Carpatho-Rusyn Society
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Chapter Events




Lake Erie

National Capital, DC

New England

New Jersey

Pittsburgh, PA




"Who Are The Rusyns?"


  Sunday, November 15, 2009 2-4pm

    Holy Dormition Byzantine Franciscan Friary

 Emmaus Hall

   712 Route 93, Sybertsville, Pa, 18249


   Refreshments will be served and all are welcome.


        Please join us in the Inaugural event of the Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter
and welcome John Righetti, President of the C-RS, as he presents the
topic of "Who Are The Rusyns?". Many aspects of Rusyn history is
shrouded in myth and tales. John will take you to aspects of Rusyns 
history that is known and well established and explore areas which are
little known by the Rusyn audience. The Chapter will introduce its
organization, officers and future programs. Come and join us for a
most interesting afternoon of Rusynicana.


        For more information email: or phone 609-882-4872