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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Jeu 20 Sep 2007, 19:21    Sujet du message: GS/OS : VCB and FCB R�pondre en citant

Hi there,

does somebody know and would like to share his/her knowledge about GS/OS Volume Control Block and File Control Block structure?

The information I have comes from Inside Macintosh volume IV. I strongly believe the VCB and FCB structures described in that book do not match the GS/OS versions.

Thank you for your help,

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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Ven 21 Sep 2007, 19:39    Sujet du message: R�pondre en citant

Excerpt from what I have just written on comp.sys.apple2


They do not mention the following system service calls:
- $01FC24 - ALLOC_VCR
- $01FC40 - SYS_EXIT
- $01FC48 - FIND_VCR
- $01FC64 - GET_FCR

Let me describe them from what I have understood after hours of work. The format is equivalent to the GS/OS device driver reference manual:

Description: This routine passes control to a device to execute a command
- GSOS direct page:
-- deviceNum
-- callNum
-- bufferPtr
-- requestCount
-- transferCount
-- blockNum
-- blockSize
-- fstNum
-- volumeID
-- cachePriority
-- cachePointer
-- dibPointer
- Return:
-- A register: error code
- Input and output are always passed by GS/OS direct-page locations in this routine. Full native mode is used.
- If c = 0: no error, the command has been executed
- If c = 1: error, the command has not been executed

Description: This routine returns a virtual pointer to a Volume Control Record of the requested size
- Input:
-- A register: requested memory block size (number of bytes) -- It is $32 bytes long
-- X register: pointer (low byte) to class 1 input string of volume name
-- Y register: pointer (high byte) to class 1 input string of volume name
- Return:
-- X register: virtual pointer (low byte) to newly allocated block
-- Y register: virtual pointer (high byte) to newly allocated block
- None
- If c = 0: no error, memory was allocated
- If c = 1: error, memory could not be allocated

Description: This routine releases a memory Volume Control Record that was allocated with the ALLOC_VCR call.
- Input:
-- A register: Volume Control Record reference number
- Return:
-- None
- None
- If c = 0: no error, memory was freed
- If c = 1: error, memory was not freed

Description: This routine returns a virtual pointer to a File Control Record of the requested size
- Input:
-- A register: requested memory block size (number of bytes) -- It is $32 bytes long
-- X register: pointer (low byte) to class 1 input string of file name
-- Y register: pointer (high byte) to class 1 input string of file name
- Return:
-- X register: virtual pointer (low byte) to newly allocated block
-- Y register: virtual pointer (high byte) to newly allocated block
- None
- If c = 0: no error, memory was allocated
- If c = 1: error, memory could not be allocated

Description: This routine releases a memory File Control Record that was allocated with the ALLOC_FCR call.
- Input:
-- A register: File Control Record reference number
- Return:
-- None
- None
- If c = 0: no error, memory was freed
- If c = 1: error, memory was not freed

Description: This routine returns a pointer to the GS/OS buffer.
- Input:
-- None
- Return:
-- X register: pointer (low byte) to GS/OS buffer address
-- Y register: pointer (high byte) to GS/OS buffer address
- Full native mode is used
- The carry is always cleared
- The direct-page is at offset $2300
- None

SYS_EXIT ($01FC40)
Description: This routine returns from the GS/OS environment. It returns to the calling program.
- Input:
-- A register: error code
- Return:
-- None
- The previous direct-page address and the stack pointer are restored.
- None

FIND_VCR ($01FC48)
Description: This routine attempts to find the requested Volume Control Record.
- Input:
-- A register: command word. Bit 15 and bit 14 are used
-- X register: pointer (low byte) to class 1 input string of volume name
-- Y register: pointer (high byte) to class 1 input string of volume name
- Return:
-- X register: virtual pointer (low byte) to Volume Control Record
-- Y register: virtual pointer (high byte) to Volume Control Record
- None
- If c = 0: no error, the Volume Control Record has been found
- If c = 1: error, the Volume Control Record has not been found

GET_FCR ($01FC64)
Description: This routine returns the requested File Control Record that was allocated with the ALLOC_FCR call.
- Input:
-- A register: File Control Record reference number
- Return:
-- X register: virtual pointer (low byte) to File Control Record
-- Y register: virtual pointer (high byte) to File Control Record
- None
- If c = 0: no error, the File Control Record has been found
- If c = 1: error, the File Control Record has not been found
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Inscrit le: 12 Mar 2007
Messages: 160
Localisation: Issy les Moulineaux / PARIS

MessagePost� le: Dim 23 Sep 2007, 18:17    Sujet du message: R�pondre en citant

Pas trouv� dans les docs GS... interessant de retrouver ces appels non document�s

Not found in any GS doc
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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Lun 24 Sep 2007, 13:10    Sujet du message: R�pondre en citant

Second excerpt from what I have written on comp.sys.apple2

There are a few other calls that are not documented on the GS/OS
Device Driver Reference book (I have documented some of them above) :

- ALLOC_VCR ($01FC24)
- SYS_EXIT ($01FC40)
- SYS_DEATH ($01FC44)
- FIND_VCR ($01FC48)
- FIND_FCR ($01FC4C)
- CACHE_LOCK ($01FC54)
- RENAME_VCR ($01FC58)
- GET_VCR ($01FC60)
- GET_FCR ($01FC64)
- CVT_0TO1 ($01FC74)
- CVT_1TO0 ($01FC78)

There are other system service calls that remain "unexplained":
- $01FC7C
- $01FC80
- $01FC84
- $01FC8C
- $01FC94
- $01FC98
- $01FC9C
- $01FCA0
- $01FCB4
- $01FCB8
- $01FCC0
- $01FCC4
- $01FCC8
- $01FCCC
- $01FCD0
- $01FCD4
- $01FCDC
- $01FCE0

There are structures that have not been documented either:
- Volume Control Record
- File Control Record
The goal of the structures is to keep information on volumes and files
for the FSTs and GS/OS. The structure is not similar to the same ones
described on Inside Mac volume 4.

Any help would be appreciated. I have asked the same info to someone
who is/has been close to Apple. Wait & see...


BTW, Peter Watson will try to scan the GS/OS docs he owns...

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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Jeu 27 Nov 2008, 20:57    Sujet du message: R�pondre en citant

C'est marrant de relire cela...

Il y a quelques appels que je dois documenter dans mon futur best-seller GS/OS internals que j'enrichis au fur et � mesure de mes d�couvertes sur le syst�me Apple.

J'ai compris il y a deux jours ce qu'�tait un "virtual pointer" et l'ai racont� � JPL lors de notre d�jeuner de mercredi.

L'appel $01FC80 aussi, tiens, il faudrait que je le documente.

Bref, pas grand chose � part la page directe de GS/OS, il n'y a pas bcp de place libre Wink

El toto
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