Future Events (i.e. Guessing)

Elaida 69.643156
Galad 55.357124
Morgase 51.786116
Alanna 48.661109
Rand 35.71480
Verin 27.67962
Myrelle 24.10754
Lan 15.62535
Gawyn 13.83931
Siuan 12.94629
Aviendha 11.60726
Bayle Domon 10.26823
Leane 9.82122
Thom 9.82122
Faile 6.69615
Nynaeve 6.69615
Mat 5.80413
Min 5.80413
Elayne 4.91111
Egwene 2.6796
Perrin 2.2325
none of the above 3.5718

85. In the end the Dark One will: (MC)

be re-sealed 57.143128
be replaced 18.75042
die 12.05427
win 0.4461
no clue 5.35712
none of the above 5.35712

86. What will happen *next* to the Horn? (MC)

the good guys get it 45.982103
the bad guys get it 26.33959
it collects dust in the Tower and is not found 12.94629
the Hunters find it 3.5718
no clue 8.92920
none of the above 0.8932

87. Who of the following will pair up romantically? (MC LIST)

Siuan Sanche and Gareth Bryne 92.411207
Domon and Egeanin 70.982159
Morgase and Tallanvor 70.089157
Leane and Logain 22.32150
Uno and Birgitte 16.51837
none of the above 0.8932

88. Who of the following will do the Far Snows dance (i.e. have sex) at least ONCE during the series (i.e. they could have a one-time fling) (MC LIST)

Mat and Birgitte 13.39330
Perrin and Berelain 6.69615
Nynaeve and Valan Luca 4.0189
none of the above 73.661165

89. Will any other Forsaken be resurrected? (Y/N/U)

Yes 33.92976
No 44.643100
Undecided 19.19643

90. Will you *hate* it and think it cheap if any other Forsaken are resurrected? (Y/N/U)

Yes 50.000112
No 36.16181
Undecided 12.94629

91. What will Myrelle do with Lan's bond? (MC)

pass it to Nynaeve 78.125175
keep it herself 8.48219
pass it *back* to Moiraine (should she be
found - now *that's* a novel idea!!)
pass it on to someone other than Nynaeve or Moiraine 0.4461
no clue 5.35712
none of the above 3.5718

92. Who will use the female sa'angreal on Tremalking (list all your short answers on ONE LINE. Ie. Nynaeve and Bela. This question is different from other SA LIST questions)? (SA LIST)

Nynaeve 32.14372
Nynaeve and Elayne 7.58917
Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne 7.58917
Egwene 5.80413
Elayne and Aviendha 4.0189
Nynaeve and Egwene 3.5718
Elayne 2.6796
Lanfear 2.6796
Lanfear and Nynaeve 2.6796
Lanfear and Moiraine 1.7864
Egwene, Aviendha, Nynaeve and Elayne 1.7864
Elayne and Egwene 1.3393
Egwene, Aviendha and Elayne 0.8932
Nynaeve and Bela 0.8932
Egwene, Nynaeve and Lanfear 0.8932
Nynaeve and Aviendha 0.8932
Egwene, Lanfear and Moiraine 0.4461
Elayne and Lanfear 0.4461
Nynaeve, Elayne and Aviendha 0.4461
Nynaeve and Moghedian 0.4461
Egwene, Elayne and Verin 0.4461
Aviendha 0.4461
Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve and Moiraine 0.4461
Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve and Lanfear 0.4461
Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve and Siuan 0.4461
Egwene, Leane, Nynaeve, and Siuan 0.4461
Moiraine 0.4461
Moiraine and Elayne 0.4461
Nynaeve and Logain 0.4461
Egwene, Moiraine, Nynaeve and Lanfear 0.4461
Egwene, Moghedian and Lanfear 0.4461
Moiraine, Elayne, Nynaeve and Aviendha 0.4461
Egwene and Moiraine 0.4461
Nynaeve, Elayne, Egwene and probably more... 0.4461
Nynaeve leading with Egwene Elayne plus
10 other linked female AS
Many female channelers together 0.4461
Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene with others
(Aes Sedai, Windfinders, damane,
Nynaeve, Egwene, Aviendha and Elayne maybe
Nynaeve or Aviendha 0.4461
Rand, Logain, Egwene, Nynaeve, Elayne and
Aviendha (linked)
Nynaeve or Egwene 0.4461
Egwene, Aviendha, Nynaeve, Elayne and others 0.4461
nobody 0.4461
no clue 0.4461

93. Who will use the male sa'angreal outside Cairhien (list all your short answers on ONE LINE. Ie. Rand and Logain. This question is different from other SA LIST questions)? (SA LIST)

Rand 61.607138
Rand and Logain 7.14316
Rand, Logain and Taim (oh my!) 5.80413
Logain 3.1257
Rand and Taim 3.1257
Taim 0.4461
Gawyn 0.4461
Taim and Logain 0.4461
Taim and Sammael 0.4461
Rand, Logain and Demandred 0.4461
Rand, Logain and Osan'gar 0.4461
Rand, Logain and Semirhage 0.4461
Rand, Asmodean, Taim, Logain 0.4461
Rand and Lews Therin 0.4461
Rand and Sammael 0.4461
Rand and maybe more 0.4461
Rand Logain and loyal Black tower 0.4461
Rand, Logain, with others (Asha'man) 0.4461
Rand, maybe Logain (battle with Forsaken
for control again?)
Rand, Logain, Egwene, Nyneave, Elayne and
Aviendha (linked)
Rand, Logain, Forsaken 0.4461
Rand, Logain, Torvil and others 0.4461
Rand, Mat, Logain and Taim 0.4461
no clue 0.8932
nobody 0.4461

94. Who will be collared in the future (name as many as apply)? (SA LIST)

Rand 20.53646
Elayne 12.94629
Nynaeve 10.26823
Edesina 4.46410
Sheriam 4.0189
Aviendha 3.5718
Egwene 3.5718
Elaida 3.1257
Taim 3.1257
Alanna 2.6796
Liandrin 2.6796
Moghedian 2.6796
Vandene 2.6796
Alviarin 2.2325
Siuan 2.2325
Adeleas 1.7864
Asra (the Ebou Dar Wilder) 1.7864
Faolain 1.7864
Lanfear 1.7864
Logain 1.7864
Myrelle 1.7864
Carlinya 1.3393
Granedal 1.3393
Morgase 1.3393
Mat 1.3393
Aldeas 0.8932
Delana 0.8932
Galina 0.8932
Leane 0.8932
Moiraine 0.8932
Anaiya 0.4461
BA in Ebou Dar 0.4461
Bode Cauthon 0.4461
Eldrin Cauthon 0.4461
Forsaken 0.4461
Galad 0.4461
Semirhage 0.4461
Erica 0.4461
Hawk 0.4461
Judy 0.4461

95. Who will off Padan Fain? (SA)

Rand 23.66153
No one 20.08945
Mat 16.96438
Perrin 13.39330
Dark One 1.7864
Logain 1.7864
ain 0.8932
Shaidar Haran 0.8932
Slayer/Luc 0.8932
Aviendha 0.4461
Egwene 0.4461
Elayne 0.4461
Galad 0.4461
Lan 0.4461
Lanfear 0.4461
Mordeth 0.4461
Nynaeve 0.4461
Tam 0.4461
Wolves 0.4461
Perrin, Rand and Mat 0.4461

96. Will the Dark One be COMPLETELY freed before the end of the series? (Y/N/U)

Yes 69.196155
No 19.64344
Undecided 9.82122

97. Will/did Bayle Domon lose the sad-bracelets in the ocean? (Y/N/U)

Yes 28.57164
No 56.250126
Undecided 11.60726

98. Who will the sad-bracelets be used on (males only - 'no one' is an acceptable answer): (SA)

Rand 33.48275
No one 30.80469
Taim 6.69615
Logain 5.35712
Demandred 2.2325
Sammael 2.2325
Mat 1.7864
Forsaken 1.3393
Asha'man 0.4461
Fake Taim 0.4461
Osan'gar 0.4461
Semirhage 0.4461

99. Will Dragonmount erupt? (Y/N/U)

Yes 30.35768
No 46.429104
Undecided 11.16125

100. Will Shayol Ghul erupt? (Y/N/U)

Yes 44.19699
No 37.50084
Undecided 16.07136

101. Will Galad lead the Whitecloaks for Rand? (Y/N/U)

Yes 58.036130
No 25.00056
Undecided 15.62535

102. Will the Taint be removed from the Male half of the Source? (Y/N/U)

Yes 84.821190
No 4.46410
Undecided 8.92920

103. Will there be a "new Manetheren"? (Y/N/U)

Yes 72.768163
No 18.30441
Undecided 7.14316

104. Is there some treasure hidden in the Mountains of Mist? (Y/N/U)

Yes 56.250126
No 29.46466
Undecided 12.94629

105. Re Tam learning that Rand is the Dragon Reborn: (MC)

Tam will learn the truth, and we will see him learn it 60.714136
Tam will learn the truth, but it will happen off camera 29.46466
Tam will not learn the truth 0.4461
no clue 2.2325
none of the above 4.46410

106. If Tam does learn about Rand, will you just *hate* it if we don't get to *see* him learn it (i.e. it happens off camera) (note: if you don't think Tam will learn Rand is the DR, leave this blank)? (Y/N/U)

Yes 66.964150
No 23.66153
Undecided 4.46410

107. Will any of the good guys be turned to the Dark Side by 13 Fades and Dreadlords? (Y/N/U)

Yes 57.143128
No 31.69671
Undecided 9.82122

108. Will Perrin free Luc from the Dreamworld? (Y/N/U)

Yes 21.87549
No 55.804125
Undecided 18.75042

109. Will we see Valan Luca again? (Y/N/U)

Yes 59.821134
No 23.21452
Undecided 14.28632

110. Who will go to AEelfland (answer 'no one' if you don't think the trip will be made)? (SA LIST)

Thom 61.607138
Mat 51.786116
Perrin 34.37577
Olver 11.60726
Rand 9.82122
Nynaeve 9.37521
Birgitte 7.58917
Elayne 7.58917
Egwene 7.14316
Faile 6.25014
No one 5.35712
Aludra 4.0189
Lan 4.0189
Aviendha 3.5718
Moiraine 3.1257
Juilin 2.6796
Min 1.7864
Loial 1.3393
Verin 1.3393
Aram 0.8932
Adelas 0.4461
Alanna 0.4461
Bela 0.4461
Dot9M 0.4461
Lanfear 0.4461
Liandrin 0.4461
Luc 0.4461
Mat's Band 0.4461
Myrelle 0.4461
Ogier 0.4461
Osan'gar 0.4461
Rhuarc 0.4461
Stepper 0.4461
Uno 0.4461
Vandene 0.4461

111. Who will find the weather ter'angreal bowl in Ebou Dar? (MC)

good guys 58.929132
both 34.82178
neither - it won't be found 0.8932
bad guys 0.4461
no clue 3.1257
none of the above 0.4461

112. Will the Asha'man be loyal to Rand? (Y/N/U)

Yes 44.19699
No 29.46466
Undecided 24.10754

113. Will Niall reinstate Morgase to the Throne? (Y/N/U)

Yes 13.39330
No 76.786172
Undecided 7.14316

114. If so, will Morgase honor the treaty she signed (leave blank if you answered #113 as N)? (Y/N/U)

Yes 8.03618
No 9.82122
Undecided 5.35712

115. Will Logain be Taim's downfall? (Y/N/U)

Yes 71.429160
No 11.16125
Undecided 15.17934

116. Will Rand lose control to Lews Therin Telamon (if only for a time, say at least half a day, not just momentarily)? (Y/N/U)

Yes 62.054139
No 30.80469
Undecided 5.35712

117. Will anyone get pregnant by having sex in T'A'R? (Y/N/U)

Yes 8.48219
No 78.125175
Undecided 11.60726

118. Will we ever see Elyas Machera again (the wolf dude from tEotW)? (Y/N/U)

Yes 87.054195
No 7.14316
Undecided 3.5718

Survey compiled by Judy Ghirardelli and John Novak
Results collated by John Novak

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