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RSVP (Blue Lion, 1986)

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Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2007
Messages: 326
Localisation: Paris, France

MessagePost� le: Lun 29 Juin 2009, 10:10    Sujet du message: RSVP (Blue Lion, 1986) R�pondre en citant

Hi All,

That is the message I posted on comp.sys.apple2 a few days ago for the crack of RSVP, a questions&answers software which help people enhance their communication skills. Funny but repetitive.

8CE2 : 87
8CE5 : 3F

But I prefer the Track/Sector/Offset manner:
TE/S9/E6:87 (was 8C)
TE/S9/E9:3F (was 99)

And, now, the boot trace...
C600 -> DOS 3.3 loads then launches HELLO which BRUNs DDMOVER

DDMOVER (loads at $8700, length is 1577 bytes)
8700 -> 870C -> 8CE1

8CE1 (the decryption routine)
- pushes 8C99 onto the stack
- decodes $8AFA..$8CFB
- and jumps (thanks to the stack) to $8C9A

8C9A (the protection routine)
- pushes 873F onto the stack
- performs the following calls: $8C14 then $8C3E
- updates somes values (especially the read error jump to the reboot routine) then
- performs the following calls: $8C14 then $8C3E

8C14 (a RWTS read call)
- just sets the right parameters for our beloved IOB table

8C3E (a low-level $C0EC read routine) - FIRST CALL
- synchronizes (three $FF nibbles read)
- checks for the following parameters on the disk: D5 AA 96 FF FE AA AA
- and the following ones also: AB AF

8C3E (a low-level $C0EC read routine) - SECOND CALL
- synchronizes (three $FF nibbles read)
- checks for the following parameters on the disk: D5 AA 96 FF FE AA AB
- and the following ones also: AB AB

Oooooohhhh, it is a synchro protection. I read on track zero (AA AA) a specific sector (AB AF) then I move to the next track (AA AB) and I must get the AB AB sector (please forgive me, I do not have my 4*4 table with me, therefore find the decimal sector value yourself) If I read the right value, then I have the original disk. If not, I have a copy...

And now, what should I do?
On the original disk, the values returned are: X: unknown, A: $FBB3 value, Y: $00

What we could do is tell the software to jump to the pre-protection routine but to avoid the jump to the real protection routine. That is what my 2 bytes change is about: I force the jump to $873F in the decypher routine at $8CE1.

There are plenty of other methods to bypass the protection routine, Nick's post was one of those and I am pretty sure a 1 byte change could be done. No other protection or check routines found on the disk. The program seems to be compiled.

Thank you John, that was a funny one. And I do not encounter any issues just like Nick.

Antoine "LoGo" Vignau
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