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SSL_get_session(3)                  OpenSSL                 SSL_get_session(3)

       SSL_get_session - retrieve TLS/SSL session data

        #include <openssl/ssl.h>

        SSL_SESSION *SSL_get_session(const SSL *ssl);
        SSL_SESSION *SSL_get0_session(const SSL *ssl);
        SSL_SESSION *SSL_get1_session(SSL *ssl);

       SSL_get_session() returns a pointer to the SSL_SESSION actually used in
       ssl. The reference count of the SSL_SESSION is not incremented, so that
       the pointer can become invalid by other operations.

       SSL_get0_session() is the same as SSL_get_session().

       SSL_get1_session() is the same as SSL_get_session(), but the reference
       count of the SSL_SESSION is incremented by one.

       The ssl session contains all information required to re-establish the
       connection without a new handshake.

       SSL_get0_session() returns a pointer to the actual session. As the
       reference counter is not incremented, the pointer is only valid while
       the connection is in use. If SSL_clear(3) or SSL_free(3) is called, the
       session may be removed completely (if considered bad), and the pointer
       obtained will become invalid. Even if the session is valid, it can be
       removed at any time due to timeout during SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(3).

       If the data is to be kept, SSL_get1_session() will increment the
       reference count, so that the session will not be implicitly removed by
       other operations but stays in memory. In order to remove the session
       SSL_SESSION_free(3) must be explicitly called once to decrement the
       reference count again.

       SSL_SESSION objects keep internal link information about the session
       cache list, when being inserted into one SSL_CTX object's session
       cache.  One SSL_SESSION object, regardless of its reference count, must
       therefore only be used with one SSL_CTX object (and the SSL objects
       created from this SSL_CTX object).

       The following return values can occur:

           There is no session available in ssl.

       Pointer to an SSL
           The return value points to the data of an SSL session.

       ssl(3), SSL_free(3), SSL_clear(3), SSL_SESSION_free(3)

0.9.7l                            2005-03-30                SSL_get_session(3)
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