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DCopies the specified modules using the appropriate scripts from the database.

*Requires BUILD privilege.



COPY mod-name [, mod-name...]



ESpecifies a module to be copied using a copy script. The module name Dconsist of an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets, a Emodule name, and an optional type name preceded by a period, such as F[FACIL]MOD2.H. If no facility name is specified, the default facility Gis assumed. If no type name is specified, all modules of the specified -module name in the given facility are copied.

FYou can copy more than one module by using wildcard characters in any Fof the three components of the module name. The percent sign (%) in a Fname matches any single character in the position it occupies and the @asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it 9occupies. VDE copies those modules whose names match the wildcard pattern.


FThe COPY command copies a module the same way it is copied in a build Cjob. The COPY command retrieves the copy script for each specified Emodule and generates a DCL command file from the script. The command /then executes the command file in a subprocess.

FA copy step moves a module into the directory or other location where Hother build steps later expect to find it. For example, copy steps move <INCLUDE files from delta files into clear-copy files in the Hsubdirectories where other build steps will later access them. Unlike a Hcompile or link step, a copy step does not transform one set of modules Einto a different set of modules; it only copies a single module from one form or location to another.

GThe COPY command can be used to perform a copy step without starting a 1build job. It is often used to test copy scripts.

HThe COPY command only operates on modules that have a generation in the Dcurrent stream (the default stream or the stream specified with the D/STREAM qualifier). In addition, it only operates on source modules Bunless you specify the type name in the mod-name Bparameter without wildcard characters. In other words, unless you Gexplicitly specify a derived-module file extension, the command assumes*that you only want to copy source modules.


/LOG (default)


HControls whether log messages are printed after the copy step executes. EThe /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the /NOLOG Fqualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the copy step @has completed, either successfully or with errors, and that the @dependency information for the step has not been updated in the <VDE database. (Copy steps do not normally update dependency Finformation since the only input and output to the step is the module being copied.)


ASpecifies that the modules be copied for the stream given by the Fstream-name parameter. If this qualifier is omitted, .the modules are copied for the default stream.



VDEä COPY [CODE]A.REQ;$ VDE FETCH [CODE]A.REQ/OUTPUT=DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.SRC]G%VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]A.REQ;1(1) fetched from libraryA%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.SRC]A.REQ;$ !/$ SET NOVERIFY   ! Successful script completion;%VDE-I-COPYSUCC, copy of [CODE]A.REQ completed successfullyF%VDE-I-DEPNOTUPDATE, dependency information not updated for build stepVDEä      

GThis example performs the copy action for module [CODE]A.REQ. The copy Escript fetches the latest generation for module A.REQ from its delta Efile and leaves it in clear-copy form in the [.SRC] subdirectory for Hfacility CODE and the default development stream. There it is available Fto future compile steps. The output from the copy script is displayed Don the terminal as shown. The final log messages show that the copy Hstep completed successfully and that its dependency information was not updated in the database.



:Defines one or more architecture table entries in the VDE *database. Each architecture table entry...

0Requires the CREARCH privilege.

?ARCHITECTURE support is not fully implemented.

HAn architecture is a construct that encompasses one or more facilities, 7and allows modules to exist in a "common" or E"default" facility, and zero or more architecture specific Ffacilities. In must the same fashion as the SYS$SYSROOT: logical name Hallows one to support both system-specific and cluster-common files, an =architecture allows one to support architecture-specific and architecture-common modules.



CREATE ARCHITECTURE arch-name [, arch-name...]



FThe name of the architecture to be created. This name may be up to 39 0characters long and must follow VDE name syntax.


&Under Construction...


/DEFER (default)


&Under Construction...

/DELETE (default)


&Under Construction...

/LOG (default)


&Under Construction...

/PRIVATE (default)


&Under Construction...


ESpecifies a remark string to be stored for the new architecture. The Bquoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, may Econtain any explanatory remark about the architecture. that you want ;stored in the VDE database. Typically the remark describes ,the function or purpose of the architecture.




&Under Construction...



7Defines one or more contexts in the VDE database. Each Gcontext can be used to specify the default development stream, default =architecture and default facility for a VDE session, and one Fcontext can be used to set the default stream and facility when first connecting to a VDE database.

7Requires the CRECTX privilege to create public contexts.



CREATE CONTEXT ctx-name [, ctx-name...]



AThe name of the context to be created. This name may be up to 39 0characters long and must follow VDE name syntax.


;A "context" specifies defaults for VDE sessions. HWhen you create a context using the CREATE CONTEXT command, you specify Dthe name of the context, the associated development stream, and the associated facility.

ETo apply the defaults associated with a context, specify the context Dname as a parameter to the SET CONTEXT command. To set a particular Fcontext as the default context for use when you issue the SET LIBRARY Bcommand, use the SET CONTEXT/DEFAULT command to mark a particular context as the default context.

*There are two kinds of contexts available:

;You do not need special VDE privileges to create a private >context, but you must have the VDE CRECTX privilege to create a public context. WhileFa private context can have the same name as a public context, neither Etwo private contexts nor two public contexts can share the same name.



&Under Construction...



EThe /FACILITY qualifier specifies the default facility for a context Festablished with the SET CONTEXT command. The default facility is the Bfacility that is assumed when the facility name is omitted from a Bmodule name. The /NOFACILITY qualifier specifies that the default >facility established by the context is null. If you omit both >qualifiers, the current default facility becomes the facility associated with the new context.

/LOG (default)


AControls whether log messages are printed after a new context is Fcreated. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages to be printed and the F/NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messages indicate that each new ?context has been created and that the database transaction has successfully committed.

/PRIVATE (default)


@Specifies whether a private or a public context is created. The :/PRIVATE qualifier causes VDE to create a context that is =private to you. The /PUBLIC qualifier causes VDE to create a Econtext that is available to all users of the library. You must have 2the CRECTX privilege to use the /PUBLIC qualifier.

3Of /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, the former is the default.


GSpecifies a remark string to be stored for the new context. The quoted Gremark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, may contain any Eexplanatory remark about the new context that you want stored in the =VDE database. Typically the remark describes the function or purpose of the context.



FThe /STREAM qualifier specifies that the indicated development stream Hbecomes the default stream when the context is established with the SET DCONTEXT command. The /NOSTREAM qualifier specifies that the default Hstream established by the context is null. If you omit both qualifiers, Fthe current default stream becomes the stream associated with the new context.



FVDEä CREATE CONTEXT NEWCTX/STREAM=V2.0/FACILITY=RMS/REMARK="Version 2"5%VDE-I-CTXADDED, context NEWCTX added to the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä SHOW CONTEXT NEWCTX&Context NEWCTX (private to user SMITH)   Default stream is V2.0   Default facility is RMS VDEä      

CThis example creates a private context NEWCTX in which the default Astream is V2.0 and the default facility is RMS. The SHOW CONTEXT Fcommand displays the context settings associated with the new context.


>VDEä CREATE CONTEXT PUBCTX/PUBLIC/STREAM=V3.3-2FT/FACILITY=RMS5%VDE-I-CTXADDED, context PUBCTX added to the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

EIn this example, the CREATE CONTEXT command creates a public context GPUBCTX available to all users. When this context is specified on a SET GCONTEXT command, the default stream is set to V3.3-2FT and the default facility is set to RMS.



<Creates the disk directory tree for the VDE library's delta Gfiles, for the default development stream, or for a specified facility.

,Requires CRESTRM privilege.




EThe CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command creates the directory tree on disk >for a VDE library's delta files, for a development stream, or Ffor a facility. You use the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command only if you Fdeferred directory creation by using the /DEFER qualifier on a CREATE ?LIBRARY, CREATE STREAM, or CREATE FACILITY command. The /DEFER ?qualifier prevents these three commands from creating the disk Fdirectories they normally would create. You then have the opportunity ?to override the normal directory-creation rules within the SET DDIRECTORY commands. After entering your SET DIRECTORY commands, you Center the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command to create disk directories Faccording to the rules you specified with your SET DIRECTORY commands.

CDirectories are created using the protection setting of the parent Adirectory for the UIC group and world access, any applicable ACE Fentries from the parent directory, and allowing full system and owner access.


/BRIEF (default)


8Determines how many log messages are displayed when VDE Ecreates new disk directories. The /BRIEF qualifier only displays log Bmessages for the stream or delta-file root directory and for each Hfacility root directory. The /FULL qualifier displays a log message for 4every directory VDE creates, including all facility Csubdirectories. (The facility subdirectories are the most numerous Ddirectories.) These qualifiers have no effect if you use the /NOLOG qualifier.

/Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default.



/STREAM (default)

7Determines whether directories are created for the VDE Alibrary's delta files, for its staging areas, or for the default Cdevelopment stream. The /DELTA_FILES qualifier specifies that disk :directories be created for the VDE library's delta files. @These are the directories that hold CMS libraries. The /STAGING !qualifier specifies that the rootDdirectory be created for the library's staging directories. Staging Ddirectories are temporary holding areas for files that are replaced @into the library with queued replacements. The /STREAM qualifierGspecifies that disk directories be created for the default development stream.

HIf you specify the /DELTA_FILES qualifier but not the /FROM_CMS_LIBRARY /qualifier, VDE creates the CMS library for each>facility affected by this command. If you specify the /STREAM ;qualifier, VDE runs the default stream's new-stream script Ffor each facility affected by this command, provided such a script is Fdefined. Depending on how it is defined, this script may populate the Estream's facility-specific directories with source modules and other files.

AOf /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, the latter is the default.


ASpecifies that disk directories be created only for the facility Hspecified by the fac-name parameter. If this qualifier Cis omitted, directories are created for all facilities, either for &delta files or for the default stream.

@You can create directory trees for multiple facilities by using Dwildcard characters in the fac-name parameter. The Hpercent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the position Hit occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the <position it occupies. VDE creates directory trees for those 2facilities whose names match the wildcard pattern.&


GSpecifies that the delta-file root directory for each facility covered Dby the current CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command already contains a CMS library=and that VDE should enter all modules and module generations ;present in that CMS library into the current VDE database. >This qualifier, which VDE also accepts on the CREATE FACILITY 9command, gives you a way to automatically populate a VDE 2library with modules from an existing CMS library.

BIf you specify the optional date-time parameter, 9VDE additionally retrieves all reservations from the CMS @library that were created since the date and time given by that <parameter. VDE prints warning messages for any reservations Ecreated earlier than this time and for any reservations whose stream 3(CMS class) cannot be ascertained. If you omit the <date-time parameter, VDE does not retrieve @reservations from the CMS library, only modules and generations.

<If this qualifier is omitted, VDE creates a new CMS library Fin each delta-file facility root directory it creates. This qualifier =has no effect unless you also use the /DELTA_FILES qualifier.

=If this qualifer is specified, all VDE streams must Dbe created prior to issuing this command, and these stream Enames must match (a subset of) the CMS class names in use in the CMS Hlibraries; these stream names must match the CMS classes to be uploaded Ffrom within the CMS library. In order to correctly establish the main Cand variant lines of descent and the correct CMS generation number Dsequence, all streams involved must be created with the appropriate 0/MAIN, /NOMAIN, /PARENT and /SUCCESSOR settings.

/LOG (default)


DControls whether log messages are printed when disk directories are Gcreated. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the G/NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate the names of <the disk directories that VDE creates. The /BRIEF and /FULL 5qualifiers control how many log messages are printed.



VDEä CREATE LIBRARY/DEFER4Enter the name you want for the new library: LIBNAME<Enter directory specification for the new library: [PROJDIR]CEnter your full name (first and last names): Zrebhasha Fulkutznodoy@Enter the remark for new library: Library for the mumble project9Library LIBNAME to be created in root directory [PROJDIR]:   Library root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR] has been created.:   Logical name VDE$LIBRARY now points to the new library.,   Creating library database; please wait...%   Library database has been created. Library creation completed. VDEä SHOW LOCATION$Directory locations for stream MAIN:4   Stream root directory is not recorded in database VDEä SHOW LOCATION/DELTA_FILES$Directory locations for delta files:8   Delta-file root directory is not recorded in database       

DIn this example, the /DEFER qualifier to the CREATE LIBRARY command Eprevents disk directories from being created for the library's delta Cfiles and its default stream MAIN. The CREATE LIBRARY command only Acreates the library root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR], where it also =creates the VDE database. The SHOW LOCATION commands confirm ;that no other directories are recorded in the VDE database.


(VDEä SET DIRECTORY/DELTA_FILES [PROJDIR]H%VDE-I-DIRADDED, directory specification [PROJDIR] added to the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed*VDEä SET DIRECTORY/STREAM DISK2:[MAIN_DIR]O%VDE-I-DIRADDED, directory specification DISK2:[MAIN_DIR] added to the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä        

GA SET DIRECTORY command then specifies that the root directory for the Hlibrary's delta files (its CMS libraries) should be directory [PROJDIR].5The normal rule used within VDE is to make directory ADEV$:[PROJDIR.VDE$CMS] the delta-file root directory and to make >subdirectories within that directory contain the CMS librariesDfor individual facilities. A second SET DIRECTORY command specifies Gthat the root directory for stream MAIN is directory DISK2:[MAIN_DIR]. :VDE typically makes the directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN] the Droot directory for stream MAIN. In this case, the user wants stream /MAIN's whole directory tree on a separate disk.

=This sequence sets up the library for the following commands:


&VDEä CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/DELTA_FILES(Creating directory tree for delta files:0   Root directory WORK4:[PROJDIR] already existsD   Facility CODE root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.CODE] has been created4      CMS library for facility CODE has been created,   All directories for delta files now exist >%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä  !VDEä CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/STREAM(Creating directory tree for stream MAIN:3   Root directory DISK2:[MAIN_DIR] has been createdF   Facility CODE root directory DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.CODE] has been created,   All directories for stream MAIN now exist >%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä  VDEä SHOW LOCATION/DELTA_FILES$Directory locations for delta files:,   Delta-file root directory: DEV$:[PROJDIR] )   Directory locations for facility CODE:)      Root directory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.CODE] VDEä SHOW LOCATION/STREAM$Directory locations for stream MAIN:*   Stream root directory: DISK2:[MAIN_DIR]?      Subdirectory:   DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.VDE$BLD] (symbol VDE$BLD) )   Directory locations for facility CODE:+      Root directory: DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.CODE]<      Subdirectory:   DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.CODE.OBJ] (symbol OBJ)<      Subdirectory:   DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.CODE.SRC] (symbol SRC)D      Subdirectory:   DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.CODE.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)D      Subdirectory:   DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.CODE.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG) VDEä      

FThis section shows the results of two CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE commands. GThe first one creates the directory tree for the library's delta files Eand create the CMS library for facility CODE in that directory tree. FThe second command creates the directory tree for stream MAIN. As the Alog messages show, the directory tree begins with root directory EDISK2:[MAIN_DIR] as requested. The subsequent SHOW LOCATION commands Cconfirm that all disk directories have been created in the desired locations.


#VDEä CREATE FACILITY/DEFER NEWFACIL9Please supply required information for facility NEWFACIL:1Enter a remark for the new facility: New facility8%VDE-I-FACADDED, facility NEWFACIL added to the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä  2VDEä SET DIRECTORY/FACILITY=NEWFACIL [PROJDIR.NEW]L%VDE-I-DIRADDED, directory specification [PROJDIR.NEW] added to the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä  =VDEä CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/FULL/FACILITY=NEWFACIL/DELTA_FILES(Creating directory tree for delta files:L   Facility NEWFACIL root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.NEWFACIL] has been created8      CMS library for facility NEWFACIL has been created,   All directories for delta files now exist >%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä  1VDEä CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/FULL/FACILITY=NEWFACIL(Creating directory tree for stream MAIN:G   Facility NEWFACIL root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.NEW] has been created:      Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.NEW.OBJ] has been created:      Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.NEW.SRC] has been created>      Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.NEW.VDE$COM] has been created>      Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.NEW.VDE$LOG] has been created,   All directories for stream MAIN now exist >%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

DIn this example, the CREATE FACILITY command creates a new facility ?NEWFACIL, but defers the creation of disk directories for that @facility. A SET DIRECTORY command then specifies that directory D[PROJDIR.NEW] should be the facility root directory for the default Fstream MAIN. Two CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE commands follow. The first one Hcreates the delta-file root directory and CMS library for the facility. The secondGone creates the default stream's directory tree for the facility. This Gdirectory tree consists of a facility root directory and four facility =subdirectories. The /FULL qualifier causes VDE to prints log Gmessages for all directories it creates for the facility; without this 3qualifier, VDE omits the subdirectory log messages.


VDEä CREATE STREAM V2.0/DEFER3Please supply required information for stream V2.0:.Enter a remark for the new stream: Version 2.03%VDE-I-STRMADDED, stream V2.0 added to the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä  VDEä SET STREAM V2.0VDEä SHOW LOCATION/STREAM$Directory locations for stream V2.0:4   Stream root directory is not recorded in database )VDEä SET DIRECTORY/STREAM [PROJDIR.VER_2]N%VDE-I-DIRADDED, directory specification [PROJDIR.VER_2] added to the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä  !VDEä CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/STREAM(Creating directory tree for stream V2.0:7   Root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VER_2] has been createdJ   Facility CODE root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VER_2.CODE] has been createdJ   Facility SPEC root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VER_2.SPEC] has been createdJ   Facility TOOL root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VER_2.TOOL] has been created,   All directories for stream V2.0 now exist >%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

GThe CREATE STREAM command creates a new stream called V2.0, but defers Acreating the disk directory tree for that stream. The SET STREAM Ecommand makes V2.0 the default stream, and the SHOW LOCATION command ;shows that no directories are recorded in the VDE database Dfor that stream. The SET DIRECTORY command specifies that directory H[PROJDIR.VER_2] should be the root directory for the stream. The CREATE HDIRECTORY_TREE command creates the full directory tree for stream V2.0. HThis directory tree includes the stream root directory specified by the FSET DIRECTORY command, a facility root directory for each facility in Cthe system, and several facility subdirectories for each facility. >Because the /FULL qualifier is not specified, VDE only prints Glog messages for the stream and facility root directories, and not for the facility subdirectories.

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