(C) 2003 BY POKE 53280


General Info
System Requirements
The Game

General Info

Welcome to International 64K-Rate !

All graphics, music and other elements are (c) by Poke53280, except original player graphics and sound-effects which were taken from the C64 Game "International Karate +" by Archer McLean.

Due to problems with some chipsets I changed the screen-resolution from 320x200 (original C64 resolution) to 320x240. So don't wonder when the players look a bit squeezed in fullscreen mode. Should look normal in windowed mode, though.

This game is distributed as freeware, so You can distribute it freely around the web or email it to Your friends as long as the game itself, the media it uses and this ReadMe are included in their original form.
If You want to put this game on CD for a magazine or something like that, please contact me for permission.

System Requirements

Microsoft Windows NT / 2000 / XP
DirectX 8.1 or higher
4 MB ram
and some kilobytes of diskspace ;)

The Game

The game can be played by up to three players simultaneously. The main goal is to achieve the black belt and gain as much score as possible by punching, kicking and even head-butting your opponents. Sounds cool, doesn't it ? =)

Each round lasts for a maximum of 30 seconds. When You hit an opponent while standing behind him, You will get one hit-point. When You are facing him, You will get two hit-points. The round ends when one of the players has reached six hit-points or when the time is up. At the end of each round the player with the least hit-point
s loses. The game ends when all three players have lost.

As You advance in Your Karateka career, Your opponents will get stronger, and by the time You achieve the black belt, they can be a very nasty foe :)

After every three normal rounds comes the bonus round where you have to deflect jumping balls with a shield. You get 100 points for each deflected ball and 5000 points for surviving the whole wave. Watch out for the blinking balls, for they seem to laugh at earth's physics sometimes :]

Hitting ESCAPE during the game brings up the start screen, hitting it during that screen exits the game.


This is the way your Karateka moves when facing right :

without fire button pressed

punch left jump up punch right
walk left walk right
low punch leg sweep low kick

with fire button pressed

straddle jump kick head butt
backflip side kick
high kick turned leg sweep turned high kick


Hint : Don't try to win by frequently doing the leg sweep ... since this move is quite unfair, You will be punished when doing it too often.


The game can only be played via keyboard. Be sure to have Numlock turned OFF. The configuration for all three players is as follows :

Player 1 (white)       Player 2 (red)       Player 3 (blue)
 Up  W I
Left Down
Right A S D J K L
Ctrl / Strg
Return / Enter

As You might see You are able to play left handed or right handed with each player. It might get a little cramped when playing with three people =)

When You hit the ground, You can stand up after some seconds by pressing Your fire-button.

F1 - F3 starts a one to three player match
F5 turns music on/off
F6 turns soundeffects on/off

Try the other function keys for some surprises =)


For bug reports, suggestions, questions, donations and other matters, feel free to email me.

(c) 2003 by Poke53280