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Widget/Profile Speed

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Inscrit le: 21 Ao� 2007
Messages: 12

MessagePost� le: Mer 17 Oct 2007, 17:57    Sujet du message: Widget/Profile Speed R�pondre en citant

I have not seen a lot written about the Lisa 2's internal Widget and external Profile drives around the net as they compare to other hard drives, probably since they have such platform specific uses, to which little else compares.

But I was wondering how they compare in speed to other externals for the Macintosh for instance, since the Lisa 2 could run MacWorks.

1. What was the interface for the Widget? Was it an internal Parallel port?

2. How do both the Widget and Profile compare to:
a. Macintosh Serial Hard Drives
b. Macintosh Floppy Port Hard Drives
c. Macintosh SCSI hard drives

3. How does the Lisa Widget compare to the Profile drive on its own system?

4. How do the WIdget and Profile compare to other types of drives that might have been added to the Lisa via SCSI or other expansion cards?

5. Since the Profile could be used on Apple II computers, how did it compare to other available drives using the proper add-on cards?
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Inscrit le: 12 Mar 2007
Messages: 160
Localisation: Issy les Moulineaux / PARIS

MessagePost� le: Ven 19 Oct 2007, 9:43    Sujet du message: R�pondre en citant

Hi again,

Interface for Widget is an internal Parallel port

Compare Widget/Profile vs others HD 'll be a great work. I never found informations about that and I never do it Crying or Very sad because time go too fast, a very long life (or second life) is absolutly necessary (God if you read this forum, and I know you do, thank's a lot for this little problem). Anyway...

On Lisa Widget and Profile are able to boot himself without diskette. For SCSI you need a special ROM to do that without the Macworks boot disk.
(remember : NEVER use MW under version 3.0, and MW+ is a better choice and MW II + a must... but a little expensive)

On Apple II Profile and SCSI HD the difference come from the card (DMA or not, and the rate for transfert). A SCSI HD with a RamFast version D is fastest than a Profile. On this computer RamFast and High Speed from Apple (Sandwich II) are the best. Others cards could be not really useful and sometimes don't work with all SCSI HD (even if norme is SCSI not SASI).
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