Mp3tag Help - Overview



Copyright © 1999-2010 Florian Heidenreich

Mp3tag is a powerful and yet easy-to-use tool to edit tags of several supported audio formats. It can rename files based on the tag information, replace characters or words from tags and filenames, import/export tag information, create playlists and more. The program supports online freedb database lookups for selected files, allowing you to automatically gather proper tag information for selected files or CDs.

About the Documentation

The intended purpose of the documentation is to explain the main features of Mp3tag and to highlight features that may not be obvious to first time users. The documentation is not exhaustive.
You should have a good understanding of what tags or metadata of audio files is and an idea of what you want to achieve by using Mp3tag.

Philosophy of Mp3tag

The main idea behind Mp3tag is that easy tasks should be easy to solve while solving advanced tasks should be still possible.

Mp3tag does this by providing a fairly simple interface that allows first-time users to quickly edit tags and file names. Beyond that, Mp3tag's Actions allow for performing arbitrary changes to tags in an automated way. Scripting fuctions and placeholders for tag fields are used in almost every place of the program. Also, Mp3tag doesn't restrict you to stick with a standard set of tag fields by allowing flexible tagging, i.e., user-defined field names for tags. While these tags are not supported by all audio programs, Mp3tag writes them in a way that conforms to the various specifications of the different tag formats.

Beyond that, Mp3tag's philosophy is also to educate the user. So to leverage Mp3tag's full potential, learning about Regular Expressions, creative ways to use the export feature and the unlimited possibilites offered by the built-in scripting function is much recommended.

Good places to start learning more about this program are:

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Technical requirements

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