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What MTE can do

MTE makes working on XHTML documents as easy as a word processor. To make a word bold, select it and click on strong. To change a paragraph to a headline, put the cursor inside and choose from paragraph pull-down h1. The text enclosed becomes big and fat automatically.

With many tags, the large amount of content irritates when reading the normal text. Hide it completely or partially (<>) and concentrate on your writing job.

Then, for seeing the contents, move the mouse pointer to the tag, and a tool tip appears. For changing the contents, just click in, and the content becomes visible (<span |class="tag">).

MTE does'nt take off you to know about HTML (therefore, Frontpage express would be bette). But it takes off you to know all the attributes by heart. For these are available by context menu. If you nonetheless want to write them by hand (possible too, of course), you'll like the mouse double click which selects the attribute value exactly.

Working with tables in HTML source coude is quite hard, especially if there are spanning cells. For better overview, you can let display them as visual tables inside the sourcecode, as well as graphics.

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MTE © Wolf Busch 2000-2001 - letzter Stand 30.06.2001