3000 JPEG TEXTURES - FF 170 - � 17.0 - DM 49
The 3,000 Jpeg Textures CD contains over 3,000 textures in the Jpeg format. There are thumbnail renderings of every texture for easy previewing. The textures cover all categories including Brick, Bump Maps, Carpet, Cloth, Fabric, Formica, Granite, Greenery, Images, Marble, Organic, Rock, Skin, Stone, Stucco, Tiles and Wood.
      3D ARENA - FF 149 - � 14.9 - DM 43
Amiga platform: all objetcs are reay to run on Imagine, Lightwave and Real3D programs. The lightwave collection from 24 bit club Scotland is on exclusivity for this CD, and if you register with the club you will receive a discount on their book. You will find dedicated animations for retina and opal vision cards, a selection of EGS utilities and rendered textures in variety of formats.
PC platform: Ready to run for Windows NT and MS DOS. If you have 3D Studio, Imagine or Real3D, you can use the 3D objects as well as the rentered pictures in IFF 24 bit format. The PC utilities encompass viewers, players, converters, and demos. And if you want to get the most from the data you will find some hints and tips to help you as well as tutorials for the raytraced and manipulated images generated from the included datafiles.
      3D IMAGES - FF 99 - � 9.9 - DM 28
3D CD 2 Images contains over 600 megs of raytraced images in 256 colours AGA IFF format or 256 colours BMP format. Both the Amiga images and PC images can be easily auditioned with a simple GUI front end. Also includes great graphics utilities for both the Amiga and PC. Over 800 images for both the Amiga and the PC. Thumbnail representations of all the images make selection a breeze.
      AGA EXPERIENCE 3 - FF 139 - � 13.9 - DM 40
The new CD from the Aga Experience set for the Amiga 1200 and Amiga 4000 with many utilities, games, pictures, icons, mods etc...
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