Chapter 29

The SuSE packet filter

In this chapter:
* Discussing general expectations from the packet filter
* Seeing how the filter rules are set up
* Configuring of the filter script
With version 6.3 SuSE ships a redesigned package filter aka Firewall package with its distribution. The new implementation is a total rewrite of the package filter and has pretty much nothing in common with the previous versions. In case you are running an older SuSE version, I recommend getting the new package from the SuSE ftp-server and use this instead of the old version. The new implementation is much more elaborate and allows a more flexible configuration of the filter rules.
29.1 Expectations from the packet filter

Before delving into a discussion on how the SuSE packet filter works and how to configure it, we have to think about what we expect the filter to do. But even before this, it should be pointed out what it is not.

CAUTION Even if its often referred to as firewall it really is 'only' a packet filter. It permits or denies traffic on the TCP/IP layer. It does not implement proxy services and depending on the configuration, it does not block all traffic through the router.
For Example, if you are running a Web server on the firewall machine, you may allow communication to this service from the Internet. If the Web server has a security vulnerability, the package filter will not protect you against attacks coming through the Web server's security hole. But it helps you to protect services on your machine to which untrusted persons should not get access to, and let you detect attacks on your server from filter violations.
The primary purpose of the packet filter is to protect our local network against intruders from the Internet. In most situations, the aim is not to block all traffic from the outside. You may have services that should be accessible, like Web browsing, FTP capabilities, or a mail server. There may be trusted hosts which should have access to our whole network. These exceptions may include include contractors or maintenance accounts that visit the network and to whom we do not want to deny access. Or we may want to control who can access the Internet from our local workstations.
In it's documentation for the packet filter, SuSE lists the following goals for it's implementation:
* Security is most important
Whoever installs and setup this firewall, expects that it will do all things possible to protect the server and the local networks the firewall is connected to.
* An error should not leave the system open
This is usally referred to the "fail close" mechanism: If there's a configuration error, it should not result in an open system. This is very hard to implement, but SuSE tried to do everything possible to make sure that the firewall setup is faily failsafe.
* Easy configuration
The major goal is to make the complexity of writing filter rules transparent to the admistrator and to allow the setup of complex rules using a set of variables which define the proposed functionality. The rules are configured by setting variables in a configuration file. The number of varaibles is realonable low and using the provided documentation, their functionality should be fairly easy to understand. But the adminstrator still has to have a basic understanding of TCP/IP, network daemons and security.
* Automation
To reduce the needed configuration options and to easy the complexity SuSE tried to collect as much data as possible from the running system. Beside of the obvious advantage, that this simplifies the configuration, it also helps to better support dynamic configured systems.
29.2 The firewall script

The packet filter is controlled by the script /sbin/init.d/firewall. This boot script uses /sbin/SuSEfirewall to configure the filter rules. The script /sbin/init.d/firewall understands the usual parameters start, stop, restart, reload and status as you know them from other boot scripts (see also chapter for more info on boot scripts). If the firewall is initialized at boot time or not depends on the variable FW_START in the file /etc/rc.config. If set to yes, the rules will be set up, otherwise the package filter will remain inactive.
I will outline the steps the firewall setup performs during it's setup in the next paragraphs.
After loading the configuration form /etc/rc.firewall, the script makes sure, that all required tools like sed, awk, grep, ifconfig, netstat and of course ipchains are available. It terminates with an error message if one of these tools is missing. The script also makes sure that the running Linux kernel is one of the 2.2 series. If the kernel version can not be determined, it prints out a warning message. If an older kernel version is detected the script terminates with an error message.
The next step is to process all the configuration options, some logical settings and checks are done and data like IP addresses and net masks of interfaces are collected from the running system. If an interface that is specified in the configuration is not up yet, some small protection rules are generated for this interface.

NOTE Note, that the script should be rerun any time a new interface (i.e. a dial-up connection with dynamic IP address) has been set up.
After this initial phase of verifying that the environment is sane, all former filter rules are flushed. The default for incoming packets and those which have to be routed is set to deny. This is done to make sure that if there's no rule found for a special packet, it will be thrown away. The default for outgoing packets is set to allowed.
If the firewall is configured to allow routing, packet forwarding will be activated. The /proc system allows easy online kernel configuration not only for the forwarding feature, but also for more advanced network settings (see chapter 4). The script uses this possibility to add some security settings if specified in the firewall configuration.
After this is done, the script explicitly allows all traffic coming from and going to the localhost interface. This interface is used only for internal traffic. It would be a very bad idea to block connections here, as local communication won't be possible anymore.
Next the IP spoofing and circumvention rules are set. They prevent attacks in which an intruder tries to disguise his data as coming from the internal network. Packets with an source address indicating they come from the inside, which arrive through an outside interface are thrown away.
When these pretty general settings are done, the more specific options are processed. First traffic from the internal network may or may not be allowed, depending on the configuration. In case the default for traffic originated form the inside network is deny, the interface(s) pointing to the inside will be handled the same way as interfaces pointing to the outside unless stated otherwise.
Now all ICMP, TCP and UDP rules are generated. The ICMP rules are generated in two steps. First special ICMP packets are allowed or denied, depending on the configuration (i.e. ping to the firewall my be allowed). Then rules to deny dangerous ICMP packets and to allow important ones are generated. The internal network is always allowed to ping the firewall.
For TCP traffic all services allowed to be accessed from the outside and -- if applicable -- from the internal network to trusted networks are allowed. Then port 113 is set to send connection resets to all incoming connections. This is important to prevent long mail sending delays. Then a fine automation process is done. If the option FW_AUTOPROTECT_GLOBAL_SERVICES (see below for more details) was set to yes, all services which are listening on all interfaces (this is the default for most daemons) will be protected. This is useful if you have to open your high ports ports to incoming connections, but you want to ensure that e.g. your database running on port 4545 is not accessible form the outside. Finally, it is decided from the configuration how the unprivileged ports (between 1024 and 65535) may be accessed: not at all, only DNS packets from name servers which are defined in /etc/resolv.conf, only packets which come from a special source port (not recommended, this protection is easy to subvert), or everyone. Internal networks are always allowed to access unprivileged ports (except to those protected by the autoprotect routine). The same is done for UDP packets. The only difference is that the connection reset for port 113 is not needed here.
The next step is to initialize the redirection rules. These rules are used to redirect traffic directed to the internal network or to local ports to special ports on the firewall. Related to this is routing in general and this is whats handled next. Rules restricting the access to internal systems by external machines are set up.
NOTE Please think twice before you allow anyone direct access to your system. Keep in mind that IP address spoofing is an easy task and the use of source addresses as base of access decisions is in general a bad idea.
If needed masquerading rules will be generated in the next step. Now the script is almost done. In the last steps additional logging mechanisms for special packets are installs. It is possible to log all incoming TCP packets which want to initiate a connection. You can even log all packets arriving at the firewall which may be handy if you have to debug the packet filter itself.
As very last step some optimization rules some installed. They are intended to make the transfer of ssh, ftp, www, syslog and snmp traffic faster and more reliable.
Teh script returns one if an error occurred or zero when everthing went Ok.
NOTE An important to mention is the initialization of the firewall during the boot up. The rc script /sbin/init.d/firewall is called twice during run level 2. First throught the lind S04firewall_init and again thruoght S99firewall_setup. The first call generates a rule set for all interfaces available at this time and doesn't reports errors. However, because more dynamic connections and services might be run later, it is called a second time from after all network related scripts have been processed. In this instance is generates all possible rules and also gives back error messages. The link K51firewall is used to remove all filter rules during system shutdown and allows all packets, however, it turns routing off.
From dynamic dialup scripts you should always call the firewall setup script using the link /sbin/init.d/rc2.d/S99firewall_setup with start as parameter. This ensures that the firewall rules are loaded for the new installed interface(s).
29.3 Configuration of the Packet Filter

The configuration of the filter rules is done in /etc/rc.firewall. This kind of breaks the rule that SuSE's configuration scripts are located in /etc/rc.config.d, but the firewall script expects it's configuration file in the /etc-directory. SuSE provides a well documented configuration file, explaining all variable settings that can be done in this file. We'll discuss these variables and their meanings in the following sections. A short summary of all variables is given in table 1-1 at the end of this chapter. Please note that the variables are not listed in the order they appear in the default configuration. I tried to order them in groups related to their function in this chapter. So if you look at the example configuration while reading this you may have to scroll around to find the discussed settings.

29.3.1 Interface settings

As the firewall (excuse my sloppiness here, but 'firewall' is much easier to write and understand than 'packet filtering machine') is usually a router connected to more than one network, we will have to specify which interfaces are affected by the filter rules.

 Outside Interfaces

The variable FW_DEV_WORLD lists all interfaces directed to untrusted networks. In most cases this would be the device that connects your machine to the Internet. But it may also be a connection to another local network or a dial in device from which you'd like to have protection. You can list one on more devices, separated by spaces in this variable:

FW_WORLD_DEV="eth0 ppp0 isdn0" 
This setting would mean that the devices eth0, ppp0 and isdn0 are pointing to untrusted networks. Please note that these devices will have to be configured prior to the packet filter. These means you can't use this setting for dynamic generated interfaces, such as dial in or nonpermanent ISDN connections. But in case you have dynamic interfaces with static addresses, you can use the syntax FW_DEV_WORLD_device="ip-address netmask" to force rules to be loaded for the specified interface even if the interface does not exist. For example a Point-To-Point interface with IP-address and net mask may be specified as:
Even if this still does not cover dynamicly assigned IP addresses, it may help in some cases.
 Inside Interfaces

Just as you specified the interface(s) to the outside world, you have to tell the packet filter which interfaces can be trusted. This is done with the variable FW_DEV_IN. The syntax is the same as above, you can list one or more interfaces here:

And just as you saw it for the outside interfaces, you can use a interface postfix to set up not yet existing interfaces:
29.3.2 Allow Routing

You can turn routing on or off using the variable FW_ROUTE. If this variable is set to no, no traffic from or to the devices listed in FW_INT_DEV will be allowed. Please note that this will inhibit incoming as well as outgoing traffic. So even if you don't want to allow external machines to access your network, you will have to allow routing in order to enable access to the outside for your internal machines. You allow routing by setting FW_ROUTE to yes. In this case you will have to specify at least one internal device in FW_INT_DEV.

29.3.3 Outbound traffic

Like said earlier, the firewall can not only be used to protect your local network, but also to restrict access to the outside world. This may be done for several reason. A bad example would be a company policy, that prohibits access to the Internet from the company network. A better reason is to enforce the use of proxy servers like squid (for HTTP and FTP), bind (for DNS), etc. The use of proxies is in general more secure choice than allowing direct access. It also can be combined with caching to decrease the real traffic going through the outbound device.


The SuSE packet filter always masquerades outbound traffic. This means that all connections made from the inside network (or more correct coming form a device listed in FW_INT_DEV) appears to be initiated by the firewall on an outside server. Masquerading has to be enabled to allow outbound traffic. This is done by setting the variable FW_MASQUERADE to yes. Additionally you may specify the outside device where the masquerading takes place by specifying this device in FW_MASQ_DEV. If not specified it defaults to the device(s) listed in FW_WORLD_DEV.
The second variable related to masquerading is FW_MASQ_MODULES. It contains the modules to be loaded for protocolls that need special handling. Usually there shouldn't be any need to change the settings of this variable. But in case you need to add a service that needs special handling (such as ICQ i.e.), and get a kernel module for this service, you want to add it to the list of modules in this variable.

 Restrict or allow outbound traffic

Now you can specify which machines or networks are allowed to access the outside world. Only IP-addresses listed in FW_LOCALNETS will be allowed to go through the firewall. Note, that addresses not listed here may still access the firewall itself. This is useful when you set up proxies on the firewall, allowing access to the outside. You can specify a space separated list of IP addresses and/or network addresses (with net mask) in FW_LOCALNETS. To allow Internet access for all machines in the network you could use a setting like this:

 Protecting the firewall from the inside network

By setting the variable FW_PROTECT_FROM_INTERNAL to yes you prohibit connections made from the inside network to the firewall. This doesn't mean that no services on the firewall will be accessible from the inside, you still can allow certain services by listing them in the FW_*_SERVICES_INTERNAL variables (see next paragraph). The default (allowed or prohibited) is set by this variable.
In case you prohibit connections from the inside (which is the recommended strategy), you may want to make exceptions to this rule for certain ports (i.e. your proxy servers should be accessible). This exceptions have to be listed in FW_TCP_SERVICES_INTERNAL for TCP port and in FW_UDP_SERVICES_INTERNAL for UDP ports. As usual these variables shall contain a space separated list of port number or serve names (from /etc/services).

29.3.4 Inbound traffic

The remaining settings control the handling of incoming traffic. We can divide incoming traffic by it's destination. It may be directed to the firewall machine itself, or to a machine within on of the local networks.

Table 29-1 Variables controlling the packet filter
Variable Name Meaning
FW_WORLD_DEV Device(s) directed to untrusted networks (i.e. the Internet)
FW_INT_DEV Device(s) directed to trusted (inside) networks
FW_ROUTE Allow routing (yes/no)
FW_MASQUERADE Enable masquerading (yes/no)
FW_MASQ_DEV Masquerading device(s)
FW_MASQ_MODULES Masquerading modules
FW_LOCALNETS Local addresses that may access outside networks
FW_PROTECT_FROM_INTERNAL Allow or prohibit connections from the inside to the firewall
FW_TCP_SERVICES_INTERNAL TCD ports that may be accesses from the internal network
FW_UDP_SERVICES_INTERNAL UPD ports that may be accesses from the internal network
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Copyright (c) 1999 by Terrehon Bowden and Bodo Bauer
To contact the author please sent mail to