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Base Idea

With this tool, XML documents are processed. XML documents consist of text and tags. The tags are hilighted with colors: <tag>.

Insofar, this editor appears as a syntagx hilighter as we know e. g. from Homesite or Emacs.

But inside the text, the character entities are translated to human readable: the sequences &lt; for the angle bracket < and &amp; for the ampers-&.

Word wrapping occurs at the border of the window (but not inside the pre element as well as inside script, eval, and ignore

Having loaded a document, the paragraphs are surrounded by empty lines. Inside of paragraphs, there are no line breaks.

For readability, you can insert line breaks as you want. Insofar, this editor is non-dogmatic.

Nested tag areas are represented by indentation. The indentation doesn't change when the line breaking changes, e. g. by inserting text or changing the window size.

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MTE © Wolf Busch 2000-2001 - letzter Stand 30.06.2001