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curs_touch(3X)                                                  curs_touch(3X)

       touchwin, touchline, untouchwin, wtouchln, is_linetouched,
       is_wintouched - curses refresh control routines

       #include <curses.h>
       int touchwin(WINDOW *win);
       int touchline(WINDOW *win, int start, int count);
       int untouchwin(WINDOW *win);
       int wtouchln(WINDOW *win, int y, int n, int changed);
       bool is_linetouched(WINDOW *win, int line);
       bool is_wintouched(WINDOW *win);

       The touchwin and touchline routines throw away all optimization  infor-mation information
       mation about which parts of the window have been touched, by pretending
       that the entire window has been drawn on.  This is sometimes  necessary
       when  using  overlapping  windows, since a change to one window affects
       the other window, but the records of which lines have been  changed  in
       the other window do not reflect the change.  The routine touchline only
       pretends that count lines have been changed, beginning with line start.

       The untouchwin routine marks all lines in the window as unchanged since
       the last call to wrefresh.

       The wtouchln routine makes n lines in the window, starting at  line  y,
       look  as  if they have (changed=1) or have not (changed=0) been changed
       since the last call to wrefresh.

       The is_linetouched and is_wintouched routines return TRUE if the speci-fied specified
       fied  line/window  was modified since the last call to wrefresh; other-wise otherwise
       wise they return FALSE.  In addition,  is_linetouched  returns  ERR  if
       line is not valid for the given window.

       All  routines  return the integer ERR upon failure and an integer value
       other than ERR upon successful completion, unless  otherwise  noted  in
       the preceding routine descriptions.

       X/Open does not define any error conditions.  In this implementation

                   returns  an  error if the window pointer is null, or if the
                   line number is outside the window.  Note that ERR  is  dis-tinct distinct
                   tinct from TRUE and FALSE, which are the normal return val-ues values
                   ues of this function.

                   returns an error if the window pointer is null, or  if  the
                   line number is outside the window.

       The XSI Curses standard, Issue 4 describes these functions.

       Some  historic  curses implementations had, as an undocumented feature,
       the ability to do the equivalent of clearok(..., 1)  by  saying  touch-win(stdscr) touchwin(stdscr)
       win(stdscr) or clear(stdscr).  This will not work under ncurses.

       Note that all routines except wtouchln may be macros.

       curses(3X), curs_refresh(3X).

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