Table of Contents


Publisher: Pacific Media WorX
Tanaka is a fully three-dimensional racer with excellent graphics where pilots guide their crafts through the streets of the City of Tanaka. It takes place in 2525.

Missions vary in difficulty and objective. Some races are run against the clock, while others are deemed "Duels" or "Total Carnage" races where you must defeat the other pilots or destroy them to emerge victorious. Yet another type of mission is the "escort" mission, where you must guide another vehicle through the mean streets defending and protecting it from all others, until it reaches the safety of the finish line. Upon completion of the race, a pilot is awarded prize money if they finish in the top three spots. The higher the finish, the greater the award. The awards can then be spent in the shop where pilots purchase and equip their vehicles.

The vehicles are smart and highly configurable. Pilots are able to choose from among many different variables such as different type of cars (Stormy X1, Flying Fish, Bomber F20, etc.), engines (hydrogen, plasma, nuclear, etc.), missiles and mines (rolling mine, ZZ rocket, the Seeker, etc.) lasers (double laser, multi-laser, etc.), and shields (deflectors).

System Requirements
- System 7.5 or higher
- 4x CD-ROM drive
- 16 MB of RAM
- 40 MB hard drive space
- 150 MHz PPC
- Apple GameSprockets