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The organizing principle of the Xcode build system is the target. A target contains the instructions for building a finished product from a set of files in your project—for example, a framework, library, application, or command-line tool. Each target builds a single product. A simple Xcode project has just one target, which produces one product from the project’s files. A larger development effort with multiple products may require a more complex project containing several related targets. For example, a project for a client-server software package may contain targets that create a client application, a server application, command-line tool versions of the client and server functionality, and a private framework that all the other targets use.

Figure 1-1 shows the targets you may have in a project such as the one described earlier, and the products that those targets create. The following list shows the project’s main components.

Figure 1-1  Targets and products

Targets and productsTargets and products

When you initiate a build, Xcode builds the product specified by the active target and any targets on which the active target depends (see “Defining Target Dependencies” to learn about dependent targets). In the Groups & Files list, the active target is marked by a checkmark in a green circle. You can also see which target is active, as well as change the active target, in the Active Target pop-up menu in the project and Build Results windows. When you execute the Build command, Xcode builds the product of the active target.

This chapter describes Xcode targets and how to manage them.

Target Overview

A target is a blueprint for creating a product. To build a product, the build system takes a set of inputs—source files and the instructions for processing them—and produces an output (such as an application or a framework). The inputs to the build system are:

A target, illustrated in Figure 1-2, organizes the inputs required to create a single product.

Figure 1-2  A target

A target

A target contains:

A target and the product that it creates are closely related; every target has an associated product type. When you create a target from a target or project template, you choose the target’s product type, as described in “Creating Targets.”

Based on the product type, Xcode specifies initial values for certain product-specific build settings. For example, when you create a target that builds an application, Xcode assigns it the build setting specification INSTALL_PATH = "/Applications" based on the product type. Any subsequent changes you make to the target after creating it may override these default values. Note that the project and target templates contain additional configuration information that Xcode uses when it creates targets.

Managing Targets

When you need to work on a software package with multiple products—for example, an application, a command-line tool, and a framework—an easy way to group all the pieces into one project is to use multiple targets. This section describes the tasks you may need to perform on a project that requires multiple targets, including creating, editing, duplicating, and removing targets. It also teaches how to create target dependencies so that, for example, Xcode builds your framework before building the application that uses it.

Creating Targets

When you create a project from one of the Xcode project templates, Xcode automatically creates a target for you. If, however, your project needs to contain more than one target—usually because you are creating more than one product—you can also add targets to an existing project.

If you are adding targets to your project, chances are you’ve already made a number of decisions about product type, programming language, and framework. Xcode provides a number of target templates to support your choices. The selection of target templates is similar to the selection of project templates. The target specifies the target’s product type, a list of default build phases, and default definitions for some build settings. A target template typically includes all build settings and build phases required to build an instance of the specified product. Unlike the project templates provided by Xcode, the target templates do not specify any default files; you must add files to the target yourself, as described in “Managing Target Files.”

Note: Targets created with target templates have no framework references. Any frameworks or libraries that the target is configured to link with are added to the Other Linker Flags build setting. You can add framework references to the target yourself, as described in Figure 1-10.

To create a target and add it to an existing project:

  1. Choose Project > New Target.

    Xcode displays the New Target assistant, which lets you choose from a number of possible target templates. Each target template corresponds to a particular type of product, such as an application or loadable bundle.

  2. Select one of the templates and click Next.

  3. Enter the name of the target.

    If more than one project is open, you can choose which project to add the target to from the Add to Project pop-up menu.

  4. Click Finish.

    Xcode creates a target configured for the specified product type. Xcode also creates a reference to the target’s product and places it in your project, although the product does not exist on the file system until you build the target.

Table 1-2 lists templates that create targets using the native build system. Because it performs all target and file-level dependency analysis for targets using the native build system, Xcode can offer detailed feedback about the build process and integration with the user interface for these targets.

Table 1-1  iPhone OS target templates

Target template


Cocoa Touch


An application based on the Cocoa Touch framework.

Static Library

A static library.

Unit Test Bundle

A target that compiles test code into a bundle, links it with the Unit Test framework and an executable to be tested, and runs a series of unit tests.

Table 1-2  Mac OS X target templates

Target template




An application, written in Objective-C or Objective-C++, that links against the Cocoa framework.

Dynamic Library

A dynamic library that links against the Cocoa framework.


A framework based on the Cocoa framework.

Loadable Bundle

A bundle, such as a plug-in, that can be loaded into a running program.

Shell Tool

A command-line utility based on the Cocoa framework.

Static Library

A static library, written in Objective-C or Objective-C++, based on the Cocoa framework.

Unit Test Bundle

A target that compiles test code into a bundle, links it with the Unit Test framework and an executable to be tested, and runs a series of unit tests.

Application Plug-in

Automator Action

A target that builds an Automator action.


Dynamic Library

A dynamic library, written in C, that makes use of BSD.

Object File

A single-module object file using BSD API.

Shell Tool

A command-line utility, written in C.

Static Library

A static library, written in C, that makes use of BSD.

System Plug-in

Generic Kernel Extension

A kernel extension

IOKit Driver

A device driver that uses the I/O Kit.

In addition to these target templates, Xcode defines a handful of target templates that do not necessarily correspond to a particular product type. These targets are known as special targets and can be used to:

These are the special target types:

Editing Targets

To edit a target you use the target editor, which allows you to view and modify target settings. As described in “Target Overview,” a target defines the instructions necessary to create a product. Each target has an associated set of files, tasks, and settings that together constitute these instructions. You can edit and view many of these settings in the target editor.

The information available in the target editor varies, depending on the type of target. The target editor for native targets lets you view and edit all target settings and build information associated with that target. The target editor for external targets contains only general information. To edit build information for either of these types of targets, you must use the target editor.

To learn how to modify the files and build phases associated with a target, see “Managing Target Files” and “Build Phases,” respectively.

The Target Info window is the primary mechanism for viewing and editing target information. Figure 1-5 shows the target editor.

Figure 1-5  General pane in the Target Info window

Target editor: General pane

The target editor contains the following panes:

Editing General Target Settings

In the General pane of the target editor, you can edit basic target settings for any target in an Xcode project. The General pane contains the following settings:

Editing Information Property List Entries

Information property list entries contain information used by the Finder and other system software. This information ends up in a file, called Info.plist that is contained within the product bundle. If a product does not come in the form of a bundle, it has no Info.plist file.

The Info.plist file defines for the Finder such things as the bundle’s icon, the documents it can open, the URLs it can handle, and so on. Unlike build settings, property list entries do not affect the build process; they are copied into the bundle’s Info.plist file at the end of the build process. Note, however, that Xcode evaluates build settings referenced in the Info.plist file, and you can have Xcode preprocess the Info.plist file with the GCC preprocessor. For a list of entries used by the system, see Runtime Configuration Guidelines.

Information Property List Entries for Native Targets

The Properties pane of the target editor, shown in Figure 1-6, allows you to edit information property list entries for native targets. This pane is visible only for targets that create products with Info.plist files.

Figure 1-6  Target editor: Properties pane

Target editor: Properties pane

The top section of the Properties pane allows you to edit essential information about the product, such as the name of the associated executable, bundle identifier, type and creator, version information, and the icon to associate with the finished product. Note that the name of the icon here must match the name of an icon file that is copied into the Resources directory of the product bundle.

The Principal Class and Main Nib File settings are specific to Cocoa applications and bundles, and Automator actions. Principal Class corresponds to the NSPrincipalClass property list key. Main Nib File specifies the nib file that’s automatically loaded when the application launches. It corresponds to the information property list key NSMainNibFile.

The Document Types list allows you to specify which documents your finished product can handle. These are the aspects each entry in the list specifies:

Note: Instead of the Document Types table, the Properties pane for Automator action targets provides a different interface for editing Automator-specific property list keys. These property list keys are discussed in Automator Programming Guide.

You may have additional keys that you need to include in your Info.plist file; for example, applications that include Apple Help help books need two additional Info.plist entries. To add these additional keys, you can edit the Info.plist file directly by clicking the Open Info.plist as File button at the bottom of the Properties pane. Note that you can refer to build settings in the Info.plist file. For example, $(PRODUCT_NAME) expands to become the base name of the product built by the target.

You can set properties on multiple targets; simply select the targets in the project window and open the target editor. In the Properties pane, you can edit the values of properties that apply to more than one target.

Preprocessing Info.plist Files

You can specify that Xcode process the Info.plist file using the GCC preprocessor. This allows you to include headers, use #if-style conditional statements, and take advantage of macro expansion in the Info.plist file.

To preprocess the Info.plist file in a target, turn on the Preprocess Info.plist File (INFOPLIST_PREPROCESS) build setting.

You can also use the following build settings to control preprocessing of Info.plist files:

Duplicating Targets

There are two main reasons you might need to duplicate a target: You require two targets that are very similar but contain slight differences in the files or build phases that they include, or you have a complicated set of options that you build with and would prefer to simply start with a copy of a target that already contains those build settings.

Xcode allows you to duplicate a target, creating a copy that contains the same files, build phases, dependencies and build configuration definitions of the original.

To create a copy of a target:

  1. Select the target you want to copy in the Groups & Files list.

  2. Choose one of these:

    • Edit > Duplicate

    • Groups & Files list shortcut menu > Duplicate

Removing Targets

When your project contains targets that are no longer in use, you may want to remove them to reduce clutter.

To remove a target from a project:

  1. Select the target to delete in the Groups & Files list.

  2. Press the Delete key or choose:

    • Edit > Delete.

When you delete a target, Xcode also deletes the product reference for the product created by that target and removes any dependencies on the deleted target.

Defining Target Dependencies

In a complex project, you may have several targets that create a number of related products. Frequently, these targets need to be built in a specific order. Returning to the example of the client-server software package created by the project shown in Figure 1-1, you see that the client application, server application, and command-line tool targets each link to the private framework created by another target in the same project.

Before the application and command-line tool targets can be built, the framework target must be built. Because they require the private framework in order to build, each of the application and command-line tool targets is said to depend upon the target that creates the framework. You can use a target dependency to ensure that Xcode builds targets in the proper order; in this example, you would add a dependency upon the framework target to each of the application and command-line tool targets.

However, the applications and command-line tool in the client-server package must still be built individually. None of these targets requires the product created by any target other than the framework target. Xcode provides another mechanism for grouping targets that you want to build together but that are otherwise unrelated; this is an aggregate target (see “Creating Targets” for details). This section shows how to add a target dependency and create an aggregate target, and gives an example of how you can use these tools to organize a software development effort with multiple products and projects.

Creating Aggregate Targets

To build several targets together, even if they aren’t dependent on each other, create an aggregate target. As described in “Creating Targets,” an aggregate target does not produce a product itself and it does not contain build rules or information property list entries. Instead it exists so that you can make it dependent on other targets. When you build the aggregate target, the build system builds the targets it depends on sequentially or in parallel. To learn about building targets concurrently, see "Building in Parallel" in Xcode Project Management Guide.

To create an aggregate target:

  1. Choose Project > New Target.

  2. Select Aggregate from the New Target Assistant.

For each target you want to build with this aggregate target, add a target dependency to the aggregate target, as described in the “Adding Target Dependencies.”

Note that, although it does not contain any other build phases, an aggregate target can include a Run Script or Copy Files build phase. Any build setting defined for the aggregate target will not be interpreted, but will be passed to any build phases that the target contains.

Adding Target Dependencies

When you build a target (target A) with a dependency upon another target (target B), Xcode makes sure that target B is built and up to date before building target A. That way, you can be sure that when target A needs the product created by target B, target B is built before target A. In addition, if there are errors building target B, Xcode doesn’t build target A.

You can view and modify a target’s dependencies in two ways:

Figure 1-7  Groups & Files list: Target dependency

Groups & Files list: Target dependency

Removing Target Dependencies

To remove a target dependency:

  1. Select the target to modify in the Groups & Files list.

  2. Open the target editor and display the General pane.

  3. In the Direct Dependencies list, select the target dependency to delete.

  4. Click the minus (-) button.

Multiple Target Example

Suppose that your organization has two teams working on separate applications, that one application includes an internal library, and that each application relies on a framework supplied by a third team. Figure 1-8 shows one way to set up your software development with three Xcode projects, using project references, target dependencies, and aggregate targets to relate the various products.

Figure 1-8  Three projects with dependencies

Three projects with dependencies

In Figure 1-8, the Juicer_app project contains the Juicer_app target for building the Juicer application, and the Juicer_lib target for building an internal library. The application target depends on the library target, and also has a cross-project dependency on the Mixer_framework target in the Mixer_framework project. Finally, the Juicer_app project contains the Juicer_aggregate target as a convenience for building the entire suite of projects.

Note: Aggregate targets are typically used to build targets that don‚Äôt otherwise depend on each other.

In Figure 1-8, the Blender_app project contains a target for building the Blender application. The Blender target also has a cross-project dependency on the Mixer framework.

Finally, the Mixer_framework project contains a target for building the Mixer framework, used by both the Juicer and Blender applications.

Given this combination of projects, targets, and dependencies, the following statements are true:

Managing Target Files

When you add files to a project, you can have Xcode also add those files to one or more targets. This is the easiest way to add files to a target. However, you may have existing files in your project that you wish to add to a target, or find that you no longer need a target file. This section describes how to view the files in a target and shows you how to add and remove target files.

Viewing the Files in a Target

To view all of the files included in a target, select the target in the Groups & Files list; all targets are grouped under the Targets group. The detail view shows all the files and folders in the target, similar to what you see in Figure 1-9. If one is not already open in the current window, open a detail view by choosing:

Figure 1-9  Target files in the project window

Target files in the project window

You can also see a target’s files grouped according to the operation performed on those files during the build process. If you open a target in the Groups & Files list (by clicking the disclosure triangle next to it), you see the build phases for that target. Build phases, described in further detail in “Build Phases,” represent a task performed when the target is built. To see the files in a particular build phase, do one of the following in the Groups & Files list:

Adding and Removing Target Files

Xcode provides several ways to modify a set of target files. In the project window, you can see all the files in a target and you can add files to, or remove files from, the target. You can also use file-info editors to see which targets include them and change their target membership.

To add files to a target, you can:

To remove a file from a target, in the Groups & Files list:

  1. Open the target to reveal its build phases.

  2. Open the build phase to which the file belongs.

  3. Select the file to remove from the target, and either:

    • Choose Delete from the shortcut menu

    • Choose Edit > Delete

To remove a file from the active target, find the file in the detail view or in the Groups & Files list and deselect the checkbox in the Target column for that file. Xcode removes the file from the target but does not remove the file reference from the project.

To see which targets a file belongs to and modify the file’s target membership, select the file reference in the project window, open the file-info editor, and display the Targets pane, shown in Figure 1-10.

Figure 1-10  File-info editor: Targets pane

File-info editor: Targets pane

The Targets Membership table shows all the targets in the current project. The checkbox next to each target indicates whether the file is included in that target.

If you have multiple files selected, the Targets pane may show a dash in the checkbox next to a target. This indicates that some of the selected files are included in that target, while others are not. If the checkbox next to a target is dimmed, that target does not contain a build phase appropriate for processing the selected file or files.

Setting the Role of Header Files

Header files have a special purpose in a target: They publish the programming interface to symbols defined or implemented in the target’s implementation files. Implementation files in a target use header files to gain access to symbols defined in other implementation files. But implementation files may also require access to the programming interface to frameworks, libraries, or plug-ins that are not part of the project.

When you define a target, you may implement symbols you want to make public to clients of the target’s product. But, to make your product easy to use (and to keep implementation details hidden), you may want to keep many of its symbols inaccessible to clients of your product. Also, if you develop products to be used both by the development team and by end users, you may need to publish interfaces to symbols that must be used only by other team members but that end users must not use. You use a header file’s role within its target to specify the purpose of the header file.

To set the role of header files in a target:

  1. Select the target containing the header files whose role you want to set.

  2. Select the target’s Copy Headers build phase.

  3. Choose the desired role for each header file from the Role column in the detail view.

There are three roles available: public, private, and project. Table 1-3 describes these roles.

Table 1-3  Header file roles


Header file disposition


The header file is included as part of the build product. Its location is specified by the Public Headers Folder Path (PUBLIC_HEADERS_FOLDER_PATH) build setting. You should publish as public only interfaces that are finalized and meant to be used by your product’s end users.


The header file is included as part of the build product. Its location is specified by the Private Headers Folder Path (PRIVATE_HEADERS_FOLDER_PATH) build setting. You should publish as private interfaces that you don’t intend to be used by end users or that are in early stages of development.


The header file is available only for use by implementation files in the current project. This header file is not included as part of the built product.

Last updated: 2010-07-02

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