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Where in America's past is...? (Broderbund, 1992)

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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Dim 12 Ao� 2007, 21:48    Sujet du message: Where in America's past is...? (Broderbund, 1992) R�pondre en citant

This exciting game turns history into a fast-paced detective adventure. Join the ACME Detective Agency and chase the notorious Carmen Sandiego and her gang as they filch famous objects from America's past.

On four 5.25 ProDOS disks or one 3.5 ProDOS:
- a password protection someplace...

The disks are not copy-protected, they can be copied and are hard-drive installable.

- Boot front side of disk 1 (/CARMEN.AP),
- View the introduction
- Insert, when requested, front side of disk 2 (CARMEN.AP3)
- Play the game...
You notice that you do not require the /CARMEN.AP disk so that we believe that the password protection:
- has already been loaded into memory from the /CARMEN.AP disk or
- will be loaded from the /CARMEN.AP3 disk

As we are dealing with a standard ProDOS disk, let's view all values of the files with a ProDOS version of Copy II+

The C13 file is a text file of plenty of C strings (the ones that end with a 00). An excerpt of the file is to be found hereafter:

0        ASC   'No warrant, no case.  See you later...'00
1        ASC   'To:  '00
2        ASC   8D'From:  The Chief'8D8D00
3        ASC   'You always need a warrant before making an arrest.  '
         ASC   'You risk getting into a lot of trouble if you don'27't!'00
4        ASC   'Having the wrong warrant does us absolutely no good.  '
         ASC   'Please be more careful next time.'00
5        ASC   'Congratulations!  You apprehended the crook!'00
6        ASC   '  The goods were returned to '00
7        ASC   'One'00
8        ASC   'Two'00
9        ASC   'Three'00
A        ASC   'Four'00
B        ASC   'Five'00
C        ASC   'Six'00
D        ASC   ' more '00
E        ASC   'case'00
F        ASC   'cases'00
10       ASC   ' until your next promotion.'00
11       ASC   'You'27've earned yourself a promotion!  '
         ASC   'Before you can be promoted you have one '
         ASC   'more clue to unravel.'00
12       ASC   'Use your copy of What Happened When to complete the following:'00
13       ASC   'Well done!  You are now a '00
14       ASC   'Sorry, that'27's not the answer we have '
         ASC   'here at ACME.  Please try again.'00
15       ASC   'The elusive criminal was finally tracked '
         ASC   'down by ACME'27's Agent '00
16       ASC   'Excellent work!  You caught the head of '
         ASC   'V.I.L.E., Carmen Sandiego!!'00
17       ASC   'You need to use your time more efficiently.  '
         ASC   'Time travel isn'27't cheap, you know!'00
18       ASC   'Are you ready for another case?'00

The numeric values are indexes and have been introduced for easier reading. The 11/12/13/14 indexes are part of the protection. We need to find some code on the disk that use those.

Please note that it is common to print out a C string with an index instead of its address. The routine that has to write out the string has to count the 00. When it reaches the right value, the string is displayed.

Now launch your favorite disk editor (mine is Disk Fixer Wink), set the ProDOS interleaving format, search for the following patterns:
- LDA #$13 (A9 13) or LDX #$13 (A2 13) or LDY #$13 (A0 13)
Repeat for the $12 and $14 values...

Gotcha! We find "A0 xx" patterns on track $15, sectors 5 and 6, they belong to the C12 file.

Launch your favorite disassembler and assembler editor and get the following of the C12 file:


STROUT   =     $B087

L9D8E    LDY   #$2E
         JSR   $0E01
         INC   $43
         JSR   L9F02

* 'You'27've earned yourself a promotion!  '
* 'Before you can be promoted you have one '
* 'more clue to unravel.'00

         LDY   #$11
         JSR   STROUT
         JSR   LA18F
         JSR   L9F02

* 'Use your copy of What Happened When to complete the following:'00

         LDY   #$12       ; Before
         JSR   LA18F
         LDA   #$2C
         JSR   $B054
         STA   $73
         LDA   #$03       ; We have three tries
         STA   $74

L9DB6    JSR   $B093      ; Protection loop
         JSR   $B084
         LDA   $73
         LDX   #$00
         LDY   #$78
         JSR   $B024
         LDA   #$0C
         STA   $26
         LDA   #$4F
         JSR   $B027
         JSR   $DC27

         JSR   L9FA6      ; ENTER STRING

         INC   $43
         JSR   $B093
         JSR   $B084
         BCS   L9E26      ; WRONG ANSWER

         LDA   $73
         CMP   #$14
         BNE   L9DF1

         LDX   #$8A
         LDY   #$A1
         JSR   L9F53      ; CHECK WORD
         BCC   L9DFD      ; CORRECT ANSWER

         LDA   $73

L9DF1    LDX   #$B2
         LDY   #$A0
         JSR   $B024
         JSR   L9F53      ; CHECK WORD
         BCS   L9E26      ; WRONG ANSWER


L9DFD    INC   $19
         INC   $1A
         JSR   L9F02

* 'Well done!  You are now a '00

         LDY   #$13       ; Well done!
         JSR   STROUT
         LDA   $19
         ADC   #$15
         JSR   $B08A
         LDY   #$3A
         JSR   STROUT
         JSR   L9F17
         JSR   LA1BB
         JSR   L9EAE
         JSR   LA195
         JMP   L9E65

L9E26    DEC   $74
         BNE   L9E2D
         JMP   $1F00      ; END OF GAME I PRESUME!

* 'Sorry, that'27's not the answer we have '
* 'here at ACME.  Please try again.'00

L9E2D    LDY   #$14       ; Sorry!
         JSR   STROUT
         JSR   LA18F
         JMP   L9DB6

L9E38    JSR   L9F02
         LDY   $19
         LDA   L9F7D,Y
         SBC   $1A
         STA   $40
         ADC   #$06
         JSR   STROUT
         LDY   #$0D
         JSR   STROUT
         LDY   #$0E
         LDA   $40
         CMP   #$01
         BEQ   L9E5A
         LDY   #$10
         JSR   STROUT
         JSR   LA18F

L9E65    JSR   L9F02

* 'Are you ready for another case?'00

         LDY   #$18
         JSR   STROUT

The code above is the protection loop. It goes to $9DFD is the answer is correct, otherwise, it loops until your three tries are used. The routine at $9F53 checks the word entered and clears the carry it is so, otherwise it sets it.


L9F53    STX   $CE        ; Word comparison
         STY   $CF
         LDX   #$00
         LDY   #$00
L9F5B    LDA   ($CE),Y
         BEQ   L9F79
         STA   $40
         LDA   $0C00,X
         CMP   #$61       ; a
         BCC   L9F6F
         CMP   #$7B       ; z
         BCS   L9F6F
         SBC   #$20
L9F6F    CMP   $40        ; Are letters equal?
         BNE   L9F7B
         CPY   #$04
         BCC   L9F5B
L9F79    CLC              ; Yes
L9F7B    SEC              ; No

You have two ways to remove the protection:

The 1-byte method
Replace the SEC opcode at $9F7B with a CLC

The 3-bytes method
At the beginning of the protection routine, at $9DA5 replace the JSR $B087 (20 87 B0) with a JMP to $9DFD (4C FD 9D)

As I like to make minimal changes to the programs I "play" with, I will explain the first method:
- Launch ProDOS 8 and its friend Basic.System
- BLOAD C12,A$1A00
- POKE 8059,24
- BSAVE C12,A$1A00

Your backup copy is now ready,

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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Mer 15 Ao� 2007, 15:48    Sujet du message: R�pondre en citant

Vu sur version HF, sur fichier C12 :

- le m�me changement SEC en CLC � la m�me adresse,
- routine diff�rente en $9FF8 :

version HackerForce : A2 04 86 72 18 60
version 2007 : A5 72 D0 02 38 60

Qui gagne, alors ?

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