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Viewing Project Symbols and Classes

Xcode maintains detailed information about the symbols in and utilized by your project to assist you in the development process. Xcode uses the information in this symbol index, allowing you to browse the symbols and classes in your project, and perform symbol definition searches. It also uses this information to provide completion suggestions when editing source code, as described in “Completing Code” in Xcode Workspace Guide.

This chapter shows how to use the Project Symbols smart group to view symbols and how to take advantage of the class browser to find information on the classes defined in a project and its included frameworks.

Symbol Indexing

Symbol Indexing makes it simple to find and view information about your code and to gain easy access to project symbols. A project’s symbol index maintains detailed information about the code in your project and in libraries used by your project; this information is stored in a project index. Using this project index, Xcode provides support for features such as the following:

Xcode creates the a project’s symbol index the first time you open a project. Thereafter, the index is updated in the background as you make changes to your project. Indexing occurs on a background thread, to keep it from interfering with other operations in Xcode. The index can be completely rebuilt, if necessary, by opening the General pane in the Project Info window and clicking the Rebuild Code Sense Index button.

Indexing is enabled by default. You can disable indexing for all projects that you open. To do so, choose Xcode > Preferences, click Code Sense, and deselect the “Enable for all projects” option in the Indexing section.

Note that if you turn off indexing, you will be unable to use those features that rely on the project index, such as code completion, the class browser, and the other features mentioned in this section. You can specify whether Xcode includes a particular file in the project index using the “Include in index” checkbox in the File Info window, described in “Viewing File Information” in Xcode Workspace Guide.

Viewing the Symbols in Your Project

The Project Symbols smart group, one of the built-in smart groups provided by Xcode, allows you to view all of the symbols defined in your project. You can sort symbols by type, name, file, and file path, and you can search for symbols that match a string. To see the symbols defined in your project, select the Project Symbols smart group in the Groups & Files list. The detail view displays the symbols in your project. When you select the Project Symbols group for a project, you get a view like the one shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1  Viewing symbols in your project

Viewing symbols in your projectViewing symbols in your project

The detail view shows the following information for each symbol:

To sort the symbols listed in the project window according to any of these categories, simply click the appropriate category heading. In addition, you can use the search field in the project window toolbar to narrow the list of symbols to those matching a string or keyword. You can search the contents of any one of the categories—symbol name, symbol kind, or location—or you can search them all. In the BubbleLevel project, for example, you can search for all symbols declared in files pertaining to views by choosing “Search By Location” from the pop-up menu in the search field and typing view. The symbols listed in the detail view are narrowed to include only those symbols defined in files whose names contain the word “view,” as shown in Figure 5-2. By default, the search field searches the content of all categories in the detail view.

Figure 5-2  Filtering the symbols in a project

Filtering the symbols in a projectFiltering the symbols in a project

You can configure which information is displayed in the detail view, as described in “The Detail View” in Xcode Workspace Guide.

To view the symbol definition, select the symbol in the detail view. If you have an editor open in the project window or detail view, the symbol definition appears there. If you prefer a separate editor window, double-click the symbol to open the file containing the symbol definition in a separate editor.

If you Control-click a symbol in the detail view, Xcode displays the symbol’s shortcut (or contextual) menu, which contains a number of useful commands. The commands available to you are:

Note: The availability of these commands in a symbol‚Äôs contextual menu depends on the how you configure the class browser. See ‚ÄúChoosing What the Class Browser Displays‚Äù for details.

You can also reveal the file in which the selected symbol is defined in the Groups & Files list by choosing View > Reveal in Group Tree.

Viewing Your Class Hierarchy in the Class Browser

If you are programming in an object-oriented language, you can view the class hierarchy of your project using the Xcode class browser. To open the class browser, choose Project > Class Browser. You can also open the class browser by selecting a symbol in the Project Symbols smart group and choosing View > Reveal in Class Browser. Figure 5-3 shows the class browser.

Figure 5-3  The class browser

The Class Browser window

Classes and other top-level symbols—protocols, interfaces, and categories—are listed in the Class pane on the left side of the class browser. When you select a class from this list, Xcode displays the members of that class in the table to the right of the Class pane. When you select a member name from this table, the declaration of that member item is displayed in the editor pane below. To see the item’s definition, Option-click its name.

If the class browser does not list any classes, your project may not be indexed. To rebuild the index, select your project and open the Info window. Open the General pane and click Rebuild Code Sense Index.

A book icon beside a class or member’s name indicates that documentation is available for that member. You can view this documentation by clicking the book icon.

The class browser uses fonts to distinguish between different types of classes and class members:

The Option Set pop-up menu and Configure Options button in the toolbar of the class browser window control which classes and class members are displayed in the browser.

To see the file that a class or member in your project is declared in, select the class or member in the class browser and choose View > Reveal in Group Tree. This option is also available in the contextual menu for classes and class members. Xcode reveals the file in the Groups & Files list in the project window.

You can bookmark a class or class member by selecting it in the class browser and choosing Find > Add to Bookmarks or by choosing Add to Bookmarks from the shortcut menu. Xcode creates a bookmark to the class or member’s definition.

Choosing What the Class Browser Displays

You choose which information Xcode displays in the class browser using the Option Set pop-up menu at the top of the browser window. This menu lets you switch between sets of display options. Xcode provides a few sets of predefined display options that allow you to choose:

When you view classes as a hierarchical list, you can see the subclasses of a class by clicking the disclosure triangle next to that class.

To create your own set of display options or to make changes to an existing set, click the Configure Options button. Xcode displays a dialog, shown in Figure 5-4, that lets you further refine which information is displayed in the class browser. The Class List Display Settings group, on the left half of the dialog, controls what is displayed in the Class list. The Member List Display Settings group, on the right, controls what is displayed in the members list.

Figure 5-4  The class browser options dialog

The class browser options dialog

To choose how to display classes, use the radio buttons under Class List Display Settings:

The pop-up menus under the Class List Display Settings options let you choose which items the class browser displays in the Class list. The first pop-up menu determines which classes the class browser shows:

The second pop-up menu determines whether to show only classes, only protocols and interfaces, or classes, protocols and interfaces.

If you are programming in Objective-C, the Show Obj-C Categories menu lets you choose how Xcode displays Objective-C categories in the Class list:

The Member List Display Settings let you control which items are included in the class members table in the class browser. You can choose the following:

Saving and Reusing Class Browser Options

You can save and reuse sets of class browser options. To reuse an existing set, choose it from the Options Set pop-up menu above the Class list.

To create a new set of search options, click the Configure Options button, click Add, enter a name for your options set, and configure your options.

To remove a set of search options, click the Configure Options button, choose the options set from the pop-up menu, and click Delete.

Last updated: 2010-07-02

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