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What's News?
by Michael Eilers, Tuncer Deniz, Ben Wertz, David Simon, Paul Howell, Dan Daranciang, Jason Bailey

Have some news that you'd like to announce? Send it along to us at

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Tuesday, April 20, 1999

Homeworld for Mac? Plus, Sierra Drops the Hints...
It looks like there may be a chance that the epic real-time space combat strategy game Homeworld might make it to the Mac. An interview (posted at Game Interviews) with Alex Garden of Relic Software, creators of the Homeworld project, revealed the following quote (in reply to a question about possible ports to other platforms):

Yeah. I mean we have certainly thought about it. There are a number of consoles out there right now, Macintosh being another possibility, the concern we have the consoles isn't whether or not they can render it but whether or not you can control it properly. The thing that really makes Homeworld fun to play is the fact that the control is completely intuitive, it's transparent, you really don't notice you're doing it anymore. You may not be able to do that on the consoles because it is so heavily mouse-centric, the whole control system. So we may or may not port to the console systems, it's still up in the air.

However, to thicken the plot a bit further, here is the latest hint from our contact at Sierra, publishers of Homeworld and many other titles:

No decision just yet on Homeworld Mac.

This week I am announcing a BIG game that we are bringing to the Mac. I know you'll want to do a big piece on it, but I can't say just yet.

One of the other huge titles published by Sierra is...

Wait for it...

Half-Life. That is just speculation on our part, but we've been waiting for news regarding that game for a long, long time. Could this be our lucky week? [

Myth Codex Shuts the Book... Again
For longer than most Myth players can remember, the Myth Codex has been the premiere site for news and discussion regarding Bungie's immensely popular games, Myth: The Fallen Lords and Myth 2: Soulblighter. Managed by big Myth names such as Case, Ferrex and Malory, this site has been fortunate to have had individuals working part-time for Bungie, thus always getting the 'inside-story' on major issues.

However, today Ferrex has announced the closure of the Codex. Myth fans will remember that this has happened before, but the site has always returned bigger and better - but Ferrex guarantees that this time, there will be no return. [ed note: this website has more lives than the average cat; it may indeed be back.]

So another Myth news site dissolves , but this is in no way an indication of the popularity of the games. The release of the map WW2: Recon plus the anticipated release of a demo of the MaraMyth conversion both indicate that the game continues to build momentum as talented map-makers of all types push the Myth engine to its limits and beyond, in an effort to make the game last forever.

In the meantime, for breaking Myth news you should keep your eyes focused here at IMG, or towards Myth-specific sites such as the Townhall, Mythology and [

Unreal Tournament Reveals Darn Big Guns

The Unreal Tournament website has been updated again, this time with a plethora of screenshots and details about the amazing arsenal you will wield in this successor to the phenomenal first-person shooter Unreal. Aiming directly at Quake III: Arena and looking like it will hit the streets first, Unreal Tournament has so many unique additions to the world of multiplayer killfests that it seems to expand the genre with each passing day. If you want details about such wicked tools of destruction as the Flak Cannon, Pulse Rifle and Impact Hammer, stop by the UT web sit today—and make sure you have the Shockwave Flash plugin before you go! [Eilers]

News Myth Map Makers Can Use
There have been several recent developments in the world of 3rd party maps - both for creators and users.

First there is the return of The Baron's Keep after an extended and unexpected period of absence. TBK is a site for the archiving and ranking of 3rd party maps for Myth: The Fallen Lords and Myth 2: Soulblighter and remains one of the most significant web-based map servers in the absence of the sorely missed Libram Arcanum.

Secondly, Vista has announced that the latest beta version of Amber has gone public. Amber is a tool for map makers which allows you to edit 'collections' far beyond the capabilities of Bungie's tool 'Fear'. Collections are the term used to describe all of the images in Myth 2, everything from interface buttons through to landscape scenery and unit sprites. This tool has already received strong acclamations from the leading map makers and will help to put us one step closer to seeing more Total Conversions like WW2: Recon and I'll S'Pht On Your Grave (which should not be confused with the MaraMyth project, a completely separate endeavor)

Finally, Bungie has announced that since it is virtually impossible for most map makers to actually create new 3D models for Myth 2 (such as windmills etc.), they have formed a group dedicated to churning out new models for map-makers named The Model-makers of Muirthemne. They already have two new models which increase the flexibility of the walls from the popular net-map Venice, and there is a promise of many more to come.

For anyone who doubts the longevity of Myth 2 and the talent of Bungie, I submit the preceding updates as evidence. Bungie has clearly produced major hits with the Myth games on both platforms. Our delight comes from the knowledge that although the games are released as hybrids and are doing quite well in the Windows market as well as the Mac, Bungie was born as a Mac-only company. Few gaming companies have done more to raise the profile of Mac gaming. [Simon]

Wheel of Time Page Updated
The website for the upcoming Unreal-based shooter/RPG hybrid Wheel of Time has received its weekly update; along with a bit of information from the lead developer, there are also some new screenshots and other minor details. While we don't have an absolute confirmation about a Mac version, the WOT webside slyly claims that whatever platform the Unreal engine gets ported to (such as ours!) will eventually get a version of the game. Stop by and drool over the amazing screenshots, and then cross you fingers and hope we'll see this ground-breaking game soon! [Eilers]

Mac-O-Rama Beams Down a Sale
All-Mac online game store Mac-O-Rama sent us a press release announcing their latest sale:

Captain, these prices are highly illogical... MAC-O-RAMA is celebrating our nerdiness with Star Trek week. Win cool STAR TREK stuff! Prizes include games, t-shirts, candy and more! There is a different giveaway each day starting Tuesday, April 20, 1999! Plus, we’ve got great games at awesome prices, check them out...

25th Anniversary $10 Borg $37 Captain’s Chair $38 Deep Space Nine- Harbinger $10 Judgement Rites Collector’s Edition $12 Klingon $38 Klingon Honor Guard $43 Starship Creator $27 The Game Show $27 The Next Generation- A Final Unity $10

Latinum or brains... there are two easy ways to win! Any purchase made from April 19 through April 25 will automatically be entered in the daily drawing. Or if you are a little short of cash after filing your Federation taxes, a correct answer to our daily STAR TREK trivia question earns an entry. Trivia contest drawings start Tuesday, April 20, 1999. Just visit MAC-O-RAMA at <> and good luck!

Sale starts April 19, 1999 and ends April 25, 1999. Prices good while supplies last. FREE gift wrapping available upon request.

So put on your Vulcan ears and polish that comm badge, it's time to buy games! [

FLY! Wings Its Way Closer to the Macintosh
Some good news for flight-sim fans from NextGeneration Online; an interview with Terminal Reality's Richard Harvey revealed more details about their upcoming ultra-realistic flight simulator, FLY!:

Terminal Reality's upcoming flight sim, FLY!, is expected to be released during May this year. The title will be published by Gathering of Developers and its Co-Producer and Lead Programmer, Richard Harvey, has spoken about the high standard of realism he anticipates it to achieve.

"There are three primary areas we've focused our 'realism' efforts: flight models, cockpits/avionics, and environment," he informed. "We are using performance data directly provided by each aircraft manufacturer to tune our aircraft and ensure accuracy in flight performance and individual aircraft characteristics. Our cockpits visually match exactly to what you would find in the original aircraft, so those users who truly want to learn or practice procedures can do so."

Harvey continued: "The environment rounds out the 'feel' within hundreds of small details, from aircraft and building shadows, to RGB light effects as the sun sets, environment mapping of clouds and ground onto the aircraft body, transparent cockpits, moving aircraft surfaces, accurate sun and moon positions, accurate star placement in the night sky, wispy volumetric clouds, and more. The user may not initially notice some of these small effects, but they are important for the total experience. I definitely think these add to the overall enjoyment, because the goal is to model reality as close as possible.

When asked to give the minimum PC specs to run FLY! satisfactorily, Harvey replied: "This is difficult to answer, particularly given that the definition of 'satisfactory' in the sim community varies a wide degree. We are suggesting a minimum configuration to be a Pentium 200MMX with a 3D accelerator card, or a 233Mhz PowerPC with a 3D accelerator card. We recommend a Pentium II 350, or Macintosh G3 with a 3D accelerator for best enjoyment of all of our features."

With such a graphic-intensive environment, 3D support looks to be integral to the FLY! experience. Harvey explained: "We natively support Microsoft DirectX 5, DirectX 6.x, and 3Dfx Glide under Microsoft Windows, and Apple RAVE and 3Dfx Glide under the MacOS. While it is possible to run FLY! without 3D hardware, we feel it really doesn't deliver the visuals we intend people to get from the product, and the software-only mode requires significant processing power for reasonable frame rates."

FLY! will be compatible with other hardware devices, as Harvey further informed: "We do support force feedback devices, as well as USB support under both Windows and MacOS. We've designed our interface to allow the user to assign just about as many axes or buttons to functions as they like; for example, although we don't yet have a plane that would fully take advantage of it, we allow the user to assign individual input axes for up to four throttles, four prop controls, and four mixture levers. We also support individual toe brakes. We will not have multiple monitor support in version 1.0, but it is something we are investigating for a future release."

This looks to be one impressive civillian flight sim, and now we know for sure it is coming to the Macintosh. Now if only we could get Terminal Reality to port Monster Truck Madness II... [

Aliens Vs Predator Website Launched

This hotly-anticipated first-person shooter now has an official website hosted by FOX Interactive's AvP combines elements from the films "Alien" and "Predator" for a hard-core game of survival. Choose one of three first-person gaming perspectives and experience a completely different 3D world of fright. If you're looking for all the latest info, head on over to their new site. The game is being ported to the Mac by the folks over at Logicware, the porting powerhouse that's also bringing Redneck Rampage (April Release), Heretic II, Quake II, and several other great titles to the Mac. [

IMG Chat With Ambrosia Tomorrow
IMG is proud to announce our upcoming chat with Mac shareware powerhouse Ambrosia Software on Wednesday, April 21th at 10 PM Eastern, 7 PM Pacific. Ambrosia's Jason Whong and Glenn Andreas, the author of the upcoming Cythera will be joining us to discuss... well... Cythera. And anything else Ambrosia-related.

The chat will be held in the IMG Chat Room. All you'll need is a Java-enabled browser to join the chat! See ya then!

In Other News

Another Unreal Tournament Preview:
Next Generation Online has a detailed article about Unreal Tournament, coming to the Mac this Spring.

Virtual PC Update:
This minor update doesn't add any new features, just fixes bugs with Powerbooks and some Y2K problems.

New VillageTronic Drivers:
VillageTronic has released new drivers for their NextGen MP850 graphics acceleration card.

Railroad Tycoon II Site:
if you want an in-depth look at this upcoming game, visit the Station.

NoBeige previews new iMacs:
they've got the scoop on the new, faster iMacs and when they will be available.

Even Columnists Like Games:
Tom Lovino of the great Mac website About This Particular Macintosh confesses that he uses his Mac for games. Hey, is that so wrong?

UnrealFinder Updated:
this utility for finding online servers for Unreal slaughterfests is now at 1.0.2 and requires Unreal version 2.2.0.

Get Games 4 your Mac:
The Games 4 Mac Campaign website has ben updated with a new campaign to convince UbiSoft to bring the racing game Speed Busters to the Mac. Stop by and sign up, and sign their many other petitions while you are at it!

New Releases
CH Gamestick USB
Imperialism II
Tomb Raider Gold
America's Greatest Solitaire Games
Game Pad Pro USB
Yoot Tower
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Fusion Gamepad USB

Future Releases
Carmageddon 2
Falcon 4.0
Civ 2 Gold w/Multiplayer Edition
Redneck Rampage
Starship Titanic

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