Guide to Using

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1Introduction
Chapter 2Reserving and Replacing Modules
Chapter 3Displaying Information
Chapter 4Reviewing Queued Replacements
Chapter 5Project Leader Operations
Chapter 6Establishing a VDE Library
Chapter 7Library Maintenance Operations
Chapter 8Building your Software System
Chapter 9Architecture Support
Chapter 10The Graphical User Interfaces
Appendix ATroubleShooting Information
Appendix BComparison of VDE, VSC, and VTSC


' 9       <                                                                   <                                                       <                               <               <                                                   <                                                                                                                                   <                                                                                                                          
 Preface < Preface
Chapter 1
 1 ? Introduction
"      1.1 X     What is VDE?
"      1.2 p     VDE and the OpenVMS VAX Library
"      1.3 Y     Modules and Facilities
"      1.4 W     Development Streams
"      1.5 K     Generations
"      1.6 T     Architectures
"      1.7 \     Propogation and Folding
"      1.8 ^     Customization Using Scripts
"      1.9 a     Convenience Features
<          1.9.1 v         Kept Subprocess
<          1.9.2 v         Initialization Files
<          1.9.3 u         Selecting a Text Editor
<          1.9.4 â         Grouping Reservations into Sessions
<          1.9.5 Ç         Defining Defaults Using Contexts
<          1.9.6 ä         Default Libraries, Mnemonics
Chapter 2
 2 W Reserving and Replacing Modules
"      2.1 j     Identifying Module Generations
"      2.2 ]     Reserving Modules
<          2.2.1 y         Concurrent Reservations
<          2.2.2 u         Queued Reservations
"      2.3 _     Creating New Modules
"      2.4 Y     Fetching Modules
"      2.5 \     Unreserving Modules
"      2.6 _     Displaying Reservations
"      2.7 Z     Replacing Modules
"      2.8 k     Change Propagation and Fold Records
"      2.9 g     Displaying Queued Replacements
#      2.10 j     Cancelling Queued Replacements
Chapter 3
 3 G Displaying Information
"      3.1 ]     Displaying Facilities
"      3.2 Z     Displaying Modules
"      3.3 g     Displaying Generation Histories
"      3.4 r     Displaying Differences between Generations
"      3.5 i     Displaying Development Streams
"      3.6 Y     Displaying Users
Chapter 4
 4 M Reviewing Queued Replacements
"      4.1 u     Reviewing Modules Queued for Replacement
"      4.2 w     Accepting or Rejecting a Queued Replacement
Chapter 5
 5 J Project Leader Operations
"      5.1 k     Performing Queued Replacements
"      5.2 \     Inserting Generations
"      5.3 [     Removing Generations
"      5.4 [     Deleting Generations
"      5.5 j     Marking Module Generations Obsolete
"      5.6 w     Specifying Reviewer and Notification Lists
"      5.7 b     Creating New Streams
<          5.7.1 |         Creating Build Streams
<          5.7.2 ~         Creating Release Streams
<          5.7.3 ü         Example Stream Creations
"      5.8 k     Tailoring Processing With Scripts
Chapter 6
 6 K Establishing a VDE Library
"      6.1 f     Creating a VDE Library
<          6.1.1 ì         The VDE$UPLOAD CMS Upload Utility
<          6.1.2 ç         The CREATE LIBRARY Command
<          6.1.3 y         Examples
"      6.2 u     Optional Library Attributes and Settings
<          6.2.1 é         Database Placement
<          6.2.2 à         Standard User Privileges
<          6.2.3 ò         Automatic Addition of Users to Database
<          6.2.4 ê         Conversion of Library Format
<          6.2.5 ê         Sending Mail Notifications
<          6.2.6 æ         Allowing Deletion of Library Entities
<          6.2.7 ç         CMS History and Notes Defaults
<          6.2.8          Configuring Architectures
<          6.2.9 é         Miscellaneous Attributes
"      6.3 h     Library Directory Structure
<          6.3.1 ü         Delta File Directories
<          6.3.2 â         Staging Area Directories
<          6.3.3 è         Development Stream Directories
"      6.4 m     Adding Users to the Library
<          6.4.1 ~         The CREATE USER Command
<          6.4.2 å         Automatic Addition of Users
"      6.5 d     Creating Streams
<          6.5.1 ü         Stream Directory Tree
<          6.5.2 Ä         Scripts to Populate New Streams
<          6.5.3 ï         Stream Successor Relationships
"      6.6 d     Creating Facilities
"      6.7 s     Populating a Facility with Modules
<          6.7.1 É         Getting Source Modules from a Directory
<          6.7.2 Æ         Getting Source Modules from a CMS Library
<          6.7.3 à         Example CMS Upload Procedures
<          6.7.4 ë         Adding Individual Source Modules
Chapter 7
 7 P Library Maintenance Operations
"      7.1 m     Creating SCT Notes Conferences
"      7.2 _     Taking VDE Offline
"      7.3 k     Resolving Database Problems
<          7.3.1 y         User Process Deadlocks
<          7.3.2 q         Freeze in Rdb
<          7.3.3 t         Rdb process dumps
<          7.3.4 |         Rdb run-unit journal errors
V     ¥             Missing run-unit journal area
V     º             Rdb run-unit journal diskquota errors
V     ¥             Rdb recovery process dumps
V     ¢             Missing run-unit journal files
"      7.4 w     Database Backup and Recovery Procedures
<          7.4.1 ï         Overview of Backup Procedures
<          7.4.2 ù         Placement of Backup Files and Directories
<          7.4.3 â         After-Image Journalling
<          7.4.4 û         Creating the Database Backup Procedure
<          7.4.5 ù         Creating the Database Restore Procedure
<          7.4.6 è         Backing up the VDE Database
<          7.4.7 è         Restoring the VDE Database
<          7.4.8 ÿ         Recovering from a Lost Journal File
<          7.4.9 â         Associated Rdb commands
=          7.4.10 æ         Recovering Lost CMS Libraries
=          7.4.11 Ç         Moving to Larger CMS Disks
=          7.4.12 Ç         Moving to Larger Rdb Disks
"      7.5 s     Purging the Staging Area Directories
"      7.6 `     Offloading Large Files
"      7.7 f     Defragmenting the CMS Library
"      7.8 a     Relocating Rdb Components
"      7.9 d     Recreating Rdb Components

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