Replace Options

Click on the graphic below for help on the options categories or scroll the screen down for a text description of the Replace options fields.


Details on Replace Options Fields:

Backup File Path: Enter a backup path to use if you want Search and Replace to backup the originals of any files changed during a replace operation. You may use the Browse button (image\b_path4.gif) to select a path via a Select Path dialog. If Search Subdirectories is turned on, the directory tree of the original path is created as necessary during the Replace operation.

Write Files to Backup Path: Check this box to write the files changed during a replace operation to the Backup Directory specified above. This will leave the original file(s) in the search path unchanged. If Search Subdirectories is checked, the directory tree of the search path is created as necessary under the path specified in Backup Directory. Note that if you check this, you need to remember that the newer, replaced versions of your file(s) will be in the Backup Directory. Search & Replace provides a reminder message when "Write Files to Backup Path" is checked.

Replace Prompts Group:

Replace Processing Group: Use this set of mutually exclusive radio choices to apply (or not) Special Case Handling during replacements. Please see Special Case Handling for more information and examples.

Do Not Change File Date/Time: When enabled, Search & Replace preserves the original time & date stamp of files when replacements are made.

OK button: Saves the changes and closes the dialog.

Cancel button: The changes will not be made.