Complete Blog Index

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  Topics Computing  Religious  Economic  Science  Political/Social  Arts&Lit  Domestic/Other

2010 August 19 -- Fictitious Religion  Irreligious sci-fi authors do not understand what they disbelieve
2010 August 17 -- The "Family" of God Empty words, because there is no commitment to church members
2010 August 12 -- Heinlein's Moon A good read, despite libertarian nonsense
2010 August 9 -- The Caffeine Connection "New & Improved" means it now tastes horrible
2010 August 7 -- The Language Barrier Machine translation won't save dying languages
2010 August 4 -- Suspending Disbelief Incorruptible heroes and moral relativism spoil the Lensmen fiction
2010 August 3 -- Pascal and Reason The philosopher believed reason drives faith; the Berkeley prof bungled his quote
2010 August 2 -- Relationshipism at Work (Vulnerability) Beth Moore is authentic, but not "vulnerable"
2010 July 27 -- Relationshipism at Work (Cinema) The best movies credibly balance the tension between Thinker and Feeler values
2010 July 23 -- Becoming a Third-World Nation Government power and religion trump truth and justice
2010 July 17 -- Azazel Remarkable moral values from an atheist sci-fi writer
2010 July 12 -- Whither Diversity Should I take down my politically incorrect blog postings, or leave them up?
2010 July 10 -- The State of Misery The local climate is toxic to video
2010 June 28 -- Thinking Clearly Surfing the internet makes people stupid
2010 June 26 -- The Diversity Lie They only want vanilla, with a variety of added food coloring, but no actual differences
2010 June 24 -- Maps GPS and the internet destroy access
2010 June 22 -- Ender The moral problem of the "good guy" beating up the bad guy
2010 June 18 -- Moishe Rosen The passing of an eloquent comentator
2010 June 15 -- Legalism  It means "Loves Jesus more than I do"
2010 June 5 -- Keyboard Woes They don't make them like they used to
2010 May 31 -- "B" as in "Badly Botched" Movie Don't waste your time on this one
2010 May 26 -- Marketing Figures don't lie, but liars figure
2010 May 17 -- Missing Children If there are no young people, the church will be dead when the old folks are
2010 May 14 -- Leisure Reading Different reactions to different books
2010 May 10 -- An Alternative to ObamaCare that is Not Evil a link to the People's Choice Health Care plan
2010 May 6 -- Debating ObamaCare Nobody is willing or able to defend an evil law in fair debate

2010 April 5 -- Sky Wars An Israeli propaganda piece made out to look like "high flying adventure"
2010 April 3 -- Censored The people still cussed in the 30s, but not on screen
2010 April 2 -- Sherlock, part 2 Conan Doyle's Sherlock was not a jerk
2010 March 27 -- Temptations Don't be the tempter, because Bad Things Happen
2010 March 25 -- Destroying Health Care ObamaCare also destroys the incentive for medical research
2010 March 23 -- Peering through the Gloom Either Obama and his cronies are lying through their teeth, or else they are idiots
2010 March 20 -- The Nature of Education Education requires disaffirmation
2010 March 19 -- Edutainment I'm too honest to work under a mission statement that's a lie
2010 March 11 -- 24/7 What can I say? It's fiction
2010 February 17 -- Darwinism Impedes Research "Junk DNA" turns out to have important metabolic function
2010 January 25 -- Downside of Democracy It makes your property is less valuable, and your freedom less complete
2010 January 13 -- Fake Religion The gods are not pleased with the sacrifice of a murder victim
2010 January 8 -- Heroes Fantasy, where the laws of physics don't apply

2009 December 28 -- "I'm Responsible" A (retired) hospital administrator explains why ObamaCare only makes things worse
2009 December 22 -- Moral Equivalence Whoever sat in the chair made the rules
2009 December 15 -- Socialist Greed Capitalism rewards greed in socially beneficial ways; socialism penalizes work and rewards sloth
2009 December 12 -- Party Time Parties are so boring
2009 December 11 -- Worthless Content 170,000 videos produced for $20 each makes dollars but not sense
2009 November 30 -- The DaVinci Code The historical facts don't match the fiction
2009 November 16 -- Insurance is the Problem, Not the Solution Partially subsidized fee-for-service medical clinics is a better solution
2009 November 10 -- Moral Scruples vs Government STD vaccination does not force immoral behavior
2009 October 30 -- Ransom Finally, a hero who understands that the Bad Guy is a bad guy
2009 October 28 -- Closet Geeks Adopting appropriate technology comes off looking like a Luddite
2009 October 27 -- Health Intolerance Forcing poor to buy health insurance is like forcing Jews to live in ghettos
2009 October 26 -- Times of Desolation It's about God, not about us
2009 October 24 -- Murder Mystery As Divine Justice Seeing God in Sherlock Holmes
2009 October 12 -- Yes I Always Have to Be Right Being right is about Truth; winning the argument is about relationships
2009 September 28 -- United Socialist States of Amerika (part 2) The Russians understand Obama better than we do
2009 September 16 -- ObamaCare Letter Replies Links to my letter and comments on the replies I got
2009 September 11 -- Form, Not Content What a movie short and a gracious hostess have in common
2009 September 9 -- ObamaCare Is Good (for Me) Personal benefits from a national disaster

2009 August 27 -- Advantage of Home Schooling Isolation from peer pressure is the key to success
2009 August 24 -- Needing Affirmation  Everybody needs it sometimes
2009 August 18 -- C.S.Lewis Again A compelling argument for the historical reliability of the New Testament
2009 August 15 -- Obamanomics Avoiding the fate of Rhodesia
2009 August 7 -- ObamaCare (Part 2) It was evil when Massachusetts did it, and it's still evil
2009 August 1 -- Sabbath Rest A Jewish perspective we should emulate
2009 July 13 -- Islam and Shame Muslims cannot be trusted to tell the truth because the Quran teaches dissimulation
2009 July 4 -- Independence from Dogma Still no answer to The Question
2009 July 2 -- Improving on Google You can't
2009 June 30 -- Pilgrim's Regress vs My Own Reductionism Lewis was arguing for unbelievers, not me
2009 June 27 -- On Obama's Health Plan Will I be able to keep what I have (and like)? I don't think so
2009 June 24 -- The "New" Old Socialism They want their fun hobby to grow into a "coercive, soul-smashing system" as in North Korea
2009 June 23 -- Fictional Christians The lying and stealing by heroes in a "Christian" flick was appalling
2009 June 22 -- Inventing the Future A couple recent WORLD magazine articles repeating my insight
2009 June 16 -- Whether TV One of those occasional reminders why TV isn't worth having
2009 June 15 -- Free Health Care There ain't no such thing
2009 June 8 -- Guilty by Suspicion I am the "witch" the present government is hunting
2009 May 25 -- Fictionized Disaster The physics was all wrong (no big surprise)
2009 May 21 -- The John 21:18 Effect It happens to all of us, and there is no recovery
2009 May 16 -- Love Is God Love of God is not warm and fuzzy
2009 May 1 -- Horn of the Hunter Somebody forgot to tell the zebra he was dead

2009 April 30 -- Whispers of the Heart The heart is deceitful
2009 April 27 -- Living 1+2C You can't live Relationshipism, but you can consistently live God's Commands
2009 April 20 -- 1+2CThe comprehensive moral obligation of every person
2009 April 15 -- Tax Day The Bush-Obama tax increase starts to bite
2009 April 4 -- Equality Everybody has the same number of brain cells, but their priorities may be different
2009 March 27 -- VHS Better Than DVD Bad DVDs drive out good tapes
2009 March 26 -- A Knight's Tale Men losing in the battle of the sexes
2009 March 24 -- Failing Positive Not even Jesus could do it
2009 March 20 -- Common Ground for Debate We must read and write the same language before debate is possible
2009 March 7 -- A Formula for Disaster WIRED has no clue
2009 March 3 -- The Egg and I His go-it-alone character flaw played for laughs, but I did not laugh
2009 February 26 -- Enough You don't overcome evil with bigger and badder evil, you overcome evil with good
2009 February 25 -- Unboring It's almost impossible to unbore him
2009 February 23 -- Cartoon Poverty Ingenuity and hard work cures poverty -- before the Depression, and also today
2009 February 21 -- Evolution, by God The game pretends to be about evolution, but the players know it's about design
2009 February 19 -- Taking Control It feels weird to a passive person to have control thrust upon me
2009 February 13 -- Union Misrepresentation No union speaks for my interests at the collective bargaining table
2009 February 11 -- Positive Thinking Choosing affirmation helps prevent criticism
2009 February 5 -- Coping With Catastrophe Do your best, then let God do what He is going to do
2009 January 31 -- CopyPastism vs "Think Different" Copying and pasting is easier and lower quality than independent thinking
2009 January 27 -- Cutaway God does not want a mixture of both hot and cold puke
2009 January 26 -- Competition (Part 4) They didn't want the prize, they just wanted to compete
2009 January 20 -- Coping with Anger Anger rightly drives people away
2009 January 19 -- Post-Modernism and Technology There are no post-modern truck drivers
2009 January 16 -- Schmaltz "Happily ever after" fiction is too far from reality for me to write credibly
2009 January 12 -- Competition (Part 3) The best win is when nobody loses
2009 January 8 -- United Soviet Socialist States of Amerika Obama didn't do it -- yet

2008 December 31 -- The Psychology of Persuasion Why try to persuade?
2008 December 30 -- Above My Pay Grade "Open Source" is a lie
2008 December 26 -- Pretty Darn Foolish Refusing to pay Adobe, I wrote my own PDF encoder
2008 December 23 -- Cashier Check Fraud Cashier's checks are no longer any better than personal checks
2008 December 22 -- Competition (Part 2) It's about Truth, not winning
2008 December 16 -- The Boy Who Talks to Whales The disaffirming whalers were more connected than the talker
2008 December 15 -- Competition The only Biblical "win" is over evil
2008 December 12 -- Lamex, Part 2 Linux is not robust enough to use as a primary system
2008 December 2 -- The Dream Did God tell me how to write a novel?
2008 December 1 -- Vista Virus Vista is the virus that killed her computer
2008 November 29 -- Always Be Right It's about truth, not power
2008 November 24 -- MacGyver Blowout It came to a bad end
2008 November 22 -- Come-Uppance Past performance is no guarantee of future success
2008 November 14 -- Lamex Linux is too lame to do what WinXP does easily and Macs did since Day One
2008 November 11 -- Change? What Change? Replacing a crypto-Democrat with a left-of-Democrat
2008 November 7 -- Without Remorse Too much moral ambiguity for my taste
2008 November 6 -- Weaponized Words They lose their primary meaning and serve only as insults
2008 October 31 -- Relationshipism Christianity is about God, not relationships
2008 October 27 -- Thinker/Feeler Distinction Lies in church to serve affirmation rather than truth
2008 October 22 -- Fake Ancient Tombs The Greek was real, but the stone pistons were fake
2008 October 21 -- Cryptonomicon Some insights on geeks, with a link to my review
2008 October 20 -- Angell and Devils Pride is the cause of war
2008 October 18 -- Media Blackout An astounding admission from mainstream media
2008 October 13 -- With Meekness and Humility Maybe I should refuse to disaffirm
2008 October 11 -- Public InstabilityWIRED now admits, OSX computers crash every day
2008 October 6 -- Biting the Hand the Feeds You Criticizing the system one depends on for services is unwise
2008 September 30 -- Selling the Sizzle Some failed marketing
2008 September 24 -- Euphemisms  It is the form of a lie, so is it wrong?
2008 September 22 -- "Quotation" Look for a meaning other than the dictionary sense of the words
2008 September 17 -- Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Some giants are under trees or lying down; standing on their shoulders doesn't help
2008 September 15 -- Peruvian Landscape The trees and Inca stones were wrong in MacGyver
2008 September 8 -- Artificial Life, the Dream The complexity required to do it is beyond my wildest dreams
2008 September 3 -- Favoring the KJV They should document their preferences instead of trusting a Catholic scholar from 500 years ago
2008 September 2 -- King of the USA Everybody who says otherwise is either lying, a hypocrite, or in jail

2008 August 30 -- The Great American Novel (Part 2) Stay away from religion
2008 August 26 -- Half Are Below Average Grisham's novels are no exception
2008 August 25 -- FrankenPeanuts (Part 2) Re-using peanut butter oil is "too clever by half"
2008 August 21 -- Micro-Gardening Home-grown tomatoes cost 100 times more than store-bought
2008 August 19 -- Is Heaven Our Houston? DeHaan makes a false distinction between listening and obeying
2008 August 18 -- NextCrichton does not understand law, and it shows
2008 August 16 -- The Great American Novel Turning to books after the movies dry up, I wonder if I could write
2008 August 14 -- Unintended Consequences Good intentions does not guarantee good results
2008 August 7 -- What Would MacGyver Do? Unfortunately, nothing like what this book describes
2008 August 2 -- Timeline The science is bogus, but not provably so; the history is great
2008 July 28 -- No Case of Need Probably the worst Crichton novel I've seen -- even he was ashamed to put his name on it
2008 July 21 -- Neo-Gnosticism Using science (where it does not conflict with the Bible) to help people is not the same as insisting that they need secret knowledge to be saved
2008 July 16 -- Artificial Life Bad science spoils Crichton's Prey
2008 July 9 -- Confirmation Seeing my own idea affirmed in Crichton's novel
2008 July 7 -- Pseudo-Science Darwinism and global warming both explain all phenomena and are proved by all evidence, for and against
2008 July 5 -- It's a Joke There's something wrong with hostility masquerading as a joke
2008 July 3 -- Google Rocks Google fails for me, but hits for most people. I'm weird
2008 June 30 -- What Would Jesus Drive? Insights from Crichton's State of Fear
2008 June 27 -- Consensus in Science Crichton pulled his own famous quote
2008 June 24 -- The Worse Villain Bad law means I cannot in good conscience watch the video I paid for
2008 June 21 -- Buster Keaton at his Best He got better at slapstick as it went out of style
2008 June 19 -- No News The newsmagazines don't print much news any more, so I miss much of the "famous" stuff
2008 June 17 -- CrippleCam When it's as dead as a Linux system, you need to pop out the batteries and reboot
2008 June 16 -- Persecuted Christians VoM detractors exemplify what they deny is happening
2008 June 6 -- Insecure Electronic Filing The IRS didn't get an electronic filing, no surprise
2008 May 31 -- "Book It" Remarks A better analysis, on its own web page
2008 May 28 -- "Book It" Its etymology appears derived from travel agency verb
2008 May 18 -- Anger Management Listening to their angry vent rewards their bad behavior
2008 May 16 -- Christian Market Economy Christianity is an important foundation for our market economy
2008 May 14 -- Wrong Ideas People want to believe false and evil and foolish things.
2008 May 12 -- Dialog All real communication is 2-way
2008 May 8 -- The Corporation A Marxist mocumentary falsely blaming corporations for all evils real and imagined

2008 April 25 -- Energy Diet We are not being told the whole story about compact fluorescent light bulbs and energy
2008 April 19 -- True Forgiveness A booklet that got it right (he agrees with me ;-)
2008 April 15 -- It Ain't Free No Mo One antonym of "free" is "busy", and if you say it's "free" it will be busy
2008 April 11 -- The Love of Money A link to an essay by the same title
2008 April 9 -- Evil or Genius? Recognizing "evil" in terms of the Golden Rule makes better sense of Apple success
2008 March 31 -- Appropriate Force Press too hard and you crush the egg, press too little and you fail to lift it
2008 March 25 -- Shock Even in the movies, Don't fight the nurses. You. Will. Lose.
2008 March 19 -- Call Me Ludd Requiring unsafe technology usage eliminates unqualified (and also smart) applicants
2008 March 15 -- Blame Hollywood for DVDs that crash my computer
2008 March 7 -- Time and Money There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, you just pay in a different currency
2008 March 3 -- The Sin of Idolatry Don't fight the nurses. You. Will. Lose.
2008 February 29 -- Reducing the Influence of Lobbyists Reduce the amount of money Washington controls
2008 February 28 -- Bullish on Capitalism 79 years ago a Westinghouse infomercial guessed right about world economics
2008 February 22 -- The Race Issue It's not about the color of your skin, but what you consider important
2008 February 9 -- Occasional Reminders I shouldn't need to be reminded of what I already know
2008 February 1 -- Science Sucks (not) Science doesn't suck, it makes life good for all of us
2008 January 30 -- Evil Unmasked Evil people invade the game sites
2008 January 28 -- In the Eye of the Beholder The movie was better than the player
2008 January 23 -- New The high price of computer security
2008 January 18 -- The Linux Business Model "Pay me now or pay me later," there is no free software
2008 January 8 -- The Burden of Truth Thinking about how to know if someone is telling the truth

2007 December 31 -- Bilingualism It confers a deep insight into the nature of understanding
2007 December 29 -- No Gifts for Christmas To what extent is God's "gift" of salvation without return?
2007 December 24 -- No Truth in Marketing Using fluorescent bulbs is cheaper than incandescents, but not by much
2007 December 21 -- Seeking TruthIt helps to look where Truth can be found
2007 December 12 -- The "God" the Atheists Hate Atheists cannot logically impugn God's ethics
2007 December 8 -- Leaping Galoshes How to make money selling inferior products
2007 December 7 -- How Do I Know? Knowing the Will of God may be hard, but there are some heuristics
2007 November 23 -- False Chiasm God gets to decide who understands and who can't
2007 November 21 -- Miller's Law Communication requires assuming the other person is telling the truth
2007 November 19 -- It's Not Greek Fake inscription was just English using ancient Greek alphabet letters
2007 November 12 -- Blind Spot Thinking about how to lead a person to see it
2007 November 1 -- It's Greek to Me Decoding ancient Greek manuscripts for fun
2007 October 29 -- The Video Game Mentality Playing the game doesn't make you an expert
2007 October 26 -- The Prisoner Exchange Stop the fight by equalizing the guilt
2007 October 23 -- Damon and Pythias Damon starts a scoundrel and becomes a friend; in my life it's the other way around
2007 October 20 -- Team Building These exercises only work if you are intentional
2007 October 18 -- Drunken Rats Unsure whether to duck or take the abuse
2007 October 17 -- Digging Through the Rubble Reflections and a link to some thoughts on the art of persuasion
2007 October 15 -- Update on My Own Medicine People get even angrier at fabrications of their imagination than at reality
2007 October 11 -- Embracing Truth Jesus favored honesty over accepting false blame
2007 October 8 -- Self-Sacrifice Two opposing values make taking the blame honestly difficult
2007 October 3 -- Serving My Employer A link to my policy statement
2007 October 1 -- Two If By Sea You'd never hear substantial Bible quotes in a modern TV program
2007 September 24 -- Vulnerability A defense shamed onto good people to bring them under the control of evil
2007 September 20 -- Taking My Own Medicine Criticism makes people angry, but sometimes that is unavoidable
2007 September 18 -- "Love Commands" The movie has a different take on love than the Christian perspective
2007 September 13 -- Murphy Strikes Again Badly done software makes a simple job hard
2007 September 8 -- Fun Movie Some thoughts on doing "fun" things
2007 September 6 -- Humpty Dumpty Semantics Changing the meaning of words leads to miscommunication
2007 August 30 -- Google Failure Propagandists fraudulently pump their Google hit rank by cross-links
2007 August 20 -- Video vs Truth Even the Good Guys can't tell the truth in video
2007 August 13 -- Living in Crete A couple tricks for telling when you are being lied to, without knowing all the facts
2007 August 9 -- Motivation Interpersonal relationships work best when there are no hidden agendas
2007 August 8 -- Crossing the Line of Respect Maintaining the "line of respect" is harder than it sounds
2007 August 7 -- Old Man River Keeps Rollin' The Bible is more honest about things than people and movies are
2007 August 6 -- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty When fantasies and wild guesses become harmful

2007 July 31 -- Foolish Stubbornness Some people can't give up their preconceived ideas
2007 July 30 -- Progress With the same source code, a 2GHz PC runs slower than a 400MHz Mac emulating 68K
2007 July 23 -- Credulity Even the folks who imagine themselves to be thinkers, don't
2007 July 19 -- System Reliability Linux is least reliable in my experience, older Macs are best
2007 July 16 -- Repairing Relationships It isn't pleasant, so you have to want to. It helps if there are consequences
2007 July 14 -- Significance  As much as I want my life to have meaning and significance, only God can make it so (if at all)
2007 July 11 -- What It Means  Some phrases that mean something other than what the words say
2007 July 9 -- Unusable Software  If it says "Open Source" on the package, it is probably unusable
2007 July 7 -- CBS  Most of the bugs around here suffer from a fatal disease: Splat!
2007 July 5 -- Logic Loses Feeling alone again
2007 July 4 -- Patriotic Fourth  Why I'm not "patriotic"
2007 June 30 -- Turning It OffWatching it is not funny, refusing to look is not foolish
2007 June 29 -- Truth vs Power The conflict is not, as I previously supposed, over Truth; it's a power struggle
2007 June 27 -- Power The obsession with power, and forcing your will on others
2007 June 22 -- War by Other Means  Acing the cards (or logic) gets you beat up on a different battlefield
2007 June 18 -- TrustPeople trust their finances to failed and failing web software, but can't trust the robust and tested national leadership to do their job
2007 June 16 -- Selling the Sizzle People buy on emotion
2007 June 15 -- The Time Is . . . 18:88am Why can't we keep the working phone and just change cell provider?
2007 June 4 -- The Show Must Go On Negative thoughts about church presentation technology
2007 May 25 -- Vista, Like It or Not Not much worth paying the economic and performance cost
2007 May 22 -- Bank (Non)Privacy Notice They promise nothing, but they are unwilling to say so clearly.
2007 May 14 -- Constantine  Not a credible portrayal of the spiritual conflict between Good and Evil.
2007 May 12 -- Karma  An interview quotes Ram Gidoomal, "I believe Jesus died for my karma."
2007 May 3 -- Phil An obscure blog with good insights

2007 April 26 -- Trojan Effects1000 Greek warships and 70,000 warriors never existed; the computer invented them all
2007 April 23 -- St.John in Exile  Outstanding theatre, but historically inaccurate in its overly emotional view of John's perspective
2007 April 6 -- FrankenPeanuts  Genetically engineered peanuts with more oil produces peanut soup instead of peanut butter
2007 April 3 -- Categories vs Diversity  We need categories to make sense of the world around us, but nobody wants to be thought of in terms of categories
2007 April 2 -- System Insecurity  Permissions should restrict programs, not users
2007 March 22 -- Documentation Done Wrong  How not to provide on-line documentation for complex software
2007 March 12 -- Close Shaver  When a close shaver is not best
2007 March 8 -- Cutting It Off  God is more into terminating broken relationships than I want to be
2007 March 6 -- Manga Anime  A Japanese art form that's hard for me to get into
2007 March 3 -- Telephone Tax Misleading tax form instructions
2007 February 26 -- Learning My Lesson God cannot lie, but He can (and often does) say hurtful words
2007 February 23 -- Running Away A childish solution to difficult problems
2007 February 22 -- Demonizing the Opposition I don't need to be party to it
2007 February 21 -- Losing a Friend  Blindsided by the venom
2007 February 10 -- WebTV The hassles of watching were exceeded by theBurg's abysmal low quality
2007 February 8 -- Gender Crisis The feminists whining about the lack of women in technology are getting smarter
2007 February 1 -- Life Isn't a Game People tend to expect a computer program to be like a video game: easy to use, quick to score
2007 January 31 -- Wii A non-gamer looks at the latest console
2007 January 30 -- Downgrading to Vista Why call it an "upgrade" when your computer runs slower and misbehaves more often?
2007 January 22 -- Power to the People Being without power for nearly a week is a new experience for me

2006 December 28 -- Stupid Entertainment People doing stupid things are not entertaining
2006 December 26 -- Institutional Dishonesty The last honest bank gives up
2006 December 25 -- Not Goodwill Toward Men Modern Christmas is more about self-serving than giving to people in need
2006 December 23 -- Deconstructing Tradition We look at and admire the decisions of early church councils, but we verify the results ourselves
2006 December 22 -- Amazed That It Works  Phone company computers have obscure bugs too; it's a wonder anything this complex works at all
2006 December 18 -- Horsepower To stop a fleeing bandit on horseback, shoot his horse; it's a bigger target and more effective, but in the westerns nobody ever does
2006 December 15 -- Powerful Like a Dragon Getting help from a Linux guru is like getting the nurse's attention in a hospital: it helps if you don't insult them
2006 December 12 -- Maximizing Revenue  People everywhere work at preserving and increasing their own income
2006 December 11 -- The Game of Linux  Magic the Gathering is a card game with all the complexity and difficulty in learning of Linux, and thus also its popularity among the gnostic priesthood
2006 December 2 -- Games Q  Surprise! An industry that the Americans don't dominate
2006 November 30 -- Evangelizing the World  Blurring denominational distinctives in a global economy, Jesus would like that
2006 November 24 -- Agile vs Agile  Test-first software development is more like waterfall than agile
2006 November 22 -- Timeless TIME magazine neglected to remind me to renew. I won't miss it
2006 November 13 -- God vs. Science  The debate is more easily understood when you consider how robots might debate whether the humans that made them exist
2006 November 9 -- Voice from the Past  Hearing Raymond Burr in the part of a villain made it hard to follow the story
2006 November 8 -- Voting Against Reason  Election results show that the voters are irrational
2006 November 2 -- Different, Yet So Alike An atheist and a Christian, both irrational
2006 October 28 -- The Benefits of Linux  There is something that Linux does for me better than the other computer systems: play free movies.
2006 October 18 -- Obama's Intolerance  Barack Obama understands that American are deeply religious, but he does not yet understand what religion is
2006 October 17 -- Calling the Kettle Black  Making a big deal over an elephant's back side is a bit hypocritical from the whole animal thus described
2006 October 11 -- Reading the Ads, Round 2  Microsoft products use more energy (in their ads)
2006 October 10 -- Evil Spam  Recognizing a trojan horse is intentionally tricky
2006 October 2 -- Web 2.0 Is Dead  New "Web 2.0" features make MapQuest unavailable to safe computing

2006 September 29 -- Movies on the Cheap Lessons from free (public domain) movie downloads
2006 September 22 -- Seller's Market  License terms promise nothing and forbid any valid use of the software. Who cares?
2006 September 19 -- But Liars Figure  If you don't like the numbers, you can adjust what they measure to make them more favorable. TIME magazine shows us how
2006 September 18 -- Black Despair  A couple of depressing, racist movies, and a countervailing hope in a Good God
2006 September 13 -- Matthew 24 in Perspective The Preterists and the Dispensationalists are both wrong -- and right -- about Matt.24.
2006 September 12 -- The Problem With Preterism  Besides ignoring significant parts of the Bible, this view of prophecy ignores ancient and modern history.
2006 September 1 -- Reflections on Driving Cross-Country  Different states have different ways of driving down the highway
2006 August 15 -- Rightly Dividing the Word  Too many people read into the Bible what they want it to say, not what's actually there
2006 August 11 -- Evolution Wins over Fiat Creation  Incrementalism works in education, because it gives people a chance to work through all the implications and see the problems, but biologists and agilists are unwilling to present their ideas that way
2006 August 9 -- Winning Debates
2006 July 29 -- 50-Year Time Warp
2006 July 28 -- Barbarians at the Gate
2006 July 22 -- Decision by Default
2006 July 17 -- Truth in Fiction
2006 July 14 -- Irreducible Complexity People are attempting to confuse a simple idea that is utterly abhorrent to atheists
2006 July 12 -- God and Science
2006 July 10 -- Home Ownership, Part 2
2006 July 6 -- House and Owner
2006 July 4 -- The Science of Fiction
2006 July 3 -- Red-Handed Pseudo-Science This "scientist" confirms his Darwinist hypothesis by discarding inconvenient data.
2006 June 28 -- Discovery
2006 June 17 -- Computer Power
2006 June 14 -- Web 2.0, No Big Deal
2006 June 7 -- The End of the Constitution

2006 May 26 -- When "Agile" Isn't
2006 May 20 -- Know Your Customers
2006 May 16 -- Sullivan's Ism
2006 May 15 -- Left-Wing 100
2006 May 12 -- Hacking C
2006 May 4 -- Speaking the Truth
2006 April 26 -- Computer Gnostics
2006 April 20 -- The Weakest Link
2006 April 19 -- Living with Limitations
2006 April 17 -- Evil Mass Health The new Massachusetts health insurance law portends the end of affordable health care in this country.
2006 April 11 -- No Global Warming
2006 April 10 -- Christian Global Warming
2006 April 4 -- The Marxist Religion
2006 April 3 -- "Free" Software  There is no such thing as free software, just different restrictions.
2006 April 1 -- What, Me Worry?
2006 March 31 -- Fantasy Magazine(s)Two fiction-as-fact articles in the current WIRED magazine debunked.
2006 March 30 -- The Logic of Religion
2006 March 28 -- The Marketplace of Ideas
2006 March 24 -- SaaS: An Old Idea that Didn't Fly
2006 March 23 -- Darwinists Against Democracy
2006 March 20 -- The "Simple" Blog
2006 March 15 -- The Cost of Savings
2006 March 13 -- Stopping Spam  It can be done, but only if Congress empowers the people and gets out of the way.
2006 March 11 -- Not a Better Software Magazine
2006 March 6 -- Equality Ride
2006 March 4 -- Wasting Food
2006 February 14 -- Better Software  Test code as the primary documentation for programmers.
2006 January 23 -- End of the Spear
2006 January 20 -- I am Pro-Choice Every woman (including those not yet born) should have the right to choose.
2006 January 9 -- I am Not Ashamed
2006 January 5 -- Robot Telemarketer

2005 December 31 -- Taking "Christ" out of Christmas
2005 December 27 -- Origin of the Species
2005 December 26 -- Yancey's Parallel Universe
2005 December 16 -- Team Player?
2005 December 12 -- Dr.Dobb's Journal @ 30
2005 December 9 -- Kurzweil Is (Partly) Right
2005 December 5 -- Optical Mouse
2005 December 3 -- All God's Creatures, Great and (Mostly) Small
2005 November 26 -- Readers' Choice?
2005 November 23 -- Soda Spray
2005 November 14 -- What God Was Thinking
2005 November 12 -- Digitized Horror
2005 November 11 -- "Microsoft Innovation"
2005 November 8 -- Market Econ: B-
2005 October 31 -- The Vulcan Paradox
2005 October 17 -- Stem Cells
2005 October 15 -- Reading the Ads
2005 September 27 -- Gunpoint
2005 September 26 -- Fiction
2005 September 24 -- Government Consequences
2005 September 20 -- Good, Beautiful, True  A post-modern insight that is half-true.
2005 September 7 -- Smallville
2005 August 30 -- TANSTAAFL  Who pays for medical care?
2005 August 22 -- It's Only Fiction
2005 August 15 -- War...
2005 August 6 -- TIME 0, Roberts 8
2005 August 1 -- Hotel Bloodshed
2005 July 27 -- Why Religion Matters
2005 July 21 -- A Computer for Mother
2005 July 6 -- Bad Money Drives Out Good

2005 June 16 -- Requiescat Mac
2005 June 9 -- Boycott "Marriage"  The Supreme Court is poised to extend marriage to homosexuals. When that happens the churches should refuse to have anything to do with it.
2005 June 7 -- Stormy Thoughts
2005 May 24 -- Lewisiana
2005 May 21 -- Open Letter to Bill Gates  He had a good business idea -- for a few days. Now that his company is once again supporting a political agenda hostile to most of his customers, maybe they should start being hostile to his products.
2005 May 19 -- 861 Ways to Misunderstand the Law
2005 May 14 -- Nyah, nyah
2005 May 7 -- Religion
2005 April 15 -- Tax Shortcuts
2005 April 6 -- Avoiding Terri Schiavo's Fate
2005 April 4 -- The Bible Tells Me So  The children's song says Jesus Loves Me, but does the Bible really say that? I don't think so. What's the truth?
2005 March 22 -- The VB6 Back Door
2005 March 21 -- DVDs Are Stupid
2005 March 14 -- Boycott Macromedia
2005 March 11 -- Macintosh "Founder"  The Macintosh that didn't happen, and why.
2005 March 7 -- 64-Bit Foolishness
2005 February 22 -- Glowing in the Dark
2005 February 17 -- In Praise of Catch22
2005 February 14 -- Love, A Christian Perspective  Everybody, Christians and unbelievers alike, they all want to tell you that "God is Love" but the Bible teaches a different emphasis.
2005 February 7 -- KISS
2005 January 31 -- Blog Duel, Sort of
2005 January 29 -- Job Security
2005 January 20 -- Market Services and Bad Laws
2005 January 15 -- Autonomy
2005 January 11 -- Pride

2004 December 31 -- Optimism
2004 December 27 -- Clue Deficit Disorder
2004 December 25 -- Debt Free  Getting rid of bitterness.
2004 December 21 -- The Politics of Education
2004 December 18 -- God's Exalted Word
2004 December 6 -- Publication Polemics  Why the Darwinists are afraid of the Creationists: the letter they cannot print.
2004 November 24 -- Market Politics
2004 November 20 -- Six Months Later
2004 November 1 -- Geographic Sorting  Watch where you sit, it says something about your unspoken thoughts.
2004 October 30 -- BioInformatics
2004 October 19 -- It Takes One to Know One  An effective response to unfair criticism.
2004 October 15 -- Gender Bender  The truth about bias in the computer industry.
2004 October 13 -- ...But Liars Figure
2004 October 5 -- Digital Stargazing
2004 October 2 -- Voting Your Conscience
2004 September 25 -- Beating Up on Bill
2004 September 20 -- Demonizing the Opposition  Recognizing who the Enemy is -- and isn't.
2004 September 18 -- Computer Blueprint
2004 September 13 -- Being (un)Connected
2004 August 20 -- Software in Crisis
2004 August 14 -- Computer Power  What makes a computer (program) powerful, how much it can do, or how much it can do without your constant supervision and help?
2004 August 7 -- Software is a Gas

2004 July 31 -- Salt in the Future  An honest look at my future job prospects.
2004 July 22 -- Future of Operating Systems
2004 July 20 -- "How Are You?"
2004 July 9 -- Innovative Political Campaigns
2004 June 30 -- Plastic Music  Karaoke in the church
2004 June 22 -- Giving Thanks
2004 June 21 -- The Race Card  You don't become successful by blaming others for your misfortune.
2004 June 18 -- Religion in Politics
2004 June 15 -- King Scotus IX  You thought the USA was a democracy? Think again.
2004 June 4 -- Etiquette and Ethics  One of several observations (see also Love, above) on the difference.
2004 May 24 -- Falling Out of Heaven, Round 2
2004 May 20 -- Reflection  Some lessons I learned in a very difficult situation.
2004 May 10 -- Understanding
2004 April 26 -- Revenge  The wrong way to deal with conflict, as practiced by many "Christians"
2004 April 19 -- Spartacus Virtue  Can Hollywood portray virtuous behavior and make it appealing? This movie did!
2004 April 1 -- Cheap Shot Jokes
2004 March 27 -- Forgetting the Past
2004 March 24 -- Falling Out of Heaven
2004 March 18 -- Entropy Strikes Again
2004 March 8 -- Passionate Language  The Gibson movie, from a linguistic perspective.
2004 March 3 -- Moving On, Round 2
2004 February 18 -- Tetelestai
2004 January 21 -- Moving On

2003 December 25 -- What's the Big Deal?  The "greatest miracle of all time" is not the incarnation.
2003 December 6 -- Feeling Unwanted  The church and its institutions do not welcome me and my personality type.
2003 November 17 -- Conspiracy Theories  Fun but not credible.
2003 November 7 -- The Value of Fiction  A review of the movie Matrix.
2003 November 3 -- Re: Judging  Comparing the Christian God to Allah
2003 October 25 -- Anthony Harris (1984-2003)
2003 October 10 -- Thwarting the Democratic Process  Voting is "the Democratic process" but one political party (nevermind their name) seems to prefer other means to achieve their ends.
2003 September 16 -- Unix vs Mac  Why I like the Mac so much, and why Apple's OSX is (nevermind their name) not Macintosh.
2003 September 11 -- 9/11

Log Files

2004 Part 1
2004 Part 2
2005 Part 1
2005 Part 2
2006 Part 1
2006 Part 2
2006 Part 3
2007 Part 1
2007 Part 2
2007 Part 3
2007 Part 4
2008 Part 1
2008 Part 2
2008 Part 3
2009 Part 1
2009 Part 2
2009 Part 3
2010  (current)