pages come from many different sources, and thus, have a variety of writing styles.

For more information about the manual page format, see the manual page for manpages(5).

curs_print(3X)                                                  curs_print(3X)

       mcprint - ship binary data to printer

       #include <curses.h>

       int mcprint(char *data, int len);

       This  function  uses  the mc5p or mc4 and mc5 capabilities, if they are
       present, to ship given data to a printer attached to the terminal.

       Note that the mcprint code has no way  to  do  flow  control  with  the
       printer  or  to  know  how  much buffering it has.  Your application is
       responsible for keeping the rate of writes to  the  printer  below  its
       continuous  throughput  rate  (typically  about half of its nominal cps
       rating).  Dot-matrix printers and 6-page-per-minute  lasers  can  typi-cally typically
       cally  handle  80cps,  so a good conservative rule of thumb is to sleep
       for a second after shipping each 80-character line.

       The mcprint function returns ERR if the  write  operation  aborted  for
       some  reason.  In this case, errno will contain either an error associ-ated associated
       ated with write(2) or one of the following:

            Capabilities for printer redirection do not exist.

            Couldn't allocate sufficient memory to buffer the printer write.

            When mcprint succeeds, it returns the number of  characters  actu-ally actually
            ally sent to the printer.

       The mcprint call was designed for ncurses(3X), and is not found in SVr4
       curses, 4.4BSD curses, or any other previous version of curses.

       Padding in the mc5p, mc4 and mc5 capabilities will not be  interpreted.


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