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Storybook Weaver IIgs series (MECC, 1991)

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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Mar 04 Mai 2010, 20:52    Sujet du message: Storybook Weaver IIgs series (MECC, 1991) R�pondre en citant

In a series of 3, MECC provided students with a great desktop interface program to create books from the title page to the last page. Inclusion of pictures and several other elements (e.g. borders) is possible.

Nevertheless, each program is protected and displays an alert message "Please insert your Storybook Weaver Program diskette in any drive." and loops until the original diskette is inserted!

On a desktop program, such a protection *always* deals with a bad block to read. If the bad block cannot be read then the diskette is a copy.

Protection type
On-disk protection for "Make believe" and for "World of adventure". I cannot find my notes for the first in the series but IIRC, that's quite similar to the two others.

Protection removal
Make believe
- Launch Block Warden
- Read block $513
- At offset $62, change 90 (BCC) to 80 (BRA)
- Save the changes

World of adventure
- Launch Block Warden
- Read block $3B8
- At offset $10C, change 90 (BCC) to 80 (BRA)
- Save the changes

How to locate the protection?
Some clues were given above, let me summarize there:
- search for the string "Please insert your Storybook Weaver Program diskette in any drive." or
- search for the strings "Quit" or "OK" (but with generic strings that will not be easy to locate the right ones) or
- search for the _WaitCursor pattern as the curson icon is changed before the protection is called (true, that is visible)
- search for the READ_BLOCK pattern for P16: 22 00 00 E1 22 00

Once one of those or several of those is/are identified, the exact discovery of the entry point of the protection is easy to get:
- the READ_BLOCK is at $15D8
- the call to the previous routine is at $0FDB
- the previous one is called at $0F99


The program code is the same in each program, making the removal quite easy once one is done. Launch your favorite S16 disassembler (mine is The Flaming Bird Disassembler), go to segment 6 (init) and jump to $0F94 and read below...

The next thread will display the original program protection. The programs can be found on the great Alex Lee's site "What is the Apple IIgs?"


Derni�re �dition par toinet le Mar 18 Mai 2010, 6:15; �dit� 2 fois
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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Mar 04 Mai 2010, 20:52    Sujet du message: R�pondre en citant


* Segment 6 (init)


* Check the PRODUCT.INFO file
*   if there's something interesting there
*   then bypass the protection (any ideas ?)

         JSR   L10D8
         BCC   L0F9E

* Check the blocks or call the protection

         JSR   L0FDB
         BCS   L0FA5

* If I am here, then I have an original (ahem)

L0F9E    _DrawMenuBar
L0FA5    JSL   L03018C
         PEA   $0001
         STAL  L025F8A
         STAL  L025F8C
         PEA   $0000
         PEA   ^L0259CD
         PEA   L0259CD
         JSR   L14AF

(cut cut)


* I read the blocks
* c=0, I have the original

L0FDB    JSR   L15D8
         BCC   L102D

* otherwise, loop loop loop loop

L0FE0    LDA   #$0001
         STA   L1611
L0FE6    JSR   L15D8
         BCC   L102D
         INC   L1611
         CMP   #$0010
         BEQ   L0FF8
         CMP   #$0011
         BNE   L0FE6
L0FF8    _InitCursor
         PEA   ^L102F
         PEA   L102F
         PEA   $0000
         PEA   $0000
         JSL   L030074
         CMP   #$0001
         BEQ   L0FE0

* Quit was pressed

         LDA   #$FFFF
         STAL  L0258A1

L102D    CLC

* Dialog Alert

L102F    DW    $003C      ; Alert rect
         DW    $0021
         DW    $0078
         DW    $011B
         DW    $82B5      ; Alert ID
         HEX   80         ; First stage byte
         HEX   80         ; Second stage byte
         HEX   80         ; Third stage byte
         HEX   80         ; fourth stage byte
         ADRL  L107D      ; Ptr to item template
         ADRL  L1065      ; Ptr to item template
         ADRL  L104D      ; Ptr to item template
         ADRL  $00000000

* Default OK button

L104D    DW    $0001      ; Item ID
         DW    $002A      ; Item rect
         DW    $00B7
         DW    $0037
         DW    $00F3
         DW    $000A      ; Std button
         ADRL  L025F72    ; Item descriptor
         DW    $0000      ; Item value
         DW    $0000      ; Bit flag
         ADRL  $00000000  ; Ptr to color table

* Quit button

L1065    DW    $0002      ; Item ID
         DW    $002A      ; Item rect
         DW    $0074
         DW    $0037
         DW    $00B0
         DW    $000A      ; Std button
         ADRL  L025F7C    ; Item descriptor
         DW    $0000      ; Item value
         DW    $0000      ; Bit flag
         ADRL  $00000000  ; Ptr to color table

* Message

L107D    DW    $0003      ; Item ID
         DW    $0008      ; Item rect
         DW    $000F
         DW    $0026
         DW    $00FA
         DW    $800F      ; Static text
         ADRL  L1095      ; Item descriptor
         DW    $0000      ; Item value
         DW    $0000      ; Bit flag
         ADRL  $00000000  ; Ptr to color table

L1095    STR   'Please insert your Storybook'0D'Weaver Program diskette in'0D'any drive.'


* I read block 9
* If I have a copy, then C=1 and OK
* If I have the original, then C=0 and OK

L15D8    LDA   #$0009
         STA   L1617
         JSL   GSOS
         DW    $0022      ; READ_BLOCK
         ADRL  L1611
         BCS   L1610

* I must have a string on that block

         LDX   #$0013
L15ED    LDA   L161B,X
         CMP   L16FF,X
         BNE   L160F
         BPL   L15ED

* I read block 8

         DEC   L1617
         JSL   GSOS
         DW    $0022      ; READ_BLOCK
         ADRL  L1611
         BCC   L160F
         CMP   #$0027
         BNE   L160F
L160F    SEC
L1610    RTS

L1611    DW    $0000      ;  device num
         ADRL  L16FF    ;  buffer ptr
L1617    DW    $0008      ;  block num
         BRK   $00

L161B    ASC   'MECC'10
         ASC   'Storybook Weaver'
         DB    $00

L16FF    DB    $00
         DB    $00
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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Mar 04 Mai 2010, 20:55    Sujet du message: R�pondre en citant


* Check the PRODUCT.INFO file
*   if there's something interesting there
*   then bypass the protection (any ideas ?)

         JSR   L10D8
         BCC   L0F9E

* Check the blocks or call the protection

         JSR   L0FDB
         BCS   L0FA5

* If I am here, then I have an original (ahem)

L0F9E    _DrawMenuBar

The objective of our change from BCC (opcode $90) to BRA (opcode $80) is the get the following code:


* Check the PRODUCT.INFO file
*   if there's something interesting there
*   then bypass the protection (any ideas ?)

         JSR   L10D8
         BRA   L0F9E

* The protection is now never called!

         JSR   L0FDB
         BCS   L0FA5

* If I am here, then LoGo was here :-)

L0F9E    _DrawMenuBar
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