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  N E W   Y O R K   C I T Y   C H A P T E R

      Fundraising Efforts of Vychodna Dolina Singers
      to Perform in Jarabina, Slovakia
      - August 25, 2007

      The members of the Vychodna Dolina Singers of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, in NYC (E. 10th Street) have been invited to sing at the 4th Annual Festival called: “Recognize and Preserve the Traditions of your Ancestors” in Jarabina, Slovakia, which is being held on Saturday, August 25, 2007

      Who is Vychodna Dolina?

      Vychodna Dolina is a dedicated group of 13 plus Rusyn singers who make their home at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in New York City.  The members are a mix of both American born and immigrants from Jarabina, Litmanova, Kamienka, and Velky Lipnik, Slovakia.  Founded in the late 1980s, Vychodna Dolina has performed throughout New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania.  Their goal is to preserve, perpetuate, and keep alive their rich Rusyn culture, which has been passed down to them by their parents and grandparents, and to share this heritage with their family, friends, and the Rusyn community in the US, as well as with their brothers and sisters in their homeland across the ocean. 

      Background Information

      In 2001, a few members of Vychodna Dolina traveled to Slovakia as pilgrims with Metropolitan Nicholas Smisko.  It was there that they heard the beautiful voices of Polana in the village of Jarabina.  At that moment, they knew that they wanted to share Polana with Rusyns in America.  By the invitation of Metropolitan Nicholas of the Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese, and the sponsorship of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in NYC,  Polana arrived in the USA in the summer of 2006.  During their three-week stay, Vychodna Dolina and Polana held a joint concert at St. Nicholas in NYC, with over 300 people in attendance.  They were inspired by their energy, dedication, and enthusiasm.  They too were inspired by Vychodna Dolina and how they have preserved their Rusyn traditions.  Before arriving in the USA, they were not aware that such groups existed here, and were very moved on how hard everyone worked at preserving and sharing their culture with others.  Polana was especially surprised to hear songs that are no longer sung in their villages, but were being sung by Vychodna Dolina.  They were also surprised at the usage of “old” Rusyn words, which have not been spoken for many years due to the Slovakization of Rusyns in Slovakia.

      A very strong bond was formed between Polana and Vychodna Dolina – a bond of mutual respect and love for their heritage, and love for one another as Rusyns.  Before leaving for Slovakia, Polana extended an invitation to Vychodna Dolina to perform at their 4th annual festival, which will be held on August 25, 2007, and they graciously accepted.  Not only will Vychodna Dolina be performing, but also some of the children from St. Nicholas Church, who will be traveling with their parents, some of which are members of Vychodna Dolina.


      The members of Vychodna Dolina are diligently trying to raise funds to cover their airfare by making pirohy and kolac during Lent, running a Flea Market, selling chocolate and having a May Dance/Majales at the church on May 12. They have also taken their Kermes Program ("Life of a Rusyn Child") on the road to various churches in the tri-state area in an effort to raise additional funds to cover the expense of the airline tickets.

      What can the C-RS Membership do to help?

      We are turning to you, the C-RS membership to help with their efforts in raising money for their airfare. This is another opportunity for the Rusyn community in the US to strengthen the bond with our brothers and sisters in the old country, and show that Rusyns in America are dedicated to preserving their culture.

      No contribution is too small or too large.  Please find it in your hearts to help this very worthy cause.  Your contribution should be made out to:

      Carpatho-Rusyn Society, and sent to the following address:

      Carpatho-Rusyn Society
      Vychodna Dolina Donation
      125 Westland Drive,
      Pittsburgh, PA 15217-2538 .

      Please note in the memo section of the check: Vychodna Dolina Donation


      Thank you all!