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EThis example verifies all generations created since last midnight in =all facilities. Because the /RECOVER qualifier is specified, 0VDE recovers all missing generations from their Aqueued-replacement staging areas and inserts them into their CMS =libraries. In this example, generation 2 of module B.REQ was Gsuccessfully recovered from its staging directory. However, generation E1 of C.B32 could not be recovered because no staging area exists for Gthe replacement that created that generation. This example illustrates <a typical recovery operation after the disk containing your 9VDE library has been restored from back-up tapes and the =VDE database has been recovered from its back-up and journal files. 6
#3 |
IVDEä VERIFY GENERATION [SYS]FOO.MAR/GENERATION=10A2/RECOVER=DISK$:[MYDIR]M%VDE-I-ELENOTFOUNDCMS, element [SYS]FOO.MAR;12(10A2) not found in CMS libraryL%VDE-I-GENRECOVERED, generation [SYS]FOO.MAR;12(10A2) successfully recoveredfrom DISK$:[MYDIR]FOO.MAR; Summary statistics:7 Number of generations successfully verified: 07 Number of CMS elements not found: 17 Number of CMS generations not found: 07 Total number of generations scanned: 17 Number of generations recovered: 17 Number of generations not recovered: 0 VDEä |
DThis example verifies generation 10A2 of module FOO.MAR in facility ESYS. Because that generation is missing from the CMS library in this )example, VDE recovers its text from file FDISK$:[MYDIR]FOO.MAR and inserts it into the CMS library for facility BSYS. This example thus illustrates how you can recover a specific ;missing generation when the generation is not found in any 7VDE staging area but happens to be available elsewhere.
,Waits for an existing build job to complete.
&WAIT BUILD_JOB [stream-name]
9The name of a development stream. VDE waits for the most =recent build job in this stream to complete. If you omit the :stream-name parameter, VDE waits for the >completion of the most recent build job in the default stream.
EThe WAIT BUILD_JOB command waits for the most recently created build Gjob in the specified stream to complete. The command checks the status Fof the build job in the database every 15 seconds until the build job Eis marked as completed. A build job is marked as completed in any of the following circumstances:%
- the job completes successfully$
- the job completes with errors&
- the job is stopped or suspendedG
- the job times out (is automatically stopped) because of lack of progress
DUse the WAIT BUILD_JOB command in batch jobs that must wait for the Fcompletion of a build job before another task can begin, for example, &before printing the status of the job.
HThe WAIT BUILD_JOB command stops waiting automatically if the build job Bdoes not complete within a certain interval. You can specify that Finterval with the /TIMEOUT qualifier. The default timeout interval is 12 hours.
GIf you use the WAIT BUILD_JOB command interactively, you can abort the Cwait by pressing CTRL/C. Expect a delay of up to 15 seconds before CTRL/C takes effect.
/LOG (default)
:Controls whether log messages are printed when VDE begins Hand ends the waiting period. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to Hbe printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The log message at =the beginning of the waiting period indicates what build job ;VDE is waiting for. The log message at the end of the wait Eindicates that the build job completed or that the wait exceeded the timeout interval./TIMEOUT=time-interval
GSpecifies the timeout interval for the wait. If the build job does not ;complete in this interval, VDE ends the waiting period and Hprints a log message to that effect. Specify the timeout interval using Athe following syntax to denote the number of hours, minutes, and seconds in the interval:
"hh:mm:ss.ssDIf this qualifier is not specified, the command ends after 12 hours.
#1 |
VDEä WAIT BUILD_JOB7Waiting until build job 34 for stream MAIN completes...7Build job 34 for stream MAIN has successfully completedVDEä |
6HThis command waits for the most recent build job for the default stream Hto complete, in this case, build job 34 for stream MAIN. The second log @message, printed after the job finished, indicates that the job completed successfully.
#2 |
%VDEä WAIT BUILD_JOB/TIMEOUT=5:00 V5.37Waiting until build job 33 for stream V5.3 completes...9Timeout interval has expired (interval: 0 00:05:00.00)VDEä |
FThis command waits for the most recent build job for stream V5.3. The Btimeout interval is 5 minutes. In this case, the timeout interval Gexpired before the build job completed, as indicated by the second log message.
>This appendix describes various logical names used within the 6VDE package. A partial list of these logical names is Hpresent in Table A-1.
EThis interface is under development and is subject to change. Please 5contact VDE support for further information.) |
;This logical name is write-only; VDE does not translate it *and users should not modify the contents.)
CThis logical is intended for use within command procedures calling /VDE. This logical name is write-only; VDE does ;not translate it and users should not modify the contents.)Gnot translate it and users should not modify the contents. For further Einformation on prompting for SCT notes, see the documentation on the REPLACE command.)\ ' &
Logical Name | Description |
; References the device and directory of a VDE library. | |
@ A search list logical name that contains zero or more VDE ? libraries available by default. Used in conjunction with N VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS and VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS, and the N number of translations must match the number of translations present in E VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS and VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS.L If not defined or defined without translations, an attempt is made to access a % U list of default library labels located in the X Windows resource file. | |
G A search list logical name that contains zero or more labels for . VDE libraries. Used in conjunction with J VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS, and the number of translations must match the = number of translations present in VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS.
U If not defined or defined without translations, an attempt is made T to access a list of default library labels in the X Windows resource file.J To avoid user confusion, one should configure the remark in each < library to match the associated translation(s) of the K VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS logical name. See the SET LIBRARY/REMARK command. | |
K A search list logical name that contains zero or more root locations 9 for the VDE CMS libraries. This logical is used in M conjunction with the other VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS logical names, and the N number of translations must match the number of translations present in VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS.
U If not defined or defined without translations, an attempt is made T to access a list of default library labels in the X Windows resource file.> This logical is used by a VDE manager to provide the J location of the CMS libraries to programs and procedures associated 9 with VDE, but this logical name is not used within VDE. | |
K A search list logical name that contains zero or more mnemomic names A for VDE libraries. Can be used in the SET LIBRARY command. N This logical name is used in conjunction with VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS, and G the number of translations must match the number of translations & present in VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS.
N Mnemonics are not utilitized under the X Windows interfaces.H To avoid user confusion, one should configure the name in each < library to match the associated translation(s) of the L VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS logical name. See the SET LIBRARY/NAME command. | |
? Contains the remark associated with the last VDE library K accessed. This logical is intended for use within command procedures calling VDE.J To avoid user confusion, one should configure the remark in each < library to match the associated translation(s) of the K VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS logical name. See the SET LIBRARY/REMARK command. | |
N Contains the mnemonic, when known, or the specification associated with $ the last VDE library accessed.H To avoid user confusion, one should configure the name in each < library to match the associated translation(s) of the L VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS logical name. See the SET LIBRARY/NAME command. | |
3 When defined, the translation of this logical W name is used to override the default SCT notes conference specification S of NOTES$LIBRARY:.NOTE. Among the obvious use in relocating the SCT W notes conferences to a remote node or remote cluster, this logical name V can be defined as 0::NOTES$LIBRARY:.NOTE to force all SCT note entries S to made via the notes server process(es). Only one notes conference : default specification is possible per node. | |
@ When defined, disables VDE. The translation is assumed to A contain the reason why the VDE environment is offline, and ; is displayed to all VDE users. Only fully-privileged B definitions of this logical name are accepted and processed. | |
L If defined, this logical contains "EDIT", "FILE", F or "NOTE", and selects the default processing for the M location of the SCT note. If undefined or defined to an invalid value, < VDE defaults to "EDIT", as indicated by the 9 brackets in the "Enter file to load into SCT: J (filename/[EDIT]/NOTE)" prompt. The brackets will indicate the default for the prompt. | |
N A logical name that translates into the directory specification for the 9 VDE scratch directory. If this logical name is not N specified, a [.VDE$SCRATCH] subdirectory will be created underneath the G SYS$SCRATCH: directory, and the logical name VDE$SCRATCH will be defined to reference it. | |
K References the device and directory that contains the predefined SCT J template files SCT-NEW.TEMPLATE, and SCT-BUG.TEMPLATE. This logical . name is used during the REPLACE command. % U This logical name definition is optional---no default SCT template is U available if this logical name is not defined, or if the two template W files are not located. In either case, the user is placed in the chosen S text editor and must include the appropriate template file manually. | |
I Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command procedure to * locate the after-image BACKUP files. | |
I Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command procedure to 4 locate the database backup archival directory. | |
I Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command procedure to N locate the database backup directory containing the most recent backups. | |
I Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command procedure to 6 retrieve the filename used for the full backups. | |
I Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command procedure to 9 retrieve the filename used for incremental backups. | |
* Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command.5 This logical is not fully implemented. | |
I Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command procedure to 9 retrieve the root specification of the CMS library. | |
I Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command procedure to F retrieve the specification of the directory containing the root database file. | |
I Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command procedure to D retrieve the text label associated with a particular database. | |
I Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command procedure to G retrieve the mnemonic name associated with a particular database. | |
I Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command procedure to @ retrieve the root specification of the staging area for a VDE database. | |
I Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command procedure to G retrieve the specification of the statistics database file for a VDE database. |
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