iOS Reference Library Apple Developer

Naming Methods

Methods are perhaps the most common element of your programming interface, so you should take particular care in how you name them. This section discusses the following aspects of method naming:

General Rules

Here are a few general guidelines to keep in mind when naming methods:

Accessor Methods

Accessor methods are those methods that set and return an object’s attributes (that is, its instance variables). They have certain recommended forms, depending on how the attribute is expressed:

Delegate Methods

Delegate methods (or delegation methods) are those that an object invokes in its delegate (if the delegate implements them) when certain events occur. They have a distinctive form, which apply equally to methods invoked in an object’s data source:

Collection Methods

For objects that manage a collection of objects (each called an element of that collection), the convention is to have methods of the form:

- (void)addElement:(elementType)anObj;

- (void)removeElement:(elementType)anObj;

- (NSArray *)elements;

For example:

- (void)addLayoutManager:(NSLayoutManager *)obj;
- (void)removeLayoutManager:(NSLayoutManager *)obj;
- (NSArray *)layoutManagers;

The following are some qualifications and refinements to this guideline:

There are a couple of implementation details to keep in mind with collection methods:

Another example of the above conventions for collection methods comes from the NSWindow class:

- (void)addChildWindow:(NSWindow *)childWin ordered:(NSWindowOrderingMode)place;
- (void)removeChildWindow:(NSWindow *)childWin;
- (NSArray *)childWindows;
- (NSWindow *)parentWindow;
- (void)setParentWindow:(NSWindow *)window;

Method Arguments

There are a few general rules concerning the names of method arguments:

Traditionally (in Cocoa), the following keywords and arguments are used together:

...font:(NSFont *)fontObj
...keyEquivalent:(NSString *)charCode
...stringValue:(NSString *)aString
...title:(NSString *)aString

Private Methods

In most cases, private method names generally follow the same rules as public method names. However, a common convention is to give private methods a prefix so it is easy to distinguish them from public methods. Even with this convention, the names given to private methods can cause a peculiar type of problem. When you design a subclass of a Cocoa framework class, you cannot know if your private methods unintentionally override private framework methods that are identically named.

Names of most private methods in the Cocoa frameworks have an underscore prefix (for example, _fooData ) to mark them as private. From this fact follow two recommendations.

Although the advice to give private method names a prefix might seem to contradict the earlier claim that methods exist in the namespace of their class, the intent here is different: to prevent unintentional overriding of superclass private methods.

Last updated: 2010-05-05

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