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Toolkit for Civilization 2
Enhance your Civ2 playing experience.
Operating Systems Released Price Add to Shopping Cart
October 1996 $19.95

Additional Information:

This CDROM will enhance your Civilization II game playing experience. The Toolkit For Civilization II will teach you new strategies, enhance your current game with modifications, and challenge you with new scenarios and maps.

  • Use 14 new maps
  • Play 44 new scenarios (26 historical and 18 fictional)
  • Learn how to play better with 6 stories of other Civilization II players' experiences.

Includes 4 Frequently Asked Questions files such as:

  • Player's FAQ
  • Strategies FAQ
  • Scenario FAQ
  • Wonders of the World FAQ

Enhance and upgrade your system with these Modifications:

  • Civ Units - replacement units by Mats Georgson.
  • Fascism - great upgrade from Fundamentalism to Fascism.
  • Grids - changes white grid lines around city squares.