Chapter 1

Linux Files and File Systems

In this chapter:
* Learning about different file types: regular files, directories, pipes, named pipes, special device files, sockets, hard and soft links
* Determining the type file type
* Examining the structure of the ext2 file system
* Understanding the File System Hierarchy
In Unix, system files are more than just names for a collection of bits and bytes. Files are the central concept behind a variety of functions. Files not only store information but also allow applications to communicate, provide access to hardware devices, represent folders of other files, act as pointers to information, or (virtually) connect machines over a network.
To clearly understand the Unix system, you must understand the file system. Linux, and of course SuSE Linux, inherited these features from other Unix implementations. Understanding the file system is an important first step for mastering the Unix system.
This chapter also contains a short introduction to the various file types, permissions, file systems, and the File System Hierarchy. The first section discusses general Unix file system issues such as the different file types, permissions, and ownership issues. It also provides an overview of the most common Linux file system types. The second section gives an introduction to the File System Hierarchy Standard (FHS). The FHS has been designed to give system developers a basis for structuring the file system.
A brief description of inodes and a discussion of the basic concept of implementing Unix filesystems are included. This discussion is not as important as the overall structure of a file system and serves only as brief introduction to give the reader a basic framework.
You should read this chapter if you are not familiar with these concepts. It will give you pointers on where to look for files and where to put files if you administer a system or if you are developing an application. You can also find a detailed discussion of file types, file system types,permissions, and ownerships. If you are already experienced with the concepts behind files and file systems, you may want to skip this chapter.
1.1 Understanding File Types

Files are the central concept behind Unix and Unix-like systems. Almost everything is treated as a file: all directories, pipes to other processes, the interface to hardware devices, even pointers to files (links). There are even virtual files that give a user access to kernel structures.
Whereas a file refers to a single entity, a file system describes the way files are stored on media. The term media includes the obvious hard or floppy disk and CD-ROMs, as well as a network service or the RAM of your machine. Each file system type implements different properties. Not every kind of file can reside on any file system, and not every file system type supports every medium.
Files have properties that determine the file type. A common property of all files is that they have a set of permissions, which is the designation that indicates which group it belongs to and who is the owner. Before we discuss file systems or permissions and ownerships, let's take a closer look at the types of files.

1.1.1 Regular Files

Regular files are used to store data on a file system. This is the "common sense" type of file, a container for persistent data.

1.1.2 Directories

Directories hold other files. Because modern file systems are organized in hierarchies, you need something to hold the different levels of the hierarchy. That is a directory's purpose. If you're not used to referring to directories as files, remembering that they are nothing other than files containing a list of other files is important.

1.1.3 Special Device Files

Special device files are simply interfaces to a device. Two kinds exist: buffered device files and unbuffered device files. The buffered special device files are called block device files; the unbuffered ones are the character device files.

1.1.4 Regular Pipes

A pipe is a connection between two processes. It's treated like a file inside the application, yet doesn't have a representation in the file system. This type of file is interesting only if you mean to write an application. From a user level, pipes are an easy method to use to concatenate commands and give the output from one application as input to another one.

1.1.5 Named Pipes

Named pipes are like pipes but are represented in the file system. They are also used for interprocess communication, but they can exist without any process accessing them.

1.1.6 Sockets

Sockets are similar to pipes and perform the same functions. The difference is that sockets are used to communicate over a network. The details are important only if you want to use sockets in your application. Further details on sockets are beyond the scope of this book. You can find excellent sources that explain the concept in greater depth.

1.1.7 Hard Links

A hard link is a sequential entry in a directory structure for an existing file. It's like a new name for a file.

1.1.8 Soft Links

A soft link is a pointer to a file. We'll discuss the difference between hard and soft links later on in this chapter.
Executables are not a separate file type and are therefore not included in this list. In Unix systems, being executable or not is a property determined by the file permissions and does not depend on the type of file. Remember that some files can be executed only by designated users or user groups.

1.2 Determining the File Type

The main interface to the file system is the ls command. Details on this command can be found in the man pages. If you run ls -l in any directory, you receive a nine-column listing of the files in that directory. Let's focus on the first column as an example. The first column holds information about the files' type and permissions. The first character indicates the type of information and the remaining nine characters determine the permissions. Some implementations of ls mark files by using different colors. This use of color is convenient but not standard (they often distinguish files by extensions, too).

> ls -l 
total 104 
drwxr-xr-x   2 bb  users   1024 Nov  1 17:20 Build/ 
-rw-r--r--   1 bb  users  32120 Nov 20 19:57 Duke 
drwxr-xr-x   2 bb  users   1024 Nov  1 16:49 Mail/ 
drwxr-xr-x   2 bb  users   1024 Nov 23 23:00 SuSE-Book/ 
drwxr-xr-x   2 bb  users   1024 Nov 19 20:01 bin/ 
drwxr-xr-x   8 bb  users   1024 Oct 27 20:41 public_html/ 
-rw-r--r--   1 bb  users    190 Nov  8 23:33 quote 
drwxr-xr-x   2 bb  users   1024 Nov  1 13:52 tmp/ 
1.2.1 Regular Files and Directories

The preceding is the listing of a typical user home directory. You see that the character d marks directories, whereas a single dash (-) marks regular files.
One interesting feature is worth mentioning at this point. The second column tells you how many hard links (or names) refer to each file. As you can see, the hard link count is one for the regular files but is at least two for the directories. Why is that? Well, a directory has a name in the directory where it is contained, and has a reference to itself (.). That makes two. If a directory has subdirectories, all of these also have a reference to this directory. Take public_html as an example. The d is the first letter in the first row, which tells you that it's a directory, and the fact that it has eight references indicates that it has six subdirectories:

> ls -l public_html/ 
total 14 
drwxr-xr-x   6 bb  users   1024 Nov 19 20:53 Gallery/ 
drwxr-xr-x   2 bb  users   1024 Oct 27 20:41 Info/ 
drwxr-xr-x   2 bb  users   1024 Oct 27 20:41 Pilot/ 
drwxr-xr-x   2 bb  users   1024 Oct 13 22:50 Private/ 
-rw-r--r--   1 bb  users    577 Oct  3 19:07 docs.html 
drwxr-xr-x   2 bb  users   1024 Oct  3 16:20 fw-howto/ 
-rw-r--r--   1 bb  users    996 Oct  6 06:40 gallery.html 
drwxr-xr-x   2 bb  users   2048 Nov 19 20:55 gif/ 
-rw-r--r--   1 bb  users   1319 Oct  3 16:07 index.html 
-rw-r--r--   1 bb  users   1508 Oct 26 17:40 index1.html 
-rw-r--r--   1 bb  users    500 Oct  3 19:09 links.html 
As you can see, there is no special mark for hard links. You know there is another reference to this file if the link count is greater than one. You learn more about hard links a little bit later on in this chapter.
Directories are files that contain information about other files. They translate names into inodes. An inode is the file system, or the internal representation of a storage structure.
1.2.2 Device Special Files

That's enough about directories for now. Look through the following code to see what other kinds of files you can find.

> ls -l /dev 
brw-rw----   1 root  disk    3,   0 Jul 26 12:45 /dev/hda 
brw-rw----   1 root  disk    3,   1 Jul 26 12:45 /dev/hda1 
brw-rw----   1 root  disk    3,   2 Jul 26 12:45 /dev/hda2 
brw-rw----   1 root  disk    3,   3 Jul 26 12:45 /dev/hda3 
brw-rw----   1 root  disk    3,   4 Jul 26 12:45 /dev/hda4 
brw-rw----   1 root  disk    3,   5 Jul 26 12:45 /dev/hda5 
brw-rw----   1 root  disk    3,   6 Jul 26 12:45 /dev/hda6 
brw-rw----   1 root  disk    3,   7 Jul 26 12:45 /dev/hda7 
brw-rw----   1 root  disk    3,   8 Jul 26 12:45 /dev/hda8 
brw-rw----   1 root  disk    3,   9 Jul 26 12:45 /dev/hda9 
crwx-w----   1 bb    tty     4,   1 Nov 23 23:19 /dev/tty1 
crw-rw----   1 root  tty     4,  11 Jul 26 12:45 /dev/tty11 
If you list the /dev directory, you'll find many special device files. They are marked with a b for block, or buffered devices, or with a c for character, or unbuffered devices. As previously mentioned, special device files represent interfaces to device drivers. Beware of the fact that accessing one of those files means accessing some kind of device and not the actual file system. Of course, accessing a device means to retrieve or store data somewhere, but it is completely different from accessing a regular file.
What happens if you access such a file -- which device do you access, and how are the file and device connected? You may have noticed that the column that usually tells you about the size of the file has been split up into two columns. This is where the connection between file and device is made. The naming may seem arbitrary, yet conventions to name special device files do exist.
The two numbers are called major and minor device numbers. You can think of these numbers as parameters passed to the kernel as you access the file. The major device number (the first one)selects the device driver, and the minor device number (the second one) is passed to that driver to allow further selection.
Now for a closer look at the /dev/hda files. You can tell they are block device files by the preface b. All of them have the same major device number 3, and all have different minor device numbers. The /dev/hda files represent the first IDE hard drive in the system (Hard Drive A). The driver responsible for this drive registers with number 3 in the kernel. The minor device number decides which partition of this drive you reference to. Zero means the whole drive; one, partition number one; two, partition number two, and so on.
XREF You can find a list of all important major and minor device numbers, and the referencing naming conventions, in Appendix A . If you have the Linux kernel sources installed, this list can also be found in the file devices.txt in the directory /usr/src/linux/Documentation. Because the names and numbers change slightly with kernel versions (that is, if new hardware types are supported), checking this file first, if it's available, may be a good idea.
1.2.3 Named Pipes

Pipes are closely related to device special files. Like device special files, pipes don't refer to actual data stored in the file system. A pipe is used as a way to communicate between two processes. These processes can be threads of the same application, or two different applications in which the output of one application is piped as input to the other application. You can think of a named pipe as a regular pipe with a representation in the file system.
Whereas regular pipes are temporary and exist only as long as the processes that use the pipe exist, named pipes are more permanent fixtures.
If you think of a pipe as a jet stream of water, then a named pipe is like a hose. You can create a named pipe, fill it with data from one application, and read the data out of the named pipe with another application at the same time or later. The buffer capacity is not great. Remember, it's a hose, not a bucket (which, in this analogy, would be a regular file). Another name for named pipes is FIFO, which stands for First In First Out.
Named pipes are marked by a p in the ls -l output:

> ls -l /dev/initctl 
prw------- 1 root root 0 Dec 31 1989 /dev/initctl| 
1.2.4 Hard and Soft Links

Now that we've reviewed regular files, directories, device special files, and named pipes, we'll examine one last group that makes the list complete: links.
Links are used to provide more than one reference to a file. We examined this concept in the section on directories. Recall that a directory is no more than a special kind of file. Directories are linked together when hard links are created from the children to the parents. These hard links have special names and are created on the fly when a directory is created: . points to the directory itself, and .. points to the parent directory. It's commonly thought that . and .. are special characters that are treated in a special way. In truth, they are nothing other than hard links to directories.
Of course, hard links can point to regular files. A hard link is just a new entry in the directory file that points to the same inode as another entry. No way exists to distinguish between hard links and the files they point to. There is no original and copy. Recall that the hard link counter (the number given) tells the system when the actual data can be removed from the storage medium. Every time you delete a reference to a file, the hard link count is decreased. The data will be removed when the counter reaches zero. Makes sense, doesn't it?
There is one problem with hard links: they can point only to files within the same file system. We discuss file systems later on in this chapter, at which point you'll see why this is a hard limit to live with. The way around this limitation is to use soft links. Soft links are like hard links; they point to files. The difference is that soft links are files themselves. The only data they contain is a pointer to the filename they refer to. Refer to the /dev directory for an example:

> ls -l /dev/modem  
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root  root  9 Oct  3 18:09 /dev/modem -> /dev/cua1 
You see that /dev/modem is a pointer to /dev/cua1, the second serial port in the system. Because soft links don't make use of internal file system structures as hard links do, there is no problem having them point to other file systems, or even to different file system types. A soft link stores only the name of the file and holds no information about where it's stored or anything else. This also means that soft links can point to nothing. Imagine, for example, that you remove /dev/cua1.
The link will still exist, but it will be of no use.
NOTE Soft links can be relative or absolute. A relative soft link contains a path to the target file, which is relative to the location of the link itself. An absolute soft link contains the path beginning with the root directory.
Following is an absolute soft link:
> ls -l /var/X11R6/bin/ 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Dec 4 16:38 X -> /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA 
And here is a relative link:
> ls -l /usr/spool 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Dec 17 21:21 /usr/spool -> ../var/spool 
Both types have their advantages and pitfalls. Relative links are useful when you want to move entire file trees around. As long as the internal structure stays the same, the soft links inside this tree will still work. Absolute links are useful if the link itself is likely to be moved. Because it contains the absolute path to the referenced file, the position of the link itself is not important.
1.3 Creating Files

Now that you know about the various file types, you're probably interested in learning how to create them. As with most things in the Unix world, no one way exists to accomplish this. You can create every type of file in many different ways. Every programming language provides different ways of integrating file access. It may be better if we leave it to the manuals of these languages to explain how they handle files. We'll provide a short overview of the shell commands that can be used to do this on the command line.
The easiest way to create a regular file is as follows:

> touch filename 
The touch command creates the file if it doesn't exist already. If it does, it sets the access and modification time to the actual time and date. Touch has some more functions, which are explained in touch(1).
Directories are created with:
> mkdir directory 
There's not much to say about this command. It creates the directory itself, and the . and .. links in this directory as explained in the previous section.
The command mknod is used to create device specific files and named pipes. Device specific files need a major and minor device number and the type -- block or character -- of the new file.
> mknod /dev/cua1 c 5 65  
creates a character special file with major device number 5 and minor device number 65.
> mknod /dev/hda10 b 3 10 
creates a block special device file with minor device number 3 and major device number 10.
> mknod /dev/initctl p 
creates a named pipe.
The man page mknod(1) explains a few more parameters. We advise you to have a look at it when you are creating these kinds of files.
Links are created by the command ln.
> ln -s /dev/cua1 /dev/modem 
creates the soft link /dev/modem, which points to /dev/cua1.
> ln file1 file2 
creates the name file2 for file1.
TIP Some people get confused by the order of the arguments given to ln. Think of ln in the same way as cp. The first argument is the source and the second is the target name.
1.4 Understanding File Systems

Now that we've reviewed the basics, single files, it's time to take this review to another level -- file systems. We've used the term file system quite frequently up to now without a working definition. Because file system has two different meanings, it can become quite confusing. When we talk about file systems, we usually think of directory trees. This is a hierarchical structure of directories that contain other directories and/or any kind of file.

NOTE The second meaning of file systems is the lower-level format, used on a given media to store files. You probably never think of this meaning because it's natural to store a file somewhere, and most of the time how files are stored is of less interest.
Alternatives to File Systems Storing data to media can be done in many ways. The simplest one is to dump the raw data to the medium. This works fine but makes accessing the data inconvenient. You lack meta information such as size, type, or identifier. Matters are complicated if you want to store a second set of data to this medium. You have to remember the offset (where the first set ends), or you risk overwriting, which means losing data.
This meta information can be supplied by special applications or made transparent for the user by a file system. It's important to remember that using a file system is not always the best way. For example, using floppy disks as a raw storage medium without any file system is common practice. Because floppies are usually used to exchange or archive data, you don't need a file system. Just tar the files to floppy:
> tar cvzf /dev/fd0 public_html/Info/ 
tar creates all the meta information needed to list the files and to restore them to another (or the same) location.
This seems inconvenient at first, but it has some advantages. File Systems are dependent on the OS that you use. If you want to exchange data with other systems, make sure to use a file system type that is supported by all systems that would access the data or use an application to write the data that is available on those systems. The DOS FAT16 file system is common and is a good candidate for data exchange on floppy disks. Programs such as tar or cpio are available for almost every system.
Another problem with most file system types is that they need random access to the storage medium. Although this access is no problem with hard disks, floppies, or any kind of RAM, it's not available on most tape drives. Again, tar and cpio are good choices to store data on those medias.
1.4.1 The ext2 File System

File systems organize files into logical hierarchical structures with directories, links, and so on. With kernel version 2.2, the Linux system supports twenty-one different file system types: minix, ext2, iso9660, msdos, umsdos, vfat, proc, nfs, smb, ncp, hpfs, sysv, adfs, amiga-fs, ROM-fs,NTFS, joilet, Apple Macintosh fs, QNX fs, Coda, and ufs.
A file system organizes the data on a block device. This can be a hard disk, a floppy disk, RAM, a flash RAM cartridge, or even a network link to a remote system. The file system itself doesn't know anything about the medium it uses. This is handled by the device driver. It's the job of the device driver to translate the address of a specific block to a physical position on a hard drive, a memory region, and so on.
The de facto standard file system on Linux systems is Extended 2 File System (ext2). It was designed by Remy Card as a successor to the Extended File System ext (also by Remy Card), which was dropped with the 2.2 kernel release.
The first file system for Linux was the Minix file system (Minixfs). It had many disadvantages. Partitions were limited to 64MB, filenames to 14 characters. The extended file system, introduced to the Linux world in April 1992, was mostly based on the Minixfs; it removed the previously mentioned limits, but still was far from the perfect file system Remy had in mind. He therefore decided to write a completely new file system, ext2. It added better space allocation management to extfs, exhibited better performance, allowed the use of special flags for file management, and was extensible. It's been available since 1993 and is the most successful Linux file system to date.
When the extfs was added to the Linux kernel, a new layer entered the system, the so-called Virtual File System (VFS) layer. With this layer, the file system and the kernel were no longer one unit. A well-defined interface between kernel and file system was created. VFS allows Linux to support many different file systems. All file systems appear identical to the kernel and to the programs running on the system. The VFS layer allows you to transparently mount different file systems at a time. Figure 1-1 shows the relation between the kernels VFS and the real filesystems.

Figure 1-1
Schema of the Virtual File System
1.4.2 How the ext2 File System Works

In this section, we return to the ext2 file system and review its structure.
The ext2 file system is built on the premise that data is held in blocks of equal size on the storage medium. The block size can vary on different ext2 file systems, but within one file system, all blocks have the same length. The length is set when the file system is created by mke2fs. This strategy's disadvantage is that on average, half the block size is wasted for each file. Assuming that the block size is 1024 bytes, a file with 1025 bytes will use two blocks, just as a file with 2047 will. By handling the files this way, you reduce the CPU's workload.
Not all blocks on the file system hold actual file data. Some are used to hold information about the structure of the file system. Ext2 uses inode data structures for each file stored in the file system. An inode describes which blocks contain the data of the specified file, its type, owner, and group, the permissions and the date of the last access, the last modification, and its creation date. The inodes are held in inode tables. A directory is simply a file that contains pointers to the inodes of the files within this directory.
Figure 1-2 shows the format of an ext2 inode. You can see four fields at the beginning of the structure. The first field is for the mode (permission); the second holds the owner and group information; the third shows the size of the system in bytes; and the fourth shows the three timestamps. Following these fields are pointers to the data blocks of the file. There are 12 direct pointers and 3 indirect pointers with an indirection level of one, two, and three.

Figure 1-2
Ext2 Inode Structure
  The direct pointers point directly to data blocks. The single indirect refers to blocks of pointers that point to data or, in case of level two and three, again to pointer blocks. This means that smaller files are more quickly accessed than larger files because fewer pointers have to be dereferenced.
The other important structure of the ext2 file system is the super block. It contains information on the basic shape and size of the file system. It's read at the time the file system is mounted. The super block is located in block group zero, but a copy of the superblock is stored in each block group of the file system. These redundant copies make restoring the file system possible incase the first superblock is corrupted.
TIP A detailed description of the whole ext2 file system can be found in David A Rusling's book The Linux Kernel, in Chapter 9, "The File System," available online at
1.5 Exploring the File System Hierarchy

Now that we've had a look at the internals of the ext2 file system, it's time to talk about how it's used in the system. In Linux, as in all Unix-type systems, separate file systems are not accessed by device identifiers such as drive names or volume identifiers. You'll find a single hierarchical structure. Separate file systems are mounted into this hierarchy no matter the type of storage medium. Separate file systems are mounted into the existing hierarchy to mount points. A mount point is nothing more than a directory in the existing tree. If the directory already contains something, this information will be overlaid (and not accessible) when a file system is mounted to this directory. It'll be visible again when the overlaying tree is unmounted:

# touch /mnt/This-Directory-is-not-empty 
# ls /mnt/ 
.                            This-Directory-is-not-empty 
# mount -oro /dev/cdrom /mnt 
# ls /mnt/ 
.                             TRANS.TBL 
..                            full-names 
.S.u.S.E-disk-002.1998111916  suse 
# umount /mnt/ 
 ls /mnt/ 
.                            This-Directory-is-not-empty 
The master mount point is /. This is where the root file system is mounted. The root file system is the only one required; other file systems are optional. However, having this file system on aprivate workstation, on which there are good reasons to split up the directory tree into several file systems for different kinds of systems, is okay.
1.5.1 Mount Points

The layout of the directory tree is not arbitrary. The overall structure of the directory layout is defined in the File System Hierarchy Standard. If you look in the root of a SuSE Linux 6.0 system, you'll see the following directories:

boot   etc  lost+found  proc  tmp   cdrom  opt 
home   mnt  root        usr   bin   dev    lib 
sbin   var 
The root file system has to contain everything needed to boot the system to the point where additional file systems can be mounted. Another criterion is that you want to have all utilities needed to repair other file systems on the root file system.
XREF You can learn more about the File System Hierarchy Standard in Chapter 2 .
For SuSE Linux systems, these are the directories:
etc   root   bin lib   sbin   dev 
This means you should never use these five directories as mount points for other file systems. You will get a system that is not able to boot.
CAUTION Although severe consequences can ensue if you incorrectly split up the hierarchy, you may save yourself trouble in other areas if you know how to do it wisely.
Parts of the directory tree have certain properties that make them good candidates for mount points. The data in these parts can be shareable or unshareable and can be static or variable. Table 1-1 shows a matrix that sorts the major subdirectories into these categories.
Table 1-1 Classification of file systems
  shareable unshareable
static /usr /etc
  /opt /boot
variable /var/mail /var/run
  /var/spool/news /var/lock
  /home /tmp
  Shareable data can be mounted over the network on several systems at a time. This minimizes system administration and saves disk space on the client machines. Unshareable data has to be local. If it is variable, it's a good idea to have it on the separate file system to protect the rest of the tree in case of overruns. Splitting the variable data into separate file systems decreases the likelihood that the system will crash when one file system runs out of free space.
Another argument for having different file systems is the average file size. We have seen that, depending on the block size, there may be a lot of wasted space in the file system if you have a huge block size and lots of small files. Files in the spool directories for mail and news are usually rather small, so you may want to create file systems with smaller block sizes, such as 1024 or 2048 bytes rather than the default size of 4096 bytes for these directories.
TIP You should consider potential problems when you update or reinstall the system. The /home and the /usr/local hierarchies are intended to be independent of the rest of the system. It's a good idea to keep them separate by putting these file systems by themselves.
This leads us to the list of possible mount points shown in Table 1-2 . The sizes shown are taken from the standard configurations offered by YaST in SuSE Linux 6.1.  
Table 1-2 File system size
Mount point Minimum Default Network Development Everything
/ 29,791 32,675 39,365 33,039 39,457
/usr 50,787 434,792 684,468 442,996 3,774,819
/usr/local 16 856 856 856 9,942
/usr/local/ftp 3 1 1,218 1 1,218
/usr/local/http - 2,830 2,846 2,829 3,896
/opt 2 308,478 71,570 8,130 1,038,502
/boot 880 880 880 880 900
/tmp 1 1 1 1 1,550
/home 1 1 1 1 1
/var 1,868 1,547 18,664 1,4740 81,466
/var/spool 8 15 660 15 760
/var/spool/mail 1 1 1 1 1
/var/spool/news - 9 9 9 9
/var/log 2 2 2 2 2
/var/tmp 2 2 2 2 2
Total 83,330 778,374 814,949 577,787 4,952,535
Determining which separation makes sense for the system you install is an individual decision. The megabyte values shown in Table 1-2 should give you an idea of how big the partition, which holds the file system, has to be. Some parts of the file system get filled up during the runtime of the system, and some are dependent on what you are going to do with it. To use an FTP server as an example, you might want to create a huge partition for /usr/local/ftp. If you set up a mail server, the size of /var/spool/mail decides how much mail your users can hold in their incoming folders.
There is no general advice for the structure and size of the file systems you use in your installation. The information in this chapter should give you an idea of how to design your system for the task you have in mind for it.
1.5.2 The /proc File System

One part of the standard file system that deserves to be explained in more detail is the tree beginning with /proc. This file system is becoming the de facto method for Linux to handle process and system information. It is a nice example of the power of Linux's Virtual File System, a file system that does not really exist, either in the /proc directory or in its subdirectories. The content of files in the /proc is generated by the kernel at the moment a user reads them, representing information about running processes and kernel internals. Some files are writable, which allows the possibility of changing kernel parameters during runtime.

XREF A detailed discussion of the contents of /proc can be found in Chapters 3 and 4 .
  Files are the central concept you must understand to interact with Unix systems. These are not only used as containers for data but also act as the main interface for communication between applications and kernel.
A file's type can be determined using the ls -l command, where the first letter tells you the kind of file you are looking at.
Files are organized in file systems. The term file system has two meanings. In some instances,it's used to determine a file system hierarchy; in other cases, it is used for the type of storage structure that is used to make files and their contents persistent in the system.
The most common file system on Linux machines is the ext2 file system. It's efficient and reliable, and it offers features such as long filenames and different levels of file permissions. It also assigns users and groups to files. The file system hierarchy is standardized in the FHS, the File System Hierarchy Standard. This standard defines which file system trees hold which kind of data.
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Copyright (c) 1999 by Terrehon Bowden and Bodo Bauer
To contact the author please sent mail to