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New CDROM Titles

June TeX
Text Processing

Professional typesetting program with 1000 MB of code

April Toolkit for Quake 2

New levels, skins, and utilities for the game you love.

April Linux Complete Reference

An indispensable resource that you'll want to have at your side at all times.

April Hobbes OS/2

Thousands of OS/2 programs, including utilities, service packs and more.

April FreeBSD v2.2.6

The full 2.2.6 version of the PC 32-bit UNIX operating system. Rock solid. Fully internet ready.

April CICA32

Famous collection of Windows shareware. 4 discs. Easy Windows browser.

April C/C++ Users Group Library

Entire C Users Journal magazine source code and article collection.

April Ada Programming

1300 MB of Ada source code, programs and documentation on 2 CDROMS!

April 3DFX Mania Volume 2

650 megabytes of 3DFX games, screensavers, and utilities.