
119. Who is the Daughter of the Nine Moons? (MC)

a daughter of the Empress of Seanchan 59.821134
the Empress of Seanchan 9.82122
Seanchan Messiah Figure 8.03618
Cerandin from Valan Luca's show 6.69615
Berelain 3.5718
Egeanin 0.8932
no clue 7.58917
none of the above 0.8932

120. What does Mat "giving up half the light of the world" mean? (MC)

he loses an eye 77.679174
something about half the Power
no longer working in the next age
something to do with Mayene and
the lamp oil
no clue 8.48219
none of the above 8.48219

121. The "Last Battle" refers to (MC)

a string of many events 47.321106
a single event 46.875105
no clue 2.6796
none of the above 1.3393

122. Rand will: (MC)

die and come back 45.536102
die at the end and stay dead 27.23261
not die, not even fake it 13.83931
fake his death 4.46410
no clue 4.0189
none of the above 2.6796

123. Rand will break the world : (MC)

both figuratively and literally 51.786116
figuratively 42.41195
physically 0.8932
not at all 0.4461
no clue 1.7864
none of the above 0.4461

124. Rand's "spilling his blood on the rocks at Shayol Ghul" refers to: (MC)

the blood of Rand, literally 62.054139
the blood of the Aiel 13.83931
Galad's blood 6.25014
Aviendha's child's blood 2.2325
no clue 6.69615
none of the above 3.5718

125. Will there be an eclipse when Rand spills his blood? (Y/N/U)

Yes 57.589129
No 18.75042
Undecided 20.08945

126. Callandor pulling: Who will pull the Sword from the Stone ? (SA)

Logain 62.054139
Rand 11.60726
No one 6.69615
Mat 2.2325
Galad 1.3393
Taim 1.3393
Next Dragon 0.8932
Gawyn 0.4461
Perrin 0.4461
Lews Therin 0.4461
Sammael 0.4461
Shaidar Haran 0.4461
Bela 0.4461

127. Will the puller(s) survive the pulling (leave blank if you think no one will pull it)? (Y/N/U)

Yes 82.589185
No 2.2325
Undecided 1.7864

128. Does "Land split by Return" refer to the Seanchan invasion? (Y/N/U)

Yes 79.911179
No 8.92920
Undecided 8.03618

129. Who is Berelain's "man in white", re: Min's viewing ? (SA)

Galad 62.500140
Rhuarc 3.5718
Gai'shain 2.2325
Whitecloak 0.8932
Perrin 0.8932
Cair. Gai'shain 0.4461
Demandred 0.4461
Ishamael 0.4461
Logain 0.4461
Mat 0.4461
Osan'gar 0.4461
Semirhage 0.4461
Slayer 0.4461
Bela 1.3393

130. Egwene has a dream of Thom pulling Moiraine's blue stone from the fire. Will Thom rescue Moiraine from wherever she is (if you think she's dead, then this question does not apply - leave it blank)? (Y/N/U)

Yes 83.482187
No 1.3393
Undecided 5.35712

131. Who is the "Blind woman" ? (SA)

Elaida 19.19643
Morgase 4.46410
No one specific 4.46410
Egwene 4.0189
Moiraine 3.1257
Aes Sedai 2.6796
Nynaeve 2.2325
Dot9M 0.8932
Graendal 0.8932
Liandrin 0.8932
Min 0.8932
Aran'gar 0.4461
Lanfear 0.4461
Moon 0.4461
Semirhage 0.4461
Wise Ones 0.4461

132. Who is the "Deaf Man" ? (SA)

Pedron Niall 13.83931
Rand 8.92920
No one specific 4.46410
Sammael 2.2325
Thom 2.2325
Perrin 1.7864
Mat 1.3393
Demandred 0.4461
Fain 0.4461
Galad 0.4461
Gareth Bryne 0.4461
Gawyn 0.4461
A King 0.4461
Lan 0.4461
Logain 0.4461
Osan'gar 0.4461
Sun 0.4461
Taim 0.4461

133. Who is the "Jackdaw Fool" ? (SA)

Mat 14.28632
Rand 9.37521
No one specific 4.46410
Fain 3.1257
Sammael 1.7864
Niall 1.3393
Dark One 0.8932
Demandred 0.8932
Lews Therin 0.8932
Ailron 0.4461
Alanna 0.4461
Common man 0.4461
Death 0.4461
Empress 0.4461
Gawyn 0.4461
Juilin 0.4461
Morgase 0.4461
Nynaeve 0.4461
Taim 0.4461
Thom 0.4461
Us (readers) 0.4461
Dylan 0.4461
Amol 0.4461

134. Nicola's foretelling says: "The great battle done, but the world not done with battle". Will the Last Battle happen *before* the Last Book? (Y/N/U)

Yes 33.48275
No 51.339115
Undecided 11.60726

135. Wise One dream says that the key to finding the bowl is finding "the one who is no longer". Who is this ? (SA)

Moiraine 25.00056
Luc 6.69615
Mat 4.0189
Lews Therin 3.5718
Runaway novice 3.5718
Jain 2.2325
Green Man 1.7864
Asra (the Ebou Dar Wilder) 1.3393
Coriannin 1.3393
Shemerin 1.3393
Artur Hawkwing 0.8932
Hopper 0.8932
Asmodean 0.8932
Birgitte 0.8932
Dot9M 0.8932
Fain 0.8932
Falion 0.4461
Liah 0.4461
Lanfear 0.4461
Mierin 0.4461
Gaidal Cain 0.4461
Ebou Dar Wilder 0.4461
Tinker 0.4461
Olver 0.4461
Silvie 0.4461
Slayer 0.4461
Forsaken 0.4461
Stilled Aes Sedai 0.4461

Survey compiled by Judy Ghirardelli and John Novak
Results collated by John Novak

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