AGA TOOL KIT 97 - FF 139 - � 13.9 - DM 40
From Weird Science comes a superb Workbench 3.0+ Utilities CD with the very best utilities presented ready to run directly from the CD. No installation necessary. The compact disc is presented with both ‘New Icons’ and ‘Magic Workbench’ icons and a very clever assign sequence that enables either at the choice of the user also sets the CD up ready for the utilities to run directly. The contents have been fully indexed with a brief description of all the fully categorised utilities available from Amiga Guide. Additionally any of the utilities can be launched from the guide directly. The categories include Graphics, Disk Utils., Operating System, Emulation, Workbench, Music, Business, Communication, Performance, Text, Programming and more.
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      AMIGA AKTUELL 1 - FF 100 - � 10.0 - DM 29
This CD contains all the latest programs from Internet. Somes utiliies, demos, animations, pictures and music modules are ready to use.
      AMIGA AKTUELL 2 - FF 100 - � 10.0 - DM 29
This second issue of Amiga Aktuell contains all the latest programs from internet ready to use.
        AMIGA FORMAT CD - FF 49 - � 4.9 - DM 14
Every month, you can have in your hands, the CD edited by AMIGA FORMAT. These CDs contains all programs you search: demos, utilities, previews, readers contributions, web sites etc....
Download the content of the Amiga Format CD N� 17
Download the content of the Amiga Format CD N� 19
      AMIGA GOLDEN 20 - FF 139 - � 13.9 - DM 40
A new CD from Germany contains more than 20 complet versions of games and utilities. Warning: the most part of these programs have a german documentation.
      AMIGA DEVELOPER CD V1.1 - FF 99 - � 9.9 - DM 29
This CD contains all the material you need to start developing software for Amiga computers. This includes:
•The CD developer package. In addition to the original five disk set distribution you will find the "BuildCD" CD writer package
Packages contributed by 3rd parties:
•The Enforcer v37.64, courtesy of Mike Sinz •The WBPath package, courtesy of Ralph Babel •The Envoy v2.0 developer kit, courtesy of IAM, Inc. •The INet 225 developer kit, version 2, courtesy of Interworks, Inc.
Information in support of forthcoming operating system developments Additional developer material:
•BOOPSI gadget and image classes •The AmigaOS 2.04 example code, as part of the original •2.04 Native Developer Kit •The RKM 2.04 code examples •The complete set of registered IFF forms •IFF example and stress test files •All IFF packages released by Commodore-Amiga, Inc., covering 1986 through 1992 •The camd v37.1 MIDI developer kit •The SANA-II standard package and developer kit •The Installer v43.1 package
International support material:
•Sample text using the full ISO-8859-1 character set •Translation guidelines
The updated 3.1 Native Developer Kit:
•`C' and assembly language header files, linker and runtime libraries •System documentation and tutorial texts •Example code covering the AmigaOS 3.0 and 3.1 features •The NewIFF v39 package •The AmigaGuide and DataTypes documentation and example code
Reference material:
•The collection of AmigaMail Volume 1 articles, covering Spring 1987 through January/February 1989 •The complete AmigaMail Volume 2 articles in AmigaGuide format, covering January/February 1990 through March/April 1993; also included are the printable issues in PostScript and PageStream format
      Amiga Developer Environment - FF 105 - � 10.5 - DM 30
Geek Gadgets(TM) contains the Amiga Developers Environment (ADE), a project organized by Cronus to produce and support Amiga ports of dozens of the most popular development tools and utilities from the Free Software Foundation, BSD, and other sources.
This CD contains virtually all the tools you need to get started programming on the Amiga, including advanced C, C++, Fortran, and ADA compilers, assembler, linker, EMACS editor, "make", source code control systems (rcs & cvs), text and file utilities, GNU debugger, text formatters (groff & TeX), and more. Also included are beta test versions of ports in progress, like a port of the X Window System (X11R6.1).
Everything comes with complete source code and all binaries have been compiled from the supplied sources. All tools on the Geek Gadgets CD can be run directly from the CD-ROM, without the need to install any files on your hard drive.
      Amiga Developer Environment Vol.2 - FF 105 - � 10.5 - DM 30
Cronus, a software development and distribution company, and proDAD Software, creator of the p.OS operating system, announced today that they have reached an agreement to distribute a complete set of software tools and a developer version of p.OS that will allow developers to begin porting their software to the new p.OS operating system. The upcoming Geek Gadgets Version 2 CD-ROM (Amiga Developers Environment) from Cronus, due for release in April 1997, will contain a developers release of p.OS and all necessary tools for p.OS development.
Using these tools, it is possible to write programs that run on both p.OS and AmigaOS using the same binary file. A shared library that runs on both operating systems provides applications with all necessary ANSI C and POSIX support, while special startup code allows programs to determine at startup whether they are running on p.OS or AmigaOS and make the appropriate system calls. Using this technique, the development tools themselves run on either operating system with negligible overhead or increased binary size.
The p.OS developer release requires an m68020 (or higher) processor, a hard drive, and a minimum of 2 MB of RAM. Applications developed for this portable operating system are source code compatible with p.OS ports to other architectures such as the PowerPC. With a simple recompile, developers of p.OS applications can reach the entire installed base of p.OS users, regardless of the underlying hardware. By porting to p.OS now, developers will be able to take advantage of easy migration to future p.OS releases on other architectures and enjoy the benefits of hardware independence (and a brighter market).
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