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Carpatho-Rusyn Society

Eastern Penn Chapter


 Ine Svety (Other Worlds)

Sunday December 13, 2009 at 2pm

Holy Dormition Byzantine Franciscan Friary Emmaus Hall
712 Route 93
Sybertsville, Pa 18249

Refreshments will be served
All are welcome

You are cordially invited to attend a showing and discussion of
the film 'Ine Svety' (Other Worlds) at the
Holy Dormition Byzantine Franciscan Friary Emmaus Hall, 712 Route 93, Sybertsville, Pa 18249 on Sunday December 13, 2009. The focus of this contemporary documentary film is on six individuals who live in Saris County, Northeast Slovakia. 

Modernization is affecting these people differently. Some see their cherished traditions slowly eroding away while others welcome the changing world.  The viewer examines the various ways in which their unique, traditional customs and local knowledge are rapidly disappearing. 
Enjoy an interesting film filled with humor and thought provoking scenes.

Running Time: 78 minutes
Year Issued: 2006
Language: Rusyn/Slovak/Roma with English subtitles
Director: Marko Skop
Genre: Documentary
Awards: Special Mention, Karlovy Vary 2006
Audience Award, Karlovy Vary 2006
Euro Media Award, Vienna 2006


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