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CustomPropertyChange Event

Occurs when a custom property of a Microsoft Outlook item is changed. The property name is passed to the procedure so that you can determine which custom property changed.

Sub object_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name As String)

object    An object that evaluates to one of the objects in the Applies To list. In VBScript, use the word Item.

Name    Required. The name of the custom property that was changed.


This Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) example uses the CustomPropertyChange event to enable a control when a Boolean field is set to True.

For this example, create two custom fields on the second page of a form. The first, a Boolean field, is named "RespondBy". The second field is named "DateToRespond".

Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal myPropName)
    Select Case myPropName
        Case "RespondBy"
            Set myPages = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages
            Set myCtrl = myPages("P.2").Controls("DateToRespond")
            If Item.UserProperties("RespondBy").Value Then
                myCtrl.Enabled = True
                myCtrl.Backcolor = 65535 'Yellow
                myCtrl.Enabled = False
                myCtrl.Backcolor = 0 'Black
            End If
        Case Else
    End Select
End Sub