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Experiment AIIIE1 examined whether an IVB (see-through condition) could reduce simulator side-effects. The introduction of an IVB significantly reduced ataxia and SSQ ratings while viewing the vection stimulus. Given that vection ratings were not significantly lower in the see-through condition, an IVB may be able to reduce negative effects of simulators without significantly affecting the subjective impact of the virtual environment.

Two questions posed by the ataxia data from Experiment AIIIE1 are: 1. ``what would the baseline number of stance breaks be without a visual stimulus?'' and, 2. ``was the increase in stance breaks from the first to the third minute due to a build-up of effect or due to physiological fatigue from holding the Sharpened Romberg stance?'' Pilot Study AIIIP1 was conducted to examine these questions (see Appendix D). It was concluded that the baseline number of stance breaks is essentially zero, and that the increase in stance breaks from the first to the third minute was primarily due to a build-up of effect.

Jerrold Prothero

Human Interface Technology Lab