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Act Labs shows off their Mac Racing Wheel

Bleem booth, minutes before getting shut down.

Michael Eilers yaps it up with LucasArts.

MacCentral's Peter Cohen, die hard to the end.

Belly dancers? Belly dancers? Belly dancers?

Left to right: Graphic Sims' Jeff Morgan, Trey Smith, and IMG's Tuncer Deniz.

The glorious Apple booth. Lots of games, and great crowds.

IMG's Robn Kester check out Bungie's Oni on Apple hardware.

Apple's Steve Bollinger at the Apple Booth. Smile Steve!

Game Sprocket guru Chris DeSalvo (left) with Mark and Suellen Adams.

(left to right) IMG's Michael Eilers, Robn Kester, and Blizzard's Brian Love.

The E3 show floor

It's a full size Pod Racer for that Star Wars movie, I don't seem to remember the name.

The Bungie Booth. Oni, and more Oni, and even more Oni. Oh, and Oni.

Blizzard's Diablo II for the Mac was officially announced. Woohoo!

Sierra had one of the more crowded booths at E3.