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NSManagedObject Class Reference

Inherits from
Conforms to
Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared in
Companion guides


NSManagedObject is a generic class that implements all the basic behavior required of a Core Data model object. It is not possible to use instances of direct subclasses of NSObject (or any other class not inheriting from NSManagedObject) with a managed object context. You may create custom subclasses of NSManagedObject, although this is not always required. If no custom logic is needed, a complete object graph can be formed with NSManagedObject instances.

A managed object is associated with an entity description (an instance of NSEntityDescription) that provides metadata about the object (including the name of the entity that the object represents and the names of its attributes and relationships) and with a managed object context that tracks changes to the object graph. It is important that a managed object is properly configured for use with Core Data. If you instantiate a managed object directly, you must call the designated initializer (initWithEntity:insertIntoManagedObjectContext:).

Data Storage

In some respects, an NSManagedObject acts like a dictionary—it is a generic container object that efficiently provides storage for the properties defined by its associated NSEntityDescription object. NSManagedObject provides support for a range of common types for attribute values, including string, date, and number (see NSAttributeDescription for full details). There is therefore commonly no need to define instance variables in subclasses. Sometimes, however, you want to use types that are not supported directly, such as colors and C structures. For example, in a graphics application you might want to define a Rectangle entity that has attributes color and bounds that are an instance of NSColor and an NSRect struct respectively. For some types you can use a transformable attribute, for others this may require you to create a subclass of NSManagedObject—see “Non-Standard Persistent Attributes”.


Managed objects typically represent data held in a persistent store. In some situations a managed object may be a “fault”—an object whose property values have not yet been loaded from the external data store—see “Faulting and Uniquing” for more details. When you access persistent property values, the fault “fires” and the data is retrieved from the store automatically. This can be a comparatively expensive process (potentially requiring a round trip to the persistent store), and you may wish to avoid unnecessarily firing a fault.

You can safely invoke the following methods on a fault without causing it to fire: isEqual:, hash, superclass, class, self, zone, isProxy, isKindOfClass:, isMemberOfClass:, conformsToProtocol:, respondsToSelector:, retain, release, autorelease, retainCount, description, managedObjectContext, entity, objectID, isInserted, isUpdated, isDeleted, faultingState, and isFault. Since isEqual and hash do not cause a fault to fire, managed objects can typically be placed in collections without firing a fault. Note, however, that invoking key-value coding methods on the collection object might in turn result in an invocation of valueForKey: on a managed object, which would fire the fault.

Although the description method does not cause a fault to fire, if you implement a custom description method that accesses the object’s persistent properties, this will cause a fault to fire. You are strongly discouraged from overriding description in this way.

Subclassing Notes

In combination with the entity description in the managed object model, NSManagedObject provides a rich set of default behaviors including support for arbitrary properties and value validation. There are, however, many reasons why you might wish to subclass NSManagedObject to implement custom features. It is important, though, not to disrupt Core Data’s behavior.

Methods you Must Not Override

NSManagedObject itself customizes many features of NSObject so that managed objects can be properly integrated into the Core Data infrastructure. Core Data relies on NSManagedObject’s implementation of the following methods, which you therefore absolutely must not override: primitiveValueForKey:, setPrimitiveValue:forKey:, isEqual:, hash, superclass, class, self, zone, isProxy, isKindOfClass:, isMemberOfClass:, conformsToProtocol:, respondsToSelector:, retain, release, autorelease, retainCount, managedObjectContext, entity, objectID, isInserted, isUpdated, isDeleted, and isFault.

In addition to the methods listed above, on Mac OS X v10.5, you must not override: alloc, allocWithZone:, new, instancesRespondToSelector:, instanceMethodForSelector:, methodForSelector:, methodSignatureForSelector:, instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:, or isSubclassOfClass:.

Methods you Are Discouraged From Overriding

As with any class, you are strongly discouraged from overriding the key-value observing methods such as willChangeValueForKey: and didChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects:. You are discouraged from overriding description—if this method fires a fault during a debugging operation, the results may be unpredictable. You are also discouraged from overriding initWithEntity:insertIntoManagedObjectContext:, dealloc, or finalize. Changing values in the initWithEntity:insertIntoManagedObjectContext: method will not be noticed by the context and if you are not careful, those changes may not be saved. Most initialization customization should be performed in one of the awake… methods. If you do override initWithEntity:insertIntoManagedObjectContext:, you must make sure you adhere to the requirements set out in the method description (see initWithEntity:insertIntoManagedObjectContext:).

You are discouraged from overriding dealloc or finalize because didTurnIntoFault is usually a better time to clear values—a managed object may not be reclaimed for some time after it has been turned into a fault. Core Data does not guarantee that either dealloc or finalize will be called in all scenarios (such as when the application quits); you should therefore not in these methods include required side effects (like saving or changes to the file system, user preferences, and so on).

In summary, for initWithEntity:insertIntoManagedObjectContext:, dealloc, and finalize it is important to remember that Core Data reserves exclusive control over the life cycle of the managed object (that is, raw memory management). This is so that the framework is able to provide features such as uniquing and by consequence relationship maintenance as well as much better performance than would be otherwise possible.

Methods to Override Considerations

The following methods are intended to be fine grained and not perform large scale operations. You must not fetch or save in these methods. In particular, they should not have side effects on the managed object context:

In addition to methods you should not override, there are others that if you do override you should invoke the superclass’s implementation first, including awakeFromInsert, awakeFromFetch, and validation methods. Note that you should not modify relationships in awakeFromFetch—see the method description for details.

Custom Accessor Methods

Typically, there is no need to write custom accessor methods for properties that are defined in the entity of a managed object’s corresponding managed object model. Should you wish or need to do so, though, there are several implementation patterns you must follow. These are described in “Managed Object Accessor Methods” in Core Data Programming Guide.

On Mac OS X v10.5, Core Data automatically generates accessor methods (and primitive accessor methods) for you. For attributes and to-one relationships, Core Data generates the standard get and set accessor methods; for to-many relationships, Core Data generates the indexed accessor methods as described in “Key-Value Coding Accessor Methods” in Key-Value Coding Programming Guide. You do however need to declare the accessor methods or use Objective-C properties to suppress compiler warnings. For a full discussion, see “Managed Object Accessor Methods” in Core Data Programming Guide.

On Mac OS X v10.4, you can access properties using standard key-value coding methods such as valueForKey:. It may, however, be convenient to implement custom accessors to benefit from compile-time type checking and to avoid errors with misspelled key names.

Custom Instance Variables

By default, NSManagedObject stores its properties in an internal structure as objects, and in general Core Data is more efficient working with storage under its own control rather using custom instance variables.

NSManagedObject provides support for a range of common types for attribute values, including string, date, and number (see NSAttributeDescription for full details). If you want to use types that are not supported directly, such as colors and C structures, you can either use transformable attributes or create a subclass of NSManagedObject, as described in “Non-Standard Persistent Attributes”.

Sometimes it may be convenient to represent variables as scalars—in a drawing applications, for example, where variables represent dimensions and x and y coordinates and are frequently used in calculations. To represent attributes as scalars, you declare instance variables as you would in any other class. You also need to implement suitable accessor methods as described in “Managed Object Accessor Methods”.

If you define custom instance variables, for example, to store derived attributes or other transient properties, you should clean up these variables in didTurnIntoFault rather than dealloc.

Validation Methods

NSManagedObject provides consistent hooks for validating property and inter-property values. You typically should not override validateValue:forKey:error:, instead you should implement methods of the form validate<Key>:error:, as defined by the NSKeyValueCoding protocol. If you want to validate inter-property values, you can override validateForUpdate: and/or related validation methods.

You should not call validateValue:forKey:error: within custom property validation methods—if you do so you will create an infinite loop when validateValue:forKey:error: is invoked at runtime. If you do implement custom validation methods, you should typically not call them directly. Instead you should call validateValue:forKey:error: with the appropriate key. This ensures that any constraints defined in the managed object model are applied.

If you implement custom inter-property validation methods (such as validateForUpdate:), you should call the superclass’s implementation first. This ensures that individual property validation methods are also invoked. If there are multiple validation failures in one operation, you should collect them in an array and add the array—using the key NSDetailedErrorsKey—to the userInfo dictionary in the NSError object you return. For an example, see “Model Object Validation”.


Initializing a Managed Object

Getting a Managed Object’s Identity

Getting State Information

Managing Life Cycle and Change Events

Supporting Key-Value Coding


Supporting Key-Value Observing

Class Methods


Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver provides automatic support for key-value observing change notifications for the given key.

+ (BOOL)automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:(NSString *)key


The name of one of the receiver's properties.

Return Value

YES if the receiver provides automatic support for key-value observing change notifications for key, otherwise NO.


The default implementation for NSManagedObject returns NO for modeled properties, and YES for unmodeled properties. For more about key-value observation, see Key-Value Observing Programming Guide.

Special Considerations

On Mac OS X v10.4, this method returns NO for all properties.


Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether instances of the class should be marked as having changes if an unmodeled property is changed.

+ (BOOL)contextShouldIgnoreUnmodeledPropertyChanges

Return Value

YES if instances of the class should be marked as having changes if an unmodeled property is changed, otherwise NO.


For programs targeted at Mac OS X v10.5 and earlier, the default value is NO. For programs targeted at Mac OS X v10.6 and later, the default value is YES.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
See Also
Declared In

Instance Methods


Invoked automatically by the Core Data framework after the receiver has been fetched.

- (void)awakeFromFetch


You typically use this method to compute derived values or to recreate transient relationships from the receiver’s persistent properties.

The managed object context’s change processing is explicitly disabled around this method so that you can use public setters to establish transient values and other caches without dirtying the object or its context. Because of this, however, you should not modify relationships in this method as the inverse will not be set.

Important:  Subclasses must invoke super‚Äôs implementation before performing their own initialization.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Invoked automatically by the Core Data framework when the receiver is first inserted into a managed object context.

- (void)awakeFromInsert


You typically use this method to initialize special default property values. This method is invoked only once in the object's lifetime.

If you want to set attribute values in an implementation of this method, you should typically use primitive accessor methods (either setPrimitiveValue:forKey: or—better—the appropriate custom primitive accessors). This ensures that the new values are treated as baseline values rather than being recorded as undoable changes for the properties in question.

Important:  Subclasses must invoke super‚Äôs implementation before performing their own initialization.

Special Considerations

If you create a managed object then perform undo operations to bring the managed object context to a state prior to the object’s creation, then perform redo operations to bring the managed object context back to a state after the object’s creation, awakeFromInsert is not invoked a second time.

You are typically discouraged from performing fetches within an implementation of awakeFromInsert. Although it is allowed, execution of the fetch request can trigger the sending of internal Core Data notifications which may have unwanted side-effects. For example, on Mac OS X, an instance of NSArrayController may end up inserting a new object into its content array twice.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Invoked automatically by the Core Data framework when the receiver is reset due to an undo, redo, or other multi-property state change.

- (void)awakeFromSnapshotEvents:(NSSnapshotEventType)flags


A bitmask of didChangeValueForKey: constants to denote the event or events that led to the method being invoked.

For possible values, see “NSSnapshotEventType.”


You typically use this method to compute derived values or to recreate transient relationships from the receiver’s persistent properties.

If you want to set attribute values and need to avoid emitting key-value observation change notifications, you should use primitive accessor methods (either setPrimitiveValue:forKey: or—better—the appropriate custom primitive accessors). This ensures that the new values are treated as baseline values rather than being recorded as undoable changes for the properties in question.

Important: Subclasses must invoke super‚Äôs implementation before performing their own initialization.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns a dictionary containing the keys and (new) values of persistent properties that have been changed since last fetching or saving the receiver.

- (NSDictionary *)changedValues

Return Value

A dictionary containing as keys the names of persistent properties that have changed since the receiver was last fetched or saved, and as values the new values of the properties.


Note that this method only reports changes to properties that are defined as persistent properties of the receiver, not changes to transient properties or custom instance variables. This method does not unnecessarily fire relationship faults.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns a dictionary of the last fetched or saved values of the receiver for the properties specified by the given keys.

- (NSDictionary *)committedValuesForKeys:(NSArray *)keys


An array containing names of properties of the receiver, or nil.

Return Value

A dictionary containing the last fetched or saved values of the receiver for the properties specified by keys.


This method only reports values of properties that are defined as persistent properties of the receiver, not values of transient properties or of custom instance variables.

You can invoke this method with the keys value of nil to retrieve committed values for all the receiver’s properties, as illustrated by the following example.

NSDictionary *allCommittedValues =
        [aManagedObject committedValuesForKeys:nil];

It is more efficient to use nil than to pass an array of all the property keys.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Deallocates the memory occupied by the receiver.

- (void)dealloc


This method first invokes didTurnIntoFault.

You should typically not override this method—instead you should put “clean-up” code in prepareForDeletion or didTurnIntoFault.


Provides support for key-value observing access notification.

- (void)didAccessValueForKey:(NSString *)key


The name of one of the receiver's properties.


Together with willAccessValueForKey:, this method is used to fire faults, to maintain inverse relationships, and so on. Each read access must be wrapped in this method pair (in the same way that each write access must be wrapped in the willChangeValueForKey:/didChangeValueForKey: method pair). In the default implementation of NSManagedObject these methods are invoked for you automatically. If, say, you create a custom subclass that uses explicit instance variables, you must invoke them yourself, as in the following example.

- (NSString *)firstName
    [self willAccessValueForKey:@"firstName"];
    NSString *rtn = firstName;
    [self didAccessValueForKey:@"firstName"];
    return rtn;
  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Invoked to inform the receiver that the value of a given property has changed.

- (void)didChangeValueForKey:(NSString *)key


The name of the property that changed.


For more details, see Key-Value Observing Programming Guide.

You must not override this method.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Invoked to inform the receiver that the specified change was made to a specified to-many relationship.

- (void)didChangeValueForKey:(NSString *)inKey withSetMutation:(NSKeyValueSetMutationKind)inMutationKind usingObjects:(NSSet *)inObjects


The name of a property that is a to-many relationship.


The type of change that was made.


The objects that were involved in the change (see NSKeyValueSetMutationKind).


For more details, see Key-Value Observing Programming Guide.

You must not override this method.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Invoked automatically by the Core Data framework after the receiver’s managed object context completes a save operation.

- (void)didSave


You can use this method to notify other objects after a save, and to compute transient values from persistent values.

This method can have “side effects” on the persistent values, however note that any changes you make using standard accessor methods will by default dirty the managed object context and leave your context with unsaved changes. Moreover, if the object’s context has an undo manager, such changes will add an undo operation. For document-based applications, changes made in didSave will therefore come into the next undo grouping, which can lead to “empty” undo operations from the user's perspective. You may want to disable undo registration to avoid this issue.

Note that the sense of “save” in the method name is that of a database commit statement and so applies to deletions as well as to updates to objects. For subclasses, this method is therefore an appropriate locus for code to be executed when an object deleted as well as “saved to disk.” You can find out if an object is marked for deletion with isDeleted.

Special Considerations

You cannot attempt to resurrect a deleted object in didSave.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
See Also
Declared In


Invoked automatically by the Core Data framework when the receiver is turned into a fault.

- (void)didTurnIntoFault


You use this method to clear out custom data caches—transient values declared as entity properties are typically already cleared out by the time this method is invoked (see, for example, refreshObject:mergeChanges:).

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns the entity description of the receiver.

- (NSEntityDescription *)entity

Return Value

The entity description of the receiver.


If the receiver is a fault, calling this method does not cause it to fire.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns a value that indicates the faulting state of the receiver.

- (NSUInteger)faultingState

Return Value

0 if the object is fully initialized as a managed object and not transitioning to or from another state, otherwise some other value.


The method allow you to determine if an object is in a transitional phase when receiving a key-value observing change notification.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
See Also
Declared In


Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the relationship for a given key is a fault.

- (BOOL)hasFaultForRelationshipNamed:(NSString *)key


The name of one of the receiver’s relationships.

Return Value

YES if the relationship for for the key key is a fault, otherwise NO.


If the specified relationship is a fault, calling this method does not result in the fault firing.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Initializes the receiver and inserts it into the specified managed object context.

- (id)initWithEntity:(NSEntityDescription *)entity insertIntoManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context


The entity of which to create an instance.

The model associated with context's persistent store coordinator must contain entity.


The context into which the new instance is inserted.

Return Value

An initialized instance of the appropriate class for entity.


NSManagedObject uses dynamic class generation to support the Objective-C 2 properties feature (see “Declared Properties”) by automatically creating a subclass of the class appropriate for entity.initWithEntity:insertIntoManagedObjectContext: therefore returns an instance of the appropriate class for entity. The dynamically-generated subclass will be based on the class specified by the entity, so specifying a custom class in your model will supersede the class passed to alloc.

If context is not nil, this method invokes [context insertObject:self] (which causes awakeFromInsert to be invoked).

You are discouraged from overriding this method—you should instead override awakeFromInsert and/or awakeFromFetch (if there is logic common to these methods, it should be factored into a third method which is invoked from both). If you do perform custom initialization in this method, you may cause problems with undo and redo operations.

In many applications, there is no need to subsequently assign a newly-created managed object to a particular store—see assignObject:toPersistentStore:. If your application has multiple stores and you do need to assign an object to a specific store, you should not do so in a managed object's initializer method. Such an assignment is controller- not model-level logic.

Important:  This method is the designated initializer for NSManagedObject. You must not initialize a managed object simply by sending it init.

Special Considerations

If you override initWithEntity:insertIntoManagedObjectContext:, you must ensure that you set self to the return value from invocation of super’s implementation, as shown in the following example:

- (id)initWithEntity:(NSEntityDescription*)entity insertIntoManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext*)context
    self = [super initWithEntity:entity insertIntoManagedObjectContext:context]);
    if (self != nil) {
        // Perform additional initialization.
    return self;
  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver will be deleted during the next save.

- (BOOL)isDeleted

Return Value

YES if the receiver will be deleted during the next save, otherwise NO.


The method returns YES if Core Data will ask the persistent store to delete the object during the next save operation. It may return NO at other times, particularly after the object has been deleted. The immediacy with which it will stop returning YES depends on where the object is in the process of being deleted.

If the receiver is a fault, invoking this method does not cause it to fire.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver is a fault.

- (BOOL)isFault

Return Value

YES if the receiver is a fault, otherwise NO.


Knowing whether an object is a fault is useful in many situations when computations are optional. It can also be used to avoid growing the object graph unnecessarily (which may improve performance as it can avoid time-consuming fetches from data stores).

If this method returns NO, then the receiver's data must be in memory. However, if this method returns YES, it does not imply that the data is not in memory. The data may be in memory, or it may not, depending on many factors influencing caching

If the receiver is a fault, calling this method does not cause it to fire.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver has been inserted in a managed object context.

- (BOOL)isInserted

Return Value

YES if the receiver has been inserted in a managed object context, otherwise NO.


If the receiver is a fault, calling this method does not cause it to fire.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver has unsaved changes.

- (BOOL)isUpdated

Return Value

YES if the receiver has unsaved changes, otherwise NO.


The receiver has unsaved changes if it has been updated since its managed object context was last saved.

If the receiver is a fault, calling this method does not cause it to fire.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns the managed object context with which the receiver is registered.

- (NSManagedObjectContext *)managedObjectContext

Return Value

The managed object context with which the receiver is registered.


This method may return nil if the receiver has been deleted from its context.

If the receiver is a fault, calling this method does not cause it to fire.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns a mutable set that provides read-write access to the unordered to-many relationship specified by a given key.

- (NSMutableSet *)mutableSetValueForKey:(NSString *)key


The name of one of the receiver's to-many relationships.


If key is not a property defined by the model, the method raises an exception.

This method is overridden by NSManagedObject to access the managed object’s generic dictionary storage unless the receiver’s class explicitly provides key-value coding compliant accessor methods for key.

Important: You must not override this method.

Special Considerations

For performance reasons, the proxy object returned by managed objects for mutableSetValueForKey: does not support set<Key>: style setters for relationships. For example, if you have a to-many relationship employees of a Department class and implement accessor methods employees and setEmployees:, then manipulate the relationship using the proxy object returned by mutableSetValueForKey:@"employees", setEmployees: is not invoked. You should implement the other mutable proxy accessor overrides instead (see “Managed Object Accessor Methods” in Core Data Programming Guide).


Returns the object ID of the receiver.

- (NSManagedObjectID *)objectID

Return Value

The object ID of the receiver.


If the receiver is a fault, calling this method does not cause it to fire.

Important:  If the receiver has not yet been saved, the object ID is a temporary value that will change when the object is saved.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
See Also
Declared In


Returns the observation info of the receiver.

- (id)observationInfo

Return Value

The observation info of the receiver.


For more about observation information, see Key-Value Observing Programming Guide.

Important: You must not override this method.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Invoked automatically by the Core Data framework when the receiver is about to be deleted.

- (void)prepareForDeletion


You can implement this method to perform any operations required before the object is deleted, such as custom propagation before relationships are torn down, or reconfiguration of objects using key-value observing.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns from the receiver’s private internal storage the value for the specified property.

- (id)primitiveValueForKey:(NSString *)key


The name of one of the receiver's properties.

Return Value

The value of the property specified by key. Returns nil if no value has been set.


This method does not invoke the access notification methods (willAccessValueForKey: and didAccessValueForKey:). This method is used primarily by subclasses that implement custom accessor methods that need direct access to the receiver’s private storage.

Special Considerations

Subclasses should not override this method.

On Mac OS X v10.5 and later, the following points also apply:

  • Primitive accessor methods are only supported on modeled properties. If you invoke a primitive accessor on an unmodeled property, it will instead operate upon a random modeled property. (The debug libraries and frameworks (available from Apple Developer website) have assertions to test for passing unmodeled keys to these methods.)

  • You are strongly encouraged to use the dynamically-generated accessors rather than using this method directly (for example, primitiveName: instead of primitiveValueForKey:@"name"). The dynamic accessors are much more efficient, and allow for compile-time checking.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns the receiver.

- (id)self


Subclasses must not override this method.

Note for EOF developers: Core Data does not rely on this method for faulting—see instead willAccessValueForKey:.


Sets the observation info of the receiver.

- (void)setObservationInfo:(id)value


The new observation info for the receiver.


For more about observation information, see Key-Value Observing Programming Guide.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Sets in the receiver's private internal storage the value of a given property.

- (void)setPrimitiveValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key


The new value for the property specified by key.


The name of one of the receiver's properties.


Sets in the receiver’s private internal storage the value of the property specified by key to value. If key identifies a to-one relationship, relates the object specified by value to the receiver, unrelating the previously related object if there was one. Given a collection object and a key that identifies a to-many relationship, relates the objects contained in the collection to the receiver, unrelating previously related objects if there were any.

This method does not invoke the change notification methods (willChangeValueForKey: and didChangeValueForKey:). It is typically used by subclasses that implement custom accessor methods that need direct access to the receiver’s private internal storage. It is also used by the Core Data framework to initialize the receiver with values from a persistent store or to restore a value from a snapshot.

Special Considerations

You must not override this method.

You should typically use this method only to modify attributes (usually transient), not relationships. If you try to set a to-many relationship to a new NSMutableSet object, it will (eventually) fail. In the unusual event that you need to modify a relationship using this method, you first get the existing set using primitiveValueForKey: (ensure the method does not return nil), create a mutable copy, and then modify the copy—as illustrated in the following example:

NSMutableSet *recentHires = [[dept primitiveValueForKey:@"recentHires"] mutableCopy];
if (recentHires != nil) {
    [recentHires removeAllObjects];
    [dept setPrimitiveValue:recentHires forKey:@"recentHires"];

Note that if the relationship is bi-directional (that is, if an inverse relationship is specified) then you are also responsible for maintaining the inverse relationship (regardless of cardinality)—in contrast with Core Data's normal behavior described in “Using Managed Objects”.

On Mac OS X v10.5 and later, the following points also apply:

  • Primitive accessor methods are only supported on modeled properties. If you invoke a primitive accessor on an unmodeled property, it will instead operate upon a random modeled property. (The debug libraries and frameworks from (available from the Apple Developer Website) have assertions to test for passing unmodeled keys to these methods.)

  • You are strongly encouraged to use the dynamically-generated accessors rather than using this method directly (for example, setPrimitiveName: instead of setPrimitiveValue:newName forKey:@"name"). The dynamic accessors are much more efficient, and allow for compile-time checking.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Sets the specified property of the receiver to the specified value.

- (void)setValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key


The new value for the property specified by key.


The name of one of the receiver's properties.


If key is not a property defined by the model, the method raises an exception. If key identifies a to-one relationship, relates the object specified by value to the receiver, unrelating the previously related object if there was one. Given a collection object and a key that identifies a to-many relationship, relates the objects contained in the collection to the receiver, unrelating previously related objects if there were any.

This method is overridden by NSManagedObject to access the managed object’s generic dictionary storage unless the receiver’s class explicitly provides key-value coding compliant accessor methods for key.

Important: You must not override this method.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Determines whether the receiver can be deleted in its current state.

- (BOOL)validateForDelete:(NSError **)error


If the receiver cannot be deleted in its current state, upon return contains an instance of NSError that describes the problem.

Return Value

YES if the receiver can be deleted in its current state, otherwise NO.


An object cannot be deleted if it has a relationship has a “deny” delete rule and that relationship has a destination object.

NSManagedObject’s implementation sends the receiver’s entity description a message which performs basic checking based on the presence or absence of values.

Important:  Subclasses should invoke super‚Äôs implementation before performing their own validation, and should combine any error returned by super‚Äôs implementation with their own (see ‚ÄúModel Object Validation‚Äù).

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Determines whether the receiver can be inserted in its current state.

- (BOOL)validateForInsert:(NSError **)error


If the receiver cannot be inserted in its current state, upon return contains an instance of NSError that describes the problem.

Return Value

YES if the receiver can be inserted in its current state, otherwise NO.

Special Considerations

Subclasses should invoke super’s implementation before performing their own validation, and should combine any error returned by super’s implementation with their own (see “Model Object Validation”).

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Determines whether the receiver’s current state is valid.

- (BOOL)validateForUpdate:(NSError **)error


If the receiver's current state is invalid, upon return contains an instance of NSError that describes the problem.

Return Value

YES if the receiver's current state is valid, otherwise NO.


NSManagedObject’s implementation iterates through all of the receiver’s properties validating each in turn. If this results in more than one error, the userInfo dictionary in the NSError returned in error contains a key NSDetailedErrorsKey; the corresponding value is an array containing the individual validation errors. If you pass NULL as the error, validation will abort after the first failure.

Important:  Subclasses should invoke super‚Äôs implementation before performing their own validation, and should combine any error returned by super‚Äôs implementation with their own (see ‚ÄúModel Object Validation‚Äù).

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Validates a property value for a given key.

- (BOOL)validateValue:(id *)value forKey:(NSString *)key error:(NSError **)error


A pointer to an object.


The name of one of the receiver's properties.


If value is not a valid value for key (and cannot be coerced), upon return contains an instance of NSError that describes the problem.

Return Value

YES if value is a valid value for key (or if value can be coerced into a valid value for key), otherwise NO.


This method is responsible for two things: coercing the value into an appropriate type for the object, and validating it according to the object’s rules.

The default implementation provided by NSManagedObject consults the object’s entity description to coerce the value and to check for basic errors, such as a null value when that isn’t allowed and the length of strings when a field width is specified for the attribute. It then searches for a method of the form validate<Key>:error: and invokes it if it exists.

You can implement methods of the form validate<Key>:error: to perform validation that is not possible using the constraints available in the property description. If it finds an unacceptable value, your validation method should return NO and in error an NSError object that describes the problem. For more details, see “Model Object Validation”. For inter-property validation (to check for combinations of values that are invalid), see validateForUpdate: and related methods.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Returns the value for the property specified by key.

- (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)key


The name of one of the receiver's properties.

Return Value

The value of the property specified by key.


If key is not a property defined by the model, the method raises an exception. This method is overridden by NSManagedObject to access the managed object’s generic dictionary storage unless the receiver’s class explicitly provides key-value coding compliant accessor methods for key.

Important:  You must not override this method.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Provides support for key-value observing access notification.

- (void)willAccessValueForKey:(NSString *)key


The name of one of the receiver's properties.


See didAccessValueForKey: for more details. You can invoke this method with the key value of nil to ensure that a fault has been fired, as illustrated by the following example.

[aManagedObject willAccessValueForKey:nil];
  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Invoked to inform the receiver that the value of a given property is about to change.

- (void)willChangeValueForKey:(NSString *)key


The name of the property that will change.


For more details, see Key-Value Observing Programming Guide.

You must not override this method.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Invoked to inform the receiver that the specified change is about to be made to a specified to-many relationship.

- (void)willChangeValueForKey:(NSString *)inKey withSetMutation:(NSKeyValueSetMutationKind)inMutationKind usingObjects:(NSSet *)inObjects


The name of a property that is a to-many relationship


The type of change that will be made.


The objects that were involved in the change (see NSKeyValueSetMutationKind).


For more details, see Key-Value Observing Programming Guide.

You must not override this method.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


Invoked automatically by the Core Data framework when the receiver’s managed object context is saved.

- (void)willSave


This method can have “side effects” on persistent values. You can use it to, for example, compute persistent values from other transient or scratchpad values.

If you want to update a persistent property value, you should typically test for equality of any new value with the existing value before making a change. If you change property values using standard accessor methods, Core Data will observe the resultant change notification and so invoke willSave again before saving the object’s managed object context. If you continue to modify a value in willSave, willSave will continue to be called until your program crashes.

For example, if you set a last-modified timestamp, you should check whether either you previously set it in the same save operation, or that the existing timestamp is not less than a small delta from the current time. Typically it’s better to calculate the timestamp once for all the objects being saved (for example, in response to an NSManagedObjectContextWillSaveNotification).

If you change property values using primitive accessors, you avoid the possibility of infinite recursion, but Core Data will not notice the change you make.

Note that the sense of “save” in the method name is that of a database commit statement and so applies to deletions as well as to updates to objects. For subclasses, this method is therefore an appropriate locus for code to be executed when an object deleted as well as “saved to disk.” You can find out if an object is marked for deletion with isDeleted.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
See Also
Declared In


Invoked automatically by the Core Data framework before receiver is converted to a fault.

- (void)willTurnIntoFault


This method is the companion of the didTurnIntoFault method. You can use it to (re)set state which requires access to property values (for example, observers across keypaths). The default implementation does nothing.

  • Available in iOS 3.0 and later.
Declared In


The following constants relate to errors returned following validation failures.

NSDetailedErrorsKeyIf multiple validation errors occur in one operation, they are collected in an array and added with this key to the “top-level error” of the operation.
NSValidationKeyErrorKeyKey for the key that failed to validate for a validation error.
NSValidationPredicateErrorKeyFor predicate-based validation, key for the predicate for the condition that failed to validate.
NSValidationValueErrorKeyIf non-nil, the key for the value for the key that failed to validate for a validation error.


Constants returned from awakeFromSnapshotEvents: to denote the reason why a managed object may need to reinitialize values.

enum {
   NSSnapshotEventUndoInsertion = 1 << 1,
   NSSnapshotEventUndoDeletion = 1 << 2,
   NSSnapshotEventUndoUpdate = 1 << 3,
   NSSnapshotEventRollback = 1 << 4,
   NSSnapshotEventRefresh = 1 << 5,
   NSSnapshotEventMergePolicy = 1 << 6
typedef NSUInteger NSSnapshotEventType;

Specifies a change due to undo from insertion.

Available in iOS 3.0 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObject.h.


Specifies a change due to undo from deletion.

Available in iOS 3.0 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObject.h.


Specifies a change due to a property-level undo.

Available in iOS 3.0 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObject.h.


Specifies a change due to the managed object context being rolled back.

Available in iOS 3.0 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObject.h.


Specifies a change due to the managed object being refreshed.

Available in iOS 3.0 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObject.h.


Specifies a change due to conflict resolution during a save operation.

Available in iOS 3.0 and later.

Declared in NSManagedObject.h.

Last updated: 2010-05-25

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