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IIc/IIc+ Colour

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Inscrit le: 21 Ao� 2007
Messages: 12

MessagePost� le: Dim 23 D�c 2007, 0:15    Sujet du message: IIc/IIc+ Colour R�pondre en citant

I'm trying to figure out the colour evolution for the IIc.

I know it was introduced in 1984 in a "creamy off-white" coulour known at Apple as "Fog" with a khaki coloured keyboard (per Kunkle's "Apple Design" book). All the ads seem to confirm this, though colour variation from photo to photo is inconsistent at best. It also appears as thought the keyboard, accents and cables are all the same colour as well.

I thought it stayed this way from the introduction to the IIc Plus in 1988. However, this: indicates the case turned Platnum gray in 1986 along with the IIGS.

If that's true, I have never seen a gray IIc with 5.25" drives. But it is hard to tell in many of the photographs, especially since most IIc's have yellowed with age.

To clarify, did the Platinum IIcs from 1986 have a Platinum gray case and slightly darker gray keyboard and accents? If so, then was the difference between it and the IIc Plus, that the case remained Platinum gray and the keyboard matched the case exactly?
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Inscrit le: 12 Mar 2007
Messages: 160
Localisation: Issy les Moulineaux / PARIS

MessagePost� le: Lun 14 Jan 2008, 13:04    Sujet du message: R�pondre en citant

late better than never... you're right on my mind it's a cute and paste a tittle fast Embarassed Confused .
On the IIc AS4100 Model 3 colour change just on the keyboard. I drop all my IIc to confirm.
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Inscrit le: 11 Sep 2007
Messages: 35
Localisation: Pays de Loire / reste du monde

MessagePost� le: Mer 13 Mai 2009, 19:54    Sujet du message: Apple IIc / IIc plus R�pondre en citant

Good evening ,

You might have very good pictures of these two computers on the following web link:


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