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DSA_do_sign(3)                      OpenSSL                     DSA_do_sign(3)

       DSA_do_sign, DSA_do_verify - raw DSA signature operations

        #include <openssl/dsa.h>

        DSA_SIG *DSA_do_sign(const unsigned char *dgst, int dlen, DSA *dsa);

        int DSA_do_verify(const unsigned char *dgst, int dgst_len,
                    DSA_SIG *sig, DSA *dsa);

       DSA_do_sign() computes a digital signature on the len byte message
       digest dgst using the private key dsa and returns it in a newly
       allocated DSA_SIG structure.

       DSA_sign_setup(3) may be used to precompute part of the signing
       operation in case signature generation is time-critical.

       DSA_do_verify() verifies that the signature sig matches a given message
       digest dgst of size len.  dsa is the signer's public key.

       DSA_do_sign() returns the signature, NULL on error.  DSA_do_verify()
       returns 1 for a valid signature, 0 for an incorrect signature and -1 on
       error. The error codes can be obtained by ERR_get_error(3).

       dsa(3), ERR_get_error(3), rand(3), DSA_SIG_new(3), DSA_sign(3)

       DSA_do_sign() and DSA_do_verify() were added in OpenSSL 0.9.3.

0.9.7l                            2002-09-25                    DSA_do_sign(3)
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