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:VDE$UnreserveModule cancels a previous module reservation.



VDE$UnreserveModule context, itemlist, callback, callbackparam, flags



 VMS usage:
type:  longword integer (signed)
access:  read-write
 mechanism:  by reference

=This is the address of a longword used by VDE to reference a -context structure. This longword is optional.

GIf this argument is specified, the first call must pass in the address <of a longword zero. Once a VDE routine has been called, the @contents of the address referenced by this longword must not be modified by the caller.


 VMS usage:
type:  itemlist
access:  read only
 mechanism:  by reference

9This is the address of an array of OpenVMS itemlist data structures.


struct VDEIL3     { )    unsigned short int VDE$W_ITEMLENGTH; '    unsigned short int VDE$W_ITEMCODE;     char *VDE$A_ITEMPOINTER; '    short int *VDE$A_ITEMRETURNLENGTH;     }; 

FThe itemlist array must be terminated by a null-filled itemlist entry.

`See Table C-1 for a list of the itemlist codes.


 VMS usage:
type:  function
access:  read only
 mechanism:  by reference

BThe callback routine is called to process individual entries in a Fdisplay operation. It is passed an itemlist containing information on Geach individual entry---the itemlist passed to the callback routine is Adistinct and seperate from the itemlist passed into the original Crequest, though it does contain a pointer to the caller's original itemlist.

>An example of the declaration of the callback routine follows:


7int VDE$InterfaceTestShow( int, struct VDEIL3 *, int ) 

EThe first argument is not currently used. The second argument is the Faddress of the itemlist. The third argument is the callback parameter.

4The callback should return a successful status code.


 VMS usage:
type:  longword
access:  read only
 mechanism:  by value

BThe callback parameter is a longword value passed to the callback =routine. It is not interpreted by VDE. The interpretation of #the longword is left to the caller.


 VMS usage:
type:  longword integer (signed)
access:  read-only
 mechanism:  by value

GThis is a bitflag and all unused bits should be specified as zero. The Donly bit currently defined is VDE$V_CI_FLAG_SIGNAL: this bit causes >internal signals to generate text messages to SYS$OUTPUT: and CSYS$ERROR:. If clear---the default---no messages will be displayed.


DVDE$UnreserveModule cancels a previous reservation on the specified Dmodule. To perform the operation, the library, stream, facility and module must be specified.

5As parameters specified to VDE callback routines are F"sticky", if a required parameter is not specified, it will 4be defaulted to the value used on a preceeding call.





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Appendix D
CMS Library Uploader

9The OpenVMS Development Environment (VDE) tool VDE$UPLOAD?assist OpenVMS engineers in uploading the contents of multiple CMS libraries into VDE.

EVDE$UPLOAD requires information on environment to be created and the >CMS information to be uploaded, and the location(s) where the =VDE database is to be created. VDE$UPLOAD will then create a :new VDE database based on the specified CMS libraries. As Epart of this, specified CMS classes from the specified CMS libraries ;will form the basis of new VDE streams, the users from the ;CMS libraries will be created in the VDE database, and the 8CMS command notification ACLs will be uploaded into VDE.

=VDE$UPLOAD does not alter the CMS libraries in any way. As a Fconsequence, the manual deletion of CMS command notification ACLs may be required.

ATo use VDE$UPLOAD, you must create a control file describing the wrequested operation. See Table D-1 for the syntax, and see the attached example file.

e  0                                                                                /                                                    0                
Table D-1 VDE$UPLOAD Syntax
Library Block
  E The library block contains general information on the library, M including both descriptive and location information. The library block J begins a new library creation operation, and subsequent literal and = stream blocks apply to the VDE database created by the N immediately previous library block. Multiple creation operations can be ) accomplished in a single data file.
  < Library block delimiters. Cause the creation of a VDE G library, using the other parameters in this section of the table.
  N The mnemonic name to be associated with the new library. This name must # meet VDE naming requirements.
  L The full specification of the CMS library (libraries) to be uploaded. N This directory contains one or more CMS library subdirectories, each of G these subdirectories with a [.CMS] subdirectory containing a CMS  library.
  L The name of an OpenVMS security identifier required for access to the  created VDE libary.
  N The root directory specification for the new database. This is the area . that contains the VDE$DATABASE.RDB file.
  N The data directory specification for the new database. This is the area . that contains the VDE$DATABASE.RDA file.
  M The snapshot directory specification for the new database. This is the 3 area that contains the VDE$DATABASE.SNP file.
  L The journal directory specification for the new database. This is the 3 area that contains the VDE$DATABASE.JNL file.
  J The staging directory specification for the new database. This area 3 will contain the staging area subdirectories.
  K The building directory specification for the new database. This area 4 will contain the building area subdirectories.
Stream Block
  J The stream block contains stream-related information, including the B specific CMS classes that will be uploaded into VDE streams.
  C Stream block delimiters. Cause the creation of a VDE stream, > using the other parameters in this section of the table.
  7 The name of the new stream. Must meet VDE naming L requirements. Must also match the name of a CMS class that is present % in the specified CMS libraries.
  L Indicates the stream is (TRUE) or is not (FALSE) a member of the main * line of descent in the VDE database.
  M The name of the parent of the new stream, or MAIN for the first stream  in the database.
  J The name of a successor stream, a comma-seperated list of successor M streams, or the keyword NONE if there are no successors to this stream.
  A The name of the notes conference used internally by VDE to < track all activity for this stream. This conference isC not the SCT (Source Code Tracking) notes conference.
Literal Block
  = The literal block contains VDE commands that are to be C directly executed as part of the database creation operation.
  L Literal block delimiters. This block causes the procedure to emit the ? specified VDE commands that were specified in this block ? after the creation of the VDE library and the associated L streams. Most often used to update replacement policy and pre-created ( users and user privilege profiles.


BEGIN STREAM NAME V6.2_SSB MAINLINE TRUE PARENT V6.1_SSB SUCCESSORS NONE CONFERENCE V62-YELLOW END STREAM  BEGIN LITERAL XCREATE USER SYSTEM    /NAME="System Manager"/DEF_P=ALL/AUTH_P=ALL/REMARK="System Deity" WModify Stream V6.1_SSB/replacement=immediate/notify=marshall /Remark="VAX V6.1 Stream" WModify Stream V6.2_SSB/replacement=immediate/notify=marshall /Remark="VAX V6.2 Stream" END LITERAL ! ! End VDE$UPLOAD.DAT ! 


Appendix E
Error Messages

CThis appendix describes the error messages that can be reported by VDE.

EABKEYW, ambiguous qualifier or keyword 'text' - supply more characters

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: VDE cannot complete the command because <'text' is ambiguous in the context of this command.
6ABTBADST, VDE may be in an inconsistent internal state

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The user has typed 3 or more CTRL/Cs. VDE >normally responds to a CTRL/C by continuing execution until a Bconsistent internal state is achieved and then aborts the current Dcommand. However, if VDE is in an infinite loop and does not detect Cthis "consistent" state, it will abort anyway after the 3rd CTRL/C.
EUser Action: Leave and enter VDE again to make sure !the internal state is consistent.
&ABTCNTLC, command aborted by Control-C

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: The current VDE command has been aborted Fdue to a control C issued by the user. VDE will attempt to gracefully recover.
CUser Action: Issue another command to VDE. It has *gracefully to a consistent internal state.
7ADATETIME, accepted.checkin.datetime: datetime

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
8AERRORS, accepted.checkin.defectsfixed: defects

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
.AGROUP, accepted.checkin.group: group

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
+AITEM, accepted.checkin.item: item

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
2AMODULE, accepted.checkin.module: modname

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
;ANOTE, accepted.checkin.note: topic.reply

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
CARCHADDED, architecture architecture added to the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Findicated architecture definition has been added to the VDE database. CThis message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE ARCHITECTURE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
EARCHDEL, architecture architecture deleted from the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hdefinition for the indicated architecture has been deleted from the VDE Fdatabase. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier #on the DELETE ARCHITECTURE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
AARCHEXISTS, architecture architecture already exists in database; not changed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: The indicated architecture name was Bspecified on a CREATE ARCHITECTURE command, but an entry for that Garchitecture is already present in the database. Hence a new entry was Enot created for that architecture. Alternatively, the indicated name Bwas specified as the new name for an existing architecture on the FMODIFY ARCHITECTURE command, but another architecture already has the Frequested new name. Hence the name of the existing architecture could not be changed to the new name.
DUser Action: If you entered the wrong architecture Dname, reenter the command with the correct name. If you entered the Fright architecture name, use the SHOW ARCHITECTURE command to display ?the database information for that architecture. If you are not Hsatisfied with that information, use the MODIFY ARCHITECTURE command to change it.
HARCHMOD, information for architecture architecture modified in the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that information Ffor the indicated architecture has been modified in the VDE database. CThis message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY ARCHITECTURE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
:ARCHNOTDEL, architecture architecture not deleted

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
>Explanation: You are attempting to delete an Farchitecture that cannot be deleted. Additional messages are normally @included with this message, and these messages indicate why the architecture cannot be deleted.
DUser Action: Resolve the problem(s) flagged by the Bother error messages, and reenter the DELETE ARCHITECTURE command.
HARCHNOTFOUND, architecture architecture not found in database; parameter ignored

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: The indicated architecture name was Eentered on a SHOW ARCHITECTURE command, but no such architecture was found in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Hmessage simply tells you that the indicated architecture does not exist in the database.
;ARCHSYNTAX, invalid architecture name syntax: name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: The name or format specified for the ,architecture name is not using valid syntax.
DUser Action: Respecify the architecture name using Aonly alphanumeric, underscore, dollar sign and hyphen characters.
5AREASON, accepted.checkin.reasonmask: reason

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
8AREPLID, accepted.checkin.replacementid: replid

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
7AREPLNAME, accepted.checkin.replname: replname

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
8ARMPBCMSDIR, accepted.module.cmslibrary: cmsdir

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
1ARMPBCOUNT, accepted.module.count: count

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
;ARMPBGENNEW, accepted.module.newgeneration: newgen

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
;ARMPBGENOLD, accepted.module.oldgeneration: oldgen

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
9ARMPBMODFLAG, accepted.module.modflags: modflags

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
7ARMPBMODNAME, accepted.module.modname: modname

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
FARMPBREPLREMARK, accepted.module.replaceremark: replaceremark

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
EARMPBRESREMARK, accepted.module.reserveremark: reserveremark

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
7ARMPBSTAGING, accepted.module.staging: staging

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error 5message. ! :=,=:=,=:=,=:=,=:=,= :=,=:=,=:=,=:=,=:=,= :=,=:=,=:=,=:=,=:=,=
1ASTREAM, accepted.checkin.stream: stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
@ATTACHED, terminal now attached to process process-name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: The SPAWN command issues this message $before attaching to the new process.
1ATYPCOD, accepted.checkin.typecode: type

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
1ATYPNAM, accepted.checkin.typename: type

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
7AUSERNAME, accepted.checkin.username: username

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error 5message. ! :=,=:=,=:=,=:=,=:=,= :=,=:=,=:=,=:=,=:=,= :=,=:=,=:=,=:=,=:=,=
>BADASSUMPTION, bad assumption, name, value, value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: VDE has detected an inconsistency in its internal memory pool.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for Aassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or $relevent in duplicating the problem.
&BADCHAR, illegal character encountered

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: An unanticipated character was found on Gthe command line. This character may be found to have meaning in other 4syntaxes; however, it lacks meaning in this context.
CUser Action: Verify the appropriate syntax of the specific command.
5BADFILNAM, illegal file specification 'text'

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The provided file name does not follow ,standard VMS file specification conventions.
$BADIMAFLA, bad image flavor detected

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: VDE has detected an inconsistent image flavor setting.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for Aassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or $relevent in duplicating the problem.
DBADMARKER, bad marker file format for generation generation

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: The CMS element for a module should Gcontain a marker file that points to the actual source module, but the Cindicated generation of the module does not contain a valid marker Cfile. This error is also seen when /OUTPUT=NLA0: is specified on a 5FETCH or RESERVE of a module that uses a marker file.
EUser Action: Examine the text of the CMS generation Husing CMS directly to determine what is wrong. If the module should not Cuse marker files, change its marker-file attribute with the MODIFY GMODULE command. If it should use marker files, determine what is wrong @with the CMS element and repair it with CMS so it points to the Bappropriate actual source module. If /OUTPUT=NLA0: was specified, ;respecify the command with a non-null device and directory.
:BADQUESTAT, bad status for batch queue queue-name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: A batch queue to which you are attempting Ato submit a build job is not available. The reason why it is not >available is given by a second message following this message.
HUser Action: This is an informational message only. If Fyou need the displayed batch queue for your build job, stop the build <job and resubmit it later when the queue is available again.

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The directory specification associated @with the SYS$SCRATCH logical name is not syntactically correct. *Associated with the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.
GUser Action: Reenter the VDE command after redefining /SYS$SCRATCH to a valid directory specification.
9BADSTATUS, bad status returned from routine-name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: VDE got an unexpected error status from a Csystem service or RTL routine routine-name that it called.
HUser Action: Examine the associated error messages and Ddetermine if the problem can be remedied through changes to process Hquotas or to SYSGEN parameters, or due to a site-specific configuration ,problem. Contact VDE support for assistance.
8BADVMSVERS, unable to interpret OpenVMS version string: VMS-version

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
AExplanation: VDE is unable to determine OpenVMS Cversion information from the version string returned either from a BSYS$GETSYI service call or from a translation of the logical name ?VDE$VMS_VERSION. This may indicate you are running an internal "baselevel of the operating system.
FUser Action: Define the logical name VDE$VMS_VERSION Fto a valid OpenVMS version string value. This will override the value returned by SYS$GETSYI.
CBINSRCMOD, binary source modules cannot be displayed or differenced

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: You have entered a SHOW or EDIT command Hto display a binary (non-text) source module or the differences between Ftwo generations of a binary source module. These commands do not work on binary modules.
EUser Action: Do not use the SHOW or EDIT command on binary source modules.
!BITRANGE, bit range out of limits

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GBLDALRSTART, build job job for stream stream already *started; build job cannot be started again

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: You are attempting to start a build job Hthat cannot be started because it has already been started. A build job Bcan only be started if it is not queued for execution or if it is Esuspended. As a result, the specified build job could not be started.
HUser Action: This is an informational message. No user action is required.
BBLDALRSTOP, build job job for stream stream has 2already stopped; build job cannot be stopped again

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: You are attempting to stop a build job Bthat has already been stopped or that has already completed. As a +result, the build job could not be stopped.
HUser Action: This is an informational message. No user action is required.
6BLDINIFAIL, build initialization completed with errors

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: The build initialization for a build job For a compile or link operation completed with one or more errors. The FDCL commands that failed were generated from the build initialization *script for the default development stream.
BUser Action: Correct the errors and resubmit the compilation or build job.
HBLDJOBACT, build job already active for stream stream; new job not created

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: You have tried to create a new build job Gwith the BUILD command when another build job for the same development Fstream is already active. A build job is "active" unless it Ghas completed execution or has been stopped. You cannot have more than Done active build job for the same stream at any one time since that Fcould cause two build jobs to write to the same result directories at the same time.
DUser Action: Allow the first build job to complete @before you create the next one. Alternatively, you can stop the Gprevious build job with the STOP BUILD_JOB command and then create the new build job.
8BLDJOBAFTER, build job to be started after time

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: The build job you are starting will ;actually start executing after the indicated date and time.
HUser Action: This is an informational message only. If Hyou do not want the job started after the shown time, stop the job with Fthe STOP BUILD_JOB command and restart it with a different time using the START BUILD_JOB command.
FBLDJOBCRE, build job job for stream stream has been created

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Aindicated build job has been created in the VDE database for the Gindicated development stream. This message is only issued when you use (the /LOG qualifier on the BUILD command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
EBLDJOBDEL, build job job for stream stream deleted from database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Aindicated build job has been deleted from the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE BUILD_JOB command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
HBLDJOBENT, entry number entry submitted to queue queue

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: A process has successfully been submitted Gto the indicated batch queue. It received the queue entry number shown in the message.
HUser Action: This is an informational message. No user action is required.
HBLDJOBERR, error queuing build job on queue queue; process not queued

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: An error occurred when attempting to Fqueue a process on the indicated batch queue on behalf of a build job Eyou are starting. The message that follows gives more information on Hthe reason for the error. In this case, no more processes are submitted @to the indicated queue. Your build job will thus run with fewer processes than your requested.
HUser Action: This is an informational message only. If Fyou need the displayed batch queue for your build job, stop the build Hjob, correct the error, and resubmit the build job later when the queue is available again.
FBLDJOBMOD, build job job for stream stream modified in database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that information Hfor the indicated build job has been modified in the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY BUILD_JOB command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
FBLDJOBSIZ, build job job for stream stream consists of steps steps

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: This message tells you how many build Hsteps there are in the indicated build job. This message is only issued Hwhen you use the /LOG qualifier on the BUILD or START BUILD_JOB command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
ABLDJOBSTARTED, build job job for stream stream )started with processes processes

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The build job with the shown build-job ?identification number for the indicated development stream has Bsuccessfully been started. The message shows the actual number of 3parallel processes that will execute the build job.
HUser Action: This is an informational message. No user action is required.
;BLDJOBSTARTING, starting build job job for stream stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The build job with the shown build-job Gidentification number for the indicated development stream is about to Fbe started. This message comes out before the processes that will run Gthe build job are submitted to batch queues. Its purpose is to let you &know which build job is being started.
HUser Action: This is an informational message. No user action is required.
EBLDJOBSTOP, build job job for stream stream stopped

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The indicated build job has been stopped. HThis message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the STOP BUILD_JOB command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
GBLDJOBSUSP, build job job for stream stream suspended

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
?Explanation: The indicated build job has been Asuspended. A suspended build job can be restarted with the START EBUILD_JOB command. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG +qualifier on the SUSPEND BUILD_JOB command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
DBLDNOTRUN, build job job for stream stream is not 0queued or running; build job cannot be suspended

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: You are attempting to suspend a build job Hthat is not currently queued for execution or running. As a result, the !build job could not be suspended.
HUser Action: This is an informational message. No user action is required.
HBLDSTEPNEED, build step needed to make inputs up-to-date: step step

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: The indicated build step needs to be Gperformed to make all input modules up-to-date for the compile or link Hoperation you have requested. This situation can occur if, for example, Dyou have modified a source module without compiling it (so that the Bcorresponding object module is no longer up-to-date) and you then Frequest a link that includes the old, non-current object module. This His an informational message to alert you that your compile or link will Hnot produce fully up-to-date outputs, but the requested compile or link )will still be performed as you requested.
GUser Action: If the outputs of the compile or link do Fnot need to be up-to-date, no action is necessary. Otherwise, you can Guse COMPILE, LINK, or BUILD commands to perform the build steps needed Hto make all inputs to the original compile or link operation up-to-date Fwith respect to all source changes. You can then repeat that original operation.
EBLDSTEPNOTSHO, steps additional needed build steps not shown

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: If more than 30 build steps are needed to Gmake the inputs to a requested compile or link up-to-date, BLDSTEPNEED Fmessages are only printed for the first 30 such build steps. Then the GBLDSTEPNOTSHO message is printed to indicate how many additional build Dsteps are needed, but those build steps are not listed individually.
GUser Action: If the outputs of the compile or link do Fnot need to be up-to-date, no action is necessary. Otherwise, you can Guse COMPILE, LINK, or BUILD commands to perform the build steps needed Hto make all inputs to the original compile or link operation up-to-date Fwith respect to all source changes. You can then repeat that original operation.
CCMSBADGEN, bad CMS generation generation found for module "module possible CMS error

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
?Explanation: The indicated bad CMS generation Gexpression was found in an existing CMS library; the cause is probably Dan error in CMS. The affected generation is not recorded in the VDE database.
HUser Action: Examine the CMS library and consult a CMS expert.
HCMSCLASSEXIST, CMS class class already exists for CMS facility facility

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: The indicated CMS class was found to Ealready exist in the indicated CMS facility, so we do not attempt to create it.
#User Action: None.
ACMSCRECLASS, CMS error when creating CMS class class in facility facility

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Ean error status when creating a CMS class in the indicated facility. HThe subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.
EUser Action: If the problem appears to be due to an ,internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
;CMSCREELEM, CMS error when creating CMS element for module module

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Gan error status when creating the CMS element (the delta-file) for the Findicated module. The subsequent print line shows what specific error Astatus CMS returned. This error should not occur unless you have Dinsufficient privileges to access the VDE library or the file to be Hadded to that library, or unless you have run out of some resource such as disk space.
CUser Action: If the error is caused by not having Csufficient privileges or resources to perform the action, you must Ccorrect the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem Dappears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
<CMSCRELIB, CMS error when creating CMS library for facility facility

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned @an error status when creating the CMS library for the indicated Efacility. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status GCMS returned. This error should not occur unless you have insufficient Hprivileges to access the VDE library or unless you have run out of some resource such as disk space.
CUser Action: If the error is caused by not having Csufficient privileges or resources to perform the action, you must Ccorrect the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem Dappears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
<CMSDELELEM, CMS error when deleting element element

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Fan error status when deleting the indicated module's CMS element. The Esubsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned. GThis error should not occur unless you have insufficient privileges to Caccess the VDE library or unless you have run out of some resource.
CUser Action: If the error is caused by not having Csufficient privileges or resources to perform the action, you must Ccorrect the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem Dappears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
BCMSDELGEN, CMS error when deleting generation generation (generation)

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Can error status when deleting the indicated module generation. The Esubsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned. GThis error should not occur unless you have insufficient privileges to Haccess the VDE library or unless you have run out of some resource such as disk space.
CUser Action: If the error is caused by not having Csufficient privileges or resources to perform the action, you must Ccorrect the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem Dappears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
BCMSDUPGEN, duplicate CMS generation generation found for )module module possible CMS error

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The indicated CMS generation was found Hmore than once for the same CMS element; the cause is probably an error Din CMS. The affected generation is not recorded in the VDE database.
HUser Action: Examine the CMS library and consult a CMS expert.
HCMSFETCH, CMS error when fetching CMS element for module module

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Han error status when fetching the CMS element for the indicated module. ?The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS Creturned. This error should not occur unless you have insufficient Hprivileges to access the VDE library or unless you have run out of some resource such as disk space.
CUser Action: If the error is caused by not having Csufficient privileges or resources to perform the action, you must Ccorrect the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem Dappears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
ACMSINSGEN, CMS error inserting generation generation of 2element element into class class

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Aan error status when inserting a CMS element generation into the Eindicated class. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.
EUser Action: If the problem appears to be due to an ,internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
BCMSLIBEMPTY, the CMS library library contains no elements

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: Since the CMS library specified with the 8/CMS_LIBRARY qualifier is empty, no modules are created.
#User Action: None.
BCMSMODCLASS, CMS error modifying the class name class to ,class in facility facility

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Aan error status when modifying a CMS class name in the indicated Efacility. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.
EUser Action: If the problem appears to be due to an ,internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
ACMSNOCLASS, CMS class class does not exist for facility 1facility Unable to modify CMS class name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The indicated CMS class does not exist in >the indicated facility, so we are not able to modify its name.
#User Action: None.
BCMSREMGEN, CMS error removing element element from class class

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned @an error status when removing a CMS element generation from the Eindicated class. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.
EUser Action: If the problem appears to be due to an ,internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
<CMSREPLACE, CMS error when replacing CMS element for module module

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Aan error status when replacing the CMS element for the indicated Gmodule. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS Creturned. This error should not occur unless you have insufficient Hprivileges to access the VDE library or unless you have run out of some resource such as disk space.
CUser Action: If the error is caused by not having Csufficient privileges or resources to perform the action, you must Ccorrect the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem Dappears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
<CMSRESERVE, CMS error when reserving CMS element for module module

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Aan error status when reserving the CMS element for the indicated Gmodule. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS Creturned. This error should not occur unless you have insufficient Hprivileges to access the VDE library or unless you have run out of some resource such as disk space.
CUser Action: If the error is caused by not having Csufficient privileges or resources to perform the action, you must Ccorrect the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem Dappears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
;CMSSETLIB, CMS error when setting CMS library for facility facility

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Gan error status when making the CMS library for the indicated facility Gthe current CMS library. The subsequent print line shows what specific Gerror status CMS returned. This error should not occur unless you have 2insufficient privileges to access the VDE library.
CUser Action: If the error is caused by not having Bsufficient privileges to perform the action, you must correct the Edeficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem appears to be 6due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
ACMSSHOWCLASS, CMS error when retrieving CMS class information in library library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Han error status when retrieving CMS class information for the indicated HCMS library. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.
EUser Action: If the problem appears to be due to an ,internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
CCMSSHOWDESGEN, CMS error when retrieving CMS generation of element element

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Can error status when retrieving CMS generation information for the Eindicated CMS element. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.
EUser Action: If the problem appears to be due to an ,internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
>CMSSHOWELEM, CMS error when retrieving CMS element in library library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned @an error status when retrieving CMS element information for the Eindicated CMS library. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.
EUser Action: If the problem appears to be due to an ,internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
>CMSSHOWHIST, CMS error when retrieving CMS history in library library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned @an error status when retrieving CMS history information for the Eindicated CMS library. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.
EUser Action: If the problem appears to be due to an ,internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
BCMSSHOWRES, CMS error when retrieving CMS reservations in library library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned Dan error status when retrieving CMS reservation information for the Eindicated CMS library. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.
EUser Action: If the problem appears to be due to an ,internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
=CMSSTART, starting retrieval of CMS information for facility facility

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: VDE is starting to retrieve module, Egeneration, and reservation information from the exiting CMS library Dfor the indicated facility. After this information is retrieved, it %will be included in the VDE database.
#User Action: None.
@CMSVARLET, all CMS variant letters in use; none left for module module

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: All CMS variant letters up to "Z" are Calready in use for the indicated module. Hence the current REPLACE operation cannot be performed.
FUser Action: Submit a problem report. This is a very Eunlikely situation, but there is no known workaround. Additional VDE (code is needed to handle this situation.
BCMSVERGEN, CMS error reading class membership list when verifying .generation generation (spec)

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned ?an error status when reading the class membership list for the Bindicated module generation. The subsequent print line shows what Gspecific error status CMS returned. This error should not occur unless Eyou have insufficient privileges to access the VDE library or unless 5you have run out of some resource such as disk space.
CUser Action: If the error is caused by not having Csufficient privileges or resources to perform the action, you must Ccorrect the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem Dappears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report.
!COMMAND, command command

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
>Explanation: This message informs you of the Cparticular command that was (or was not) executed. This message is ?normally associated with other messages or errors of some sort.
DUser Action: If unable to resolve the basic error, >please contact VDE support for assistance. Please include any Finformation that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem.
7COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: The database transaction associated with Gthe current command has successfully committed, thus ensuring that all .changes have been written to the VDE database.
,User Action: Feel relieved.
6COMNOTDEF, command "command-text" not defined

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: DELETE/COMMAND issues this message when 2the command you request to delete was not defined.
EUser Action: Use SHOW SYMBOL/DEFINED to display all defined commands.
>COMPFAIL, compilation of module completed with errors

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The compile step for the indicated module Bcompleted with one or more errors. The compiler's output (on your Gterminal or in the step's log file) gives more detail on the errors it detected.
BUser Action: Correct the errors and resubmit the compilation or build job.
?COMPSUCC, compilation of module completed successfully

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The compilation of the indicated module completed successfully.
#User Action: None.
@COMSTEPADDED, compile step for module added to database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated compile step has been added to the VDE database. This message Bis only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
ACOMSTEPDEL, compile step for module module deleted from database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that the compile Fstep for the indicated module has been deleted from the VDE database. EThis means that all build dependency information for that build step Dhas been deleted. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG %qualifier on the DELETE STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
HCOMSTEPMOD, compile step for module module modified in database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message informs you that build Hdependency information for the indicated compile step has been modified Gin the VDE database. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG %qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
@COMTERMEOF, command terminated by CTRL/Z or end-of-file on input

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The current command has been terminated Hbecause the user entered a CTRL/Z in response to a query for additional =information needed to execute the command. Alternatively, an Cend-of-file may have been encountered in the current input file in Fresponse to such a query. This error can also appear if an attempt is =made to use DCL command procedure with a VDE kept subprocess.
<User Action: Not an error since a user may Fintentionally terminate commands in this way. To execute the original Ecommand, reenter the command and supply all required information. If Husing a DCL command procedure to issue VDE commands, disable the use of >the VDE kept subprocess, or switch to a VDE command procedure.
:CONCURRES, concurrent reservation reservation of 5module by user user already present

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: You are reserving a module which is Galready reserved by another user (possibly yourself). That reservation allows concurrent reservations.
EUser Action: This is an informational message which Eappears when you are creating a concurrent reservation. This message Einforms you of each already existing reservation for the same module 'that covers at least one common stream.
*CONFACC, unable to access notes conference

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: Check the notes conference for general Gaccessability, and---if conference membership is needed---determine if Byou are a member of the conference from the node on which you are running VDE.
>User Action: See the accompanying message(s).
9CONFLICT, conflicting qualifers and/or keywords specified

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: This message is issued when VDE detects ?conflicting qualifiers and/or keywords within the same command.
GUser Action: Verify the intention of your command and Fsee if the use of a specific qualifier or keyword may exclude the use Mof one of the other qualifiers and/or keywords. See VDE Reference Manual for #assistance with the command syntax.
;CONFMEM, check conference file accessability and membership

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: Check the notes conference for general Gaccessability, and---if conference membership is needed---determine if Byou are a member of the conference from the node on which you are running VDE.
>User Action: See the accompanying message(s).
+CONFNAM, conference file name name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This is the name of the notes conference.
>User Action: See the accompanying message(s).
ACONKEYATR, conflicting key attributes key-attribute and key-attribute

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The recently issued DEFINE KEY command <has conflicting qualifiers such as /NOSTATE and /LOCK_STATE.
BUser Action: Determine correct applicability and reissue the command.
8CONQUAL, conflicting qualifiers /qualifier and /qualifier

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
AExplanation: The above mentioned qualifiers are mutually exclusive.
GUser Action: Verify the intention of your command and Gsee if the use of a specific qualifier may mutually exclude the use of other qualifiers.
:CONRESDEL, concurrent reservation reservation of 7module for user user has been deleted

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated concurrent reservation has been deleted from the VDE database %because you replaced the same module.
HUser Action: None. The affected users will be informed Dthat their reservations are deleted. They should reserve the module !again and merge in their changes.
CONTINUE, attempting to continue

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
?Explanation: One or more quotas are below the 9recommended values for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.
DUser Action: Contact system management and request Gthat the quotas associated with the current process be compared to the $values recommended for use with VDE.
;COPSTEPADDED, copy step for step added to database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated copy step has been added to the VDE database. This message is Gonly issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
FCOPSTEPDEL, copy step for module module deleted from database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: This message informs you that the copy Fstep for the indicated module has been deleted from the VDE database. EThis means that all build dependency information for that build step Dhas been deleted. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG %qualifier on the DELETE STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
ECOPSTEPMOD, copy step for module module modified in database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message informs you that build Hdependency information for the indicated copy step has been modified in Dthe VDE database. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG %qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
7COPYFAIL, copy of module completed with errors

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The copy step for the indicated module Gcompleted with one or more errors. The step's output (on your terminal Gor in the step's log file) gives more detail on the errors it detected.
GUser Action: Correct the errors and resubmit the copy step or build job.
8COPYSUCC, copy of module completed successfully

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The copy step for the indicated module completed successfully.
#User Action: None.
"CREDIRFAI, create directory failed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
AExplanation: A directory specification on a VDE Hcommand is not syntactically correct. This message is also printed if a Elogical name (such as VDE$LIBRARY) that is supposed to be bound to a @directory specification is not bound to a syntactically correct directory specification.
CUser Action: Reenter the VDE command with a valid Ddirectory specification or define the logical name to be bound to a valid directory specification.
8CRELNMFAI, failed to define logical name lnmdsc

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
>Explanation: This message informs you of the Gparticular logical name creation that failed. This message is normally 6associated with other messages or errors of some sort.
DUser Action: If unable to resolve the basic error, >please contact VDE support for assistance. Please include any Finformation that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem.
8CTXADDED, context context added to the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Findicated context definition has been added to the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE CONTEXT command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
:CTXDEL, context context deleted from the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Cdefinition for the indicated context has been deleted from the VDE Fdatabase. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE CONTEXT command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
>CTXDELARCH, context ## contains deleted architecture architecture

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: You have attempted to set the indicated Hcontext, but the default architecture specified by the context has been 0deleted. As a result, the context cannot be set.
CUser Action: Redefine the context to reference an Aarchitecture that has not been deleted. Then reissue the command.
>CTXDELFAC, context context contains deleted facility facility

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: You have attempted to set the indicated Dcontext, but the default facility specified by the context has been 0deleted. As a result, the context cannot be set.
BUser Action: Redefine the context to reference a =facility that has not been deleted. Then reissue the command.
=CTXDELSTRM, context context contains deleted stream context

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: You have attempted to set the indicated Bcontext, but the default stream specified by the context has been 0deleted. As a result, the context cannot be set.
BUser Action: Redefine the context to reference a ;stream that has not been deleted. Then reissue the command.
HCTXEXISTS, context context already exists in database; context not changed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: The indicated context name was specified Fon a CREATE CONTEXT command, but an entry for that context is already Dpresent in the database. Hence a new entry was not created for that Dcontext. Alternatively, the indicated name was specified as the new Hname for an existing context on the MODIFY CONTEXT command, but another Bcontext already has the requested new name. Hence the name of the 6existing context could not be changed to the new name.
EUser Action: If you entered the wrong context name, Dreenter the command with the correct name. If you entered the right Ccontext name, use the SHOW CONTEXT command to display the database Ainformation for that context. If you are not satisfied with that 9information, use the MODIFY CONTEXT command to change it.
ACTXMOD, information for context context modified in the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that information Ffor the indicated context has been modified in the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY CONTEXT command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
GCTXNOTFOUND, context context not found in database; parameter ignored

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The indicated context name was entered on Aa SHOW CONTEXT command, but no such context was found in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Fmessage simply tells you that the indicated context does not exist in the database.
5CTXSYNTAX, invalid context name syntax: name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: The name or format specified for the 'context name is not using valid syntax.
DUser Action: Respecify the context name using only <alphanumeric, underscore, dollar sign and hyphen characters.
'CULPRIT, reserved by user user

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: the module is reserved by the specified Duser. The reservation was requested in the current stream, or in an ancestor of the current stream.
HUser Action: This message is informational, and should +accompany one or more other error messages.
@DATETOOLONG, date-time value is too long; maximum length is 24: date...

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: A date-time value entered as a command Fparameter is too long because it exceeds the maximum length indicated in the message.
AUser Action: Reissue the command with a shorter date-time value.
:DBCNV, converting database format from oldver to newver

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to display the *status of a database conversion operation.
4User Action: No action is required.
0DBCREATED, database db has been created

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message indicates that a new library Hdatabase, and associated database files, directories, and CMS libraries has been created.
,User Action: None required.
&DBFMT, database format is ver

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to display the Fcurrent version of a database, or the status of a database conversion operation.
4User Action: No action is required.
;DBGCMSGEN, at codept, letflg bool, item1 !itm1, item2 did

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: This message displays various internal Hprocess-related values used within VDE. This message should appear only Gduring VDE testing, and should be displayed only by debugging versions of VDE.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 5the version of VDE in use contains debug-only images.
4DBGCMSTXT, at codept, expected gen

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: This message displays various internal Hprocess-related values used within VDE. This message should appear only Gduring VDE testing, and should be displayed only by debugging versions of VDE.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 5the version of VDE in use contains debug-only images.
;DBGDB, debugging database: param1, param2

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: This message is used during development Gand displays where the behaviour of a debugging or prototype VDE image ?database operation differs from that of a production VDE image.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
;DBGLNMBAT, debug logical name VDE$BATCH_MODE: mode

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: This message indicates the batch mode Hsetting of VDE, and should appear only during VDE testing. This message Eis displayed only by debug versions of VDE, and this logical name is "translated only by debug versions.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 5the version of VDE in use contains debug-only images.
:DBGLNMDAT, debug logical name VDE$DATE_TIME: mode

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: This message indicates the date-time Hsetting of VDE, and should appear only during VDE testing. This message Eis displayed only by debug versions of VDE, and this logical name is "translated only by debug versions.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 5the version of VDE in use contains debug-only images.
9DBGLNMUSR, debug logical name VDE$USERNAME: mode

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message indicates the username Hsetting of VDE, and should appear only during VDE testing. This message Eis displayed only by debug versions of VDE, and this logical name is "translated only by debug versions.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 5the version of VDE in use contains debug-only images.
2DBGNOLNM, unable to translate logicalname

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: VDE was unable to translate a mandatory logical name.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Cthe version of VDE running contains debug-only images. Correct the Berror in the date-time logical name value and reissue the command.
>DBGQUALMSK, qualifier mask qualmsk1 qualmsk2

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This message displays the contents of an *internal bitmask during program execution.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 4the version of VDE in use contains debugging images.
2DBGWAYPT, debug waypoint waypoint reached

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message displays a waypoint, and the @associated waypoint value, encountered during program execution.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 4the version of VDE in use contains debugging images.
=DBGXLAC, debug waypoint reached; text: text

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message displays a waypoint, and the @associated waypoint value, encountered during program execution.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 4the version of VDE in use contains debugging images.
?DBGXLXL, debug waypoint reached; value: value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message displays a waypoint, and the @associated waypoint value, encountered during program execution.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 4the version of VDE in use contains debugging images.
CDCLBUFOVFL, DCL command line being generated is too long for buffer

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
AExplanation: Some command which generates a DCL Dcommand file to perform part of its actions generated a DCL command Hline that is too long for its buffer; this normally means that the line Bis excessively long since the buffer size is ample for normal use.
GUser Action: Change the command line specification in the script for it.
CDCLERROR, error status returned by spawned DCL DCL command

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: VDE has run a DCL command in a spawned Hsubprocess and that command has returned an error status. The command's 1status is displayed by the following status line.
BUser Action: Determine the cause of the problem, &correct it, and retry the VDE command.
?DCLTRUNC, DCL command line from script truncated; line too long

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: A script has generated a DCL command line Hthat is too long and has been truncated. Since the editing buffer is of Gample size for normal use, the script tried to generate an excessively long DCL command line.
GUser Action: Correct the script to generate a shorter DCL command line.
DDEFARCH, architecture architecture not deleted; you cannot delete default architecture

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Eindicated architecture, namely the current default architecture, has Fnot been deleted from the database. You are not allowed to delete the Fdefault architecture. This prohibition prevents you from accidentally ?deleting all architectures, especially when using a wildcarded Darchitecture name specification. There is thus no way to delete all :architectures from the database. (If you could delete all Carchitectures, the library would become useless since it could not contain any modules.)
<User Action: If you want to delete a given Aarchitecture from the database, set your default architecture to Banother architecture that you want to keep. Then issue the DELETE ARCHITECTURE command.
BDEFKEY, state-name key key-name has been defined

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: Issued by DEFINE/KEY to inform the user 0that the specific key definition has been bound.
GUser Action: If you did not wish to see this message, &issue /NOLOG with your DEFINE command.
CDEFKEYERR, error defining state-name key key-name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
AExplanation: VDE uses the SMG screen management Gfacilities for the purpose of managing key bindings. In this instance, 2the call to SMG$ADD_KEY_DEF returned a bad status.
EUser Action: First, try to interpret the reason for Gthe SMG error. If it can be understood, then try to see if you may fix Ait locally. Otherwise, please contact VDE support for assistance.
BDELKEY, state-name key key-name has been deleted

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: Issued by DELETE/KEY to inform the user 2that the specific key definition has been deleted.
FUser Action: If you do not wish to see this message, &issue /NOLOG with your DELETE command.
1DELKEYERR, error in processing DELETE/KEY command

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
=Explanation: VDE uses the screen management Cfacilities, SMG, for the purpose of managing key bindings. In this Ginstance, a call to either SMG$LIST_KEY_DEFS or SMG$DELETE_KEY_DEF has returned a bad status.
EUser Action: First, try to interpret the reason for Gthe SMG error. If it can be understood, then try to see if you may fix Ait locally. Otherwise, please contact VDE support for assistance.
?DEPNOTUPDATE, dependency information not updated for build step

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The dependency information for the most Grecent build step has not been updated in the VDE database because the Gbuild step did not automatically collect dependency information. Hence Bthe existing dependency information is kept without change in the database.
#User Action: None.
8DEPUPDATE, dependency information updated for build step

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The dependency information for the most @recent build step has been updated in the VDE database based on Adependency data collected during the execution of the build step.
#User Action: None.
3DEVOSYNCH, executing synch command: dclcmd

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message displays the synchronization Ecommand being spawned by VDE. This message should appear only during GVDE testing, and should be displayed only by debugging versions of VDE.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 5the version of VDE in use contains debug-only images.
EDIRADDED, directory specification spec added to the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Findicated directory specification has been added to the VDE database. GThis message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the SET DIRECTORY command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
9DIRCREATED, directory directory has been created

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated directory has just been created as your VDE scratch directory.
@User Action: Check the newly created directory Fspecification and delete the directory if you do not wish to keep it. BTo change the default VDE scratch directory specification, define VDE$SCRATCH.
CDIRDEL, directory specification spec deleted from database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated stream root or facility root directory specification has been Hdeleted from the VDE database. This message is only issued when you use 3the /LOG qualifier on the CANCEL DIRECTORY command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
+DIREXPBAD, directory filename expansion bad

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
=Explanation: internal state information for VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.
GUser Action: Correct the cause of the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.
.DIREXPFAI, directory filename expansion failed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
=Explanation: internal state information for VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.
GUser Action: Correct the cause of the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.
/DIRFILFAI, directory filename conversion failed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
=Explanation: internal state information for VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.
GUser Action: Correct the cause of the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.
@DIRFILNOTDEL, unable to delete directory file directory

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Bindicated directory file was not deleted for some reason, such as insufficient privileges.
HUser Action: Use DCL commands to check the security on Dthe directory file, and take the appropriate action to delete it if possible.
HDIRNOTFOUDCL, directory location not found for script's DCL command file

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: The subdirectory in the VDE library that @should be used for the DCL command file that the current script Dgenerates is not found in the database. This message indicates that Hsome required subdirectory is not present in the directory tree for the current development stream.
GUser Action: Create the directory tree or correct the Hdirectory structure for the current stream or stream and facility. Then ,reissue the command that invokes the script.
BDIRNOTFOULOG, directory location not found for build-step log file

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: The subdirectory in the VDE library that Hshould be used for the log file for the current build step is not found Hin the database. This message indicates that some required subdirectory His not present in the directory tree for the current development stream.
GUser Action: Create the directory tree or correct the Hdirectory structure for the current stream or stream and facility. Then 1reissue the command that executes the build step.
DDIRNOTFOUND, directory specification to cancel not found in database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Adirectory specification you are trying to cancel with the CANCEL FDIRECTORY command does not exist in the VDE database. This message is Donly issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CANCEL DIRECTORY command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
?DIRNOTFOUSCRP, directory location not found by script function function

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
AExplanation: The current script has invoked the Hindicated script function (such as $DIR or $FACROOT), but the directory Elocation specified with that function invocation is not found in the FVDE database. This may mean that the directory tree for the specified >stream or facility has not been created, or that the function Binvocation specifies a directory symbol that is not used for that stream and facility.
@User Action: Create the directory tree for the @facility or stream, or correct the directory symbol name in the @function call. Then reissue the command that invokes the script.
GDIRSPECREQ, directory specification required for stream stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: A root directory specification for the Findicated stream is required on the CREATE STREAM command but was not Hspecified. You need to use the /DIRECTORY qualifier to specify the root >directory for the stream, or you need to enter that directory Especification when prompted for it. This message is only given if an Cearlier SET DIRECTORY/PROMPT command has specified that the CREATE DSTREAM command should prompt for the directory specification if the /DIRECTORY qualifier is missing.
FUser Action: Enter a directory specification for the Hstream root directory when prompted for it or reissue the CREATE STREAM &command with the /DIRECTORY qualifier.
FDIRTOOLONG, directory specification is too long; maximum length is 255

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: A directory specification entered as a Dcommand parameter is too long because it exceeds the maximum length indicated in the message.
AUser Action: Reissue the command with a shorter directory specification.
+DIRTREFAI, directory tree conversion failed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
=Explanation: internal state information for VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.
GUser Action: Correct the cause of the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.
CDIRTRENOTDEL, not all files deleted in directory tree tree

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: This message informs you that not all Dfiles in the indicated directory tree were deleted for some reason, such as insufficient privileges.
HUser Action: Use DCL commands to check the security on Dthe remaining files in the directory tree, and take the appropriate "action to delete them if possible.
;DUPLNAME, duplicate name in list not allowed: name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: You have entered the same name twice in a Dcomma list where such duplicates are not allowed. Possibly, you may have mistyped one of the names.
HUser Action: Correct the error and reissue the command without any duplicates.
=EDITUNDEF, your editor is undefined; editor cannot be invoked

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
>Explanation: The command you have entered is Hattempting to invoke an editor to read or edit a file, but you have not Fspecified what editor to invoke. You must specify the editor you want .VDE to use by entering the SET EDITOR command.
GUser Action: Use the SET EDITOR command to define the Geditor you want VDE to invoke for all commands to put you in an editor.
AEDITUPDATE, default editor definition updated in the VDE database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: Your default editor has been updated in Ethe VDE database. The default editor is the editor that is initially *defined each time you start a VDE session.
EUser Action: None. This is an informational message only.
AELENOTFOUNDCMS, element element not found in CMS library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated module generation does not have an element in the CMS library.
HUser Action: Use the VERIFY GENERATION/RECOVER command Hto attempt recovery of the missing generation or locate missing element Efrom a backup and manually insert the element and generations in the database.
?ERRASSIGN, the attempt to acquire an I/O channel for VDE failed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
?Explanation: A bad status was returned from a FSYS$ASSIGN service call. VDE needs to acquire I/O channels to do I/O. 3In this case, VDE failed to acquire such a channel.
CUser Action: Check your process's quotas. If this Cproblem cannot be resolved locally, please contact VDE support for assistance.
*ERRCRELNM, unable to create a logical name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: VDE creates logical names for input and output redirection.
CUser Action: Check your process's quotas. If this Cproblem cannot be resolved locally, please contact VDE support for assistance.
FERRDEASSIGN, attempt to deassign an I/O channel acquired by VDE failed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: VDE wanted to deassign an I/O channel Bthat was acquired. This error notes the failure of the SYS$DASSGN 3system service, probably due to an invalid channel.
HUser Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance.
GERRDIRSPEC, error in directory or file specification file-name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: There is a syntax error or other error in Dthe indicated directory or file specification. The RMS message that *follows explains the error in more detail.
DUser Action: Correct the error in the directory or +file specification and reissue the command.
&ERRFAO, unable to format output string

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: An error was returned from a call to SYS$FAO.
HUser Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance.
ERRQIOW, error from SYS$QIOW

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: A bad status was returned from a call to SYS$QIOW.
HUser Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance.
EERRSMG, error returned from a call to the Screen Management Facility (SMG)

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: A bad status was returned from a call to Ha SMG routine. This could be a result of any number of things which may or may not be a VDE problem.
DUser Action: Check the setup of the terminal which Hmight cause SMG some problem. If the error still cannot be explained or 4resolved, please contact VDE support for assistance.
0ERRWRIFIL, error writing file file-name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The output could not be written to the appropriate file.
AUser Action: Determine if there is any external Hinterference with RMS writing to the specified file. If no interference 8can be found, please contact VDE support for assistance.
GEXARANGE, hexadecimal number not valid; valid range is number to number

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: Illegal hexadecimal range provided as input.
CUser Action: Verify that the provided hexadecimal range is in an accepted format.
GEXPGENDIFF, expected generation expression expression differs from actual expression

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: When you reserved the module you are Greplacing, the RESERVE command displayed the expected replace-time CMS Hgeneration expression of the new module generation. However, the actual ?CMS generation expression that VDE assigned during the current Creplacement differs from that expected generation expression. This Gsituation is normal because VDE cannot predict the actual replace-time HCMS generation expression when you reserve the module; it can only tell Gyou the most likely generation expression. By the time you replace the Dmodule, various circumstances can change the appropriate generation expression to use.
HUser Action: None. This message is informational only. DHowever, if you used the expected CMS generation expression in code 0comments, you may have to change those comments.
=EXPGENEXPR, expected generation expression at replacement is generation

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: When you replace the module you just Creserved, the new generation of the module is expected to have the Aindicated CMS generation expression. You may use this generation Gexpression as an "audit trail identifier" in the comments in >your code if your project uses that convention. The indicated Hgeneration expression may differ from the one that VDE actually assigns Gwhen you replace the module, but only in certain unusual circumstances.
GUser Action: None. This message is informational only.
:EXPGENLONG, expected CMS generation expression is too long

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: The expected replace-time CMS generation Cexpression for the module you are reserving will be longer than 16 Echaracters, which is longer than CMS allows. As a result, you cannot reserve the module.
AUser Action: This error indicates that you have Greserved and replaced modules on too many nested non-main streams. You Hshould create new streams off the main development stream and place the =offending generations there so that they have CMS generation ?expressions of modest size. Even though you cannot reserve the Ggeneration in question, you can still fetch it out and replace it into the new streams.
:FACADDED, facility facility added to the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Gindicated facility definition has been added to the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE FACILITY command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
<FACDEL, facility facility deleted from the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Ddefinition for the indicated facility has been deleted from the VDE Fdatabase. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE FACILITY command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
@FACEXISTS, facility facility already exists in database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The indicated facility name was specified Hon a CREATE FACILITY command, but an entry for that facility is already ?present in the database. Alternatively, the indicated name was Dspecified as the new name for an existing facility using the MODIFY EFACILITY command, but another facility already has the requested new Hname. In either case, the command fails and the facility is not created or modified.
FUser Action: If you entered the wrong facility name, Dreenter the command with the correct name. If you entered the right Efacility name, use the SHOW FACILITY command to display the database Binformation for that facility. If you are not satisfied with that :information, use the MODIFY FACILITY command to change it.
CFACMOD, information for facility facility modified in the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that information Gfor the indicated facility has been modified in the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY FACILITY command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
1FACNOTDEL, facility facility not deleted

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: You are attempting to delete a facility Gthat cannot be deleted. Additional messages are normally included with Ethis message, and these messages indicate why the facility cannot be deleted.
DUser Action: Resolve the problem(s) flagged by the >other error messages, and reenter the DELETE FACILITY command.
?FACNOTFOUND, facility facility not found in database; parameter ignored

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The indicated facility name was entered Fon a SHOW FACILITY command, but no such facility was found in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Gmessage simply tells you that the indicated facility does not exist in the database.
#FACNOTMT, facility contains modules

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The specified facility contains modules.
HUser Action: The requested operation is prohibited due +to the presence of modules in the facility.
6FACSYNTAX, invalid facility name syntax: name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: The name or format specified for the (facility name is not using valid syntax.
EUser Action: Respecify the facility name using only <alphanumeric, underscore, dollar sign and hyphen characters.
:FAMILY, unable to deallocate: siblings or children present

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: Something deep within VDE has attempted =to deallocate a data structure that has siblings or children.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for Aassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or $relevent in duplicating the problem.
BFCBERR, internal VDE FCB error in VDE-internal-identifier

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
;Explanation: VDE has detected an internal inconsistency.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for Aassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or $relevent in duplicating the problem.
;FCBWRONG, internal error; access access failed in VDE-internal-identifier

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
;Explanation: VDE has detected an internal inconsistency.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for Aassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or $relevent in duplicating the problem.
<FETCHED, generation generation fetched from library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Bindicated module and generation has been fetched from the current Hlibrary. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the FETCH command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
/FILCOPLIB, file file copied to library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Cindicated file has been copied into the VDE library by the REPLACE >command. When this is done, the file has been included in the Bappropriate CMS element, but has not yet been recorded in the VDE Fdatabase. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier 4on the REPLACE command for an immediate replacement.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
5FILCOPSTAG, file file copied to staging area

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Findicated file has been copied into a VDE staging area by the REPLACE Hcommand. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on -the REPLACE command for a queued replacement.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
+FILENOTFOUND, file not found: file

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: The indicated file was requested through Ha VDE command, but could not be found. Hence the current command cannot perform the requested action.
GUser Action: Do without the file or determine why the (file is missing and correct the problem.
0FILQUE, print file queued to queue-name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This this message informs the user where !the file was queued for printing.
DUser Action: Ensure that the file is placed on the appropriate queue.
-FILREADERR, unable to read file file

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: An error occurred when trying to read a Gline of text from an input file. A more specific error message follows this message.
HUser Action: Examine the error message that follows to Hdiagnose the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly.
.FILWRITERR, unable to write file file

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: An error occurred when trying to write a Fline of text to an output file. A more specific error message follows this message.
HUser Action: Examine the error message that follows to Hdiagnose the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly.
CFIRGENNODEL, generation generation is first generation of module; cannot be deleted

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
AExplanation: You are trying to delete the first Egeneration of a module with the DELETE GENERATION command, which VDE Gdoes not allow. If you want to delete all generations of a module, you =must delete the entire module with the DELETE MODULE command.
EUser Action: If you mistyped the generation number, Creenter it correctly. If you want to delete all generations of the &module, use the DELETE MODULE command.
GFIRNUMMAY, first number of a range may not be less than number

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: Some integers provided in the command &line must be greater than a given "n".
HUser Action: Verify that the appropriate "n" was given in the command line.
?FIRNUMRAN, first number of a range must be less than the second

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: When providing a range in the format !n[:m], "n" must be less than "m".
HUser Action: Correct the range description and reissue the command.
=FLAVORPIDS, flavor flavor, pid pid, master #mpid, parent ppid

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: This message displays various internal Hprocess-related values used within VDE. This message should appear only Gduring VDE testing, and should be displayed only by debugging versions of VDE.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 5the version of VDE in use contains debug-only images.
HFOLDADDED, fold record record for module module added to database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Bindicated module has had a fold record created in the current VDE Fdatabase. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE FOLD command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
DFOLDDEL, fold record record for module module has been deleted

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Dindicated module has had a fold record deleted from the current VDE Fdatabase. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE FOLD command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
;FOLDEXP, fold record for fold expected for stream stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that VDE expects Dto generate a fold record for the indicated stream. The fold record Gwill be generated when this module change is approved and performed by Gthe project leader---when the queued replacement is performed. Because Hthere may be a delay before the replacement is performed by the project Fleader and because the project leader may reject the replacement, the Bfold record will not immediately appear via commands such as SHOW ?REPLACEMENT. The fold will be generated when VDE sends you the Fnotification that the replacement has been performed. This message is Honly issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the REPLACE command, and Honly for a queued replacement from which VDE expects to generate a fold record.
DUser Action: You may/will need to resolve the fold Hrecord that will (eventually) be generated by this replacement. Use the G/NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message.
>FOLDIDREQ, fold identifier required for module module

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: You have multiple fold records for the Hindicated module. You must therefore specify a fold identifier with the A/IDENTIFICATION or /FOLD qualifier (depending on the command) to Euniquely indicate to which fold record you want the command to apply.
;User Action: Reissue the command with the H/IDENTIFICATION or /FOLD qualifier to indicate the specific fold record 'to which you want the command to apply.
HFOLDIDUSED, fold identifier identifier already used for module 8module attempt to create fold record has failed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: You are trying to create a fold record Bfor a module using the same fold identifier as you have used on a Aprevious fold record for the same module in the same development Cstream. This is not allowed, since fold identifiers must be unique.
EUser Action: Reissue the CREATE FOLD command with a Fdifferent fold identifier specified on the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. DAlternatively, you can omit the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, in which 1case VDE will assign a unique identifier for you.
FFOLDINSTRM, generation generation must be folded into stream stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: This message informs you that you must Amanually fold the indicated module generation into the indicated Hdevelopment stream in order to propagate the changes in that generation Hinto the stream. VDE cannot propagate the changes automatically because <the module has already diverged between that stream and its ?predecessor. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG 8qualifier on the REPLACE or PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
@FOLDMOD, fold record record for module module modified in database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that fold record Efor the indicated module has been modified in the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY FOLD command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
?FOLDNOTFOUND, fold record record not found for module *module and stream stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: You have tried to reference a fold record Hfor the indicated module in the indicated development stream, but there is no such fold record.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Gmessage simply tells you that the indicated module has no fold records in the indicated stream.
>FROMDIREMPTY, the directory directory specified with /FROM_DIRECTORY is empty

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: Since the directory specified with the ;/FROM_DIRECTORY qualifier is empty, no modules are created.
#User Action: None.
AGBLSECNAM, communications global section name: gblsecnam

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: This message informs you of the name of Gthe communications section used within VDE. This message is associated Fwith a more serious error of some sort. Resolve the basic error first.
DUser Action: If unable to resolve the basic error, >please contact VDE support for assistance. Please include any Finformation that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem.
;GENDEL, generation generation deleted from stream stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Eindicated generation has been deleted from the indicated development Gstream. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE GENERATION command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
>GENDELLIB, generation generation deleted from library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated generation has been deleted from the library. This message is Eonly issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE GENERATION command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
?GENINSERT, generation generation inserted into stream stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Findicated generation has been inserted into the indicated development Gstream. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on /the CREATE MODULE or INSERT GENERATION command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
GGENMOD, information for generation generation modified in the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that information Gfor the indicated generation of the indicated module has been modified Gin the VDE database. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG +qualifier on the MODIFY GENERATION command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
:GENNODEL, generation generation cannot be deleted

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: You are trying to delete a generation of Ga module which is still reachable by at least one stream and/or is not Fa leaf generation (some other generation points to it as its previous Hgeneration). VDE does not allow a generation to be deleted in either of these cases.
HUser Action: Check that you have specified the correct generation for deletion.
DGENNOPRED, generation generation of module has no predecessor

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The generation of the indicated module Ewith the shown CMS generation expression does not have a predecessor Hgeneration. As a result, the current operation cannot be performed. For Fexample, the DIFFERENCES command cannot compare generation 1 with its *predecessor because it has no predecessor.
>User Action: Specify a generation that has a Hpredecessor (normally any generation except generation 1) and rerun the command.
FGENNOTCLASSMEM, generation generation is not a member of CMS class class

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Findicated generation is not a member of the indicated CMS class. This =message is output when a VDE stream is maintaining CMS class Emembership, but the indicated generation is not a member of that CMS class.
CUser Action: Use the VERIFY GENERATION/RECOVER to :attempt recovery of the class memebership for this stream.
GGENNOTFOUNDCMS, generation generation not found in CMS library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Bindicated module generation does not have a generation in the CMS library.
HUser Action: Use the VERIFY GENERATION/RECOVER command @to attempt recovery of the missing generation or locate missing <generation from a backup and manually insert the generation.
AGENNOTINSTAGE, generation not found in staging area area

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This message informs you that the module -generation is not in the library staging area
>User Action: Try to locate a previous module Dgeneration by checking with users that last had the module reserved.
AGENNOTQUEREPL, replacement was not queued; no staging area exists

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This message informs you that the module ?generation has not been queued for replacement and therefore a *generation cannot be located for recovery.
>User Action: Try to locate a previous module Dgeneration by checking with users that last had the module reserved.
=GENNOTRECOVERED, generation generation not recovered

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This message informs you that the module Ageneration has not been recovered. The message that follows will 2provide more detail as to why the recovery failed.
HUser Action: Review the cause of the recovery failure. +Try to locate a previous module generation.
FGENRECCLASSMEM, generation generation successfully recovered into CMS class class

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This message informs you that the module Hgeneration has been successfully recovered into the indicated CMS class.
,User Action: None required.
DGENRECOVERED, generation generation successfully recovered from source

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This message informs you that the module +generation has been successfully recovered.
,User Action: None required.
;GENREM, generation generation removed from stream stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Eindicated generation has been removed from the indicated development Gstream. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the REMOVE GENERATION command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
:GENREPLDNF, staging directory directory not found

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: This message informs you that reported Gstaging directory does not exist. Perhaps the directory was deleted as part of a cleanup operation.
>User Action: Try to locate a previous module Dgeneration by checking with users that last had the module reserved.
?GENRETAINED, generation generation retained in library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Dindicated generation has been retained in the library because it is Dstill reachable by at least one stream. This message is only issued Awhen you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE GENERATION command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
BGENSUCVERIFY, generation generation successfully verified

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Findicated module generation has a corresponding generation in the CMS Alibrary and it is a member of all the CMS classes that are being -maintained for the corresponding VDE streams.
,User Action: None required.
:GETJPI, SYS$GETJPI system service failed, unable to attach

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: The ATTACH command could not continue 5because a failed service call to SYS$GETJPI occurred.
AUser Action: Determine if there is any external Dinterference. If no interference can be found, then please submit a problem report.
@GETQUIERR, get queue information system service error for queue queue

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: You have attempted to start a build job Gand the VMS get queue information ($GETQUI) system service returned an Aerror status. The message that follows gives more information to explain the error.
FUser Action: The action to take to correct the error Fdepends on the nature of the error. You or your system manager should ,correct the error and restart the build job.
?GRPADD, module module is added to group group

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Eindicated module has been added as a member of the indicated group . CThis message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the %CREATE GROUP or MODIFY GROUP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
4GRPADDED, group group added to the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Dindicated group definition has been added to the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE GROUP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
?GRPALRMEM, module module is already a member of group group

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: This message informs you that you have Cattempted to add the indicated module as a member of the indicated Fgroup, but the module is already a member of that group. This message Cis only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY GROUP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
6GRPDEL, group group deleted from the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Adefinition for the indicated group has been deleted from the VDE Fdatabase. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE GROUP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
FGRPEXISTS, group group already exists in database; group not changed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The indicated group name was specified on Ga CREATE GROUP command, but an entry for that group is already present Fin the database. Hence a new entry was not created for that facility. GAlternatively, the indicated name was specified as the new name for an Fexisting group on the MODIFY GROUP command, but another group already Ghas the requested new name. Hence the name of the existing group could not be changed to the new name.
CUser Action: If you entered the wrong group name, Dreenter the command with the correct name. If you entered the right ?group name, use the SHOW GROUP command to display the database ?information for that group. If you are not satisfied with that 7information, use the MODIFY GROUP command to change it.
EGRPMOD, information for group group modified in the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that information Dfor the indicated group has been modified in the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY GROUP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
CGRPNOTFOUND, group group not found in database; parameter ignored

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The indicated group name was entered on a DSHOW GROUP command, but no such group was found in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Hmessage simply tells you that the indicated group does not exist in the database.
;GRPNOTMEM, module module is not a member of group group

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: This message informs you that you have Gtried to remove the indicated module from the indicated group, but the Gmodule is not a member of that group. This message is only issued when 7you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY GROUP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
CGRPREM, module module is removed from group group

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Gindicated module has been removed from being a member of the indicated Gbuild set. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY GROUP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
3GRPSYNTAX, invalid group name syntax: name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: The name or format specified for the %group name is not using valid syntax.
BUser Action: Respecify the group name using only <alphanumeric, underscore, dollar sign and hyphen characters.
,HELLO, Motif vdeversion starting up

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message displays the version Bidentification of the VDE Motif interface in use. This message is 5displayed automatically during the VDE Motif startup.
#User Action: None.
5ICIBOGUS, intermediate conference information invalid

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This message is displayed in conjunction Ewith other error messages, and indicates the particular failure that occurred.
DUser Action: Resolve the basic error. If unable to =resolve the error, please contact VDE support for assistance.
6ICIGONE, intermediate conference information not found

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This message is displayed in conjunction Ewith other error messages, and indicates the particular failure that occurred.
DUser Action: Resolve the basic error. If unable to =resolve the error, please contact VDE support for assistance.
=ICIPARSE, parse of intermediate conference information failed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This message is displayed in conjunction Ewith other error messages, and indicates the particular failure that occurred.
DUser Action: Resolve the basic error. If unable to =resolve the error, please contact VDE support for assistance.
8ILLDEPFUN, Illegal dependency function passed to module =VDE$REC_DEPENDENCY. The illegal dependency function value is value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: An illegal dependency function was passed Hto the dependency recording module VDE$REC_DEPENDENCY. Valid dependency 9recording functions are defined in the module VDELIB.REQ.
FUser Action: Check the dependency recording function Hthat was passed on the call to VDE$REC_DEPENDENCY. If that is ok, check Bthe values assigned to the VDE$K_DEPEND_xxxx dependency recording Hliterals in VDELIB.REQ. Someone may have assigned them incorrect values.
'ILLFORUSE, ill-formed user defined name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
AExplanation: In the DEFINE/COMMAND command, the &provided user-defined name is illegal.
HUser Action: Reissue the command with the correct user defined name.
CINCNOTVAL, INPUT not valid on streams marked for queued replacement

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The specified or default stream is marked Hfor queued replacements, and the CREATE MODULE /INPUT command cannot be Bprocessed as it attempts to directly create the module(s) without Gregard to the review and replacement policy associated with the stream.
FUser Action: Perform a CREATE MODULE sans the /INPUT Dqualifier, and then use a REPLACE command. [This restriction may be $relaxed in a future release of VDE.]
EINMODNOTFOU, input module module of build step not found in database; ignored

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The automatically collected dependency Dinformation for the current build step specifies that the indicated Hmodule is an input to the step. However, the module is not found in the CVDE database; it is neither specified as a source module nor as an Eoutput of any previous step. This indicates that the VDE database is Hnot consistent with the actual contents of the facility subdirectory in 7which the compiler or other processor found the module.
HUser Action: Determine whether the module should be in Cthe VDE library. If it should be there, create the module with the ECREATE MODULE command. If it should not be there, delete it from the Hfacility subdirectory in which the compiler or other processor found it.
AINPNOTNAME, input string text is not syntactically valid

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: An input string entered in response to an Binteractive query for the name of some entity (such as a library, Dmodule, or group) does not have the correct syntactic form for that kind of entity name.
DUser Action: Reenter a correctly specified name in response to the query.
EINPTOOLONG, input string too long; maximum length is number characters

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: An input string entered in response to an Einteractive query for information is too long because it exceeds the (maximum length indicated in the message.
@User Action: Reenter a shorter input string in response to the query.
GINPTOOSHORT, input string too short; minimum length is number characters

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: An input string entered in response to an Cinteractive query for information is too short because it does not 2reach the minimum length indicated in the message.
HUser Action: Reenter a longer input string in response to the query.
>INTERR, internal VDE error in VDE-internal-identifier

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
;Explanation: VDE has detected an internal inconsistency.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for Aassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or $relevent in duplicating the problem.
AINTERR_AZ, internal VDE error in VDE-internal-identifier

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
;Explanation: VDE has detected an internal inconsistency.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for Aassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or $relevent in duplicating the problem.
*INTFUNCERR, internal script function error

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: The script function encountered an error ,during the parsing, and cannot be processed.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for Aassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or $relevent in duplicating the problem.
FINTMEMERR, internal memory-pool error at hex-virtual-address VDE-internal-identifier

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: VDE has detected an inconsistency in its internal memory pool.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for Aassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or $relevent in duplicating the problem.
INTTOOBIG, integer too large

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: Integer values entered from the command line must fit into a longword.
FUser Action: Determine if it is necessary to provide Gsuch a large number. If it is necessary, then this is a restriction of VDE.
.INVALANS, answer is an invalid answer

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The response to a confirmation message is Ginvalid; only the word YES or the word NO or an abbreviation of one of Ethose two words is allowed as a response. Confirmation messages only Eappear when you use the /CONFIRM qualifier on a command that accepts this qualifier.
FUser Action: Reenter either YES or NO (or Y or N) in %response to the confirmation message.

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The format of a date-time value entered Eas a logical name is invalid. This message should appear only during EVDE testing, and is only displayed by debug versions of VDE, and the 2logical name is only translated by debug versions.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Ethe version of VDE in use contains debug-only images. If the logical Dname is being specified, correct the error in the date-time logical #name value and reissue the command.
BINVDATTIM, invalid date-time; use DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.CC format: time

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The format of a date-time value entered "as a command parameter is invalid.
GUser Action: Correct the error in the date-time value and reissue the command.
CINVDBFORM, invalid database format; VDE is unable to access library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The VDE database does not have the proper Hformat. The database header record could be read successfully, but that Brecord does not contain the proper sentinel value or its database Hversion value indicates an out-of-date or invalid database format. This Ferror could indicate that the database has been corrupted in some way )or that VDE has generated it incorrectly.
CUser Action: Try to connect to the database again Fusing the SET LIBRARY command. If that does not work, you may have to Crecreate the library (and thus the database) from scratch with the HCREATE LIBRARY command. If that still does not work, please contact VDE support for assistance.
2INVDIGDEC, invalid decimal number: number

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: A decimal digit is often expected in many Dcontexts such as a parameter. If the provided input is not a digit, %this error message will be generated.
GUser Action: Reissue the command with the appropriate number.
:INVDIRSPEC, invalid directory specification: text

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
AExplanation: A directory specification on a VDE Hcommand is not syntactically correct. This message is also printed if a Elogical name (such as VDE$LIBRARY) that is supposed to be bound to a @directory specification is not bound to a syntactically correct directory specification.
CUser Action: Reenter the VDE command with a valid Ddirectory specification or define the logical name to be bound to a valid directory specification.
BINVGENEXPR, invalid CMS generation expression: expression

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: A CMS generation expression on a VDE %command is not syntactically correct.
GUser Action: Reenter the VDE command with a valid CMS generation expression.
9INVHISCHAR, invalid history or notes character following +poundsigninvalid string is: string

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: A history or notes string was specified Cwhich contains an invalid character after the poundsign character. @Valid characters for a history string are: H, h, B, or b. Valid Hcharacters for a notes string are: G or g. A poundsign character may be Fincluded in the string by quoting it with another poundsign character.
CUser Action: Reenter the VDE command with a valid history or notes string.
<INVINPUT, invalid interactive command input; command aborted

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: The current command has queried the user Hfor input and has gotten invalid input several times in a row. This can Hbe caused by specifying insufficient parameter or qualifier information Gon a command in a command file, which may cause subsequent commands to Gbe read as responses to interactive queries. Due to the invalid input, the current command is aborted.
?User Action: Reissue the command with correct Gqualifiers and parameters or with correct input to interactive queries for command information.
BINVINTVAL, invalid integer value on command line: integer

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The indicated integer value was entered Hon the current command line but its value is not in the valid range for ?that kind of value. For example, if the number of seconds in a Cdelta-time interval is exceeds 59, you will get this error message.
GUser Action: Reissue the command with a valid integer value.
*INVIPMTNAM, invalid IPMT/CLD number syntax

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: The format for the CLD number is not valid.
EUser Action: Respecify the CLD number in the format GABC-12345, ABC-123456, ABC.12345 or ABC.123456. If the IPMT/CLD number His not in this format, or if this format is not accepted by VDE, please #contact VDE support for assistance.
&INVKEYNAM, invalid or missing key name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: The name of a key on the keyboard was expected in this command.
EUser Action: Reissue the command with an acceptable name of a key.
GINVNUMRNG, number not valid; number is number, valid range is "number to number

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: A numeric input value is not within its 9valid range. The valid range is indicated in the message.
EUser Action: Reenter the number with a value within the valid range.
2INVNUMSTG, invalid numeric string: string

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
;Explanation: A numeric input value is not syntactically valid.
EUser Action: Reenter the number with correct syntax.
6INVPAGE, invalid screen height, value must be between 3minimum_height and maximum_height

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: For the SET TERMINAL command, the /PAGE Equalifier must provide a page length between 11 and 100, inclusively.
GUser Action: Reissue the SET TERMINAL command with an acceptable page size.
EINVPARAM, invalid parameter passed to routine-name-plus-info

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
;Explanation: VDE has detected in internal Ainconsistency, namely that an illegal value has been passed as a !parameter to an internal routine.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for Aassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or $relevent in duplicating the problem.
*INVQARDB, invalid QAR database name syntax

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The format for the QAR database name is not valid.
DUser Action: Respecify the QAR database name using @only alphanumeric, underscore, dollar sign or hyphen characters.
)INVQARNO, invalid QAR entry number syntax

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The format of the QAR entry number is not valid.
HUser Action: Respecify the QAR entry number using only numeric characters.
HINVRANGE, no values in inverted range number to number

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
;Explanation: The values specified for the D/IDENTIFICATION qualifier on the DELETE, MODIFY or SHOW REPLACEMENT Bcommand are in reverse order and, therefore, do not represent any Gvalue. For this reason, no replacement entries are found matching this criteria.
EUser Action: Reenter the command specifying a valid 3range of replacement id numbers in ascending order.
AINVSOURCE, Invalid source of information specified: code

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The source of information---typically the "SCT, FOLD or OTHER---is not valid.
GUser Action: Reenter a valid source of information on this change.
6INVWIDTH, invalid screen width, value must be between 1minimum_width and maximum_width

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: For the SET TERMINAL command, the /WIDTH Dqualifier can provide a page length between 40 and 255, inclusively.
GUser Action: Reissue the SET TERMINAL command with an acceptable width.
@INVWILDSPEC, invalid wildcard specification in script selector: selector

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: The indicated module name or facility Bname is wildcarded in a way that is not valid in a module-name or @facility specification used to select scripts. The only form of Fwildcarding that is allowed in this context is a single asterisk (*); Cother, more general forms of wildcarding are not allowed in script Hselectors. Also, the components of a full module (such as [FAC]MOD.TYP) Fmay all be wildcarded individually, but only in certain combinations. .Invalid combinations yield this error message.
EUser Action: Reissue the command with an acceptable wildcard specification.
1IPMTAGAIN, please re-enter the IPMT or CLD number

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: There is a problem with the IPMT or CLD Ename, and you are being prompted to re-enter the IPMT or CLD number. CThis message should be paired with other error messages, and these Fother messages should provide insight into the particular problem VDE is (currently) griping about.
AUser Action: The the IPMT or CLD name should be Aspecified using three leading alphabetic characters, a hyphen or @period, and five or six trailing numeric characters. ABC-12345, EABC.12345, ABC.123456, and ABC-123456 are all examples of valid IPMT (or CLD) name syntax.
;IPMTFMT, use ABC.12345, ABC-12345, ABC.123456 or ABC-123456

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: These are valid formats for the IPMT/CLD number.
GUser Action: The IPMT/CLD number must be specified in Bthe format ABC-12345, ABC-123456, ABC.12345 or ABC.123456. If the @IPMT/CLD number is not in this format, or if this format is not ;accepted by VDE, please contact VDE support for assistance.
7IPMTSYNTAX, invalid IPMT/CLD name syntax: name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: The name or format specified for the (IPMT/CLD name is not using valid syntax.
FUser Action: Respecify the IPMT/CLD name using three Cleading alphabetic characters, a hyphen or period, and five or six Ctrailing numeric characters. ABC-12345, ABC.12345, ABC.123456, and :ABC-123456 are all examples of valid IPMT/CLD name syntax.
GITEMLIST, unable to parse itemlist list entry at offset offset

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: VDE has detected a size, type code or Cbuffer address error at the specified entry offset in the itemlist.
BUser Action: Please evaluate the specified entry 5offset in the itemlist, and rework it as appropriate.
FIVQLOC, invalid qualifier location - place after each dependency file parameter

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: The /INPUT and /OUTPUT qualifiers are Aallowed as a qualifier for each file specification that is to be Grecorded as a dependency. These qualifiers are only meaningful for the 4build dependency parameter of the VDEDEPEND command.
BUser Action: Reissue the command with the proper syntax.
FIVQUAL, unrecognized qualifier 'qualifier' - check validity, spelling, and placement

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
?Explanation: An undefined qualifier was found.
DUser Action: Verify the syntax for the command and ,reissue it with only the allowed qualifiers.
7JOURDISA, database journalling disabled for VDE library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that after-image Ejournalling has been disabled (turned off) for the VDE library. When Gjournalling is disabled, it can be very hard to recover from a damaged or corrupted VDE database.
#User Action: None.
5JOURENA, database journalling enabled for VDE library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that after-image >journalling has been enabled (turned on) for the VDE library. FJournalling makes it possible to recover the database contents if the !database is damaged or corrupted.
#User Action: None.
DKEYADDED, keyword keyname added to note noteID in conference conference

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: This message informs you that VDE has Dsuccessfully added the indicated keyword to a note in the indicated notes conference.
"User Action: None
8LIBCONV, library format converted for new version of VDE

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The format of the current VDE library, @including its database schema, has been converted to the format Hrequired by the present version of VDE. If automatic library conversion Dis enabled for the current VDE library, this action takes place the Hfirst time someone accesses the VDE database with a new version of VDE. HIf automatic library conversion is disabled, you must enter the CONVERT 'LIBRARY command to convert the library.
EUser Action: None. This is an informational message only.
BLIBINDRAN, Library index value of value out of range for (library dependency or module dependency.

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: A library dependency or module dependency =with an illegal library index value was passed to the module GVDE$REC_DEPENDENCY for dependency recording. The value was equal to 0, Gor greater than the currently largest assigned library index value for !the dependency recording session.
GUser Action: Check the call to LIB$REC_DEPENDENCY for Erecording this library dependency or module dependency for a correct Glibrary index value. If the library index value appears correct please submit a problem report.
>LIBLABEL, library (mnemonic) contents: label

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: This is an informational message, and Aindicates the label associated with a particular library that is available.
4User Action: No action is required.
/LIBMOD, library attributes modified in database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This message informs you that attributes Efor the current library have been modified in the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY LIBRARY command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
?LIBNOTSET, library not set; no VDE database found in directory directory

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: You have attempted to set a VDE library <by specifying a directory specification or library mnemonic Hspecification on the SET LIBRARY command, but the directory or mnemonic @either does not exist or does not reference a valid VDE library Edatabase. If you are using a mnemonic for the library, check to make Csure you have entered a valid mnemonic, then check to see that the DVDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS* logical names all include the appropriate and Ematching numbers of translations. (If you are uncertain how to check Gthe VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS* logical names, consult the VDE user's guide.)
CUser Action: Reenter the command with a directory Gspecification that specifies a valid root directory for a VDE library, For enter a correct mnemonic. If the directory or mnemonic is correct, Hcontact the local system management staff and ask that the translations :of the VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS* logical name(s) be corrected.
2LIBREQ, specification of library mnemonic required

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: VDE/LOCATIONS is unable to locate the .target for the location translation operation.
5User Action: Specify the target via VDE/LOCATIONS/MNEMONIC=mnemonic.
LIBRESET, library reset

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
=Explanation: You have reset the VDE library.
4User Action: No action is required.
7LINKFAIL, link of module completed with errors

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The link step for the indicated module @completed with one or more errors. The linker's output (on your Gterminal or in the step's log file) gives more detail on the errors it detected.
GUser Action: Correct the errors and resubmit the link or build job.
8LINKSUCC, link of module completed successfully

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
?Explanation: The link of the indicated module completed successfully.
#User Action: None.
=LNKSTEPADDED, link step for module added to database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated link step has been added to the VDE database. This message is Gonly issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
FLNKSTEPDEL, link step for module module deleted from database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: This message informs you that the link Fstep for the indicated module has been deleted from the VDE database. EThis means that all build dependency information for that build step Dhas been deleted. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG %qualifier on the DELETE STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
ELNKSTEPMOD, link step for module module modified in database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message informs you that build Hdependency information for the indicated link step has been modified in Dthe VDE database. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG %qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
7LOASTLM, recommended free ASTLM value is value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The amount of the ASTLM quota currently Favailable is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.
GUser Action: Contact your system management staff and Hrequest that the process quotas associated with the current username be Hreset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message includes 1the recommended minimum free value for the quota.
7LOBIOLM, recommended free BIOLM value is value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The amount of the BIOLM quota currently Favailable is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.
GUser Action: Contact your system management staff and Hrequest that the process quotas associated with the current username be Hreset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message includes 1the recommended minimum free value for the quota.
7LOBYTLM, recommended free BYTLM value is value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The amount of the BYTLM quota currently Favailable is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.
GUser Action: Contact your system management staff and Hrequest that the process quotas associated with the current username be Hreset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message includes 1the recommended minimum free value for the quota.
(LOCKED, library write access is disabled

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message is displayed when an attempt Ais made to write---RESERVE, REPLACE or PERFORM REPLACE a module, etc---into to a locked library.
DUser Action: Contact the staff responsible for the Hlibrary to determine why access to the library is currently locked out. GThe library may be currently undergoing maintenance operations, or the Flibrary may be a read-only shadow copy of a library. Only a user with ,the MODLIB privilege can unlock the library.
7LODIOLM, recommended free DIOLM value is value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The amount of the DIOLM quota currently Favailable is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.
GUser Action: Contact your system management staff and Hrequest that the process quotas associated with the current username be Hreset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message includes 1the recommended minimum free value for the quota.
7LOENQLM, recommended free ENQLM value is value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The amount of the ENQLM quota currently Favailable is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.
GUser Action: Contact your system management staff and Hrequest that the process quotas associated with the current username be Hreset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message includes 1the recommended minimum free value for the quota.
7LOFILLM, recommended free FILLM value is value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The amount of the FILLM quota currently Favailable is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.
GUser Action: Contact your system management staff and Hrequest that the process quotas associated with the current username be Hreset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message includes 1the recommended minimum free value for the quota.
GLOGNAMUNDEF, logical name logical undefined; operation cannot complete

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The current VDE operation requires the Bindicated logical name to be defined, but it is not defined. As a )result, VDE cannot perform the operation.
AUser Action: Exit the VDE kept process with the EEXIT/KEPT_PROCESS command, define the required logical name, restart VDE, and retry the operation.
5LOJTQUOTA, recommended free JTQUOTA is value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: The amount of the JTQUOTA currently Favailable is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.
GUser Action: Contact your system management staff and Hrequest that the process quotas associated with the current username be Hreset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message includes 1the recommended minimum free value for the quota.
?LOPGFLQUOTA, recommended free PGFLQUOTA value is value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: The amount of the PGFLQUOTA quota Ecurrently available is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.
GUser Action: Contact your system management staff and Hrequest that the process quotas associated with the current username be Hreset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message includes 1the recommended minimum free value for the quota.
7LOPRCLM, recommended free PRCLM value is value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The amount of the PRCLM quota currently Favailable is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.
GUser Action: Contact your system management staff and Hrequest that the process quotas associated with the current username be Hreset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message includes 1the recommended minimum free value for the quota.
.LOQUOTA, one or more process quotas is too low

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The currently-free value of one or more Dquotas is below the recommended values for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.
HUser Action: The determination of a low quota is based >on the currently-free value of the quota. Contact your system Emanagement staff and request that the process quotas associated with Dthe current username be reset to provide the recommended value with CVDE. One or more messages are output with this message listing the Cparticular quota found to be low, and the recommended minimum free Bvalue for the quota. VDE will attempt to continue from this error.
7LOTQELM, recommended free TQELM value is value

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The amount of the TQELM quota currently Favailable is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.
GUser Action: Contact your system management staff and Hrequest that the process quotas associated with the current username be Hreset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message includes 1the recommended minimum free value for the quota.
6MAILERR, error from MAIL routine routine-name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: VDE has encountered an error while using the VMS MAIL callable interface.
FUser Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on Hany other error messages included with this one and contact VDE support for assistance.
1MAILSENT, mail message sent to user user

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: This message informs you that VDE has Fsent a mail message to the indicated user notifying that user of your Daction. This message is issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on a &command that sends mail notifications.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
$MATQUOMIS, matching quote is missing

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: All quoted strings must be delimited by 'either two single or two double quotes.
EUser Action: Reenter the command with appropriately quoted string.
DMAXIDVAL, maximum allowed Id value in database exceeded: ID

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: Each entity in the VDE database, such as Feach module, each stream, and each build job, has an integer Id value Bthat uniquely identifies it. This Id value may not assume a value Clarger than 2,000,000,000, but the operation you have attempted to Hperform has tried to create an entity with an Id value larger than this Cmaximum. The indicated name tells which Id value is affected. This @error should never occur unless the database is extremely large.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for @assistance. Most likely the VDE database has been damaged by an internal error.
DMAXPARM, too many parameters - reenter command with fewer parameters

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: In both the SHOW KEY and DELETE KEY Ecommands, the user cannot provide both /ALL as a qualifier and a key name as a parameter.
EUser Action: Choose between /ALL or just one key in +either the SHOW KEY or DELETE KEY commands.
EMERGEGEN, merging generation generation(this) into that

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that the current DFETCH or RESERVE command will merge the indicated "merge" Hgeneration into the generation being fetched or reserved to produce the Eoutput file. This message is only issued when you use the /MERGE and /LOG qualifiers on the command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
0MISCONTSCRP, missing continuation line in script

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: The current script specified that the Flast line should be continued but no such continuation line exists. A Bhyphen (-) at the end of a line indicates that the line should be continued.
EUser Action: Either remove the hyphen at the end of Fthe last line or supply a continuation line, whichever is appropriate.
AMISHISPARM, missing history parameter in string "string"

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: A history string was specified which does Dnot contain a history parameter. A history parameter is required as part of the history string.
CUser Action: Reenter the VDE command with a valid history string.
CMISTYPNAM, missing type name for module string; type name required

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: A module name has been specified without Ba module type in a context where the module type is required. For Dexample, the command CREATE MODULE M1 is incorrect because a module Dtype, as in CREATE MODULE M1.FOR (where FOR is the module type), is Drequired for this command. The type name must be separated from the 1module name by a dot (.) as shown in the example.
@MNEMONIC, library (mnemonic) library available

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: This is an informational message, and Eindicates a particular library is available, as well as the mnemomic !name associated with the library.
4User Action: No action is required.
GMNETOOLONG, library mnemonic too long; maximium length: length

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
3Explanation: One (or more) of the FVDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS library mnemonic name translations are too long.
HUser Action: Contact the maintainer of the definitions Hof the VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS logical name in use, and ask that the mnemonics be shortened.
6MODADDED, module module added to the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Eindicated module definition has been added to the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE MODULE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
FMODALRINSTEP, module module is already an input to build step

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated module is already an input to the build step. This message is Gonly issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command Eand specify a new input module which is already an input to the step.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
FMODALROUTSTEP, module module is already an output from build step

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated module is already an output from the build step. This message Bis only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STEP Hcommand and specify a new output module which is already an output from the step.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
DMODALRQUEREP, module module already queued for replacement replacement

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: You have tried to replace or unreserve a Cmodule that already belongs to the indicated queued replacement. A Creservation that already belongs to a queued replacement cannot be Funreserved or queued for another replacement; the reservation remains Guntil the original replacement is performed or cancelled. As a result, ;your attempt to replace or unreserve the module has failed.
?User Action: If you want to remove the module Freservation from its current queued replacement, you must cancel that Hreplacement with the CANCEL REPLACEMENT command. You can then unreserve 8the module or replace it as part of another replacement.
DMODALRRES, module module already reserved; reservation has failed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: You have tried to reserve a module that >is already reserved by another user (possibly yourself). That Dreservation does not allow concurrent reservations, or you have not Brequested a concurrent reservation. The reservation may be in the Fcurrent default stream, or in an ancestor stream. As a result of this Aprior reservation, your attempt to reserve the module has failed.
GUser Action: Wait until the user who has reserved the Emodule replaces it in the library. Then reserve it yourself. You can Cuse the SHOW RESERVATION/FULL command to see who currently has the Hmodule reserved, and in what stream the module was originally reserved. AAlternatively, you can use the /OVERRIDE=CONCURRENT qualifier to Dconcurrently reserve the module, or the /QUEUE qualifier to queue a ;request for notification when the module becomes available.
8MODDEL, module module deleted from the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Bdefinition for the indicated module has been deleted from the VDE Fdatabase. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE MODULE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
EMODEXISTS, module module already exists in database; module not changed

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The indicated module name was specified Don a CREATE MODULE command, but an entry for that module is already Dpresent in the database. Hence a new entry was not created for that Hmodule. Alternatively, the indicated name was specified as the new name Hfor an existing module on the MODIFY MODULE command, but another module Hin the same facility already has the requested new name. Hence the name <of the existing module could not be changed to the new name.
DUser Action: If you entered the wrong module name, Dreenter the command with the correct name. If you entered the right Amodule name, use the SHOW MODULE command to display the database @information for that module. If you are not satisfied with that 8information, use the MODIFY MODULE command to change it.
?MODINSTEP, module module is an input to the build step

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Aindicated module is recorded as an input to the build step being Hdefined. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on 'the CREATE STEP or MODIFY STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
HMODLOCKED, module module locked for replacement by another user

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The module you are trying to replace is Bcurrently being replaced by another user who is updating the same Hgeneration as you want to update. As a result, your replacement attempt failed.
DUser Action: Wait a minute or two and then try the Goperation again. If the other user deleted your concurrent reservation Ethrough his or her replacement, your second attempt will fail with a Fmessage to that effect. If the other user's replacement failed or did Bnot conflict with yours, your new replacement attempt can succeed.
AMODMODIF, information for module module modified in the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message informs you that information Efor the indicated module has been modified in the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY MODULE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
-MODNOTDEL, module module not deleted

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: You are attempting to delete a module Gthat cannot be deleted. Additional messages are normally included with Cthis message, and these messages indicate why the module cannot be deleted.
DUser Action: Resolve the problem(s) flagged by the <other error messages, and reenter the DELETE MODULE command.
EMODNOTFOUND, module module not found in database; parameter ignored

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: The indicated module name was entered on Ha SHOW MODULE command, but no such module was found in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Emessage simply tells you that the indicated module does not exist in the database.
FMODNOTINSTEP, module module is not now an input to build step

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Cindicated module is not now recorded as an input to the build step Gwhose definition you are modifying. Removing it from the build step is Bthus redundant. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG %qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
;MODNOTINSTRM, generation generation not in stream stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This message informs you that an attempt Ewas made to update the specified stream with a new generation of the Hspecified module, but the specified module is not part of the specified development stream.
EUser Action: Use the /NOPROPAGATE qualifier for the Gcommand or populate the specified stream with the specified generation and try the command again.
FMODNOTOUTSTEP, module module is not now an output from build step

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Findicated module is not now recorded as an output from the build step Gwhose definition you are modifying. Removing it from the build step is Bthus redundant. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG %qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
;MODNOTRES, module module is not currently reserved

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: You are trying to replace the indicated Gmodule but that module is not currently reserved in the current stream development stream.
BUser Action: Reserve the module before trying to replace it.
:MODNOTREV, module module not found in review list

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: You have specified a module that does not Eexist in the current review list. As a result, you cannot select the #module with the name you specified.
FUser Action: Reenter the SELECT command specifying a Amodule that is present in the review list for the current REVIEW Dcommand. Use the DIRECTORY subcommand to determine what modules are present in the list.
AMODOBS, module module-name superceded or marked obsolete

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: The latest generation of the specified Fmodule indicates the module was superceded by a more recent module or was marked obsolete.
HUser Action: Determine if the current operation should ?proceed with a module that has been superceded or is marked as <obsolete. If the operation should proceed, determine if any Fmodifications are needed to any module(s) that may have superceded or replaced this module.
CMODOUTSTEP, module module is an output from the build step

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Dindicated module is recorded as an output from the build step being Hdefined. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on 'the CREATE STEP or MODIFY STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
FMODREMINSTEP, module module removed as an input to build step

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Eindicated module is no longer recorded as an input to the build step Ewhose definition you are modifying. This message is only issued when 6you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
FMODREMOUTSTEP, module module removed as an output from build step

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated module is no longer recorded as an output from the build step Ewhose definition you are modifying. This message is only issued when 6you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
HMUSTREPL, you must replace the new module to create its first generation

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message is displayed when you create Fa new module with the CREATE MODULE command and the command marks the Dmodule as reserved. It reminds you that you must replace the module Ewith a REPLACE command to create the first generation of the module. CThis message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE MODULE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
?NAMTOOLONG, name is too long: text; maximum length is number

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: A name entered as a command parameter is Htoo long because it exceeds the maximum length indicated in the message.
FUser Action: Reissue the command with a shorter name.
.NEEDFACILITY, this request requires a facility

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: VDE was unable to perform the specified ?request as a facility was not selected nor otherwise specified.
FUser Action: Select or specify a facility, and retry the request.
,NEEDLIBRARY, this request requires a library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: VDE was unable to perform the specified >request as a library was not selected nor otherwise specified.
EUser Action: Select or specify a library, and retry the request.
,NEEDMOD, module must be specified on command

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: You have failed to specify a module name on a command that requires it.
DUser Action: Enter the module name you want on the command.
*NEEDMODULE, this request requires a module

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: VDE was unable to perform the specified =request as a module was not selected nor otherwise specified.
HUser Action: Select or specify a module, and retry the request.
(NEEDMORE, unexpected end of command line

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: Many commands require the presence of $additional parameters or qualifiers.
?User Action: Review the correct syntax of the @respective command and enter it with the appropriate parameters.
1NEEDSTEP, build step must be specified on command

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: You have failed to specify a build step on a command that requires it.
DUser Action: Enter a module name on the command to select the build step you want.
*NEEDSTREAM, this request requires a stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: VDE was unable to perform the specified =request as a stream was not selected nor otherwise specified.
HUser Action: Select or specify a stream, and retry the request.
FNETERROR, network error; component: id, code: errcod

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: Something deep within the bowels of the (VDE network layer has returned an error.
CUser Action: Please check the status of the local =network, and then contact VDE support for further assistance.
9NEWDBGMSK, debug mask switching from oldmask to newmask

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: This message indicates that the value Cloaded in the VDE debugging bitmask is being changed. This message &should appear only during VDE testing.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 5the version of VDE in use contains debug-only images.
ANOACCLIB, no access to library allowed for user username

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: You are not authorized to access the VDE Glibrary that logical name VDE$LIBRARY points to or that you are trying (to establish with a SET LIBRARY command.
EUser Action: Correct the definition of logical name HVDE$LIBRARY, specify the name of a library you are authorized to access Fon the SET LIBRARY command, or request that the administrator for the >desired VDE library give you the right to access that library.
3NOARCHSPEC, no architecture specified for operation

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: You have entered a command that requires Ha default architecture to exist, but you have not established a default Darchitecture. Usually, this means that the command you have entered Acontains a module name with an omitted architecture name and the Darchitecture cannot be defaulted. As a result, the module cannot be looked up in any architecture.
EUser Action: Either establish a default archtecture Fwith the SET ARCHITECTURE command and reenter the command, or reenter Bthe command with an explicitly specified architecture name, as in ARCHNAM:[FACNAM]MOD.TYP.
-NOATTACH, failed to attach to process PID !XL

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: The ATTACH command has failed to attach to the requested process.
HUser Action: Verify that the requested process exists. #Check spelling of the process name.
DNOAUTOCONV, automatic conversion to current database format disabled

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The VDE database does not have the proper Gformat, and the automatic conversion of the database has been disabled.
BUser Action: If use of the new version of VDE is Dintended, perform a full library backup using the database-provided Abackup tools, and then use the VDE CONVERT command to update the database format.
FNOBASENOTE, no base note found for replacement replacement_id

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: This message is displayed in conjunction Ewith other error messages, and indicates the particular failure that Foccurred. VDE has attempted to find a base note with either a keyword Bor a title containing the specified replacement ID and has failed.
DUser Action: Resolve the basic error. If unable to Hresolve the error, please contact the project leader or VDE support for assistance.
8NOBLDJOB, no build jobs found for stream stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: No build job is present in the database Hthat belongs to the indicated stream and matches the selection criteria Dyou specified on the SHOW BUILD_JOB or other BUILD_JOB command. The @selection criteria you have specified may include the build-job Hidentification number, the build-job status, or bounds on the build-job creation date and time.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Emessage simply tells you that the no build job exists for the stream %and selection criteria you specified.
GNOBLDSTEPS, build job contains no build steps; build job is not created

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: You tried to create a build job with the FBUILD command, but the build job turns out to contain no build steps. EAs a result, the build job is not created in the database. The usual Ecause of this error is that you specified a minimal build of modules Athat are already up-to-date with respect to their source modules.
CUser Action: If you intended to perform a minimal Gbuild, the build job is unnecessary. If you intended to perform a full 8build, specify the /FULL qualifier on the BUILD command.
ENOBUILD, no BUILD privilege; cannot create build jobs in this library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
BNOCANRES, cannot cancel reservation to create first generation of module

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: You have entered an UNRESERVE command to Fcancel the reservation that will create the initial generation of the Aindicated module. The reservation was created by a CREATE MODULE @command and VDE does not allow you to cancel such a reservation.
DUser Action: If you no longer want the reservation Ethat will create the first generation of the module, you must delete Fthe module with the DELETE MODULE command. If you just want to change Bthe attributes of the reservation, you must do so with the MODIFY RESERVATION command.
9NOCAUSE, replacement cause not known; module not replaced

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: VDE was not provided with the cause of Hthe replacement being performed. The cause of a replacement---usually a DSource Code Tracking (SCT) entry or a source code Fold---is tracked.
AUser Action: Select the appropriate replacement Fcause---Source Code Tracking (SCT), Fold, or Other---using the toggle -buttons on the module replacement dialog box.
7NOCLOSEQ, no closing quotation mark for a quoted string

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: For the DEFINE/COMMAND command, the Bparameter that describes the command must be enclosed with either single or double quotes.
FUser Action: Reenter the DEFINE/COMMAND command with the appropriate quotes.
9NOCONFNAM, no notes conference name specified in call to routine-name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: VDE has detected an inconsistency within <an internal routine which uses the notes callable interface.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for Aassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or $relevent in duplicating the problem.
FNOCREARCH, no CREARCH privilege; cannot create or modify architectures

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
?NOCRECTX, no CRECTX privilege; cannot create or delete contexts

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
ANOCREFAC, no CREFAC privilege; cannot create or modify facilities

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
=NOCREGRP, no CREGRP privilege; cannot create or delete groups

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
>NOCREMOD, no CREMOD privilege; cannot create or modify modules

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
@NOCRESCRP, no CRESCRP privilege; cannot create or delete scripts

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
>NOCRESTEP, no CRESTEP privilege; cannot create or delete steps

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
@NOCRESTRM, no CRESTRM privilege; cannot create or modify streams

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
=NOCREUSR, no CREUSER privilege; cannot create or delete users

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
<NODELARCH, no DELARCH privilege; cannot delete architectures

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
.NODELDEF, Attempt to delete default prohibited

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: You are attempting to delete a object 9(architecture, stream, facility, etc.) that is a default.
FUser Action: To make the architecture deleteable use Athe MODIFY ARCHITECTURE command with the /DELETE qualifier. Then (reenter the DELETE ARCHITECTURE command.
DNODELFAC, no DELFAC privilege; cannot delete facilities from library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
ANODELMOD, no DELMOD privilege; cannot delete modules from library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
9NODELREP, no DELREP privilege; cannot delete replacements

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: You are attempting to delete an object <(architecture, stream, facility, etc.) that has been marked >not-deletable by default or by use of the /NODELETE qualifier.
AUser Action: To allow the object to be deleted, Hspecify the appropriate MODIFY command with the /DELETE qualifier. Then #reenter the failing DELETE command.
CNODELSTRM, no DELSTRM privilege; cannot delete streams from library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
<NODELTAROOT, no delta-file root directory exists for library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: You have tried to create a directory tree Hfor a specific facility's delta files, but no delta-file root directory Eexists for the library. Hence VDE cannot create any disk directories for the indicated facility.
HUser Action: Use the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/DELTA_FILES Gcommand to create a directory tree for the library's delta files. That Hwill automatically create the delta-file root directory for the library 5and the delta-file subdirectories for all facilities.
HNODIRDELTA, no delta-file directory found for facility facility

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
AExplanation: VDE tried to access the delta-file Hdirectory for the indicated facility, but no such directory is recorded Gin the database. This normally means that you have not yet created the "disk directories for the facility.
BUser Action: To create the facility's delta-file Gdirectory, use the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command with the /DELTA_FILES Hand possibly /FACILITY qualifiers. Use the SHOW LOCATION command to see 7what disk directories are recorded in the VDE database.
9NODIRMARKER, no marker-file directory found for facility facility

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: VDE tried to access the marker-file Hdirectory for the indicated facility, but no such directory is recorded Fin the database. This normally means that you have failed to create a Adelta-file subdirectory with directory symbol VDE$MARKER for the Bindicated facility. Such a directory must exist for you to create modules that use marker files.
EUser Action: To create the needed subdirectory, use Gthe SET DIRECTORY command with the /DELTA_FILES and /SYMBOL=VDE$MARKER Fqualifiers. Then create the facility's delta-file directory tree with Gthe CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command, using the /DELTA_FILES and possibly E/FACILITY qualifiers. Use the SHOW LOCATION command to see what disk -directories are recorded in the VDE database.
.NOFACSPEC, no facility specified for operation

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: You have entered a command that requires Da default facility to exist, but you have not established a default @facility. Usually, this means that the command you have entered Fcontains a module name with an omitted facility name and the facility Hcannot be defaulted. As a result, the module cannot be looked up in any facility.
GUser Action: Either establish a default facility with Athe SET FACILITY command and reenter the command, or reenter the :command with an explicitly specified facility name, as in [FACNAM]MOD.TYP.
!NOFREE, no free storage available

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: VDE has run out of virtual memory.
CUser Action: Use less complex commands, raise the 2virtual-address quota, or submit a problem report.
BNOFROZEN, no FROZEN privilege; cannot replace modules into frozen streams

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are Cnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
>NOGENSTRM, generation generation not found in stream stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: The indicated module generation was Hentered on a command, but no such generation was found in the specified stream.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Fmessage simply tells you that the indicated generation does not exist Fin the specified stream. First, verify that you have either specified Ethe correct stream on the command or that your context is set to the Dcorrect stream. If the stream name was correct and you had expected Gsuch a generation of a module to exist in that stream, you may use the >SHOW GENERATION/STREAM=stream-name command to see what module %generations are found in that stream.
-NOKEYPAD, unable to set up keypad definitions

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
=Explanation: VDE was unable to setup keypad /definitions because an error was returned from HSMG$DELETE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOAD. VDE uses the SMG facility to perform keypad management.
DUser Action: Check the setup of the terminal which Fmight cause SMG some problem. If the error still cannot be explained, *please contact VDE support for assistance.
@NOKEYW, qualifier name is missing - append the name to the slash

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: A qualifier is composed of both a "/" and Ekeyword. If only a "/" appears, then this error message is displayed.
GUser Action: Ensure that there are no dangling "/" in the command.
NOLIBDEF, no VDE library defined

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: VDE is unable to perform the specified ?operation as the target VDE library---the library on which the 7operation will be performed---has not been established.
AUser Action: Specify the target VDE library. To Hdetermine the available libraries, issue the "SET LIBRARY" command with Gno parameters. As part of the error message, this command will display Fthe names of the predefined VDE libraries, the Rdb root directory for Eeach, and the mnemonic name for each. Once the mnemnonic name or the ERdb root directory name for the target library is known, one can: A) Euse the mnemnonic name or the Rdb root directory name as the libname Aparameter on a "SET LIBRARY libname" VDE command. B) Use use the Fmnemnonic name or the Rdb root directory name as the parameter on the @VDE /LIBRARY=libname. C) Define the logical name VDE$LIBRARY to Ftranslate to the VDE mnemnonic name or to the Rdb root directory name.
-NOLIBROOM, too many libraries in default file

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: VDE has detected too many libraries Gdeclared in the VDE.DAT Motif application defaults file, and is unable @to display all of the specified libraries in the system library cascading pulldown.
HUser Action: If you are unable to reduce the number of >libraries in the default file, please contact VDE support for assistance.
3NOMAIL, no message sent; MAIL messages are disabled

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: This message is used to indicate that the Aversion of VDE in use contains debug or prototype code, and as a &result, no mail message is being sent.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as =the version of VDE in use contains debug or prototype images.
>NOMAILSENT, failure to send mail message to user user

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: VDE has failed in an attempt to send a Fmail message to the indicated user notifying that user of your action.
FUser Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on Aany other error messages included with this one, and contact VDE support for assistance.
@NOMATCHARCH, no architecture name matches the wildcarded string string

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: You entered a wildcarded architecture Fname specification on a command, but that specification did not match +any architecture names in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the =message simply tells you that no architectures matching your >specification exist in the database. If you had expected such Earchitectures to exist, you can use the SHOW ARCHITECTURE command to Hsee what architectures are present in the database and you can ask your 6project administator to add any missing architectures.
:NOMATCHCTX, no context name matches the wildcarded string string

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: You entered a wildcarded context name Especification on a command, but that specification did not match any "context names in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Fmessage simply tells you that no contexts matching your specification Gexist in the database. If you had expected such contexts to exist, you Ecan use the SHOW CONTEXT command to see what contexts are present in Bthe database and you can ask your project administator to add any missing contexts.
;NOMATCHFAC, no facility name matches the wildcarded string string

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
EExplanation: You entered a wildcarded facility name Especification on a command, but that specification did not match any #facility names in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Hmessage simply tells you that no facilities matching your specification Eexist in the database. If you had expected such facilities to exist, Ayou can use the SHOW FACILITY command to see what facilities are Epresent in the database and you can ask your project administator to add any missing facilities.
CNOMATCHGEN, no generation matches wildcarded string string

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: You entered a wildcarded generation Especification on a command, but that specification did not match any 'module generations in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Bmessage simply tells you that no module generations matching your >specification exist in the database. If you had expected such Egenerations to exist, you can use the SHOW GENERATION command to see -what generations are present in the database.
HNOMATCHGENS, no generation matches wildcarded string string in stream string

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: You entered a wildcarded generation Especification on a command, but that specification did not match any +module generations in the specified stream.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Bmessage simply tells you that no module generations matching your Dspecification exist in the specified stream. First, verify that you Ehave either specified the correct stream on the command or that your Econtext is set to the correct stream. If the stream name was correct Eand you had expected such generations to exist, you can use the SHOW BGENERATION/STREAM=stream-name command to see what generations are present in that stream.
GNOMATCHGRP, no group name matches the wildcarded string string

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: You entered a wildcarded group name Especification on a command, but that specification did not match any V group names in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Dmessage simply tells you that no groups matching your specification Eexist in the database. If you had expected such groups to exist, you iEcan use the SHOW GROUP command to see what groups are present in the bHdatabase and you can use the CREATE GROUP command to add any new groups you want.n
HNOMATCHMOD, no module name matches the wildcarded string string
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentc
CExplanation: You entered a wildcarded module name >Especification on a command, but that specification did not match any uFmodule names in the VDE database in the indicated (or in the default) Cfacility. This message can be generated when double-clicking on an d-empty facility from within the Motif display. 
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Emessage simply tells you that no modules matching your specification Fexist in the VDE database. If you had expected such modules to exist, Gyou can use the SHOW MODULE command to see what modules are present in /Bthe database and you can use the CREATE MODULE command to add any missing modules.
>NOMATCHREP, no replacement name matches the wildcarded string string
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentf
HExplanation: You entered a wildcarded replacement name Especification on a command, but that specification did not match any w&replacement names in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the <message simply tells you that no replacements matching your >specification exist in the database. If you had expected such Greplacements to exist, you can use the SHOW REPLACEMENT command to see Cwhat replacements are present in the database and you can ask your 5project administator to add any missing replacements.
/NOMATCHSCRP, no scripts match the specification>
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentr
HExplanation: You requested a display of all scripts of ?a certains type, possibly matching a wildcarded module-name or eFfacility-name specification, but there are no scripts in the database that match that specification.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Dmessage simply tells you that no scripts exist in the database that match your specification.i
:NOMATCHSES, no session name matches the wildcarded string stringo
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: You entered a wildcarded session name Especification on a command, but that specification did not match any i"session names in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Fmessage simply tells you that no sessions matching your specification Gexist in the database. If you had expected such sessions to exist, you iEcan use the SHOW SESSION command to see what sessions are present in Bthe database and you can ask your project administator to add any missing sessions.p
GNOMATCHSTEP, no build steps for modules matching string found in database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: You entered a wildcarded module-name tFspecification to specify build steps, but there are no build steps in <the database for modules that match that name specification.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Gmessage simply tells you that no build steps exist in the database for tEmodules matching your module-name specification. If you had expected Dsuch build steps to exist, you can use the SHOW STEP command to see 1what build steps are represented in the database.s
:NOMATCHSTRM, no stream name matches the wildcarded string string

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment/
CExplanation: You entered a wildcarded stream name Especification on a command, but that specification did not match any r!stream names in the VDE database.p
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Emessage simply tells you that no streams matching your specification aFexist in the database. If you had expected such streams to exist, you Ecan use the SHOW STREAM * command to see what streams are present in Bthe database and you can ask your project administator to add any missing streams.
GNOMATCHUSER, no user name matches the wildcarded string string
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment/
@Explanation: You entered a wildcarded username Especification on a command, but that specification did not match any _usernames in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Cmessage simply tells you that no users matching your specification iHexist in the database. If you had expected such users to exist, you can Euse the SHOW USER * command to see what usernames are present in the Fdatabase and you can ask your project administator to add any missing users.
7NOMEMGRP, no members specified for group groupt
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentf
GExplanation: You have tried to create a group without mFspecifying any members for that group. A group must have at least one Emember. (The members of a group are the modules to be built when the d,group name is specified on a GROUP command.)
@User Action: Reenter the CREATE GROUP command, Gspecifying the names of the modules that you want to be the members of the new group.
GNOMODLIB, no MODLIB privilege; cannot modify attributes of this library

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmento
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed LGin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.d
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the uCprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the mGnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are dCnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the EFnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
;NOMODMEMGRP, no modules are members of group groupf
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
HExplanation: You entered the indicated group name on a Ecommand to apply the command to the modules that are members of that sFgroup, but the group has no members. Hence the command is not applied /to any modules due to that group specification.u
CUser Action: Use the CREATE GROUP or MODIFY GROUP rEcommand to specify the members of a group. Use the SHOW GROUP/MEMBER n/command to determine the membership of a group.
ENOMODSTRM, no MODSTRM privilege; cannot modify most stream attributesL
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentp
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed iGin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.a
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the sGnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are iCnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the lFnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
)NOMOREMOD, no more modules in review list

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
DExplanation: You have attempted to review the next Gmodule in the current review list, but there are no more such modules. fGYou also get this message if you attempt to review the previous module t8when you are positioned at the first module in the list.
HUser Action: Review build steps in the other direction .or exit from the REVIEW REPLACEMENT subsystem.
.NOMORESTEP, no more build steps in review list
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment=
DExplanation: You have attempted to review the next Bbuild step in the current review list, but there are no more such Gsteps. You also get this message if you attempt to review the previous Abuild step when you are positioned at the first step in the list.r
HUser Action: Review build steps in the other direction ,or exit from the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem.
@NONNULLARG, argument specfied MBZ has non-zero value in routine VDE-routine

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environments
DExplanation: VDE has detected a non-fatal internal Dinconsitency. A non-zero value has been passed as an argument to an Finternal routine that is specified to have a zero value. This message ?should only be seen in internal or prototype baselevels of VDE.
HUser Action: Please notify VDE support. Please include Bany information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem.
5NONOTE, no note topic entered; note entry is disabled
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentE
HExplanation: This message is used to indicate that the Aversion of VDE in use contains debug or prototype code, and as a i+result, that a notes topic was not entered.e
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as t=the version of VDE in use contains debug or prototype images.
=NONOTESENT, note NOT posted to conference conference=

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmento
EExplanation: VDE has failed in an attempt to post a sAnote to the indicated notes conference. Check the conference for lAgeneral accessability, and - if conference membership is needed, UGdetermine if you are a member of the conference from the node on which oyou are running VDE.
FUser Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on ;any other error messages included with this one, check the EGdocumentation for information on setting up the notes conferences, and #contact VDE support for assistance.
4NOPARSTRM, no parent stream specified for new stream
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
AExplanation: You are creating a new development iGstream, but you did not specify the parent of the new stream. You must Bspecify the parent stream by using the /PARENT qualifier with the FCREATE STREAM command or by establishing a default stream for the VDE Fsession with the SET STREAM command before entering the CREATE STREAM command.
BUser Action: Establish a default stream with SET DSTREAM and reenter the CREATE STREAM command or specify the /PARENT )qualifier with the CREATE STREAM command.=
<NOPERFREP, no PREFREP privilege; cannot perform replacements

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed dGin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.t
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the dCprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the dGnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are aCnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the gFnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
5NOPNAM, unknown project name specified for the stream/

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
HExplanation: The specified project name does not match Cthe project names associated with the specified development stream.o
HUser Action: This is a warning message, If you believe Gthat this project should be associated with the stream, please contact >the project leader, the system manager(s), or VDE support for assistance.m
+NOPNAMS, no projects defined for the stream
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentM
HExplanation: There are no projects associated with the specified development stream. 
GUser Action: This is an informational message, If you Fbelieve that there should be one or more projects associated with the Estream, please contact the project leader, the system manager(s), or VDE support for assistance.h
ENOPRIVQUAL, insufficient privilege to use qualifer qualifiero
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentr
GExplanation: You attempted to use a command qualifier hCthat requires a privilege, and you did not have that privilege set.O
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the ?qualifier, use the SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the rGnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are mCnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the gFnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
>NOPRIVS, insufficient VDE privilege(s) for attempted operation
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenth
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed Gin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error. 
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the >Cprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the Gnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are sCnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the Fnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
3NOPROMPT, no prompt specified; using default prompt/

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentd
DExplanation: This is an informational message, and Hindicates that no prompt was specified on the SET PROMPT command. As no @prompt was specified, VDE will revert to the default VDE prompt.
4User Action: No action is required.
=NORESFORMOD, no reservations exist for module moduleB
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment.
GExplanation: You have tried to reference reservations Ffor the indicated module or modules (the name may be wildcarded), but Gthere are no reservations in the VDE database for that module or those modules.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Fmessage simply tells you that the indicated module or modules are not reserved.i
ANORESREP, no RESREP privilege; cannot reserve and replace modules"
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment"
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed iGin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.i
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the iCprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the sGnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are mCnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the lFnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
%NOSCRATCH, no SYS$SCRATCH translatione
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
AExplanation: The translation of the SYS$SCRATCH ological name is not valid.
GUser Action: Reenter the VDE command after redefining /SYS$SCRATCH to a valid directory specification..
/NOSCRIPTYP, no script type specified on commandh

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
BExplanation: The current SCRIPT command (such as ECREATE SCRIPT) does not include any qualifier to specify the type of Bscript that the command should apply to. As a result, the command cannot be performed.
FUser Action: Reenter the command with a qualifier to &specify the script type of the script.
7NOSCT, replacement cause not known; module not replaced/
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment.
EExplanation: VDE was not provided with the cause of lHthe replacement being performed. The cause of a replacement---usually a DSource Code Tracking (SCT) entry or a source code Fold---is tracked.
CUser Action: Specify the SCT note via the /SCT or nH/NOTE qualifiers on the REPLACE command, or by providing answers to teh replacement prompts within VDE.o
<NOSCTSRC, source file record for SCT note not found
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: VDE is not able to locate the source file for the SCT note.g
GUser Action: Respecify the command, using a file that iexists.u
/NOSETLIB, the SET LIBRARY command is locked outg
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenta
GExplanation: The SET LIBRARY command is disabled when executing a beta version of VDE.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as 4the version of VDE in use contains beta-only images.
ENOSETTERM, the SET TERMINAL command is not supported on this terminale
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
FExplanation: SET TERMINAL is only supported on VT52, FVT100-series, VT200-series, VT300-series, VT400-series, VT500-series, and DECterm terminals.
NOSPAWN, spawn command failedm
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenti
AExplanation: A process cannot be spawned by VDE.>
:User Action: Check your process's quotas.
=NOSTAGROOT, no staging area root directory exists for library
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
>Explanation: You have tried to create queued Greplacement for some module, but no staging area root directory exists tEfor the library. Hence VDE cannot create a disk directory for saving r2(or "staging") the files to be replaced.
DUser Action: Use the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/STAGING Fcommand to create the root directory for the library's staging areas. DThen reenter the REPLACE command. Alternatively, replace the module Cwith an immediate (as opposed to queued) replacement. An immediate b(replacement does not use a staging area.
FNOSTRMROOT, no stream root directory exists for stream stream
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
HExplanation: You have tried to create a directory tree ?for a specific facility within the current stream, but no root eBdirectory exists for the stream. Hence VDE cannot create any disk 'directories for the indicated facility.i
GUser Action: Use the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command to Hcreate a directory tree for the current stream. That will automatically Ecreate both the stream root directory and the subdirectories for all R facilities.T
-NOSTRMSPEC, no stream specified for operationL
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentH
DExplanation: The command you have entered requires Cthat you specify the name of a development stream, either with the nD/STREAM qualifier or as a command parameter, but the stream name is missing on the entered command.i
HUser Action: Renter the command, specifying the stream name as required.u
DNOSUCHARCH, architecture architecture not found in database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
BExplanation: The indicated architecture name was Dentered on a command, but no such architecture was found in the VDE database.y
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Hmessage simply tells you that the indicated architecture does not exist Fin the database. However, if you had expected such an architecture to =exist, you may use the SHOW ARCHITECTURE command to see what tHarchitectures are found in the database. If the desired architecture is Dnot there, ask your project administator to add it to the database. 9Then reenter your command with a valid architecture name.e
9NOSUCHCTX, context context not found in databased
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
HExplanation: The indicated context name was entered on =a command, but no such context was found in the VDE database.a
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Fmessage simply tells you that the indicated context does not exist in Hthe database. However, if you had expected such a context to exist, you Gmay use the SHOW CONTEXT command to see what contexts are found in the i database.>
DNOSUCHDIRSYM, directory symbol symbol not found in database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenth
AExplanation: The indicated directory symbol was fEreferenced by a script but no such directory symbol was found in the /FVDE database. VDE tried to use the directory symbol either to look up Hthe directory location for the script's DCL command file or to evaluate Ga script function such as $DIR or $STRMDIR. The most likely reason for EDthe error is that you used a script function that takes a directory Gsymbol as a parameter, and you misspelled the symbol name or specified AFa symbol you have not yet defined. Directory symbols are defined with 3the /SYMBOL qualifier of the SET DIRECTORY command.l
GUser Action: Correct the script function call to have hEa correct directory symbol that is already defined. Then reenter the Fscript in the database with the CREATE SCRIPT command and reenter the #command that got the error message./
;NOSUCHFAC, facility facility not found in databasen
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
FExplanation: The indicated facility name was entered Aon a command, but no such facility was found in the VDE database.e
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Gmessage simply tells you that the indicated facility does not exist in iEthe database. However, if you had expected such a facility to exist, rGyou may use the SHOW FACILITY command to see what facilities are found nHin the database. If the desired facility is not there, ask your project Gadministator to add it to the database. Then reenter your command with ea valid facility name.
=NOSUCHFOLD, fold record record not found for module s*module and stream stream
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
HExplanation: You have tried to reference a fold record Hwith the indicated fold identifier for the indicated module and stream, Gbut there is no such fold record in the VDE database. As a result, VDE Hhas aborted the current command and rolled back the current transaction.
FUser Action: Specify a valid fold record and reenter the command.
=NOSUCHFUNC, no such script function exists: functionp
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
@Explanation: The indicated script function was Hspecified in a VDE script, but no such function exists. The most likely Ccause for this error is that you misspelled the function name. VDE iHrecognizes a script function by the fact that all script function names Fbegin with a dollar sign. Directory symbol names, which can appear in Fthe same places as functions in scripts, should not begin with dollar signs.
HUser Action: Correct the spelling of the function name Dor select a directory symbol name that does not begin with a dollar sign.t
?NOSUCHGEN, generation generation not found in databased
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
BExplanation: The indicated module generation was Bentered on a command, but no such generation was found in the VDE database.g
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Fmessage simply tells you that the indicated generation does not exist Ein the database. However, if you had expected such a generation of a Emodule to exist, you may use the SHOW GENERATION command to see what -module generations are found in the database.m
5NOSUCHGRP, group group not found in databasee
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
HExplanation: The indicated group name was entered on a 9command, but no such group was found in the VDE database.p
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Hmessage simply tells you that the indicated group does not exist in the Fdatabase. However, if you had expected such a group to exist, you may ?use the SHOW GROUP command to see what groups are found in the xBdatabase. If the desired group is not there, use the CREATE GROUP Dcommand to add it to the database. Then reenter your command with a valid group name.A
7NOSUCHMOD, module module not found in databasef
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentL
GExplanation: The indicated module name was entered on r<a command, but no such module was found in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Emessage simply tells you that the indicated module does not exist in sGthe database. However, if you had expected such a module to exist, you nEmay use the SHOW MODULE command to see what modules are found in the Edatabase. If the desired module is not there, you can use the CREATE DMODULE command to add it to the database. Then reenter your command with a valid module name.n
=NOSUCHPRIV, no such privilege name exists: priv-namet

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentb
FExplanation: An invalid privilege name was specified on a VDE command. 
GUser Action: Check the spelling of the privilege name D6and reenter the command with a correct privilege name.
DNOSUCHQUE, batch queue queue does not exist; check spelling
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentV
DExplanation: You have specified a batch queue on a EBUILD command or a related command, but that queue does not exist on eEthe system. Possibly you have misspelled the queue name. Hence build .-jobs cannot be submitted to that batch queue.e
EUser Action: Specify a valid queue name and restart ithe build job.
ANOSUCHREP, replacement replacement not found in databasea
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
AExplanation: The indicated replacement name was Centered on a command, but no such replacement was found in the VDE i database.a
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Fmessage simply tells you that the indicated replacemen does not exist Cin the database. However, if you had expected such a replacemen to tHexist, you may use the SHOW REPLACMENT command to see what replacements Hare found in the database. If the desired replacement is not there, ask Gyour project administator to add it to the database. Then reenter your &command with a valid replacement name.
GNOSUCHRES, reservation reservation for module module a not found

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
?Explanation: You have specified a reservation Bidentifier for a module reservation, but no reservation with that Hidentifier exists. Hence the current command has not been performed for that reservation.h
>User Action: Specify the correct reservation #identifier and reissue the command.=
8NOSUCHSCRP, script script not found in database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentp
FExplanation: The indicated script was specified on a 9command, but no such script is found in the VDE database.n
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Emessage simply tells you that the indicated script does not exist in Gthe database. However, if you had expected such a script to exist, you TGmay use the SHOW SCRIPT command to see what scripts are present in the o database.>
9NOSUCHSES, session session not found in database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
HExplanation: The indicated session name was entered on =a command, but no such session was found in the VDE database.n
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Fmessage simply tells you that the indicated session does not exist in Hthe database. However, if you had expected such a session to exist, you Fmay use the SHOW SESSION command to see what session are found in the @database. If the desired session is not there, ask your project Gadministator to add it to the database. Then reenter your command with sa valid session name.>
FNOSUCHSTEP, no build step for module module found in database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
HExplanation: No compile or link build step is recorded )in the database for the indicated module.h
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the >message simply tells you that the indicated build step is not Grepresented in the database. However, if you had expected such a build Cstep to exist, you may use the SHOW STEP command to see what build x steps are found in the database.
8NOSUCHSTRM, stream stream not found in database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
GExplanation: The indicated stream name was entered on =<a command, but no such stream was found in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Emessage simply tells you that the indicated stream does not exist in oGthe database. However, if you had expected such a stream to exist, you eGmay use the SHOW STREAM * command to see what streams are found in the ?database. If the desired stream is not there, ask your project iGadministator to add it to the database. Then reenter your command with a valid stream name.
0NOSUCHSYM, no such symbol 'text' exists
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmento
CExplanation: No symbols matching the given symbol tspecification have been found.
?User Action: Check the spelling of the symbol Fspecification in question. The SHOW SYMBOL * command can also be used to display all the symbol names.
4NOSUCHUSER, user user not found in database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment>
FExplanation: The indicated username was entered on a 8command, but no such user was found in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Gmessage simply tells you that the indicated user does not exist in the gEdatabase. However, if you had expected such a user to exist, you may rCuse the SHOW USER * command to see what usernames are found in the e=database. If the desired user is not there, ask your project eAadministator to add that user to the database. Then reenter your command with a valid username.
@NOTCONNLIB, you are not connected to a VDE library; command not performed
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmento
GExplanation: You are trying to perform a command that eErequires you to be connected to an existing VDE library, but you are sGnot connected to such a library. This normally means that you have not REdefined logical name VDE$LIBRARY to point to the root directory of a tAproperly formed VDE library that you are authorized to use. This tGproblem can also occur after you have encountered an error when trying hCto set or create a new library; you are then disconnected from the iEformerly set library without successfully connecting to the new one, e'leaving you unconnected to any library. 
GUser Action: Define logical name VDE$LIBRARY to point cGto the root directory for the VDE library you wish to access. Then try Qthe command again.
ANOTEID, topic major.minor entered in conferencer
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentu
BExplanation: This message indicates that VDE has =entered a note into a notes conference on behalf of the user.a
4User Action: No action is required.
9NOTESCONF, accessing notes conference conferencet
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
DExplanation: This message informs you that VDE has Dsuccessfully opened the indicated notes conference for notes access.
"User Action: None
7NOTESENT, note posted in conference conferenceH
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
DExplanation: This message informs you that VDE has Csuccessfully posted a note in the indicated notes conference. This ADmessage is issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on a command that )sends notifications to notes conferences. 
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command n&if you do not wish to see the message.
6NOTESENTID, note noteID posted in conference conference/

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenti
DExplanation: This message informs you that VDE has Csuccessfully posted a note in the indicated notes conference. This aDmessage is issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on a command that )sends notifications to notes conferences.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command >&if you do not wish to see the message.
7NOTESERR, error from DEC Notes at routine-namen
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
GExplanation: VDE has encountered an error while using ethe notes callable interface.>
FUser Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on ;any other error messages included with this one, check the aGdocumentation for information on setting up the notes conferences, and d#contact VDE support for assistance.e
=NOTESID, unable to parse DEC Notes topic note-numbern

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
GExplanation: VDE has encountered an error while using wthe notes callable interface.e
FUser Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on ;any other error messages included with this one, check the aGdocumentation for information on setting up the notes conferences, and l#contact VDE support for assistance.<
HNOTEXTSTR, text string argument missing in call to routine-name
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
GExplanation: VDE has detected an inconsistency within n<an internal routine which uses the notes callable interface.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for eAassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or e$relevent in duplicating the problem.
2NOTIMPL, this feature is not currently implemented
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
@Explanation: This message informs you that the ;indicated feature or callback is not currently implemented.o
HUser Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance.
@NOTINRANGE, integer value number not in valid range of )low-bound to high-boundt
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: The indicated integer value is not within Hthe valid range for the qualifier or parameter on which it is specified.
CUser Action: Reenter the command with the integer pvalue within the proper range.
CNOTPROP, generation generation not propagated past stream astreamo
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
EExplanation: Because the /PROPAGATE or /NOPROPAGATE bEqualifier was specified on the REPLACE command, the indicated module Cgeneration is not propagated past the indicated development stream.y
EUser Action: None. This is an informational message Hthat merely confirms that VDE performed change propagation as requested.
<NOTRESINSTRM, module module not reserved in stream streamc
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
GExplanation: You are trying to unreserve or replace a pGmodule in the indicated stream, but the module is not reserved in that mstream.n
GUser Action: Use the SHOW RESERVATION/FULL command to cEsee what stream the reservation was made in. Then use the SET STREAM h@command to set the current stream to the appropriate stream and Ere-enter the command, or (when available) you can append the /STREAM JEqualifier on the failing command and reissue the command. If you are FBperforming a REPLACEMENT, a replacement performed in the ancestor Gstream propogated forward into any and successors of the target stream.b
FNOTREVREP, you are not a reviewer for replacement replacement
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenti
FExplanation: You are trying to mark a replacement as Faccepted or rejected, but you are not a reviewer for the replacement. AAs a result, your attempt to mark the replacement as accepted or orejected has failed.
DUser Action: Specify the name of a replacement for Awhich you are a reviewer or have yourself added as a reviewer by nsomeone authorized to add you.
?NOUNCLOSE, no UNCLOSE privilege; cannot unclose a closed stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed bGin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the oCprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the iGnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are aCnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the rFnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
HNOUSERNAME, no USERNAME privilege; cannot reserve and replace for other usersy
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment>
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed tGin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.l
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the rCprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the lGnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are nCnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the nFnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
=NOVDEDEVO, no VDEDEVO privilege; access to dungeon restricteds
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
@Explanation: You attempted to use a command or Dqualifier that requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not Ghave sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayed hGin conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.h
?User Action: If you are authorized to use the jCprivilege, use the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the oGnecessary privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are mCnot authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request the aFnecessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier.
'NULSTRNOT, a null string is not allowed
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenti
DExplanation: This qualifier requires that a string Bwith a minimum length of 1 character be provided if any string is 1specified at all. The null string is not allowed.b
EUser Action: Reenter the command providing a string s(with this qualifier, or no value at all.
NYI, feature not yet implemented
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
GExplanation: VDE has detected a request for a feature "that has not yet been implemented.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for bAassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or m$relevent in duplicating the problem.
<OFFLINE, source code control system offline, try again later
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenti
HExplanation: The VDE system is offline for maintenance 0or upgrade, please try your request again later.
=User Action: The VDE system is offline fopr AGmaintenance or upgrade, please try again later. If you have questions, u>please contact VDE support or the system management staff for assistance.e
%OUTFILE, output file is filen
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
GExplanation: Indicates the output file of the current nEcommand. The FETCH and RESERVE commands display this message to show s>the location of the output file containing the fetched module generation.h
EUser Action: None. This is an informational message.
COUTMODSRC, output module module of build step is a source imodule; ignored
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
EExplanation: The automatically collected dependency oDinformation for the current build step specifies that the indicated Fmodule is an output from the step. However, the module is marked as a Dsource module in the VDE database, and a source module cannot be an Eoutput of a build step. Hence this dependency information is ignored $and is not recorded in the database.
GUser Action: If the module is erroneously marked as a eDsource module in the VDE database, you should delete the module and Ererun the build step. If the module actually is a source module, you Gshould investigate why the compiler or other processor specifies it as an output from the build step.
BOUTNLA0, if /OUTPUT=NLA0: was used, respecify with non-null output
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenty
GExplanation: This message suggests a workaround for a /Hfailure to fetch a module---this situation occurs only when fetching or Greserving a module that uses a marker file, and when /OUTPUT=NLA0: was pDspecified on the command. The underlying problem will be fixed in a future release of VDE.
EUser Action: If fetching or reserving a module that Huses a marker file, respecify the command with a non-null output device and directory.
@OVERRIDE, VDE library controls overridden via OpenVMS privileges
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
EExplanation: An attempt has been made to perform an oDoperation that VDE would normally prohibit, but VDE has allowed the @operation because of OpenVMS privileges possessed by the caller.
4User Action: No action is required.
9OVFLOWBUF, overflow of the input buffer, command ignored.h
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenty
EExplanation: A VDE command line may only consist of i0records that are less than 1024 characters long.
HUser Action: If you want more than 1024 characters for Hinput, divide each line into records that are less than 1024 characters Fand use the continuation character "-" at the point of each break. If Fthe sum of these records are greater than 32,768 characters, then the *complete command line cannot be processed.
APREFIXNOTALL, prefix VDE$ not allowed in facility or stream nameso
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenta
CExplanation: You have tried to create or rename a e;facility or stream with a name that begins with the prefix iF"VDE$" but VDE does not allow facilities or streams to have Hsuch names. VDE uses facility and stream names as disk directory names, Fbut VDE also creates directories reserved for its own use whose names Ealways begin with the VDE$ prefix. To prevent name conflicts between THfacility or stream directories and these reserved directories, VDE does Anot allow facility or stream names to begin with the VDE$ prefix.s
EUser Action: Reenter the command with a facility or e*stream name that does not begin with VDE$.
2PROTOLIB, using prototype library library
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
HExplanation: This message is used to indicate that the Aversion of VDE in use contains debug or prototype code, and as a e0result, that a particular library is being used.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as p=the version of VDE in use contains debug or prototype images.o
-PROTOTYPE, this is a prototype version of VDEi
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenti
HExplanation: This message is used to indicate that the 7version of VDE in use contains debug or prototype code.o
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as l=the version of VDE in use contains debug or prototype images.i
<QARDBSYNTAX, invalid QAR database name syntax: name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentc
GExplanation: The name or format specified for the QAR g(database name is not using valid syntax.
DUser Action: Respecify the QAR database name using Aonly alphanumeric, underscore, dollar sign and hyphen characters.e
1QCHECKCOUNT, queued.checkin.count: countC
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentd
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error mmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
5QDATETIME, queued.checkin.datetime: datetimeo
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentr
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error imessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as cDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
6QERRORS, queued.checkin.defectsfixed: defects
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentp
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error umessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as rDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
,QGROUP, queued.checkin.group: group
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as eDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
)QITEM, queued.checkin.item: item
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as eDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
6QLIBMNE, queued.library.mnemonic: libmnemonic
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error tmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as :Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
0QMODULE, queued.checkin.module: modname
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error emessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as rDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
9QNOTE, queued.checkin.note: topic.replyi
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error nmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as rDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
/QPROJECT, queued.project.name: projecte

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmento
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error emessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as nDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
3QREASON, queued.checkin.reasonmask: reasond

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error rmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as dDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
6QREPLID, queued.checkin.replacementid: replid
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error gmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
5QREPLNAME, queued.checkin.replname: replnameo
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error nmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as eDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
/QRMPBCOUNT, queued.module.count: countC
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as nDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
7QRMPBMODFLAG, queued.module.modflags: modflags:

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment<
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as rDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
5QRMPBMODNAME, queued.module.modname: modname
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentE
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
DQRMPBREPLREMARK, queued.module.replaceremark: replaceremark
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentv
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error nmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as eDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
CQRMPBRESREMARK, queued.module.reserveremark: reserveremarks
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as tDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
5QRMPBSTAGING, queued.module.staging: stagingp

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error rmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
/QSTREAM, queued.checkin.stream: streamn
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentr
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as uDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
/QTYPCOD, queued.checkin.typecode: typee

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenty
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as iDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
/QTYPNAM, queued.checkin.typename: typeI
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error rmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
?QUALDISALL, qualifier qualifier is disallowed for the icommand command

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentf
EExplanation: You have specified a command qualifier hFthat is not allowed with the specified command. Because the qualifier Cis not allowed, the command is not executed. In certain cases, the Hqualifier is disallowed by your VDE library due to a library attribute, Aand the qualifier would be allowed if the library attribute that Mdisallows it were changed.
HUser Action: Reenter the command without the offending @qualifier or change the library attribute that disallows it, if applicable.i
?QUALNOTALL, qualifier qualifier is not allowed when a dparameter is specified

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmento
DExplanation: You have specified both the indicated Hqualifier and a command parameter on a command that does not allow both =to be specified. The command is not executed for this reason.s
BUser Action: Reenter the command with either the =indicated qualifier or with command parameters, but not both.e
FQUALTOOMANY, qualifier qualifier has been specified too many timesr

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
?Explanation: You have specified the indicated CCqualifier too many times for a parameter on this command line. The /(command is not executed for this reason.
EUser Action: Reenter the command with the indicated o9qualifier specified no more than once for each parameter.a
FQUECLOSED, batch queue queue is closed and cannot accept jobs
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
FExplanation: The indicated batch queue is closed and Fcannot accept batch jobs. It thus cannot be used to run the build job you are starting. 
FUser Action: You can either run the build job on the Hremaining batch queues you have specified, or you can restart the build 7job and specify a different set of batch queues for it.a
@QUEPAUSED, batch queue queue is paused or pausing; job execution is haltede
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentf
HExplanation: The indicated batch queue is paused or in Fthe process of pausing. You can still submit batch jobs to the queue, =but the jobs will not execute until the pause condition ends.n
BUser Action: You can either let the build job be Equeued to the paused batch queue and wait for the pause condition to rEend, or you can restart the build job and specify a different set of ebatch queues for it.
CQUESTOPPED, batch queue queue is stopped or stopping; job >execution is halted
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentb
FExplanation: The indicated batch queue is stopped or Cin the process of stopping. You can still submit batch jobs to the VEqueue, but the jobs will not execute until the queue is started by a gsystem manager or operator. 
BUser Action: You can either let the build job be Hqueued to the stopped batch queue and wait for the queue to be started, For you can restart the build job and specify a different set of batch queues for it.
,QUOCHECK, performing a quota check operation
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentV
>Explanation: This message indicates that the FVDE/READ_UAF image is checking process quotas in the SYSUAF, and that 0it will NOT update quota settings in the SYSUAF.
CUser Action: Informational, no action is necessarym
@QUOLOW, quota quota set to: old, recommended: new
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentc
>Explanation: This message indicates that the FVDE/READ_UAF image has detected a username with a quota value that is below the recommended settings.
EUser Action: Contact your local system manager, and Eask that the quotas on the specified user be checked against the VDE iFminimum values, and raised where necessary. The system manager or VDE Fdatabase administrator can use the VDE command VDE/READ_UAF/WRITE_UAF Fto raise the process quotas to the required minimum values on all VDE Eusers. (Process quota values above the required minimums will not be t altered.)g
7QUORESET, performing a quota check and update operationu

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
>Explanation: This message indicates that the FVDE/READ_UAF image is checking process quotas in the SYSUAF, and that ,it WILL update quota settings in the SYSUAF.
CUser Action: Informational, no action is necessaryg
!QUOSTREXP, quoted string expectedm
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environments
HExplanation: A quoted string was expected. This quoted ;string must be delimited by either single or double quotes.s
>QUOUSER, user user below recommended quota setting(s)
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
>Explanation: This message indicates that the FVDE/READ_UAF image has detected a username with a quota value that is below the recommended settings.
EUser Action: Contact your local system manager, and nEask that the quotas on the specified user be checked against the VDE /Fminimum values, and raised where necessary. The system manager or VDE Fdatabase administrator can use the VDE command VDE/READ_UAF/WRITE_UAF Fto raise the process quotas to the required minimum values on all VDE Eusers. (Process quota values above the required minimums will not be o altered.)
5QUSERNAME, queued.checkin.username: usernameI
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error omessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as rDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error 5message. ! :=,=:=,=:=,=:=,=:=,= :=,=:=,=:=,=:=,=:=,= >:=,=:=,=:=,=:=,=:=,=
-READERR, VDE input read error, forced to exitr
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
EExplanation: An error was found in reading an input nline.o
HUser Action: All command line information is read from Fthe logical VDE$INPUT. Something is interfering with the reading from Ethe file or device that is specified by this logical name. Determine tEwhere VDE$INPUT is pointing. If you cannot determine what is causing n1the interference, please submit a problem report.t
;REGRESSION, operating in mode suitable for regression testss
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenti
HExplanation: This message indicates that the VDE image Ehas detected a request to switch into a mode suitable for operations gGwithin a VDE regression test suite. This request can be initiated only eFby a user with OpenVMS privileges, or by a VDE image linked with this mode enabled.e
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as r=this message should not be displayed under normal operations.n
BREPACCEPT, replacement replacement marked as accepted in database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentf
DExplanation: This message informs you that the VDE Gdatabase now records that you have accepted the indicated replacement. gCThis message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the ACCEPT REPLACEMENT command.q
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
@REPADDED, replacement replacement added to the database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environments
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Eindicated replacement definition has been added to the VDE database. CThis message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the nREPLACE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command p&if you do not wish to see the message.
DREPBELUSER, replacement replacement belongs to another user
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
GExplanation: You are attempting to modify or cancel a cEqueued replacement that belongs to another user, and you do not have pGthe PERFREP privilege that would allow you to cancel or modify another Fuser's replacements. As a result, the replacement is not cancelled or modified.n
FUser Action: Reenter the command specifying your own Fqueued replacement to cancel or modify, or else have someone with the *necessary privilege perform the operation.
2REPCAN, replacement replacement cancelled
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmento
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Findicated replacement has been cancelled. This message is only issued Bwhen you use the /LOG qualifier on the CANCEL REPLACEMENT command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command i&if you do not wish to see the message.
BREPDEL, replacement replacement deleted from the database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Gdefinition for the indicated replacement has been deleted from the VDE nFdatabase. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier "on the DELETE REPLACEMENT command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command a&if you do not wish to see the message.
HREPEXISTS, replacement replacement already exists; replacement not changedb
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentT
AExplanation: The indicated replacement name was >Especified on a REPLACE command, but an entry for that replacement is >Galready present in the database. Hence a new entry was not created for Ethat replacement. Alternatively, the indicated name was specified as Cthe new name for an existing replacement on the MODIFY REPLACEMENT dEcommand, but another replacement already has the requested new name. sGHence the name of the existing replacement could not be changed to the u new name.s
CUser Action: If you entered the wrong replacement Dname, reenter the command with the correct name. If you entered the Hright replacement name, use the SHOW REPLACEMENT command to display the Ddatabase information for that replacement. If you are not satisfied Gwith that information, use the MODIFY REPLACEMENT command to change it.
>REPLACED, generation generation replaced into stream streamo

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Bindicated module has been replaced into the indicated development Astream in the current VDE library. It has also been assigned the tFindicated generation number. This message is only issued when you use ,the /LOG qualifier with the REPLACE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command s&if you do not wish to see the message.
7REPLQUE, module module queued for replacement Yreplacement
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Dindicated module has been queued for replacement as a member of the Enamed replacement. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG M!qualifier on the REPLACE command.s
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command u&if you do not wish to see the message.
EREPMOD, information for replacement replacement modified in r the database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
HExplanation: This message informs you that information Efor the indicated replacement has been modified in the VDE database. eCThis message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the eMODIFY REPLACEMENT command.a
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
EREPNOTFOUND, replacement replacement not found in database; aparameter ignoredT
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentE
AExplanation: The indicated repalcement name was nCentered on a SHOW REPLACEMENT command, but no such replacement was /found in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Gmessage simply tells you that the indicated replacement does not exist in the database.
HREPNOTPERF, replacement replacement for stream stream 4not performed; does not match stream stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Eindicated replacement has not been performed because it belongs to a Bstream that does not match the stream name you specified with the F/STREAM qualifier to the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command (or your default Hstream). This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
3REPPERF, replacement replacement performedg
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentd
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Findicated replacement has been performed. This message is only issued Cwhen you use the /LOG qualifier on the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command u&if you do not wish to see the message.
BREPREJECT, replacement replacement marked as rejected in database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
DExplanation: This message informs you that the VDE Gdatabase now records that you have rejected the indicated replacement. aCThis message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the tREJECT REPLACEMENT command.>
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command y&if you do not wish to see the message.
9REPSYNTAX, invalid replacement name syntax: namec
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: The name or format specified for the p+replacement name is not using valid syntax.p
HUser Action: Respecify the replacement name using only <alphanumeric, underscore, dollar sign and hyphen characters.
-REQQUAMIS, required command qualifier missingk
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: Both the DEFINE and DELETE commands must >Dhave a qualifier to specify the type of definition or deletion. You !must use either /KEY or /COMMAND.s
ERESDEL, reservation reservation of module for user quser has been deleted

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenti
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Eindicated reservation has been deleted from the VDE database because tFyou performed an operation that changed what generation is the latest Fgeneration of the module for some stream. Such operations include the >DELETE, INSERT, and REMOVE GENERATION commands. After such an Goperation, the reservation is based on the wrong generation and can no i#longer be replaced into the stream.
HUser Action: None. The affected users will be informed Dthat their reservations are deleted. They should reserve the module again and redo their changes.g
>RESERVED, generation generation reserved from stream streami
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Cindicated module and generation has been reserved from the current bHlibrary. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the RESERVE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command E&if you do not wish to see the message.
?RESERVSES, generation generation reserved from stream o,stream for session session
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentT
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Gindicated module and generation has been reserved from the VDE library >Gand is part of the indicated reservation session. This message is only e>issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the RESERVE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
DRESIDREQ, reservation identifier required for module module
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentg
EExplanation: You have multiple reservations for the eFindicated module. You must therefore specify a reservation identifier Awith the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier to uniquely indicate to which n*reservation you want the command to apply.
;User Action: Reissue the command with the tH/IDENTIFICATION qualifier to indicate the specific reservation to which you want the command to apply.
>RESIDUSED, reservation Id ID already used for module 4module attempt to reserve module has failed
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment<
AExplanation: You are trying to reserve a module oHconcurrently using the same reservation identification as you have used @on a previous reservation of the same module in the same stream ;development stream. This is not allowed, since reservation identifications must be unique..
AUser Action: Reissue the RESERVE command with a oFdifferent reservation identification specified on the /IDENTIFICATION Fqualifier. Alternatively, you can omit the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, >in which case VDE will assign a unique identification for you.
DRESMOD, reservation reservation for module module modified in database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentp
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated reservation record for the indicated module has been modified Gin the VDE database. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG ,qualifier on the MODIFY RESERVATION command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
ERESQUEUED, reservation request for module queued for stream astream
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentd
DExplanation: This message informs you that VDE has Fqueued a reservation request for the indicated module and development Gstream. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the RESERVE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command b&if you do not wish to see the message.
;RETURNED, control returned to process process-namem
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenta
HExplanation: After performing either a SPAWN or ATTACH Foperation, this message will be generated to inform you when you have returned to VDE's process.
HRIGIDNOTFOU, required rights identifier ID not found in rights database

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
EExplanation: You have not yet been added to the VDE nAdatabase, and to be added you must hold the indicated VMS rights LBidentifier. However, that rights identifier is not present in the Gsystem rights database. As a result, you are not allowed access to the VDE library.
FUser Action: Have your system manager add the rights Hidentifier to the system rights database and assign it to the users who ?should have access to the VDE library, or have the VDE library lEmaintainer use the MODIFY LIBRARY command specify the correct rights Nidentifier in the VDE database.
DRIGIDNOTHELD, you do not hold required rights identifier ID
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
EExplanation: You have not yet been added to the VDE xAdatabase, and to be added you must hold the indicated VMS rights >Cidentifier. However, you do not hold that rights identifier in the tGsystem rights database. As a result, you are not allowed access to the a VDE library.
CUser Action: If you should have access to the VDE Blibrary, have your system manager assign you the indicated rights 5identifier. Then try accessing the VDE library again.c
3ROLLBACK, database transaction has been rolled backn

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
GExplanation: The database transaction associated with tCthe current command has been rolled back because an error occurred mFwhile processing the command. This means that all changes the command Hwould have made to the database if successful have in fact been removed from the database.
FUser Action: Correct the error and retry the command.
"SCRDONE, completed wait for script

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
DExplanation: This message informs you that VDE has completed a wait for a script.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as a4the version of VDE in use contains debugging images.
5SCRIPTONLY, VDE/STATUS is invoked only within scriptso
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenth
EExplanation: This message is indicates the user has tCattempted to invoke the VDE/STATUS command at the DCL prompt; this bCcommand is for script processing within VDE and is not intended to rdirectly accessed by users. 
,User Action: Don't do this.
'SCRLOAD, loading script into subprocess
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentr
DExplanation: This message informs you that VDE has 0loaded a script into a subprocess for execution.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as l4the version of VDE in use contains debugging images.
GSCRPADDED, script from file file added to the database script bscriptA

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Gindicated script has been added to the VDE database from the indicated mEfile. The script only applies to the current stream. This message is Aonly issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE SCRIPT ocommand.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
FSCRPCMDTOOLONG, script command is too long; it exceeds count characters
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: You have entered a script command that is ?too long for VDE's internal script command buffer. The message eCindicates the maximum size of this buffer. The total length of the pAscript command includes the initial line for the command and all ucontinuation lines.V
FUser Action: Change the script command so that it is not so long.
@SCRPDEL, script deleted from the database script script
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentr
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Findicated script for the current stream has been deleted from the VDE Fdatabase. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE SCRIPT command.n
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command t&if you do not wish to see the message.
GSCRPEXTR, script extracted to file file script scriptc
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment>
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Cindicated script has been extracted from the VDE database into the dBindicated file. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG (qualifier on the EXTRACT SCRIPT command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command g&if you do not wish to see the message.
CSCRPFACFAIL, script for facility facility terminated with ,errors
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
DExplanation: The script for the indicated facility Gterminated with errors when executed for the current command. The type aEof the script depends on the command. For the CREATE STREAM command, rEfor example, the new-stream script is invoked to perform part of the istream creation.
BUser Action: Correct the error in the script and reenter the command.
@SCRPFILE, script produced DCL command file file script script

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated script has been invoked to produce the DCL command file whose Gname is given in the message. This message is only issued when you use 0the /LOG qualifier on the INVOKE SCRIPT command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command f&if you do not wish to see the message.
ESCRPFUNCUNDEF, script function function is undefined in the current script
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentg
GExplanation: The indicated script function is used in ABthe currently executing script, but is undefined for this type of Gscript. This means that the function is not allowed to be used in this dFtype of script. The module-name functions, for example, are undefined Din scripts invoked at stream creation because these scripts are not applied to individual modules.
GUser Action: Do not use the indicated function in the oscript.m
<SCRPMOD, script information modified in the database script scriptn
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environments
HExplanation: This message informs you that information Dfor the indicated script has been modified in the VDE database. The Fmodified attributes only apply to the current stream. This message is Aonly issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY SCRIPT ucommand.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
?SCRPMODFAIL, script script for module module yterminated with errors

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentm
BExplanation: The script for the indicated module Gterminated with errors when executed for the current command. The type g*of the script is specified in the message.
BUser Action: Correct the error in the script and reenter the command.
)SCRPUSED, script stript was useda
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Eindicated script was used to generate one segment of the current DCL t@command file. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG 'qualifier on the INVOKE SCRIPT command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command L&if you do not wish to see the message.
ESCRQUOERR, no closing quotation mark in script command:!/cmde
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenta
FExplanation: VDE has detected a missing quote in the =specified command for the script. The script command must be t!respecified using correct syntax. 
EUser Action: The script command must be respecified using correct syntax.
#SCRWAIT, commencing wait for script>
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
CExplanation: This message informs you that VDE is >)commencing a wait operation for a script. 
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as o4the version of VDE in use contains debugging images.
6SCTCONF, SCT note conference null; module not replaced
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC
EExplanation: The required SCT notes conference name b1field was found empty on a replacement operation.m
FUser Action: Please reenter the SCT notes conference ?name using correct syntax, and retry the replacement operation.e
ASCTCONFSYN, SCT note conference syntax error; module not replacedt
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenth
EExplanation: VDE detected a syntax error in the SCT anotes conference name field.
FUser Action: Please reenter the SCT notes conference ?name using correct syntax, and retry the replacement operation.m
7SCTFCMT, SCT fold comment required; module not replaced

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
FExplanation: The required SCT fold comment field was 'found empty on a replacement operation.c
FUser Action: Enter an SCT fold comment and retry the replacement operation.
;SCTFNF, unable to locate notes conference confnames
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentu
GExplanation: VDE was unable to open the specified SCT nnotes conference
FUser Action: Please reenter the SCT notes conference Hname using the correct name and syntax, and retry the operation. If the >conference is missing, contact the project leader, the system *manager(s), or VDE support for assistance.
2SCTNOTE, SCT note number null; module not replaced

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenth
EExplanation: The required SCT note number field was t'found empty on a replacement operation.s
EUser Action: Enter the number of the associated SCT r?note using correct syntax, and retry the replacement operation.e
=SCTNOTESYN, SCT note number syntax error; module not replaced
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
EExplanation: VDE detected a syntax error in the SCT _note number field.
GUser Action: Please reenter the SCT note number using s4correct syntax, and retry the replacement operation.
"SECMERFAI, secondary merge failure
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
=Explanation: internal state information for nVDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.
GUser Action: Correct the cause of the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC berror.

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
HExplanation: The VDE database does not have the proper Hformat, and the automatic conversion of the database has been disabled. GThe VDE CONVERT LIBRARY command can be used to force the conversion of /the database format.
BUser Action: If use of the new version of VDE is Dintended, perform a full library backup using the database-provided Ebackup tools, and then use the VDE CONVERT LIBRARY command to update /the database format.
8SESADDED, session session added to the database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Findicated session definition has been added to the VDE database. This Fmessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the REPLACE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
<SESBELUSER, session session belongs to another user
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment/
GExplanation: You are attempting to modify or cancel a lFreservation session that belongs to another user, and you do not have Gthe PERFREP privilege that would allow you to cancel or modify another nFuser's session. As a result, the session is not cancelled or modified.
FUser Action: Reenter the command specifying your own Greservation session to cancel or modify, or else have someone with the E*necessary privilege perform the operation.
*SESCAN, session session cancelled
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentd
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Gindicated session has been cancelled. This message is only issued when y9you use the /LOG qualifier on the CANCEL SESSION command.t
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command i&if you do not wish to see the message.
HSESEXISTS, session session already exists in database; session not changed>
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmento
GExplanation: The indicated session name was specified eGon a REPLACE command, but an entry for that session is already present tEin the database. Hence a new entry was not created for that session. AGAlternatively, the indicated name was specified as the new name for an Dexisting session on the MODIFY SESSION command, but another session Calready has the requested new name. Hence the name of the existing y-session could not be changed to the new name.
EUser Action: If you entered the wrong session name, iDreenter the command with the correct name. If you entered the right Csession name, use the SHOW SESSION command to display the database Ainformation for that session. If you are not satisfied with that 9information, use the MODIFY SESSION command to change it.t
ASESMOD, information for session session modified in the cdatabase
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmento
HExplanation: This message informs you that information Ffor the indicated session has been modified in the VDE database. This Emessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY dSESSION command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command /&if you do not wish to see the message.
CSESNOMODS, session session contains no module reservationso
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentM
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hreservation session you are replacing or unreserving contains no module Ereservations. The command deleted the session from the VDE database, u-but did not replace or unreserve any modules.a
GUser Action: If you meant to replace modules you have nDalready reserved, replace them individually. Alternatively, use the GRESERVE command to create a new session that contains reservations for gEthe desired modules. Then change the modules and replace the session.F
GSESNOTFOUND, session session not found in database; parameter <ignoredV
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenti
HExplanation: The indicated session name was entered on Aa SHOW SESSION command, but no such session was found in the VDE F database.n
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Fmessage simply tells you that the indicated session does not exist in the database.o
,SESTERM, session session terminated
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environments
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated session has been terminated. This message is only issued when Eyou use the /SESSION and /LOG qualifiers on the REPLACE or UNRESERVE rcommand.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command e&if you do not wish to see the message.
8SETKEY, keypad state has been set to state-name
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenta
FExplanation: For the SET KEY operation, this informs the user that the key was set.
FUser Action: If you do wish to see this information, 0use the /NOLOG qualifier on the SET KEY command.
.SETKEYERR, error in processing SET KEY command

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
HExplanation: The screen management facility is used to Fmaintain screen bindings. In this instance, SMG$SET_DEFAULT_STATE has returned an error.
EUser Action: See SMG documentation to determine the nHproblem. If your answer cannot be found, please contact VDE support for assistance.s
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentr
EExplanation: VDE is unable to perform the specified .?operation as the target VDE library---the library on which the k7operation will be performed---has not been established.t
AUser Action: Specify the target VDE library. To EHdetermine the available libraries, issue the "SET LIBRARY" command with Gno parameters. As part of the error message, this command will display tFthe names of the predefined VDE libraries, the Rdb root directory for Eeach, and the mnemonic name for each. Once the mnemnonic name or the ERdb root directory name for the target library is known, one can: A) Euse the mnemnonic name or the Rdb root directory name as the libname hAparameter on a "SET LIBRARY libname" VDE command. B) Use use the nFmnemnonic name or the Rdb root directory name as the parameter on the @VDE /LIBRARY=libname. C) Define the logical name VDE$LIBRARY to Ftranslate to the VDE mnemnonic name or to the Rdb root directory name.
ESETUNAUTH, attempt to set unauthorized privileges; privileges not seti
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
@Explanation: You have attempted to use the SET EPRIVILEGES command to grant yourself one or more privileges that you 8are not authorized to set according to the VDE database.
FUser Action: Use the SHOW PRIVILEGES/FULL command to Dsee what privileges you are authorized to set. Then reenter the SET EPRIVILEGES command to set only authorized privileges. Alternatively, QDask the project administrator to grant you authorization to set the Fprivileges you want. Then exit from VDE, start a new VDE session, and set the privileges you want.
/SHOKEYERR, error in processing SHOW KEY commandi

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmento
HExplanation: The screen management facility is used to Bmaintain screen bindings. In this instance, SMG$LIST_KEY_DEFS has returned an error.
EUser Action: See SMG documentation to determine the hHproblem. If your answer cannot be found, please contact VDE support for assistance.C
@SHORESFUL, use SHOW RESERVATION/FULL to check reservation stream

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentE
HExplanation: The SHOW RESERVATION/FULL command is used Cto display outstanding reservations, and can be used to locate the Eparticular stream in which the reservation was originally requested. n@Certain operations require the specification of a stream via an Bexplicit /STREAM qualifier, or via an implicit SET STREAM default stream value. 
HUser Action: This message is informational, and should +accompany one or more other error messages.o
?SNDJBCERR, job controller error status for queue queue
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentx
FExplanation: You have attempted to start a build job Eand the VMS job controller (the $SNDJBCW system service) returned an RBerror status when VDE submitted a build process to a system batch Fqueue. The message that follows gives more information to explain the error.
FUser Action: The action to take to correct the error Fdepends on the nature of the error. You or your system manager should ,correct the error and restart the build job.
ASPARE_1, placeholder for VDE$_MODEXISTS (module) message
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
=Explanation: The VDE$_MODEXISTS message was cFreclassified from an informational message to a warning message. This Hentry is a placeholder that prevents the condition values of subsequent errors from changing.g
CUser Action: See VDE$_MODEXISTS. Also contact VDE tHsupport for assistance, as VDE should no longer be reporting this error message.
@SPARE_2, placeholder for VDE$_INVALANS (answer) message

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
<Explanation: The VDE$_INVALANS message was Freclassified from an informational message to a warning message. This Hentry is a placeholder that prevents the condition values of subsequent errors from changing.
BUser Action: See VDE$_INVALANS. Also contact VDE Hsupport for assistance, as VDE should no longer be reporting this error message.
SPARE_3, was FACNOTDEL; replaced
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA
DExplanation: This message (was FACNOTDEL) has been superceded.n
AUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance.>
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
AExplanation: message superceded (was STRMNOTDEL)o
@User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
EExplanation: filler for error message elevated to a ewarning.
=User Action: This message should not appear.
SPARE_6, was BADSTATUS; replaced
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentr
DExplanation: This message (was BADSTATUS) has been @superceded; the BADSTATUS message now returns an error severity.
FUser Action: The version of message file in use does Dnot match the version of the images running. Check for a bad or old 5message file, and contact VDE support for assistance.r
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenta
EExplanation: filler for error message elevated to a hwarning.
=User Action: This message should not appear.i
SPAWNED, subprocess spawnedo
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
HExplanation: Issued when the /NOWAIT qualifier is used.
EUser Action: None; this is an informational message gonly.
&SPEMERFAI, specification merge failure

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment,
=Explanation: internal state information for oVDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.
GUser Action: Correct the cause of the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC oerror.
HSRCNOTOUT, source module module cannot be an output from build step

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentr
FExplanation: You have specified that a source module Eis an output from a build step. A source module can be an input to a Fbuild step, but it can by definition not be an output. The build step (definition is not added to the database.
GUser Action: If this error occurs on a CREATE STEP or DMODIFY STEP command, correct the error and reenter the command with valid output modules.>
@STATNOTSPEC, the kind of statistics to display was not specified
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentg
@Explanation: This qualifier requires a keyword .specifying what kind of statistics to display.
FUser Action: Reenter the command providing a keyword .specifying what kind of statistics to display.
HSTEPNOTCRE, build step not created; module module not found in database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
HExplanation: You have specified a module that does not Gexist in the VDE database as the primary input to a compile step. As a rEresult, the CREATE STEP command does not add the compile step or its /'dependency information to the database.s
HUser Action: Correct the module name to be the name of Gan existing module or create the module with the CREATE MODULE command e*before reentering the CREATE STEP command.
ASTEPNOTFOUND, build step for module module not found in udatabase

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
HExplanation: You have specified a build step that does Dnot exist in the VDE database. As a result, the current MODIFY STEP 6command cannot modify any information in the database.
@User Action: Reenter the command specifying an Eexisting build step or create the desired build step with the CREATE n STEP command.n
FSTEPNOTMOD, build step not modified; module module not found in databased
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
HExplanation: You have specified a module that does not Fexist in the VDE database as the primary input or output module for a Hbuild step. As a result, the MODIFY STEP command cannot modify database information.
HUser Action: Correct the module name to be the name of Han existing module before reentering the MODIFY STEP command, or create =the module with the CREATE MODULE command and enter the step s)information with the CREATE STEP command.>
FSTEPNOTREV, build step for module module not found in review list
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentp
HExplanation: You have specified a build step that does Bnot exist in the current build-step review list. As a result, you @cannot select the build step with the module name you specified.
FUser Action: Reenter the SELECT command specifying a Abuild step that is present in the build-step review list for the dBcurrent REVIEW BUILD_JOB command. Use the DIRECTORY subcommand to 3determine what build steps are present in the list.t
STGTRUNC, string truncated
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
CExplanation: VDE has attempted to output a string n)which is longer than its internal buffer.o
EUser Action: If it can be determined that it is not lBcaused by a user error, please contact VDE support for assistance.
@STKOVF, command procedures too deeply nested; limit is 16 levels
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
FExplanation: VDE allows only 16 levels of nesting of command procedures.
CUser Action: Embed some of the command procedures @within others to decrease the level of nesting to fewer than 16.
7STRMADDED, stream stream added to the database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environments
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Eindicated stream definition has been added to the VDE database. This cEmessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE nSTREAM command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command s&if you do not wish to see the message.
DSTRMCLOSED, stream stream is permanently closed; state not changed
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
FExplanation: You have tried to change the state of a Estream development stream with the /OPEN or /FROZEN qualifier on the DMODIFY STREAM command when the stream is already in the permanently Bclosed state. The rest of the command still takes effect, but the 7stream state is not changed; the stream remains closed.a
EUser Action: No user action is necessary; the state <4cannot be changed and the command did not change it.
9STRMDEL, stream stream deleted from the databaser
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmento
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Bdefinition for the indicated stream has been deleted from the VDE Fdatabase. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE STREAM command. 
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
=STRMEXISTS, stream stream already exists in databasel
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
FExplanation: The indicated stream name was specified Don a CREATE STREAM command, but an entry for that stream is already Dpresent in the database. Hence a new entry was not created for that Hstream. Alternatively, the indicated name was specified as the new name Hfor an existing stream on the MODIFY STREAM command, but another stream Calready has the requested new name. Hence the name of the existing ,stream could not be changed to the new name.
DUser Action: If you entered the wrong stream name, Dreenter the command with the correct name. If you entered the right Astream name, use the SHOW STREAM command to display the database i@information for that stream. If you are not satisfied with that 8information, use the MODIFY STREAM command to change it.
HSTRMMOD, information for stream stream modified in the database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentm
HExplanation: This message informs you that information Efor the indicated stream has been modified in the VDE database. This iEmessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY eSTREAM command.>
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command e&if you do not wish to see the message.
GSTRMNOTCLOSED, stream stream can not be deleted because it is not closed
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenta
FExplanation: You are trying to delete a stream which Eis in an open or frozen state. Only streams in a closed state may be hdeleted.
FUser Action: If appropriate, change the state of the 6stream to closed and repeat the delete stream command.
.STRMNOTDEL, stream stream not deleted
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
DExplanation: You are attempting to delete a stream Gthat cannot be deleted. Additional messages are normally included with cCthis message, and these messages indicate why the strean cannot be deleted.
DUser Action: Resolve the problem(s) flagged by the <other error messages, and reenter the DELETE STREAM command.
FSTRMNOTFOUND, stream stream not found in database; parameter ignoredV
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenta
GExplanation: The indicated stream name was entered on fHa SHOW STREAM command, but no such stream was found in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Emessage simply tells you that the indicated stream does not exist in a the database.
FSTRMNOTOPEN, stream stream is not open; operation not allowed
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment.
EExplanation: You are trying to reserve or replace a uDmodule, but the currently active stream (whose name is given in the Amessage) is either frozen or closed. It is thus not open for the &reservation or replacement of modules.
GUser Action: You can use the SHOW STREAM/FULL command Hto see the status of the current stream. If the stream is closed, it is Cpermanently protected against being changed, and you should not be yHtrying to reserve or replace modules in it. If the stream is frozen, it Ais currently protected against being changed, but changes may be /Dallowed later when the library administrator sets the state back to Aopen. You must then wait until the stream becomes open. (You may pFreserve modules from a frozen stream, but not replace them.) Finally, Bif you meant to reserve or replace modules in another stream, you Hshould use the SET STREAM command to switch your context to that stream 0and then reserve or replace the desired modules.
ASTRMNOTPOP, stream stream is not allowed to be populatede
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
AExplanation: You are attempting to populate the n?indicated stream with the POPULATE STREAM command but a stream VBattribute disallows use of this command for the stream. Hence the stream has not been populated.
AUser Action: Either you should not be trying to sCpopulate the stream or else you must set the stream attribute that oHallows you to populate the stream before retrying the operation. To set Athat attribute, use the /POPULATE qualifier to the MODIFY STREAM ncommand.
ESTRMPOP, stream stream populated from stream streami
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenth
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Bindicated stream has been populated with all generations from the Fsecond indicated stream. This message is only issued when you use the ./LOG qualifier on the POPULATE STREAM command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command &if you do not wish to see the message.
DSTRMPOPCOUNT, populate module counts: update count, insert %count, remove counto
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
FExplanation: This message tells you how many modules Fwere updated in, inserted into, and removed from the target stream by Fthe current POPULATE STREAM command. This message is only issued when :you use the /LOG qualifier on the POPULATE STREAM command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command D&if you do not wish to see the message.
5STRTOOLONG, quoted string too long; must be shortenede
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentc
FExplanation: The maximum length of the quoted string Gis determined by the nature of the string. For the DEFINE command, the >Gstring is limited to 255 characters. For remark strings, it is limited xto 132 characters.
DUser Action: Try to shorten the size of the string.
HSUCGENEXIST, successor generation for module already exists in libraryi
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentg
BExplanation: The new generation of the indicated Emodule created by the current REPLACE or PERFORM REPLACEMENT command Eshould get a whole-number CMS generation expression but the reserved mFgeneration already has a successor generation in the VDE library with Fthat whole-number CMS generation expression. This situation can arise Cif you have placed the reserved generation into a stream using the rAINSERT GENERATION command or if you have changed the stream that @"owns" the whole-number successor generation with the 8/MAIN_STREAM qualifier to the MODIFY GENERATION command.
EUser Action: If the existing whole-number successor >?generation should not be in the VDE library, delete it and its rFsuccessors with the DELETE GENERATION command. Then repeat the failed Ereplacement. Otherwise, use the /MAIN_STREAM qualifier to the MODIFY bGGENERATION command to allocate ownership of the whole-number successor Ggeneration to the stream that already owns that generation, but not to Fany stream into which you are trying to replace the module. This will Cforce the replacement to use a CMS variant letter. Then repeat the e replacement.
@SUCLNKADD, successor link from stream stream to stream stream addedt
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
FExplanation: The successor stream relationship, from Dthe first stream specified to the second stream specified, has been added.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command e&if you do not wish to see the message.
@SUCLNKREM, successor link from stream stream to stream stream removede

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentE
FExplanation: The successor stream relationship, from Dthe first stream specified to the second stream specified, has been removed.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command e&if you do not wish to see the message.
8SYNTAX, command syntax error at or near: 'text'

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentL
GExplanation: All commands have a specific syntax that e=must be followed. Failure to do so will result in this error. 
KUser Action: See VDE Reference Manual for assistance with Nthe command syntax.f
>TOOMANPARM, too many poundsign parameters in history or notes (stringinvalid string is: string

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
DExplanation: The history or notes string specified Gcontains more than one history or notes parameter. This is not allowed.o
GUser Action: Reenter the command with a valid history lor notes string.
FTRANTOODEEP, translation of logical name logical more than 7 deep
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentb
GExplanation: The indicated logical name is either too hAdeeply nested, or is defined incorrectly to point back to itself e%causing an infinite translation loop.r
DUser Action: Reenter the command without using the logical name.m
@UIDSKEW, possible UID skew detected; check for correct UID file.

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
;Explanation: VDE has detected an internal o inconsistency with the UID file.
?User Action: Please determine if the UID file Gassociated with the VDE distribution is the version in use. If the UID Afile is the one associated with the distribution, please contact sHcontact VDE support for assistance. Please include any information that Dmay be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. If there is a Eskew code associated with this error, please include it in the error report.n
)UIDSKEWCODE, UID skew code valuee
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environments
BExplanation: This is the code for the particular 4internal inconsistency detected within the UID file.
?User Action: Please determine if the UID file bGassociated with the VDE distribution is the version in use. If the UID >Afile is the one associated with the distribution, please contact #contact VDE support for assistance.d
2UNACLOFIL, unable to close file file-name
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
EExplanation: An error occurred when trying to close tDthe indicated text file. A more specific error message follows this message.
HUser Action: Examine the error message that follows to Hdiagnose the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly.
6UNACLOLOG, unable to close log file file-name
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentg
CExplanation: The SYS$CLOSE system service was not a/performed successfully in closing the log file.l
EUser Action: Determine what could be preventing RMS eHfrom closing the file successfully. If the reason cannot be determined, *please contact VDE support for assistance.
8UNACONLOG, unable to connect log file file-name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
EExplanation: The SYS$CONNECT system service was not n@performed successfully in connecting the log file's RAB and FAB.
EUser Action: Determine what could be preventing RMS Gfrom connecting the file's FAB and RAB successfully. If this cannot be i0done, please contact VDE support for assistance.
HUNACONVDBFORM, unable to convert database format due to access conflict with another user
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
HExplanation: The VDE database does not have the format Hrequired by the current version of VDE and VDE has attempted to convert Gthe database to the required format. This operation has failed because hBof an access conflict with another user attempting to convert the Edatabase at the same time. That other user has probably succeeded in q>converting the database format, which is why you cannot do so.
HUser Action: Retry the CONVERT LIBRARY command and try Gaccessing the database again. You should find that you are now able to r@convert the database format or that the format has already been Hconverted. Either way, you should be able to use VDE with that database.
3UNACREFIL, unable to create file file-namee
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
FExplanation: An error occurred when trying to create Dor open a new text file. A more specific error message follows this message.
HUser Action: Examine the error message that follows to Hdiagnose the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly.
7UNACRELOG, unable to create log file file-nameD
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
DExplanation: The SYS$CREATE system service was not 3performed successfully in creating the output file.s
EUser Action: Determine what could be preventing RMS o=from creating the file successfully. If the reason cannot be e6determined, please contact VDE support for assistance.
-UNACREMBX, unable to create temporary mailboxe
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentu
HExplanation: An error occurred when trying to create a Bmailbox for sending text between processes. A more specific error message follows this message. 
HUser Action: Examine the error message that follows to Hdiagnose the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly.
3UNADELFIL, unable to delete file file-name>
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenta
FExplanation: An error occurred when trying to delete Gthe indicated file. A more specific error message follows this message.
HUser Action: Examine the error message that follows to Hdiagnose the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly.
1UNAOPEFIL, unable to open file file-namem
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentm
GExplanation: An error occurred when trying to open an cFexisting text file for reading. A more specific error message follows this message.r
HUser Action: Examine the error message that follows to Hdiagnose the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly.
6UNAOPEINP, unable to open input stream 'text'
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
BExplanation: VDE could not read the command line correctly.
EUser Action: The logical name VDE$INPUT is probably 7not defined correctly. Correct the VDE$INPUT reference.d
GUNAPARFIL, unable to parse file name name with default string namen
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
EExplanation: An error occurred when trying to parse fAthe indicated file specification with the indicated default name E;string. A more specific error message follows this message.s
HUser Action: Examine the error message that follows to Hdiagnose the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly.
<UNAREPNOTECONF, unable to reply to note in notes conference conference.

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment/
@Explanation: VDE attempted to record a PERFORM EREPLACEMENT operation by replying to a previous note for the REPLACE eFcommand in the indicated notes conference, but was unable to find the Cnotes conference or the note to reply to. As a result, the PERFORM u?REPLACEMENT operation was not recorded in the notes conference.
FUser Action: Make sure that the notes conference has Gbeen established and that the notes created by the REPLACE command are enot being deleted.
>UNDKEY, state-name key key-name is undefined
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenty
EExplanation: This message informs the user that the sDkey was undefined by either the DELETE/KEY or UNDEFINE/KEY commands.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command i&if you do not wish to see the message.
EUNKCOMSTA, unknown completion status value status passed to d VDESTATUSm
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
FExplanation: This message informs you that the image FVDESTATUS, was passed a status value it did not understand. VDESTATUS Dis expecting the character string "SUCCESS" or the character string D"FAILURE" to be passed to it for its parameter. Any other character 2string results in this error message being output.
DUser Action: Check the invocation of the VDESTATUS Cimage. Typically, VDESTATUS is invoked from a command file that is Bbuilt by the program VDEDOBUILD for running buildsteps. Check the Acommand file associated with the buildstep that resulted in this :message.
;UNKEPT, unable to opnam to kept subprocess section
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentd
AExplanation: VDE has encountered an error while b>attempting to create or connect to the global section used to %communicate with the kept subprocess. 
FUser Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on ;any other error messages included with this one, check the VGdocumentation for information on setting up process and system quotas, 'and contact VDE support for assistance.
BUNKEYW, unrecognized keyword 'text' - check validity and spelling
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
FExplanation: The keyword provided in the command was unrecognized in this context. 
KUser Action: See VDE Reference Manual for assistance with othe command syntax.
AUNKFILEXT, Unknown file extension in analysis file; the complete y)filespecification found was specm
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
GExplanation: The program VDEDEPEND encountered a file sHspecification that has a file extension it does not support. This error @occurred while VDEDEPEND was processing an analysis (.ANA) file 7recording compiler or assembler dependency information.t
@User Action: Determine if the analysis file is Hcorrupted. If the analysis file is not corrupted and the file extension Acorresponds to a file type that should be recorded as dependency M7information, please contact VDE support for assistance.>
=UNKPNAM, unable to locate project projnam in stream nstreamnam
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
EExplanation: VDE has unable to locate the specified 2project name associated with the specified stream.
DUser Action: Specify a valid and correctly-spelled Dproject name from the available list of projects assocated with the Cstream. If you believe that there should be one or more additional tHprojects associated with the stream, please contact the project leader, 5the system manager(s), or VDE support for assistance.>
(UNKPROJ, unable to locate a project name
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
GExplanation: VDE has encountered an error while using the notes callable interface.i
FUser Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on ;any other error messages included with this one, check the Gdocumentation for information on setting up the notes conferences, and i#contact VDE support for assistance.n
$UNKQARCLD, internal VDE coding error
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
;Explanation: VDE has detected an internal linconsistency.
=User Action: Please contact VDE support for >Aassistance. Please include any information that may be useful or $relevent in duplicating the problem.
$UNLOCKED, overriding library lockout
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenti
GExplanation: This message is displayed when user with l7MODLIB privilege replaces a module in a locked library. 
GUser Action: Evaluate if the replacement is necessary a9in the locked library; unlock the library if appropriate.r
;UNMATQUO, unmatched quote or missing quote at end of stringa
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentg
CExplanation: Any token that is to be delimited by eHquotes must have quotes on both sides of the token. These quotes may be Beither single or double; however, the delimiters must be the same characters.e
GUser Action: Reenter the command with the appropriate Cquotes balanced.
<UNRESERVED, reservation for module module cancelled
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Cindicated module has been unreserved in the current library and is aGtherefore no longer reserved. This message is only issued when you use k,the /LOG qualifier on the UNRESERVE command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command s&if you do not wish to see the message.
FUSEDELMOD, to unreserve a CREATE MODULE reservation, use DELETE MODULE

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment:
?Explanation: An erroneous attempt was made to oFUNRESERVE a just-created module. To cancel the module reservation and Fthe module creation caused by a CREATE MODULE command, use the DELETE HMODULE command. After the DELETE MODULE command is accepted, the module @will not be created, the outstanding module reservation will be 1canceled, and no further user action is required./
FUser Action: If you wish to cancel this reservation, Buse the DELETE MODULE command. This message is informational, and 2should accompany one or more other error messages.
3USERADDED, user user added to the databaseb
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Hindicated user has been added to the VDE database. This message is only Bissued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE USER command.
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command s&if you do not wish to see the message.
5USERDEL, user user deleted from the database>
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentt
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Gindicated user has been deleted from the VDE database. This message is sGonly issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE USER command.e
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command h&if you do not wish to see the message.
DUSEREXISTS, user user already exists in database; user not changede

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
HExplanation: The indicated username was specified on a FCREATE USER command, but an entry for that user is already present in ?the database. Hence a new entry was not created for that user. eHAlternatively, the indicated username was specified as the new username Bfor an existing user on the MODIFY USER command, but another user Balready has the requested new username. Hence the username of the 7existing user could not be changed to the new username.n
AUser Action: If you entered the wrong username, uHreenter the command with the correct username. If you entered the right Husername, use the SHOW USER command to display the database information Gfor that user. If you are not satisfied with that information, use the b!MODIFY USER command to change it.R
DUSERMOD, information for user user modified in the database
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentr
HExplanation: This message informs you that information Cfor the indicated user has been modified in the VDE database. This tEmessage is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY USER command.s
GUser Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command n&if you do not wish to see the message.
FUSERNOTDEL, user user not deleted; you cannot delete yourself
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentr
@Explanation: This message informs you that the Cindicated user, namely you yourself, has not been deleted from the eDdatabase. You are not allowed to delete yourself from the database. GThis prohibition prevents you from accidentally deleting yourself from O:the database, especially when using a wildcarded username Aspecification. There is thus no way to delete all users from the h database. 
FUser Action: If you want to delete yourself from the Fdatabase, someone else with the required privilege must do it for you.
BUSERNOTFOUND, user user not found in database; parameter ignoredn
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentd
FExplanation: The indicated username was entered on a BSHOW USER command, but no such user was found in the VDE database.
DUser Action: This is not necessarily an error; the Gmessage simply tells you that the indicated user does not exist in the database.s
FUSERNOTUAF, user user not found in system User Authorization File
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environments
GExplanation: The indicated username is your username, ;but it was not found in the system User Authorization File.a
EUser Action: This error should not happen except to sFVDE developers who redefine the current user during testing. Submit a problem report.u
HUSEVERSLNM, use logical name VDE$VMS_VERSION to override OpenVMS version
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment:
AExplanation: VDE is unable to determine OpenVMS dGversion information from the version string returned from a SYS$GETSYI sGservice call. This message recommends that you use the VDE$VMS_VERSION *logical name to override the system value.
FUser Action: Define the logical name VDE$VMS_VERSION (to a valid OpenVMS version string value.
HVALREQ, missing qualifier or keyword value - supply all required values 'text'n

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
EExplanation: In many commands, specific keywords or rqualifiers are expected.
KUser Action: See VDE Reference Manual for assistance with dthe command syntax.f
)VDECLUSTER, vde.cluster: clusterY

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error emessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as WDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
BVDECONTACT, vde.contact: please contact VDE support for assistance
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error rmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as .Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
,VDEDATETIME, vde.datetime: datetime
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as wDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
CVDEFORMAT, vde.format: the format of this file is subject to change
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmento
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as rDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
&VDENAME, vde.product: vdename
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmenta
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error Rmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as >Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
VDENODE, vde.node: node
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentl
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as >Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
)VDEPROJECT, vde.project: projecto
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error gmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as /Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentu
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error tmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as nDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment:
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error emessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as nDthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error omessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
)VDEVERSION, vde.version: version

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment
BExplanation: This message is used to format text Cstrings within VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error tmessage.
EUser Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as _Dthe version of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.
=VERBOTEN, direct ATTACH to a VDE kept subprocess is forbiddenn
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
CExplanation: An attempt has been made to directly nCATTACH to a VDE kept subprocess via a DCL command, and this is not r permitted.
FUser Action: Use of the DCL ATTACH command to attach Gto a VDE kept subprocess is not permitted. If this message arises from EDa condition other than an attempt by a user to ATTACH to a VDE kept Fsubprocess, please contact VDE support for assistance. Please include Bany information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem.
2WHEREIS, component comp is value
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment>
>Explanation: This message is used to display =information about parts of the local VDE environment and VDE oconfiguration.
4User Action: No action is required.
WHYOFF, reason: !ADo
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environments
BExplanation: This message is usually paired with CVDE$_OFFLINE. The VDE environment has been taken offline, and this imessage indicates why.
FUser Action: If the problem persists, please contact VDE support for assistance.A
GWILDGENNUM, wildcarded generation number not allowed in modulen
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmente
>Explanation: You have specified a wildcarded Fgeneration number on a module name for a command which does not allow 'the generation number to be wildcarded.t
GUser Action: Decide what generation of the module you lHwant to apply the command to. Then reissue the command, specifying that Fgeneration number. Alternatively, you may omit the generation number, ?in which case the command is applied to the last (most recent) Tgeneration of the module.d
BWILDNOTALL, wildcard characters not allowed in name: name

?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment:
FExplanation: You have specified a wildcard character A(asterisk or percent sign) in a name that is not allowed to have .Gwildcard characters. The message displays the name up to and including nthe wildcard character.h
BUser Action: Specify the name without a wildcard #character and resubmit the command.c
'XMERROR, Motif interface error detectedM
?Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentn
EExplanation: VDE has detected an error in the Motif b interface.
EUser Action: A problem has occurred accessing the X iBWindows display, during the fetch of a widget from a UID file, or Banother similar error. Additional error messages should have been Gdisplayed prior to this particular error and the other messages should /Hdetail the particular failure detected. If unable to determine the case Hof the error, please contact VDE support for assistance. Please include Bany information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem.i


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