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SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(3)           OpenSSL          SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(3)

       SSL_CTX_flush_sessions, SSL_flush_sessions - remove expired sessions

        #include <openssl/ssl.h>

        void SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(SSL_CTX *ctx, long tm);
        void SSL_flush_sessions(SSL_CTX *ctx, long tm);

       SSL_CTX_flush_sessions() causes a run through the session cache of ctx
       to remove sessions expired at time tm.

       SSL_flush_sessions() is a synonym for SSL_CTX_flush_sessions().

       If enabled, the internal session cache will collect all sessions
       established up to the specified maximum number (see
       SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size()).  As sessions will not be reused ones
       they are expired, they should be removed from the cache to save
       resources. This can either be done
        automatically whenever 255 new sessions were established (see
       SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(3)) or manually by calling

       The parameter tm specifies the time which should be used for the
       expiration test, in most cases the actual time given by time(0) will be

       SSL_CTX_flush_sessions() will only check sessions stored in the
       internal cache. When a session is found and removed, the
       remove_session_cb is however called to synchronize with the external
       cache (see SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb(3)).

       ssl(3), SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(3), SSL_CTX_set_timeout(3),

0.9.7l                            2001-02-04         SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(3)
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