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GThis example cancels the directory template for the root directory for Gfacility RMS. The log messages show that the template was successfully deleted from the database.  6    

)VDEä CANCEL DIRECTORY/SUBDIRECTORY=ANASYMC%VDE-I-DIRDEL, directory specification [.ANA] deleted from database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

EThis example cancels the directory template for the subdirectory with7 directory symbol ANASYM. VDE deletes the subdirectory D template that is used for all facilities that do not have explicit  subdirectory templates.



:Deletes one or more fold records from the VDE database. A Bfold record is a reminder that a source change should be manually ?"folded" into a given development stream in order to propagate the change.

+Requires RESREP privilege.



CANCEL FOLD mod-name [, mod-name...]



HSpecifies a module for which a fold record is to be deleted. The module Hname consists of an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets, Ga module name, and an optional type name preceded by a period (such as A[FACIL]MOD1.MAR). If the facility name is omitted, the module is Hassumed to belong to the default facility. If the type name is omitted, 9VDE deletes fold records for all source modules with the ,specified module name in the given facility.

GYou can delete fold records for more than one module by using wildcard Bcharacters in any of the three components of the module name. The Hpercent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the position Hit occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the >position it occupies. VDE deletes fold records for all source /modules whose names match the wildcard pattern.


DA fold record is a reminder that a source change should be manually Hfolded into a given development stream in order to propagate the change Finto that stream. The CANCEL FOLD command deletes each specified fold <record from the VDE database. This command is a synonym for the DELETE FOLD command.



/NOCONFIRM (default)

<Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each :fold record deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to Bprint a message for each fold record asking whether you want that Frecord deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), that fold record is deleted Cfrom the database. If you answer NO (or N), the fold record is not Cdeleted. If you enter a module name with a wildcard specification, >VDE asks you to confirm the deletion of fold records for each Emodule whose name matches the wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM :qualifier causes VDE to delete the specified fold records without asking for confirmation.#


DSpecifies the fold record to be deleted. This qualifier is required Dwhen you have multiple fold records for the same module in the same >stream. The fold-ident parameter is the fold Hidentifier of the fold record to be deleted. The fold identifier is the >identifier you specified or VDE assigned when you created the Ffold record, usually a small integer value. Use the SHOW FOLD command 5to determine the fold identifier of each fold record.

/LOG (default)


EControls whether log messages are printed after each fold record has Hbeen deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and Gthe /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the Cfold record has been deleted and that the database transaction has successfully committed.


BSpecifies the development stream for which fold records should be Fdeleted. The stream-name parameter gives the name of ;the stream. If this qualifier is omitted, VDE deletes fold 0records for the default development stream only.


CSpecifies that fold records are to be deleted on behalf of another <user. The username parameter specifies the ?OpenVMS username of the other user. You must have the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier.



$VDEä CANCEL FOLD [CODE]X.FOR/IDENT=1E%VDE-I-FOLDDEL, fold record 1 for module [CODE]X.FOR has been deleted>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

CThis example deletes fold record 1 for module [CODE]X.FOR. The log Dmessages confirm that the fold record has been successfully deleted.



>Disables the recording of VDE input and output in a log file. >Input and output logging is enabled using the SET LOG command.









VDEä SHOW LOGNo output loggingVDEä      

GThe CANCEL LOG command disables input and output logging. The SHOW LOG *command confirms that logging is disabled.



4Disables VDE privileges for the current VDE session.



CANCEL PRIVILEGES priv [, priv...]



7The name of a VDE privilege to disable for the current VDE session.

₧For a list of privileges, see Table 3-5 in SET PRIVILEGES.


0The VDE privileges enabled for your current VDE >session determine the VDE commands (and in some cases command Fqualifiers) you are allowed to use. Use the CANCEL PRIVILEGES command ;to disable privileges for the current VDE session. You may Ewant to use the command to prevent accidental changes to the library database, for example.

HYou can reestablish privileges using the SET PRIVILEGES command and you Fcan display your current privileges using the SHOW PRIVILEGES command.






>The CANCEL PRIVILEGES command disables the FROZEN and USERNAMEGprivileges. THE SHOW PRIVILEGES command confirms that those privileges are no longer set.



FThis command is the negation of the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command. This ?command allows a project leader or other reviewer to cancel oneFor more accepted, queued replacements, and thus prevent these modules 8from being relocated into the VDE library via a PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.

<Requires RESREP privilege to cancel your own queued Hreplacement. Requires PERFREP privilege to cancel another user's queued replacement.



CANCEL REPLACEMENT rep-name [, rep-name...]



FThe name of a queued replacement to be cancelled. You can cancel more Cthan one replacement at a time by using wildcard characters in the Dreplacement name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single Hcharacter in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero =or more characters in the position it occupies. Those queued Breplacements whose names match the wildcard pattern are cancelled.


BThe CANCEL REPLACEMENT command is used after the module(s) in the Hreplacement have been replaced by a user and have been accepted through 5the (optional) code review process supported by VDE. >Cancellation prevents these modules from being moved into the ;VDE library. This operation is the negation of the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.

=The CANCEL REPLACEMENT command cancels each specified queued <replacement so that the replacement is deleted from the VDE Alibrary and is no longer eligible to be performed by the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.

HThe modules belonging to the cancelled replacement will remain reserved Fto the user that originally reserved and replaced them, and that user Ccan later REPLACE updated modules, or can UNRESERVE the modules to @entirely cancel the outstanding reservation(s). If subsequently Freplaced, the modules will again have to be accepted (or rejected) by the reviewers.

EFor information on how a queued replacement is accepted or rejected, ;see the ACCEPT REPLACEMENT and REJECT REPLACEMENT commands.



/NOCONFIRM (default)

<Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each <replacement cancelled. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to Bprint a message for each replacement asking whether you want that Ereplacement cancelled. If you answer YES (or Y), that replacement is Fcancelled. If you answer NO (or N), the replacement is not cancelled. ?If you enter a replacement name with a wildcard specification, =VDE asks you to confirm the cancellation of each replacement Hwhose name matches the wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier 8causes VDE to cancel the specified replacements without asking for confirmation.

/LOG (default)


EControls whether log messages are printed after each replacement has Fbeen cancelled. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed Gand the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that Ethe replacement has been cancelled and that the database transaction has successfully committed.



VDEä CANCEL REPLACEMENT SMITH-2,%VDE-I-REPCAN, replacement SMITH-2 cancelled>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

FThis example cancels replacement SMITH--2 so that this replacement is =no longer queued in the VDE database. The modules associated Awith the replacement are still reserved after the replacement is cancelled.



CCancels one or more reservation sessions by deleting them from the VDE database.

GRequires RESREP privilege to cancel your own session. Requires <PERFREP privilege to cancel another user's session.



CANCEL SESSION session-name [, session-name...]



GThe name of a reservation session to be cancelled. You can cancel more Gthan one session at a time by using wildcard characters in the session Ename. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in Cthe position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more Ccharacters in the position it occupies. Those reservation sessions 5whose names match the wildcard pattern are cancelled.


FThe CANCEL SESSION command cancels each specified reservation session :so that the session is deleted from the VDE database. The Freservations that belonged to the session remain in the database, but *no longer belong to the cancelled session.

?If you want to both delete a session and unreserve all modules @associated with the session, use the UNRESERVE command with the /SESSION qualifier.



/NOCONFIRM (default)

<Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each >session cancelled. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print @a message for each session asking whether you want that session Gcancelled. If you answer YES (or Y), that session is cancelled. If you Ganswer NO (or N), the session is not cancelled. If you enter a session <name with a wildcard specification, VDE asks you to confirm Athe cancellation of each session whose name matches the wildcard =specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to cancel 7the specified sessions without asking for confirmation.

/LOG (default)


FControls whether log messages are printed after each session has been Ecancelled. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and Gthe /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the Asession has been cancelled and that the database transaction has successfully committed.



VDEä CANCEL SESSION SMITH-3(%VDE-I-SESCAN, session SMITH-3 cancelled>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

GThis example cancels reservation session SMITH--3 so that this session 7is no longer recorded in the VDE database. The modules Dassociated with the session are still reserved after the session is cancelled.



1Cancels display of command input to the terminal.






GThe CANCEL VERIFY command disables the echoing of command input to the Fterminal. It cancels the effect of the SET VERIFY command. The CANCEL @VERIFY command normally is used to disable the echoing of input !commands from command procedures.

;The CANCEL VERIFY and SET NOVERIFY commands are equivalent.






AThe SET VERIFY command allows the terminal to display (echo) the Fcommand line it receives. The SHOW MODULE command is therefore echoed Con the terminal before the output of the command is displayed. The DCANCEL VERIFY command is also echoed but it disables the display of Csubsequent commands. The SHOW FACILITY command that follows is not ;displayed on the terminal but the output of the command is.



FCompiles the specified modules using the appropriate scripts from the database.

*Requires BUILD privilege.



COMPILE mod-name [, mod-name...]



BSpecifies a module to be compiled. The module name consists of an Goptional facility name enclosed in square brackets, a module name, and Han optional type name preceded by a period, such as [FACIL]MOD1.MAR. If Fno facility name is specified, the default facility is assumed. If no Htype name is specified, all source modules of the specified module name #in the given facility are compiled.

EYou can compile more than one module by using wildcard characters in Hany of the three components of the module name. The percent sign (%) in Ha name matches any single character in the position it occupies and the @asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it ;occupies. VDE compiles those modules whose names match the wildcard pattern.


GThe COMPILE command compiles a module the same way it is compiled in a Ebuild job. The COMPILE command retrieves the compile script for each Gspecified module and generates a DCL command file from the script. The Fcommand then executes the command file in a subprocess. If the module 8compiles successfully, VDE updates the build dependency 1information for the compile step in the database.

GThe COMPILE command can be used to compile a module without starting a Dbuild job. It is often used to test compile scripts. It can also be Fused to collect the initial dependency information for a compile step >that does not yet have dependency information in the database.

GThe COMPILE command only operates on modules that have a generation in Hthe current stream (the default stream or the stream specified with the D/STREAM qualifier). In addition, it only operates on source modules Bunless you specify the type name in the mod-name Bparameter without wildcard characters. In other words, unless you Gexplicitly specify a derived-module file extension, the command assumes-that you only want to compile source modules.


/LOG (default)


AControls whether log messages are printed after the compile step Hexecutes. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the C/NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the Dcompile step has completed, either successfully or with errors, and Ethat the dependency information for the step has been updated in the VDE database.


CSpecifies that the modules be compiled for the stream given by the Fstream-name parameter. If this qualifier is omitted, 0the modules are compiled for the default stream.



VDEä COMPILE B.C0$ DEFINE/NOLOG SRC$ DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.SRC]0$ DEFINE/NOLOG OBJ$ DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.OBJ]"$ VDE FETCH [CODE]B.C/OUTPUT=SRC$:E%VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]B.C;1(1) fetched from library?%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.SRC]B.C;%$ CC/ANA=OBJ$:/OBJECT=OBJ$:  SRC$:B.C$ VDE/DEPEND C OBJ$:B.ANA$ !/$ SET NOVERIFY   ! Successful script completion@%VDE-I-COMPSUCC, compilation of [CODE]B.C completed successfully?%VDE-I-DEPUPDATE, dependency information updated for build stepVDEä      

CThis example compiles module B.C in the default facility, facility GCODE. The output from the execution of the compile script is displayed Con the terminal. The final log messages show that the compile step Gcompleted successfully and that its dependency information was updated in the database.


VDEä COMPILE [RMS]E.B329$ VDE FETCH [RMS]E.B32/OUTPUT=DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.RMS.SRC]H%VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [RMS]E.B32;3(2A1) fetched from library@%VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.RMS.SRC]E.B32;/$ DEFINE/NOLOG SRC$ DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.RMS.SRC]/$ DEFINE/NOLOG OBJ$ DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.RMS.OBJ]*$ BLISS/OBJECT=OBJ$:/ANA=OBJ$:  SRC$:E.B32;   0067  2         RETRUN;% WARN#000      ....1  L1:0067  Undeclared name:  RETRUN:%BLS32-W-ENDDIAGS, Compilation completed with 1 diagnostic$VDE$ERROR:/$ SET NOVERIFY   ! Script completed with errors@%VDE-I-COMPFAIL, compilation of [RMS]E.B32 completed with errorsVDEä      

GThis example compiles module [RMS]E.B32 but the compilation terminates Dwith errors. The output of the compile step includes error messages Afrom the compiler, and the final log message shows that the step 7failed. In this case, VDE does not update the database dependency information.



;Converts the current VDE library to the format required by the current version of VDE.

=Requires MODLIB privilege if automatic conversion is disabled.






<When a new version of VDE is installed on your system, that Dnew version frequently requires a different library format than the Cprevious version. The new version may require a different database @schema or new library subdirectories, for example. Because your :existing VDE libraries are in the old library format, you Amust convert them to the new format. The CONVERT LIBRARY command performs this conversion.

9The VDE database in your library contains a "format =version number" that tells VDE what format your library :has. If the current version of VDE requires a more recent Elibrary format, the CONVERT LIBRARY command converts the library and Dits database to that more recent format. It then updates the format version number in the database.

7Once you have converted a VDE library to a more recent <format, you can no longer use older versions of VDE on that Dlibrary. If you want to retain the option of going back to an older 8version of VDE, you should back up your library and its "database before your convert them.

EIf you have specified the /AUTO_CONVERT qualifier with the CREATE or <MODIFY LIBRARY command, VDE will automatically convert your Elibrary to the new format the first time a user accesses the library <database using the new version of VDE. Automatic conversion His more convenient than using the CONVERT LIBRARY command, but does not Ggive you the option of backing up the library before converting it. If Dyou have specified the /NOAUTO_CONVERT qualifier with the CREATE or FMODIFY LIBRARY command, you must convert the library with an explicit HCONVERT LIBRARY command. See the descriptions of the CREATE LIBRARY and 0CONVERT LIBRARY commands for a full explanation.





VDEä CONVERT LIBRARY?%VDE-I-LIBCONV, library format converted for new version of VDEVDEä      

EThis command converts the current library to the format required for 7the new version of VDE. The log message shows that the "conversion successfully completed.

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