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RSA_private_encrypt(3)              OpenSSL             RSA_private_encrypt(3)

       RSA_private_encrypt, RSA_public_decrypt - low level signature

        #include <openssl/rsa.h>

        int RSA_private_encrypt(int flen, unsigned char *from,
           unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding);

        int RSA_public_decrypt(int flen, unsigned char *from,
           unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding);

       These functions handle RSA signatures at a low level.

       RSA_private_encrypt() signs the flen bytes at from (usually a message
       digest with an algorithm identifier) using the private key rsa and
       stores the signature in to. to must point to RSA_size(rsa) bytes of

       padding denotes one of the following modes:

           PKCS #1 v1.5 padding. This function does not handle the
           algorithmIdentifier specified in PKCS #1. When generating or
           verifying PKCS #1 signatures, RSA_sign(3) and RSA_verify(3) should
           be used.

           Raw RSA signature. This mode should only be used to implement
           cryptographically sound padding modes in the application code.
           Signing user data directly with RSA is insecure.

       RSA_public_decrypt() recovers the message digest from the flen bytes
       long signature at from using the signer's public key rsa. to must point
       to a memory section large enough to hold the message digest (which is
       smaller than RSA_size(rsa) - 11). padding is the padding mode that was
       used to sign the data.

       RSA_private_encrypt() returns the size of the signature (i.e.,
       RSA_size(rsa)). RSA_public_decrypt() returns the size of the recovered
       message digest.

       On error, -1 is returned; the error codes can be obtained by

       ERR_get_error(3), rsa(3), RSA_sign(3), RSA_verify(3)

       The padding argument was added in SSLeay 0.8. RSA_NO_PADDING is
       available since SSLeay 0.9.0.

0.9.7l                            2002-09-25            RSA_private_encrypt(3)
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