PlotArea Object

Multiple objects

Represents the plot area of the specified chart. This is the area where your chart data is plotted. The plot area in a 2-D chart contains the data markers, gridlines, data labels, trendlines, and optional chart items placed in the chart area. The plot area in a 3-D chart contains all the above items plus the walls, floor, axes, axis titles, and tick-mark labels in the chart.

The plot area is surrounded by the chart area. The chart area in a 2-D chart contains the axes, the chart title, the axis titles, and the legend. The chart area in a 3-D chart contains the chart title and the legend. For information about formatting the chart area, see the ChartArea object.

Using the PlotArea Object

Use the PlotArea property to return the PlotArea object. The following example places a dashed border around the chart area and places a dotted border around the plot area.

With myChart
    .ChartArea.Border.LineStyle = xlDash
    .PlotArea.Border.LineStyle = xlDot
End With