iOS Reference Library Apple Developer

Testing and Validation

Interface Builder provides tools to help you validate the contents of your documents against the platform on which you plan to use them. In addition to testing the behavior of your interface in the simulator, you can also verify that the operating system on which you plan to run your software supports all of your nib file objects. Different versions of an operating system may support different objects or different attributes for those objects. If your nib files contain objects that are not available on the current platform, your program may crash.

The following sections show you how to use Interface Builder to test your nib files.

Setting the Nib File Version

To display general information about a nib file, open the nib information window by choosing Window > Document Info. Among other things, this window displays the following pieces of information:

Figure 9-1 shows an information window with a design time issue. Double-clicking an item in this table selects the item and brings it to the foreground.

Figure 9-1  Nib information window

Nib information window

For each nib file in your project, you should:

You must remove errors before saving your nib file and should try to remove warnings as well. Although you can change the severity of different types of design issues from the Interface Builder preferences window, you should do so only when you know that it will not affect the ability to load and use your nib file.

Checking for Errors and Warnings

Prior to saving your nib file, it is a good idea to set the deployment target and see whether the file generates any errors or warnings. Although Interface Builder does not prevent you from saving a nib that contains errors and warnings, those conditions may cause problems when you load the nib into your application. For example, if your nib contains controls that were introduced in Mac OS X v10.4, your nib-loading code would not be able to load the nib on a computer running Mac OS X v10.3.

To view the errors and warnings in your nib file, you use the information window (see Figure 9-1). From this window, you can set the intended deployment target for the nib file and see whether it contains an errors or warnings that might prevent the nib file from loading. Double-clicking the entries in the table takes you directly to the object that is causing the problem.

Simulating Your Interface

Although Interface Builder displays your views almost exactly as they appear in your application, it is primarily intended for designing interfaces and therefore adds adornments and other visual cues to help you manipulate your views and controls. The simulator presents your views exactly as they would appear when loaded by your application. In addition, the simulator provides the following behaviors:

To enter simulation mode for a window, select the window and choose File > Simulate Interface. To exit simulation mode, choose Quit from the simulator application menu or press Command-Q. Upon quitting the simulator, you are returned to Interface Builder.

If your interface is designed for an iOS device, you may want to simulate the interface for a different device, iPad or iPhone. For an iPad interface, choose File > Simulate as iPhone/iPod touch. For an iPhone interface, choose File > Simulate as iPad.

Last updated: 2010-07-12

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