Inherits from | |
Conforms to | |
Framework | /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework |
Availability | Available in iOS 4.0 and later. |
Declared in | AVPlayerLayer.h |
is a subclass of CALayer
to which an AVPlayer
object can direct its visual output.
You can create arbitrary numbers of player layers with the same AVPlayer
object. You can create a layer as illustrated in the following code fragment:
AVPlayer *player = <#A configured AVPlayer object#>; |
CALayer *superlayer = <#Get a CALayer#>; |
AVPlayerLayer *playerLayer = [AVPlayerLayer playerLayerWithPlayer:player]; |
[superlayer addSublayer:playerLayer]; |
The value for the contents
key of a player layer is opaque and effectively read-only.
During playback, AVPlayer
may compensate for temporal drift between its visual output and its audible output to one or more independently-clocked audio output devices by adjusting the timing of its associated player layers. The effects of these adjustments are usually very small; however, clients that wish to remain entirely unaffected by such adjustments may wish to place other layers for which timing is important into independently timed subtrees of their layer trees.
+ playerLayerWithPlayer:
For more about Objective-C properties, see “Properties” in The Objective-C Programming Language.
The player for which the player layer displays visual output.
@property(nonatomic, retain) AVPlayer *player
Indicates whether the player is ready to be displayed. (read-only)
@property(nonatomic, readonly, getter=isReadyForDisplay) BOOL readyForDisplay
Specifies how the video is displayed within a player layer’s bounds.
@property(copy) NSString *videoGravity
The default is AVPlayerLayerVideoGravityResizeAspect
This property is animatable.
Returns a player layer to display the visual output of a specified player.
+ (AVPlayerLayer *)playerLayerWithPlayer:(AVPlayer *)player
The player for which the player layer displays visual output.
A player layer configured to display the visual output of player.
Last updated: 2010-05-16