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  C - R S   R u s y n - A m e r i c a n   A l m a n a c   2 0 0 5

    The Rusyn-American Almanac of the Carpatho-Rusyn Society for the Jubilee Year 2004-2005 is now available. The Almanac is over 200 pages long and is filled with fascinating articles

    such as:

    • Akcja Wisła - A Child Remembers
    • Vyˆsnij Ladyˆč-Hamburg-Maizeville-Frackville: 100 Years Later, A Heritage Treasured
    • The Krasnyˆj Brid Monastery: Spiritual Fortress of Western Carpatho-Rus’
    • The Rusynophile Movement Among the Galician Lemkos
    • Tinkering - Our Unique Craft
    • Porač Comes to America
    • Bereg County Rusyns Who Fought for Freedom
    • Customs and Fortunetellers Around St. George’s Day
    • Spring Songs of the Rusyns - Staryna Valley
    • The Jakubjanyˆ Gathering on St. John’s Day
    • Plants in the Folk Belief of the Rusyns of the Presov Region

    Virtually all the articles are written specifically for this publication or are translations of material that appears here in English for the first time. Authentic Rusyn ethnic recipes for holidays and every day, folk songs, legends, and poetry -- most in Rusyn with English translation -- complete this treasury of Rusyn heritage that will give you countless hours of enjoyable and informative reading pleasure.

    [ S O L D   O U T ]