Carpatho-Rusyn Society
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  A u d i o

    Songs from a Rusyn Garden

    Artist: Slavjane Folk Ensemble of McKees Rock, PA
    CD Item Number: #1017
    Songbook (words only): #1028

    Description: Beautifully sung traditional Rusyn folk songs by Slavjane.


    Artist: Women's ensemble from Uzhorod
    CD Item Number: #1029

    Description: Performs traditional Rusyn folk songs, many a cappella. Includes favorites like Cervena Ruza Trojaka and many others. Incredible sound.

    A Better Way

    Artist: S-Harmony
    CD Item Number: #1032

    Description: They've combined their unique sound of traditional Rusyn folk songs with contemporary Euro-tech for an outstanding CD. Includes Prekvitaj, Cervena Ruza and many other popular favorites.

    The Reviljak Family Sings

    Artist: Reviljak Family
    CD Item Number: #1046

    Description: Well known Rusyn family of Bardejov sings new and old Rusyn favorites.

    Harmonia: Music of Eastern Europe

    Artist: Harmonia
    CD Item Number: #1048

    Description: This new CD of folk music of the Carpathians. About half is Rusyn, the rest is Slovak, Hungarian, Ukranian, Gypsy, Romanian! But it is all outstanding. Includes a booklet of words and liner notes.

    FS Javorina Torysky

    Artist: Javorina Ensemble
    CD Item Number: #1052

    Description: Real mountain singing by the spectacular folksy Javorina Ensemble of the Spis Rusyn village of Torysky.


    Artist: Julia Doszna - Lemko-Rusyn Songstress
    CD Item Number: #1054

    Description: A collection of songs created by Rusyn and other Slavic immigrants here in America about their experiences and their longing for the homeland. Haunting and very moving.

    Snami Boh

    Artist: Orjabyna Women's Choir
    Cassette Item Number: #1055C
    CD Item Number:

    Description: The Eastern Church Year's plain chant Rusyn religious hymns.

    This is the Day

    Artist: St. Nicholas Byzantine Choir, Barberton, Ohio
    CD Item Number: #1056

    Description: Seasonal chants of the Eastern Church, sung in English and Church Slavonic.

    Christmas Spiritual Hymns & Liturgy

    Artist: Presov Choir
    CD Item Number: #1057

    Description: Rusyn hymns of the Orthodox Church of the Czech lands and Slovakia.

    Orthodox Liturgy - From the Cathedral in Presov

    CD Item Number: #1058

    Description: Carpathian Chant Liturgy.


    Artist: Pol'ana, Women's group from Orjabyna
    CD Item Number: #1059

    Description: Spectacular Rusyn folk songs by this group.